Thursday, December 31, 2009

The bridge into the spiritual kingdom.... Jesus....

... through Bertha Dudde - 30.3.1953

The bridge into the spiritual kingdom.... Jesus....

The bridge into the spiritual kingdom was built by Me when I descended to earth in order to redeem humanity. You all may cross this bridge if you want to follow Me.... And thus understand this right: Anyone who follows Me, who has chosen Me as his leader will be able and shall travel the same path as I have taken Myself, and he need not fear to go wrong. And thus even as a human being I maintained contact with the kingdom whence I had come. Admittedly, at first My origin was also hidden to Me, the human being Jesus, I lived on earth and knew no more than other people, yet My soul persistently searched for God, My soul constantly returned again to My true home.... to the kingdom of the most blessed spirits....

And My yearning of love for God was so great that He came to Me and soon also informed Me of My mission on earth. Hence I already recognised at an early age that I and all other people were only guests on this earth, but that in the hour of death the spiritual kingdom was opened again for everyone, only its spheres were very different. I had this knowledge as a human being on earth and was often able to look into these spheres. I saw the abundant bliss as well as the extreme agony of the spiritual beings, and My soul yearned but it was also appalled. I beheld the spiritual world due to the degree of maturity My soul had already attained on earth, and therefore My soul was no longer endangered by entering the different spheres in the spiritual kingdom. I Myself had already established the bridge by changing My nature into love and was therefore able to safely cross the bridge into the spiritual kingdom.

And thus I want to explain to you that the love within you humans is always able and will establish a bridge into the spiritual kingdom, then not you yourselves but the spirit of God awakened through love will guide you across, because it wants to introduce you to the kingdom which is your true home and which offers you incomparable treasures, that you may receive in this kingdom.... Then you can also safely and without worry take a glance into the realm of darkness, for then your love will want to help all those who need this help. The bridge leading from earth into the spiritual kingdom has to be understood literally as well as figuratively.... I have prepared the path for you which will lead to God, which you shall take by following Jesus.

However, through My resurrection on the third day I also demonstrated to you that I have overcome death, that there are no limits for the living, the immortal part in you, that your soul at all times may and shall stay in the spiritual kingdom and that My spirit, if you awakened it, will guide you into areas which otherwise are inscrutable for you. Yet it is different when such contacts to the spiritual kingdom are established without faith in Me, without spiritual aspiration and without love.... Then people enter a bridge without permission, hence they unlawfully take possession of it in order to glance into the kingdom, which is hidden from them. People like these do not acknowledge Me, consequently they cannot be on the bridge which I have established through My crucifixion.... Yet they also see a bridge leading into the spiritual kingdom, an illusion, which My adversary makes them believe because he wants to entice them to him, which he easily succeeds in doing.... by plunging you into ever deeper darkness, because no light can be found in darkness.

But anyone who desires light will be met by the beings of light, and they will provide him with an abundance of light, with the pure truth, which can only ever come from God's kingdom, from the kingdom of eternal truth. From the kingdom of darkness comes nothing but harm, from the kingdom of light only blessings; you shall close yourselves to the kingdom of darkness but open yourselves to the kingdom of light, for I Myself call to you from this kingdom: Come unto Me, all ye that labour and are heavily laden, and I will give you rest. And if I call you to Me then you must also enter the bridge which I Myself have established from earth into the spiritual kingdom in order to smooth the path for you which leads you to ascent, to Me, but which can only ever be found through love....


B.D. 5640

— Published by friends of new revelations of God —
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Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Jesus as a human being knew of His mission....

... through Bertha Dudde - 8.11.1963

Jesus as a human being knew of His mission....

The earthly path of the human being Jesus was exceedingly sorrowful.... His pure soul found itself in an impure and dark environment and experienced this environment as torment, on account of which the child Jesus was never able to be cheerful, although He was not yet conscious of the mission the soul itself had offered Me to carry out.... From time to time the light of His soul's true nature burst through indeed, then My spirit expressed itself through Him, so that he already performed miracles as a child, which only could be accomplished by a purest being of light in possession of abundant strength and light..... Yet this only happened now and then in order that the people in His neighbourhood should believe in His mission....

