Saturday, January 31, 2009


Word of God


Every spiritual gift requires undivided attention for the divine expression of will; for this means that the human being must listen within in order to hear this declaration of will. God's will can only be revealed to someone who withdraws into his inner life, since God's voice is only perceptible in the human being's heart; hence, a person has to listen within if he wants to hear God's voice. And thus a person must first detach himself from the world, i.e., he must completely free his thoughts from earthly interests, he must establish a bond with the spiritual kingdom through consciously focussing within and enter into a silent communication with the spiritual beings in a perfect state or with the eternal Deity Himself.

He has to present his spiritual adversity to God and appeal for being guided towards realisation, he has to try to live according to divine will and have the serious will to become worthy of God's voice, then God will also let His voice be heard in the heart of someone who wants to hear it. For God requires people who clearly and understandably convey to fellow human beings what the voice of the heart has imparted to them, consequently He will also always be willing to instruct people according to the truth. Therefore, He also expects the attention of those who are prepared to pass on the knowledge they receive. For this knowledge is so extensive that people can be offered something new every day and every hour.

But it must also be accurately communicated, and thus the teacher himself must be knowledgeable and always and forever accept this knowledge, and this requires constant mental concentration, that is, the recipient must willingly detach the soul from the body and utterly hand himself over to the working of spiritual forces…. he must listen to what his spiritual friends impart to him and know that every message from the spiritual kingdom is offered to him according to God's will…. that he therefore receives the truth which he should pass on in exactly the same way.

Thus, his own mental concepts must not precede the knowledge he receives but he must strictly keep to that which is offered to him from above. As soon as the person fails to listen to this voice in his heart he cannot be instructed either, for God will not manifest Himself more markedly as not to endanger people's religious liberty. However, to the listener His voice sounds so clear and pure that he cannot misunderstand it, and thus he grows in wisdom because he is instructed by God Himself, Who also avails Himself of His heavenly messengers in order to impart the truth through His devoted earthly child to people on earth….

But God is at all times the Giver of gifts from above, for it is God's voice which can be audibly perceived by a person if he attentively listens within. Everything that is good is a divine gift…. everything that urges a person to do good, that teaches him to love and points him into the direction of God…. And these instructions are always given to a person when his striving applies to God and the eternal truth and when his heart has made itself receptive through the will to hear the voice of God and through a God-pleasing way of life.... otherwise the desire for God will not be rooted within the person. But then his thoughts will be influenced by God Himself and the spiritual beings devoted to God, and these thoughts will predominantly arise in his heart and need only be grasped by the person's will by means of listening inwards to the divine gifts he is offered.

If the person lives a life of love these thoughts will make such an indelible impression on him that he will accept these thoughts without doubting that it is the divine voice, since through love he is already so united with God that he knows His will and always strives to fulfil it…. Amen

BD 2787

Yes, you do have permission to send this message to family, friends and other spiritual needy. "... freely ye have received, freely give." There is no copyright but make sure not to cut off or add or change any word!

Friday, January 30, 2009



To specify the moment of spiritual change would not benefit humanity since the precise knowledge is an interference with free will, because at the approach of the predicted time the human being would feel obliged to change his way of life. But it is not God’s will that people shall receive knowledge of the day and hour when He sits in judgment over them, they shall only know that the end is near and by the signs of the time become aware of this end.

However, if devout human beings ask Him for clarification He will answer them in a manner that is helpful for the salvation of their soul….

The Last Judgment is preceded by the last days, which last just a few months and are characterized by an exceptionally rigorous battle of faith. As soon as this battle of faith is carried out quite openly, as soon as all secrecy is ignored and all spiritual aspirations are bluntly and recklessly attacked, as soon as laws and decrees are endorsed which prohibit people’s spiritual pursuits, as soon as all divine commandments are no longer observed, as soon as all believers are persecuted and have no more rights, the last days have entered into their final phase and the Last Judgment can be expected daily and hourly…

However, before this battle of faith flares up, humanity will find itself in a spiritual and worldly chaos; there will be noticeable regression in every respect. And this regression will be initiated by people who are dominated by Satan. He will show himself in earthly devastation and destruction, in heartless laws, in a God- opposing way of life, in civil disobedience and rebellion against the governing powers and in brutal oppression by the latter, in restriction of freedom and in evasion of law and justice.