And even these remarkable expressions of strength troubled the boy Jesus as soon as He had regained His natural human frame of mind but impelled Him into ever more heartfelt contact with Me, His eternal God and Father, Whom He loved with all His heart, which therefore joined Him ever more to Me so that My love, too, permeated Him ever more until the moment came when He, in brightest light of love, recognised His task.... until He realised that He was meant to deliver His fallen brothers, until He became aware of the complete act of Salvation and He saw before Him the arduous path to the cross He should take if He so wanted.... His path of suffering was shown to Him in every detail, the knowledge of which darkened His soul and filled it with fear from which only His burning love for the wretched living creations helped Him escape again.... Yet He had to struggle with the decision to voluntarily take the path to the cross, He had to be willing to shoulder humanity's every gilt of sin and render such an agonising act of atonement for it that it surpassed all human imagination. For Jesus had not been destined by My will to make this sacrifice on the cross, rather, His soul had voluntarily offered itself to bring the lost children back to Me. For this purpose it lived life on earth as a human being and then had to struggle to make this decision again as a human being, because free will was decisive again too, for I would never have destined a human being to make such a sacrifice of atonement against his will, because only a sacrifice made by love was able to redeem the original sin of the fallen beings. And the sacrifice not only involved the act of crucifixion, the days of most bitter physical suffering and humiliation inflicted on the human being Jesus by My adversary's vassals, but His whole earthly life was a path to the cross, because His soul suffered indescribably, having descended from the kingdom of light into the kingdom of darkness.

And Jesus very soon knew the cause and purpose of his descent to earth and this knowledge burdened the `human being Jesus' beyond all measure, so that He undeniably travelled the path across earth as a human being yet the pleasures of earthly life were denied to Him, which every human being enjoying his earthly life was usually allowed to take pleasure in with impunity.... For His life was constantly overshadowed by the events ahead of Him which.... since He was merely human.... constantly frightened Him and never let Him be cheerful.... Only in his refuge with Me did He find peace and strength and then, due to his ever-increasing love, His will to make the sacrifice grew constantly stronger too, and He carried the heavy burden of earthly life consciously and only ever endeavoured to do My will and help His fellow human beings.... And this also steadily increased His strength enabling Him to work miracles and thereby helping his fellow human beings who needed His help. Yet His mission before the actual act of Salvation consisted of preaching the Gospel to people, to proclaim My will to them and to admonish and encourage them into leading a loving and righteous way of life.... He brought people the truth which had no longer been recognised for a long time already and which had to be imparted to people in all purity again in order to induce them into a right way of living, so that His act of Salvation would then also be correctly understood and accepted by people who made the effort to live a life of love.

He led the way which all should follow who wanted to return to the kingdom of light, to Me, and who would be able to do so after Jesus had redeemed the original sin through His death on the cross. This act of mercy by Jesus had such enormous consequences that you cannot receive enough clarification about it. Time and again the knowledge of it will be truthfully conveyed to you again, for you should not just see in Jesus the human being Whose life was prematurely terminated by other people, but you should recognise His great mission, for Jesus' act of Salvation is of such immense significance for you humans that it is imperative for you to accept it if you ever want to escape the kingdom of darkness and be admitted into the kingdom of light. And you will only accept it if you are instructed of it absolutely truthfully, which always happens through My spirit which alone guides you into every truth....


B.D. 8667

— Published by friends of new revelations of God —
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Saturday, December 26, 2009

Word of God
... through Bertha Dudde - 24.12.1963

God Himself came into the world and took abode in an infant….

Remember My coming into the world with gratitude and joy, for it signified for you an act of immeasurable love and compassion, a light came to you which was intended to illuminate for you the path out of the spiritual darkness of night.... an era of utter hopelessness came to an end for you humans and a new period of development began.... The path was prepared for you which leads back to Me again.... And this path was exemplified for you by the man Jesus, Who accepted this mission for love of Me, and you, His fallen brothers.... For He wanted to return My children to Me, who had been distant from Me for an infinitely long time already and who languished in deepest wretchedness. Jesus' human shell was occupied by a soul of light, a being which I had once externalised, which was lovingly devoted to Me and had remained with Me when the host of originally created spirits fell away from Me.... This soul sheltered within the infant Jesus, and miracles over miracles already testified at Its birth to the divine spirit Which inhabited this infant....

Yet Jesus, the human being, had to start His life like any other human being, He was born of Mary, the virgin, who was so exceedingly immaculate that she was able to give birth to the divine infant without ever having sinned.... This Jesus-soul had to enter a pure body because I Myself wanted to take abode in His human external shell and therefore His body remained pure and without sin, for although the beings of darkness constantly exerted pressure on Him with the intention to make Him fall He nevertheless resisted them and redeemed all impure spirits clinging to His soul through His greater than great love. He resisted all temptations and spiritualised everything unspiritual which pestered His body, because He lived in this material world, He made it compliant with His soul's wishes, for He was full of love and love conquers everything, even the greatest enemy. Jesus, the man, first had to bring all still immature substances clinging to the body to maturity, only then was I, the Eternal Love, able to take abode in Him, and only then was it possible to conclude the great act of compassion, which He wanted to accomplish for the guilt of sin on behalf of the whole human race....

When I descended to earth, when the infant Jesus was born, My spirit was in Him, because the earthly body sheltered a perfect soul within, thus it was intimately united with Me, enabling Me to express Myself through Him.... And events took place during His birth which you would like to assign to the realm of myth, but which truly happened, for everything is possible for a perfect spirit.... However, only a few experienced these miracles pertaining to the child Jesus, whose hearts where full of love and who recognised in Jesus the promised Messiah and worshipped Him.... People with unclean hearts approaching Him only saw a child which was like any other child.... Yet generally, only those people came close to Him who were prompted towards Him by their spirit, who sensed the miracle that had happened in this night and who thus paid tribute to Him with their adoration, because they saw in Him the promised Messiah.

Nevertheless, the fact that God Himself came into the world and took abode in an infant was the greatest miracle of all times which will never repeat itself. For Love came into the world, the infant Jesus was full of love, since the great love for the once fallen, wretched beings had motivated it to take on flesh and to redeem the original sin, which could only be redeemed by love because it consisted of the fact that love had been sinned against. And the man Jesus accomplished this act by giving up His life for the sake of love, by offering the greatest sacrifice any human being on this earth has ever offered and will ever offer.... by relinquishing of His own accord all light and all power He possessed as a result of the love which dwelled in Him.... by suffering in the midst of the dark world as a mere human being and by dying the most agonising death on the cross....

Jesus.... a being from the kingdom of light.... voluntarily offered Himself for this mission to walk across earth as a human being and to accomplish a work of atonement of inconceivable suffering and pain in order to help his fallen brothers. Love permeated all beings which had emerged from Me and remained with Me when Lucifer turned away from Me and drew an immense number of spiritual beings into the abyss with him.... And Jesus' love was so strong that it wanted to make amends to Me for the inconceivable offence against Me, their God and Creator, against the Eternal Love Itself. And I accepted this love which Jesus offered Me and thus also His sacrifice, because it was made by Love and because the original sin could only be redeemed through love.... And thus the being of light took on flesh and walked across earth like all other people, burdened by a heavy earthly body which was a restraint for the being of freedom and light and experienced as agony by the soul.

However, He had to travel the earthly path as a human being, because He was meant to serve as a shining example to His fellow human beings so that they would follow Him. He had to fight against the same weaknesses and oppositions which burden every person by nature, because all failings and flaws had to be disposed of by way of the work of improving the soul.... The man Jesus lived in the midst of the earthly world, in the region which belonged to My adversary, and it was twice as difficult for the soul from the kingdom of light to assert itself in this dark area, to resist all satanic attempts to cause its downfall and to treat everything unspiritual in the flesh and in its surroundings with love. For even His body was badly besieged by immature spirits which Jesus did not fend off because, in His wisdom, He realised that these spiritual substances also wanted to be redeemed and His love was constantly willing to bring help to all wretched beings.

His soul suffered incredibly through its environment, it was used to freedom and light and love and thus to supreme bliss and now found itself in darkness, bound by the body and in the most heartless environment. And thus from childhood on His earthly path of life had been a state of suffering through which He atoned for many of His fellow human beings' sins.... until He finally accomplished the great sacrifice of atonement by sacrificing Himself for the original sin of all human beings, past, present and future....

You humans will never be able to comprehend this act of compassion, for no human being would have been able to take such an extent of suffering upon himself in awareness of its conclusion, for He was constantly mindful of His end which did not allow any joy to arise in Him; He had human feelings and lived through it all in a state of fear which was caused by every thought of the forthcoming event. And He endured until the end, the love in Him for Me and for all which is unredeemed grew constantly and gave Him the strength to carry out His act of compassion....

I Myself was able to permeate Him completely, I Myself was in Him in My fundamental nature, and thus it was I Who atoned for the guilt of sin on behalf of all people, for it was Love which gave Jesus the strength to suffer and to die on the cross in order to redeem humanity, in order to make amends for the immense original sin, which could only be justly atoned for through an act of love as was accomplished by the man Jesus on the cross....