These conditions will ensue after a huge earthly tremor, which takes place in accordance with God’s will in order to terminate a conflict between nations that human will fails to end.

For the people who are affected by this earthly tremor it will denote a change of their accustomed way of life, it will be a time of greatest deprivation and most difficult living conditions, and although this time will be favourable for the spreading of the divine Word it will not signify a revival of a worldly-clerical power. People will indeed eagerly strive to improve their earthly living conditions but these efforts will not be compatible with spiritual aspirations, with the belief in an Authority Which holds them to account and with the divine commandments that require love. And that is why everything that interferes with the return to the former good living standard comes under attack.

Thus the battle of faith will start soon after the divine intervention which turns global affairs into a different direction. The events will follow each other quickly as they are hastened by people’s low spirit, and this spiritual low shows itself in people’s heartless actions, in their thinking, which shows extreme depravity and which prepares deeds that can only be called satanic. And thereby you can identify the moment in time when God’s intervention can be anticipated. The global affairs themselves shall be a timetable to you, by the actions people are capable of doing you can see that they have totally distanced themselves from God and this clearly contradicts the opinion that this human race can still expect a spiritual renaissance.

The people who faithfully remain with God will indeed intensify their intimate relationship with Him, they will be in truth His Church which will stand firm amid misery and affliction, but it is just a small group. The world, however, denies God, it is hostile towards all who support God, and this spiritual need signifies that the end is near… Therefore pay attention to the signs of the time, pay attention to humanity’s conduct, to their desertion of God and their preference of the world, when people are evidently influenced by Satan, when they are enslaved by him and do everything to disobey the divine commandments, when nothing is sacred to them any longer, neither the life of their fellow human beings nor their possessions; when lies triumph and the truth is treated with hostility you know that the end is not far.

Then you can watch the events unfold as they are revealed to you, because it will all take place during the lifetime of a man who, in a manner of speaking, hastens the disintegration, who pays homage to the destructive principle, who is not constructively but destructively active.

And this man’s end is also the end of the world, i.e. the end of the world in its present form and the end of those people who presently inhabit the earth, which are separate from those who belong to God. And now you know that there is not much time, that you are not given a long period of time and that the end is upon you shortly.

And for this reason you have to prepare yourselves, you have to live as if every day is your last because you don’t know when you will be called back and whether you will live to see the end of the earth. If, however, you are needed as defenders of God during the time of battle before the end, God will also guide your thoughts correctly and you will know when the time has come… the time of the divine intervention by means of unleashing the forces of nature, the time of the battle of faith and the time of the Last Judgment… It is God’s will that you make people aware, thus He will also enlighten your spirit and guide your thoughts in a manner that you understand correctly and only voice and reveal to your fellow human beings what you have understood properly… Amen

BD 3209 no copyright.... free to distribute to spiritual needy001 Who was Bertha Dudde 002 God is still speaking today003 The Question of God004 The Christ Problem005 The Mystery of Man006 God's plan of salvation007 Love - The highest Commandment008/009 You between two worlds Part 1+2010 God answers our Questions about the universe011-013 Souls in the beyond 1 - 3014 Suffering and Healing - Why must I suffer?015 How can I become healthy016 False prophets017/18 God and the churches Part 1 + 2019 The church of Christ020 Incarnation - Re-Incarnations 021 The Inner Voice022 The Right Kind of Prayer023 /024 Pre-Adamites + Adam025 Intellect - Knowledge - Realisation026 Thinking ability and Thoughts027/028 Freedom of will Part 1 + 2029 Belief - Disbelief - Superstition031/032 Self-denial 1 + 2036 God's Intervention 037 Sequence of the Catastrophe 039 The Forerunner of the Lord040 The Antichrist 044 New Banishment 045 The New Earth051 Thus it will come to pass052 God's proclamation to the dying world058 - 062 God corrects misguides teachings and errors 1 - 5064/065 Listen to the Inner Voice066 Jesus' promises 'The measure you give'067 The Adversary's Cunning and Trickery069 Fateful course of Life070a/b Return to God 1 + 2 109 Predictions …. A world shaking natural desaster128 We are only guests on this earth144 Calm before the Storm220 Sola scriptura …. The Objection that the Word of God is concludedE01 God Himself beams the truth to earthE02 - 04 I will guide you into truth 1 - 3S01 Explanation, comfort and help for difficult daysS02 What will happen to the human raceHomepage

Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Word of God


The cross of Christ is the sign of hope for all who have fallen, who are unhappy in their situation, be it on earth or in the kingdom of the beyond. The cross of Christ will show them that there is still salvation, a way out, which only has to be taken in order to surface from the abyss, from the kingdom of darkness, into the dawning morning. The cross of Christ points to the path of ascent which will never lead astray. For the One Who died on the cross due to His love for sinful humanity initiated this path, He paid the purchase price for the existing souls in the abyss, and every soul can utilise this privilege, the path of ascent is now open to every soul providing it has chosen Jesus Christ, the divine Redeemer, as its goal, providing it wants to leave the abyss in order to reach Him. Then it will be entitled to redemption, then the divine Redeemer Himself will lift it from the abyss, then its sins will be washed away by His blood, the guilt of sin will be cancelled and the act of Salvation will not have been made in vain for this soul. Jesus Christ died for all human beings, for people past, present and future….

He descended into hell.... He also made the blessings of the act of Salvation available to the souls in the abyss, and there is salvation for the souls even in the kingdom of the beyond, yet never without Him, for only the blood He had shed for the sins can pay for the sins of a soul, and His forgiveness has to be consciously requested, He also has to be acknowledged as the ‘Redeemer of sin’ in the spiritual realm, or a deliverance from darkness will be impossible. An inconceivable act of love was accomplished by the man Jesus on earth, and this act of love is also effective in the beyond, His mercy even follows the souls who had passed away from earth without redemption. Yet, like on earth, the soul must willingly want to find salvation through Jesus Christ in the beyond too, that He should have mercy upon its suffering, that His love should seize it and raise it from the abyss. For this reason, the knowledge of Jesus Christ and His act of Salvation as well as the belief in both is vitally important and has to be conveyed to the souls, if they have not gained it on earth already. But this work is far more difficult than on earth, for the souls of darkness have little knowledge and power of perception and are therefore not easily taught.

Nevertheless, their state is not hopeless when they are in distress and appeal for help to be delivered from their present situation. Then they will not be completely obstinate, and knowledge can be conveyed to them through intercession and loving mental instructions which will enable them to direct their thoughts towards Jesus Christ, the divine Saviour, and call upon Him themselves…. And every call in faith and confidence in His help will be heard.... Then the path of ascent will have begun and will be travelled step by step with His help. There is salvation from the abyss, but never without Jesus Christ…. This is what the souls in the beyond also need to know, otherwise they would never turn their thoughts towards Him, Who alone can save them from their hardship, Who, with love and mercy, is constantly willing to alleviate suffering and change an agonising state of affairs into a state of beatitude…. Nevertheless, it always requires the being’s will, and to change this correctly requires a lot of intercession on the part of people with faith and love, who are therefore also able to help those who are still unredeemed.... Amen