B.D. 8707

— Published by friends of new revelations of God —
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001 Who was Bertha Dudde
002 God is still speaking today
003 The Question of God
004 The Christ Problem
005 The Mystery of Man
006 God's plan of salvation
007 Love - The highest Commandment
008/009 You between two worlds Part 1+2
010 God answers our Questions about the universe
011-013 Souls in the beyond 1 - 3
014 Suffering and Healing - Why must I suffer?
015 How can I become healthy
016 False prophets
017/18 God and the churches Part 1 + 2
019 The church of Christ
020 Incarnation - Re-Incarnations
021 The Inner Voice
022 The Right Kind of Prayer
023 /024 Pre-Adamites + Adam
025 Intellect - Knowledge - Realisation
026 Thinking ability and Thoughts
027/028 Freedom of will Part 1 + 2
029 Belief - Disbelief - Superstition
030 Body - Soul - Spirit
031/032 Self-denial 1 + 2
033 Spiritual rebirth
034 Childship to God
035 The Origin of Evil
036 God's Intervention
037 Sequence of the Catastrophe
038 The Battle of Faith
039 The Forerunner of the Lord
040 The Antichrist
042 The Rapture
043 The Transformation of Earth
044 New Banishment
045 The New Earth
050 Have the Last Days begun
051 Thus it will come to pass
052 God's proclamation to the dying world
058 - 062 God corrects misguides teachings and errors 1 - 5
064/065 Listen to the Inner Voice
066 Jesus' promises 'The measure you give'
067 The Adversary's Cunning and Trickery
069 Fateful course of Life
070a/b Return to God 1 + 2
102 Correcting an Error about speaking in Tongues
109 Predictions …. A world shaking natural desaster
128 We are only guests on this earth
144 Calm before the Storm
152 Jesus Christ
154 Great Events are often Foreshadowed
220 Sola scriptura …. The Objection that the Word of God is concluded
E01 God Himself beams the truth to earth
E02 - 04 I will guide you into truth 1 - 3
S01 Explanation, comfort and help for difficult days
S02 What will happen to the human race
S03-04 Information about distributing the Word Part 1+2


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Thursday, December 24, 2009

The infant Jesus....

... through Bertha Dudde - 24.12.1953

The infant Jesus....

A Saviour was born to you, the Redeemer, Who descended from above in order to set you free and bring salvation to you. You humans suffered utmost adversity for you were held captive by Satan, you were in his power and lacked the strength of will to free yourselves from him.... Your souls were ailing and a Physician had to come to heal you; a strong Saviour had to come to release you.... One had to come to bring you peace.... Salvation came to earth in a child Which was born in the midst of you, Which, in great poverty, came into the world in a stable. Yet His birth alone already testified to His divine origin, His extraordinary task and His great love for people, for an exceedingly bright light shone above the child, and this light entered into the hearts of those who were allowed to behold it and who recognised His divine mission. For the eternal Light Itself came to earth, It shone in the darkness which had cast a shadow across the whole earth....
The eternal Love had embodied Itself in the child Jesus, and the ray of love shone brightly in this significant night when the child Jesus came into the world. And the human race should have rejoiced and cheered about the eternal Love's act of compassion to descend to earth and to bring light into the darkness. But humanity kept its eyes closed so as not to have to see the light, apart from a few who knew of their Saviour and called for help, who cried for a Saviour and gladly opened themselves to the light from above....
And to these few the eternal Love came to help, and it came to pass what seers and prophets had proclaimed a long time before.... The Messiah came into the world, the Bringer of light.... the Son of God came down to earth, He wanted to redeem the world from sin because he took pity upon humanity which, bowed down with sorrow, almost broke down under the burden of sin and was unable to defend itself against the constraints placed on it by God's adversary. These constraints caused humanity to stray increasingly more towards the abyss, as it obeyed every command by the enemy of souls because it was too weak to resist.... which thereby only increased its burden of sin from which it would never be able to release itself....
The Son of God descended to earth.... A most elevated being of light from God, Which knew of the fallen beings' hardship, offered Itself to carry the infinitely great sin on behalf of humanity and to redeem it through a self-sacrifice on earth as a human being, through suffering an extremely painful death on the cross.... This being of light took abode in the child Jesus in order to accomplish Its mission to redeem the human race from sin and its consequences.... And the brightest light shone forth when the child was born, a light which called all those of good will, who waited for their Messiah and who beseechingly prayed to God in their distress. It was an act of grace of inconceivable significance, for the whole of the universe participated in it....
Heaven and Earth touched each other at the moment of Jesus birth.... the bridge was established from one kingdom to the other.... war was declared on God's adversary by the man Jesus, Who indeed remained victorious. For He fought for and with God, Who had sent Him to earth and taken abode in Him, Who permeated Him completely.... thus God manifested Himself because He, being the eternal Love, was able to take complete possession of a human being Who had unfolded the love within Himself to utmost perfection.... Who had shaped Himself into a vessel for the divine spirit, into the shell of the eternal Deity.... He could justifiably say 'The Father and I are One'. He brought people redemption, He gave them light, He brought Salvation for their souls, for through His crucifixion he became victorious over the one who wanted to keep the souls in the abyss and from whom people were unable to release themselves on their own.... He became their Redeemer, their Saviour from sin and death....

B.D. 5835

— Published by friends of new revelations of God —
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Tuesday, December 22, 2009

God became visible in Jesus Christ....

... through Bertha Dudde - 18.6.1958

God became visible in Jesus Christ....

Anyone who professes Me will also be admitted into My kingdom, for he will already be an aspirant to My kingdom as soon as he has found the path back to Me from Whom he once separated of his own free will. He no longer acknowledged Me, and this was the sin against Me, his God and Creator of eternity, which could not be redeemed in any other way than through the conscious acknowledgement of Me Myself.... And in order to enable the human being to do so I personified Myself in the human being Jesus.... For the reason for apostasy from Me rested in the fact that My living creations were unable to behold Me.... Hence they turned to the one who was visible to them who, in a manner of speaking, participated in their emergence and who, despite greatest awareness, volitionally dissociated himself from the Deity Whom he, too, was unable to behold. And thus I became a visible God for you humans in Jesus Christ, and as a result of My human manifestation the reason to deny Me acknowledgment actually no longer applied.... But now the acknowledgment of Me at the same time also requires the acknowledgment of Jesus Christ's act of Salvation....
Due to the immense guilt of the original sin a redemption from it became necessary for you humans, the guilt had to be redeemed first because I could not accept sinful living creations anymore, or, My justice demanded an atonement for this guilt which only then would restore the former relationship between the living creations and Myself again.... which had been disrupted by the said sin. This act of atonement for humankind was thus offered by the human being Jesus; nevertheless, I manifested Myself in this human being Jesus for I wanted to redeem you humans from the great guilt Myself, it is just that I had to avail Myself of a human cover which then, however, should eternally shelter Me within itself, so that My beings would be able to behold their God and Creator, so that they would be able to recognise and love their Father in Him, Whom they then could wholeheartedly approach without having to vanish as a result of His fire of love....
And thus everyone who acknowledges the divine Redeemer Jesus Christ has started the path of return into the Father's house, because he simultaneously acknowledges Me Myself in Him and, as a result of the act of Salvation, his original sin is redeemed. He will therefore also be admitted into My kingdom, I will come to meet My child as Father, for I Myself never separated from him, I merely accepted his will which had turned away from Me because it was free. And thus free will has to become active again and strive to return to Me. This is demonstrated by the person through his conscious acknowledgment of Jesus Christ and His act of Salvation and the conscious relationship with Him through his call and appeal for deliverance. For he knows that he is restricted as long as he has not yet found Me in Jesus Christ.
The acknowledgment of Myself is a free act of will which, however, changes a state that had lasted an eternity, which leads from death into life, out of the night and into the light.... For the acknowledgment of Me will also, and without fail, entail a change of character, the human being will re-enter the divine order.... he will leave the region which has been his abode for endless times and enter the spheres of light, albeit his body still remains on earth.... But the soul.... the once fallen spirit.... strives towards its home again, for the acknowledgment of Me Myself in Jesus Christ will always be associated with a transmission of strength and light so that the person will recognise what is right and good and thus his intentions and actions have to be good and right too. For now I will not leave the side of My child again which has found Me, and with My guidance it will also reach its goal with certainty, it will be accepted as My child in the Father's house where it will live in freedom and light and blissful happiness, where it will create with Me and in My will as is and has been its destiny since the beginning....

B.D. 7147
— Published by friends of new revelations of God —
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Wednesday, December 16, 2009

God is a spirit Who has manifested Himself in Jesus....

... through Bertha Dudde - 17.2.1961

God is a spirit Who has manifested Himself in Jesus....

You should not imagine your God and Creator as a strictly limited Being, you should not try to associate Him with a form, for then your idea would always be wrong, because something defined can never correspond to My nature, which is utterly perfect, thus infinite. For I Am a spirit Who fills and permeates everything. In My nature I will be eternally unfathomable for My living creations, for although My living creations were externalised by Me in supreme perfection they are nevertheless only sparks of love, emanated by the fire of My Eternal Love and externalised as individual beings who, however, would be unable to behold the eternal source of light and strength if I showed Myself to them in My full abundance of brilliance, since they would perish if they faced the radiating light....