BD 5153 no copyright.... free to distribute to spiritual needy001 Who was Bertha Dudde 002 God is still speaking today003 The Question of God004 The Christ Problem005 The Mystery of Man006 God's plan of salvation007 Love - The highest Commandment008/009 You between two worlds Part 1+2010 God answers our Questions about the universe011-013 Souls in the beyond 1 - 3014 Suffering and Healing - Why must I suffer?015 How can I become healthy016 False prophets017/18 God and the churches Part 1 + 2019 The church of Christ020 Incarnation - Re-Incarnations 021 The Inner Voice022 The Right Kind of Prayer023 /024 Pre-Adamites + Adam025 Intellect - Knowledge - Realisation026 Thinking ability and Thoughts027/028 Freedom of will Part 1 + 2029 Belief - Disbelief - Superstition031/032 Self-denial 1 + 2036 God's Intervention 037 Sequence of the Catastrophe 039 The Forerunner of the Lord040 The Antichrist 044 New Banishment 045 The New Earth051 Thus it will come to pass052 God's proclamation to the dying world058 - 062 God corrects misguides teachings and errors 1 - 5064/065 Listen to the Inner Voice066 Jesus' promises 'The measure you give'067 The Adversary's Cunning and Trickery069 Fateful course of Life070a/b Return to God 1 + 2 109 Predictions …. A world shaking natural desaster128 We are only guests on this earth144 Calm before the Storm220 Sola scriptura …. The Objection that the Word of God is concludedE01 God Himself beams the truth to earthE02 - 04 I will guide you into truth 1 - 3S01 Explanation, comfort and help for difficult daysS02 What will happen to the human raceHomepage

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Word of God


I merely want your assurance that you want to listen to Me, and from that moment on your life will be focussed on your goal, for then it will be in My hands to lead and to teach you such that you will reach your goal. I cannot have a decisive influence on your earthly life as long as you have not voluntarily given Me this assurance, but I can instantly take your destiny into My hands as soon as this assurance has voluntarily taken place. If you understand that it concerns the battle for your soul between Me and My adversary, whom I have to grant justice insofar as that I won’t forcibly take from him what belongs to him…. then you will also understand that I first require this assurance for you to become and eternally remain My Own.

It is only this free will which entitles Me to exert My influence and help you in the battle against the enemy of your souls, who will not cease fighting for you as long as you are not yet completely devoid of weaknesses and flaws, which identify you as his followers. Thus he has still power over you as long as you cannot detach yourselves from him completely, that is, as long as the adversary’s characteristics are still within you: faults, weaknesses, cravings and all kinds of vices, which are his inheritance since his apostasy from Me.

As to whether your detachment from him will take place one day depends on your will…. for this reason I died on the cross for you as Jesus, the man, thus I redeemed you from his power. Prior to this it would have been impossible for you to withdraw from his power, since you had handed yourselves over to him as a result of the original sin and he would never have released you from his control. However, I paid for this sin with the crucifixion…. Consequently, the whole of the spiritual world would have been redeemed from that moment on if I did not respect the free will of those beings who opposed Me…. For every being’s will is free and it can stay with the lord of its own choice.

Therefore, My adversary’s followers can remain with him, and their will shall be respected, I will not forcibly snatch any being from My opponent which belongs to him and does not express the will to be released from its present lord. Hence, such a being will remain unredeemed even if it takes eternities before it desires to be delivered from him…. These beings are unredeemed despite My death on the cross…. But as soon as its free will turns to Me, as soon as the being in the state of a human, when it receives its free will again, deliberately turns away from My adversary and towards Me, thus as soon as it wants to become and remain My Own, My act of Salvation comes into force and I…. Jesus Christ and Father of eternity…. take possession of this person and start to release him from My adversary, which happens according to his strength of will to fight against his faults and weaknesses. And he can constantly request this willpower from Jesus Christ, and he will do it, too, because he believes in Him.

The belief in Jesus Christ and His act of Salvation is the prerequisite for the person to appeal to him for the blessings of the act of Salvation. This is why an unbeliever cannot find redemption, for Jesus Christ Himself must strengthen the person’s will to release himself from the adversary. However, I will never ever leave anyone once he turns to Me voluntarily, and he can take his redemption as guaranteed, for I will tirelessly fight for him and through transferring strength to him will help him release himself from his faults and weaknesses.

And time and again I will influence his thoughts, thus never exclude him from My loving care, consequently no person will remain unredeemed whose will strives towards Me, who tries to fulfil My will and deliberately withdraws from My adversary. I only require the human being’s will, I only require the acknowledgement of Jesus as Son of God and Redeemer of the world in Whom I Myself accomplished the act of Salvation for people, in order to then be able to grant them the blessings of the act of Salvation which consist of strengthening the human being’s will, of being able to receive the strength to achieve the re-transformation into love.

And I only ask for a constant bond with Me so that the strength can always flow across to you and you can do justice to all spiritual and earthly tasks which are expected of you time and again in this earthly life. Only the direction of your will towards Me decides whether and when your redemption will take place, but in this way it is certain that it will happen, otherwise My act of Salvation would have been accomplished in vain, but this would have to be called the greatest misguided teaching if someone were to advocate it. Jesus Christ has redeemed all people, but only those who want to be redeemed will partake of the blessings of the act of Salvation …. But anyone who wants will indeed become blessed, because his will entitles Me to snatch the soul from My adversary because I have paid the purchase price for it with My blood…. Amen

BD 7369

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Monday, January 26, 2009


Word of God


My love will truly not leave those of you who want to be active according to My will, who entirely voluntarily have taken on a task and are thus working for Me and My kingdom.

After all, you children of this earth should bear in mind that the time of the end has come and that therefore all possibilities will be exhausted for the salvation of erring souls. Wherever I know there is a person who can still be won over for the kingdom of life I will use those means which promise to be successful, and these are not always the same means because every person reacts differently to them. But My working is nevertheless recognisable, for the objective is and always remains the direction of will towards Me.... hence everything that demonstrates guidance to Me, to faith in Me as the Creator and Father of eternity, has to be regarded as a means used by Me, it merely is not the same with every person.

You must know that unbelief, the denial of Me Myself, is always the proof of affiliation with My adversary, who will at all times actively strive to keep Me at bay from people, thus to prevent their return to Me. Consequently, where it is clearly obvious that I Myself Am made accessible to people as God and Creator of eternity it cannot be My adversary’s work, the work for Me and My kingdom will always be recognisable there.

However, anyone who carries out such work will also always draw people’s attention to My commandments of love.... And that, in turn, is a sign as to which spirit dominates, because My adversary will never admonish and inspire the love which will dethrone himself, which will deprive him of his followers....

The end is near, and there is great confusion among people, which is My adversary’s intention again, who slips in wherever it is possible for him, whose first endeavour is to undermine the truth, to extinguish the light which should illuminate the path for people. And he finds many opportunities to cast shadows upon the rays of light…. yet he will not be able to extinguish the light, for its radiance will be too bright and will dazzle him, so that his activity will be exposed and will remain unsuccessful.

For once the desire for Me has been awakened, where a person’s thinking and striving applies to Me, where I Am called upon in spirit and in truth, My strength of love will also flow over and fill the human being’s heart.... And it recognises the eternal Love, the Father, and unreservedly surrenders to Him. And this surrender of will is all I require of you, who want to serve Me.... Then all your thoughts, intentions and actions will be right, then you will be endowed with My strength and you will be living representatives of My teaching.... you will only be able to speak according to My will and thus also know the truth.... Amen

BD 5641

Sunday, January 25, 2009


Word of God


And My voice will resound from above.... It will be mighty and people will have to listen to it even if they otherwise pay no attention to Me. Depending on the state of their souls they will either willingly or unwillingly have to raise their eyes towards heaven. For they will find themselves exposed to a force they can no longer avoid. Admittedly, it will only touch the hearts of a few, yet these will have been helped even if physical help fails to materialise. But as the rule, fear and worry about physical life will predominate and My voice will not suffice to accept it and return to Me despite utmost hardship and affliction. They will not want to realise that My voice applies to those who are still distant from Me and, being obstinate-hearted, they will only try to save themselves and yet will be powerless against the forces of nature.