Yet you need not visualise Me in any other way than as the divine Redeemer Jesus Christ.... In Him I became the `visible' God for you, in Him the eternal, infinite spirit has manifested Itself, in Him you see Me and are able to behold Him face to face.... Thus I gave Myself a form for you, whom I had externalised from My love and My strength as My living creations.... The Eternal Spirit Who fills all of infinity permeated this form with light and became a visible God for you.... And yet I reign and work throughout all of infinity and thus My Being cannot be limited either, I can only have become a conceivable idea in the form of Jesus Christ for you, who are still finite yourselves, who have not yet attained the highest perfection, for I have to give to you what corresponds to your state, which is still far from perfection.

However, I Am and remain also inscrutable in My nature for the spirits of highest perfection, which, however, is a cause of increased beatitude, because My children constantly strive towards Me, are constantly delighted by Me through My fulfilling of their desire yet never able to reach Me.... and on the other hand may behold Me from face to face in Jesus Christ.... This, too, will remain an enigma to you, and only in the state of enlightenment will you begin to comprehend and yet eternally unable to fathom My nature. To you I appear infinitely far away and yet I Am as close to you as only a father can get to his child. But this awareness makes you immensely happy, and your love for Me increases constantly and is also the cause of bliss, because it always meets with fulfilment.

And thus your love for Jesus Christ will blaze ever more ardently, in Whom you have recognised your Father of eternity and in Whom I bestow unlimited bliss upon you.... For in Him I Am now able to be close to My children, even though I Am not bound to the form, even though I fill all of infinity with My light and My strength, with My Being, which is and remains inscrutable. But you, My living creations, shall look for and find Me in Jesus, for I have chosen Him as the form which received Me; and this once human external form completely spiritualised itself and yet remained visible to every being which attained the state of maturity of spiritual vision....
Thus you see My eternal spirit when you see Jesus, for He and I are one, you see the Father when you see Jesus, because I wanted to be visible to you, My created beings, in order to gain all your love. Yet you will never be able to behold Me in My infinite abundance of strength and light without ceasing to exist.... But I want to be able to create and work with My children and thus also reveal Myself to them in order to heighten their beatitude.... And I want to experience their love Myself and therefore will always be close to My children....


B.D. 7828

— Published by friends of new revelations of God —
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Sunday, December 13, 2009

Inscrutability of the Deity....

... through Bertha Dudde - 21.9.1963

Inscrutability of the Deity....

You should believe that you humans will eternally be unable to fathom My fundamental nature. It is not possible to make you understand what I Am in essence, for your thinking is still limited, and thus you are incapable of comprehending the infinite. Infinite, however, is the spirit for Whom you created the term `God'. And what this spirit is in Itself again cannot be explained to you either, because He has no form and you always imagine everything in existence as a form.... especially when it is of substance, thus when it possesses a thinking will. I, however, certainly exist but Am not conceivable in any shape.... I Am unlimited strength Which works without limitation.... And thus this strength permeates the entire universe, It permeates every physical and spiritual creation. And It always and forever works in lawful order.... For a thinking will directs this spiritual strength according to a plan in love and wisdom. This `thinking will' entitles you to imagine a Being, you just may not give this Being a form but have to regard everything that is visible to you and all spiritual creations as imbued by My strength of love.... by My spirit.... with Which, however, you are able to make mental contact, because I Myself Am a thinking Being.

My fundamental nature, My spirit, My love, My strength.... everything is the same. The all-pervading strength is God.... love in itself is God.... The spirit is God. And yet God is a Being, for a thinking will determines how the love, the strength, the spirit expresses itself, it determines My every reign and activity. And though the strength of love dispersed itself into countless tiny sparks.... each tiny spark is again the same as I Myself: a spirit with the same characteristics as I Myself, only extremely small.... and yet powerful, for it is a carrier of the eternal Deity Itself again or it could not continue to exist if it were not permeated by My strength of love. And thus the human being can indeed liken himself to Me Myself, because you all are images of Me. Nevertheless you are finite beings, you are a part of Me which has to be looked upon as finite as long as you are still imperfect. Once you become perfect again, as you were in the beginning, then the fusion with Me will take place again too, and then it will be easier for you to form a concept of the Deity, albeit I Am and will remain inscrutable to you in My innermost nature. But then you will no longer apply limited standards as you do as human beings and which is the reason for your frequently misguided reasoning.