They will lose all footing, for the ground will sway, a roaring storm will fill the air and everyone will have to rely on himself as no-one will be able to help the other. And My voice will resound from above…. I will speak with a voice of thunder and all elements of nature will obey My will, they will speak on My behalf and testify to My might. I will manifestly confront people and won’t force them to believe, for it will still be up to them to accept natural forces but to deny Me as the Being Which also governs the natural forces according to His will. And thus the final means of teaching before the end will not force people to believe either, even though it should speak clearly enough for Me and can also be recognised by people of good will not entirely enslaved by My adversary who wants to separate them from Me forever.

What I have proclaimed through My spirit will fulfil itself.... The earth will tremble and the elements of nature will cause incalculable damage and claim countless victims. Yet this has been determined since eternity, because even this occurrence is a means of help used by Me in order to still win people over to Me, since other forms of adversity and distress are not enough to let them find their way back to Me and I have to brandish a sharp rod over the hardened human race. And it is absolutely true that I will not rest until I have regained all My living creations. And thus My love, which wants to save them from their downfall, will never end even if this love is not recognisable in My activity. Yet anyone who takes notice of My voice will also feel My love and he will be grateful to Me for all eternity…. Amen

BD 3571 no copyright.... free to distribute to spiritual needy001 Who was Bertha Dudde 002 God is still speaking today003 The Question of God004 The Christ Problem005 The Mystery of Man006 God's plan of salvation007 Love - The highest Commandment008/009 You between two worlds Part 1+2010 God answers our Questions about the universe011-013 Souls in the beyond 1 - 3014 Suffering and Healing - Why must I suffer?015 How can I become healthy016 False prophets017/18 God and the churches Part 1 + 2019 The church of Christ020 Incarnation - Re-Incarnations 021 The Inner Voice022 The Right Kind of Prayer023 /024 Pre-Adamites + Adam025 Intellect - Knowledge - Realisation026 Thinking ability and Thoughts027/028 Freedom of will Part 1 + 2029 Belief - Disbelief - Superstition031/032 Self-denial 1 + 2036 God's Intervention 037 Sequence of the Catastrophe 039 The Forerunner of the Lord040 The Antichrist 044 New Banishment 045 The New Earth051 Thus it will come to pass052 God's proclamation to the dying world058 - 062 God corrects misguides teachings and errors 1 - 5064/065 Listen to the Inner Voice066 Jesus' promises 'The measure you give'067 The Adversary's Cunning and Trickery069 Fateful course of Life070a/b Return to God 1 + 2 109 Predictions …. A world shaking natural desaster128 We are only guests on this earth144 Calm before the Storm220 Sola scriptura …. The Objection that the Word of God is concludedE01 God Himself beams the truth to earthE02 - 04 I will guide you into truth 1 - 3S01 Explanation, comfort and help for difficult daysS02 What will happen to the human raceHomepage

Saturday, January 24, 2009


Word of God


When you have sinned I nevertheless will not withdraw My merciful love from you, instead it will take hold of you firmly so that you will find your way back to Me again, so that you will recognise your wrongdoing and sincerely want to avoid everything that is not right before My eyes.

I know your weaknesses, I know the temptations you are subject to due to your imperfection, but I also know your will which applies to Me and which I thus also value and therefore help you lift yourselves up again when you have fallen.

And I bless everyone who makes an effort.... who will not let up in his endeavour despite all temptations, despite failing frequently.

Time and again I give him strength because My love for My living creations never stops, which nevertheless belong to Me even when they are sinful. Yet you should fight with all your strength against the one who wants to seduce you.... you should time and again prove yourselves worthy of My love, you should not reject My love but always and forever request it, you should not want to become sinful and therefore repeatedly commend yourselves to My love and grace, you should appeal to Me for protection against the tempter, you should not exclude Me from your thoughts, your daily work, you should often strengthen yourselves, because you are too weak, with My Word….

You should always maintain contact with Me so that I can have an effect on you at all times, and you will become ever more steadfast when you are faced by temptations, which will keep confronting you because the tempter will not slow down fighting for your souls until you have defeated him yourselves through Me, Whom you long for with all your heart and Whose love will not let go of you…. For as long as you live on earth you will have to wage this battle, because your earthly life is the last opportunity during which the adversary can and will influence you because he does not want to lose you, and only when you become completely free from earthly cravings will the temptations become less….

But I know every stirring of the heart, I know who has the will to live a life that pleases Me, I know who is still weak, and yet I must allow My adversary to try to exert his influence on you…. I have to leave the decision to you, I must not prevent you from doing what displeases Me, but I will never close My ear to the appeal of a child if it wants to be accepted in My Fatherly favour again. I know of your weakness and provide you with strength as often as you request it. Hence you should not be despondent when you have fallen but come to Me repentantly, and My merciful love will never deny itself since it is, after all, always willing to forgive if a child genuinely desires it…. Amen

BD 5379

Friday, January 23, 2009


Word of God


No-one can avoid being punished for his sins since with his sins the human being himself creates a state which is painful to him…. I do not punish him for his sins, yet according to the law of eternal order every action, every wrong thought and deed has an effect, and precisely this effect is caused by people themselves and experienced by them as torment, as punishment, which, however, only ever corresponds to the law of eternal order. And this is why the adversity and torment is inconceivable which people are approaching who lead a sinful life, who blaspheme and mock Me, who think they can pull everything that is divine and pure into the mud without having to pay for it.

They commit one sin after another and will be horrified how the consequences of their violations will affect them…. Yet they cannot avoid their judgment.... For I cannot give them anything they didn’t want themselves, I can only give them the reward which corresponds to their life and their deeds, and therefore they will have to endure much pain. And they can consider themselves fortunate if they are still pulled up on earth to make amends for their guilt of sins, if they still have to suffer on earth before they are called away from earth. For they can still come to their senses on earth, they can still recognise their sins on earth and turn around on the path they had travelled so far….

In the kingdom of the beyond, however, the realisation of their guilt can often only be expected after an infinitely long time, for a sinful person enters the kingdom of the beyond with a completely darkened mind and it takes a long time before he can clarify his thoughts and regret his way of life on earth…. because he is without light and strength, yet he feels every pain which he nevertheless had prepared himself….

Anyone who presents Me as a punishing God does not know My law of eternal order or he would never be able to speak in this way…. For My love tries to protect all people from the fate they are preparing for themselves and which can never be called blissful. And I truly will do everything in order to make it easy for people….

However, if they don’t want this, if they won’t let themselves be guided by Me and act wrongly of their own accord, then they will also have to accept the consequences, but they will never be able to say that I have prepared the fate for them which they are creating for themselves…. For I know about the dreadful agonies and try everything in order to avert these torments from the beings....

But I will not take your free will away….

And anyone who sins must also accept the results of sin, because this corresponds to My law of eternal order. People can indeed act heartlessly and make their fellow human beings suffer, but I Am Love Itself and I only ever want to provide you with happiness…. But where human will does not allow for this there cannot be happiness…. For anti-divine desire also creates an anti-divine fate, a fate of excruciating torment and darkness, a fate of most bitter captivity…. a state of bondage and weakness, which is always the consequence, the result of sin and therefore the punishments were precipitated by the being itself…. which lived on earth in opposition to My eternal order …. Amen

BD 6242

Thursday, January 22, 2009


Word of God


An immense conflict between the nations will find its end according to divine decree. This will by no means correspond to the nations’ wishes; in fact, they will be horrified when they realise the outcome which entirely opposes their expectations. Yet human will is powerless wherever God expresses His will. And every day prior to this still signifies a gift for people if they use these days for the salvation of their soul by turning away from the world and towards God before God manifestly reveals Himself.