I Am a spirit, that Is, I Am a Being Which is not perceptible to your human senses but Which nevertheless exists.... Which, however, is a Being because you can recognise meaning and purpose in everything I brought into existence and thus arrive at the logical conclusion of a Might capable of thought and will. Therefore you should contact this Might Which cannot be denied by you. For only this connection, the union, makes you realise that you are the same in your fundamental nature.... And when this Might speaks to you, then it does not address your external shell.... the body.... but what is inside of this shell, which characterises you as a divine image: your spirit, which thus emerged from Me (was given to you) and is part of Me.... which you once rejected and which was given to you again as a tiny spark for your existence as a human being, with other words: I speak to the eternally immortal part in you, I speak to what belongs to Me Myself, which emanated from Me Myself as a minute spark and shelters in your human cover, which is only evidence again that I Myself wanted to find Myself again in you, My living creations, and thus you will also stay inseparably connected to Me, because My spirit is undividable.... Because My strength of love assures your existence, because you can never again cease to exist, for you are My emanated strength which, according to eternal law, has to return to the source of strength again.

You will only understand all this in the state of perfection, your thinking will no longer be limited but you will also know that I Am a Being to Whom all your love belongs, you will know that I Am love Myself, and you will understand why you were unable to grasp all this as a human being. For as long as I Myself.... My spirit.... My love, cannot take full possession of you because you are still imperfect I cannot permeate you such that you are radiantly enlightened either. Yet I Am active in you, as far as this is possible, as far as your degree of maturity permits it.... bestowing ever more light upon you, so that one day you will reach perfection....


B.D. 8622

— Published by friends of new revelations of God —
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Thursday, December 10, 2009

God is love....

... through Bertha Dudde - 19.1.1962

God is love....

Everything arose from God's strength of love.... He Himself is the primary source of strength, His fundamental element is love, thus He is love Himself.... And yet He is a Being Which works and creates with wise judgment.... He is a Being Which puts Its thoughts into effect, Which constantly brings forth new creations that radiate His strength of love into infinity. This, however, always serves its purpose, it is not arbitrarily effective but its result is determined by God's wisdom and might....

God is love....

You humans will not understand this statement as long as you are unable to comprehend the nature of love, which necessitates shaping yourselves into love. For you will always look at love as a characteristic which you confer to the highest and most perfect being. But that this Being is love Itself will remain incomprehensible to you as long as you live on earth as a human being.

And you all emerged from this love, you are emanated strength, you yourselves are love in your fundamental nature.... but likewise you are beings with the ability of thought and will.... the evidence of an `entity'.... Hence, nothing arose and will continue to arise haphazardly.... Everything is very wisely considered; all things are the thoughts of a supremely perfect Being Which you humans call `God'.... And this Being reproduced Itself.... It brought forth the same beings from within Itself, It emanated Its strength of love and gave it forms.... It created.... Everything created by God is and remains love in its fundamental substance. It is and remains strength which shall become effective in accordance with divine will.... If, however, it is prevented from being effective then divine order will be changed.... The principle of love will be turned into the opposite. The Being Which is love, wisdom and might Itself.... thus `God'.... will be resisted, which the beings He had brought to life could indeed accomplish because He had also endowed them with free will as His images.... But in that case the being will leave its lawful order.... it will turn itself into the opposite.... it will certainly carry on existing, but it will no longer allow the strength of love to become effective and that will signify solidification, it will signify a standstill, it will signify the death of what once radiated as `life' from God....

The human being's fundamental substance is love, yet on the whole he is still in opposition to the One Who had emanated him as a being.... And therefore he does not recognise what love is.... For this reason the nature of God, Who is love Himself, is also incomprehensible to him. For love is simultaneously light, Which, however, provides little enlightenment for the human being while his love is still feeble. Hence he is also unable to recognise God's nature, he can only believe the information he receives regarding it, but as soon as such reports accord to the truth they will also enlighten him, for then he will endeavour to change his nature into love, and he will also turn to the Being Which is supremely perfect and begin to recognise It as the `Eternal Love'....

But he will never be able to fathom God's nature, for He is the eternal centre of strength, whereas all created beings are emanated but very tiny sparks of strength which would never be able to behold the primal fire without ceasing to exist.... A person would be able to perceive the love, wisdom and might of a perceptible God on earth already if he is of good will and opens his heart for the illumination of love again by the Being he originated from.... For this supremely perfect Being reveals Itself to His living creations....

And the greatest evidence of love of the One, Who is love Himself, is that He reveals Himself, that He provides His created beings with information about Himself as far as they are able to grasp it.... and that He thereby wants to re-ignite their love to make it effective again in line with the fundamental element.... so that His living creations will re-enter the eternal order in order to create and work as it was in the beginning....


B.D. 8082

— Published by friends of new revelations of God —
Information, download of all translated revelations, theme-booklets at:

Sunday, December 6, 2009

`Follow Me....'

... through Bertha Dudde - 18.1.1949

`Follow Me....'

Follow Me and the goal that has been set for you since the beginning will be reached by you on earth already. You have to make the effort to live a life of love which will bring you very close to the One Who is eternal love Himself. And if you now bear My life on earth in mind and for the sake of the act of Salvation appeal to Me for reinforcement of your will, you will also find it easy to live in love, for I will help you and constantly provide you with opportunities which enable you to live up to your will to love if you feel the urge to do so.

My life on earth was only a practical application of selfless neighbourly love. And the result was the unification of the Father, the Eternal Love, with Me, so that I could use His strength and might, His light and wisdom like My own possession. I was permeated by His spirit, by His strength and by His light.... And thus everything was possible for Me since God Himself was working in Me. As a human being I demonstrated that it is not impossible to be filled by the divine spirit, that thus every human being is able to work the miracles and signs I performed, that the human being can shape himself such that he, as an image of God, can utilize all powers and thus also accomplish whatever he wants.

Follow Me.... all of God's strength is at your disposal, He does not impose any restrictions on you, He gives without measure, and you may use everything He wants to impart because He loves you.... Follow Me.... live a life of selfless neighbourly love and you will become perfect and be able to constantly enjoy God's love and blessing. I speak to you as a human being, just as I walked on earth as a human being, Who equally had to attain divine strength through a life of love, and Who was also only able to accomplish the unification with the eternal Deity through love....

I will show you the path which you only need to travel in order to then also recognise the truth of My Word. Let yourselves be urged by Me onto this path, don't offer Me any resistance, try to do kind-hearted deeds and your strength will increase, your will to love will be stimulated, for love itself is strength and if you practice it, whatever you give will also flow back to you again as strength.... Try it and let My Words touch your hearts, let yourselves be called by Me and follow Me.... I Am the voice in the wilderness of your life. Everything around you threatens to wither away if you don't irrigate the arid area with the divine flow of love.... if you don't develop all good instincts through love and increase the strength within you. Do not let My call go unheeded, take notice of it and bear in mind that I don't demand anything impossible from you, for I Myself as a human being had set an example for you as to what love and a human being's will are capable of achieving.... Follow Me, and you will be and remain blissfully happy for all eternity....


B.D. 4544

— Published by friends of new revelations of God —
Information, download of all translated revelations, theme-booklets at:

..... no copyright.... free to distribute to spiritual needy

001 Who was Bertha Dudde
002 God is still speaking today
003 The Question of God
004 The Christ Problem
005 The Mystery of Man
006 God's plan of salvation
007 Love - The highest Commandment
008/009 You between two worlds Part 1+2
010 God answers our Questions about the universe
011-013 Souls in the beyond 1 - 3
014 Suffering and Healing - Why must I suffer?
015 How can I become healthy
016 False prophets
017/18 God and the churches Part 1 + 2
019 The church of Christ
020 Incarnation - Re-Incarnations
021 The Inner Voice
022 The Right Kind of Prayer
023 /024 Pre-Adamites + Adam
025 Intellect - Knowledge - Realisation
026 Thinking ability and Thoughts
027/028 Freedom of will Part 1 + 2
029 Belief - Disbelief - Superstition
030 Body - Soul - Spirit
031/032 Self-denial 1 + 2
033 Spiritual rebirth
034 Childship to God
035 The Origin of Evil
036 God's Intervention
037 Sequence of the Catastrophe
038 The Battle of Faith
039 The Forerunner of the Lord
040 The Antichrist
042 The Rapture
043 The Transformation of Earth
044 New Banishment
045 The New Earth
050 Have the Last Days begun
051 Thus it will come to pass
052 God's proclamation to the dying world
058 - 062 God corrects misguides teachings and errors 1 - 5
064/065 Listen to the Inner Voice
066 Jesus' promises 'The measure you give'
067 The Adversary's Cunning and Trickery
069 Fateful course of Life
070a/b Return to God 1 + 2
102 Correcting an Error about speaking in Tongues
109 Predictions …. A world shaking natural desaster
128 We are only guests on this earth
144 Calm before the Storm
152 Jesus Christ
154 Great Events are often Foreshadowed
220 Sola scriptura …. The Objection that the Word of God is concluded
E01 God Himself beams the truth to earth
E02 - 04 I will guide you into truth 1 - 3
S01 Explanation, comfort and help for difficult days
S02 What will happen to the human race
S03-04 Information about distibuting the Word Part 1+2