People have already been affected by indescribably harsh suffering and yet it only brought a few closer to the Deity, for humanity pays no attention to that which is given to them by God but only to that which it is offered by the world…. Thus it does not make use of God’s grace; instead it constantly tries to increase its earthly possessions. And even where people’s belongings are destroyed they will only wholeheartedly strive to regain what they lost. And thus their struggle against each other becomes more and more bitter and can no longer be resolved in an earthly manner but has to be brought to an end by God if it is not to lead to a complete breakdown and utter godlessness.

For people lack faith in a just and wise God, otherwise they would already see by the world event to what extent humanity has distanced itself from God and why God permitted such a world event to take place. For God’s will does not prevent people’s will from accomplishing that which they precipitated by their heartlessness.

However, the forthcoming event will raise great doubt about the existence of a Deity Which Itself destroys that which it created with Its Might…. But these doubts will only surface in people who do not act with love…. whereas the loving person will be enlightened and know that nothing can happen without God’s will, thus he will recognise that God had sent the event…. And he will know that nothing will come upon the earth without purpose and reason and that everything can benefit the soul in some way or other.

He, too, will be severely shocked by the scale of the event but he will also realise that the human race must be shaken out of its faithless existence so that it will take stock of itself and give its way of life a different direction in order to come closer to God. And blessed is he who will still derive a benefit for his soul from this forthcoming event, for he will lose nothing but only gain, even if his earthly possessions have been destroyed…. He will have found God through it and gained infinitely more than he had lost…. Amen

BD 2361 no copyright.... free to distribute to spiritual needy001 Who was Bertha Dudde 002 God is still speaking today003 The Question of God004 The Christ Problem005 The Mystery of Man006 God's plan of salvation007 Love - The highest Commandment008/009 You between two worlds Part 1+2010 God answers our Questions about the universe011-013 Souls in the beyond 1 - 3014 Suffering and Healing - Why must I suffer?015 How can I become healthy016 False prophets017/18 God and the churches Part 1 + 2019 The church of Christ020 Incarnation - Re-Incarnations 021 The Inner Voice022 The Right Kind of Prayer023 /024 Pre-Adamites + Adam025 Intellect - Knowledge - Realisation026 Thinking ability and Thoughts027/028 Freedom of will Part 1 + 2029 Belief - Disbelief - Superstition031/032 Self-denial 1 + 2036 God's Intervention 037 Sequence of the Catastrophe 039 The Forerunner of the Lord040 The Antichrist 044 New Banishment 045 The New Earth051 Thus it will come to pass052 God's proclamation to the dying world058 - 062 God corrects misguides teachings and errors 1 - 5064/065 Listen to the Inner Voice066 Jesus' promises 'The measure you give'067 The Adversary's Cunning and Trickery069 Fateful course of Life070a/b Return to God 1 + 2 109 Predictions …. A world shaking natural desaster128 We are only guests on this earth144 Calm before the Storm220 Sola scriptura …. The Objection that the Word of God is concludedE01 God Himself beams the truth to earthE02 - 04 I will guide you into truth 1 - 3S01 Explanation, comfort and help for difficult daysS02 What will happen to the human raceHomepage


Word of God


An immense conflict between the nations will find its end according to divine decree. This will by no means correspond to the nations’ wishes; in fact, they will be horrified when they realise the outcome which entirely opposes their expectations. Yet human will is powerless wherever God expresses His will. And every day prior to this still signifies a gift for people if they use these days for the salvation of their soul by turning away from the world and towards God before God manifestly reveals Himself.

People have already been affected by indescribably harsh suffering and yet it only brought a few closer to the Deity, for humanity pays no attention to that which is given to them by God but only to that which it is offered by the world…. Thus it does not make use of God’s grace; instead it constantly tries to increase its earthly possessions. And even where people’s belongings are destroyed they will only wholeheartedly strive to regain what they lost. And thus their struggle against each other becomes more and more bitter and can no longer be resolved in an earthly manner but has to be brought to an end by God if it is not to lead to a complete breakdown and utter godlessness.

For people lack faith in a just and wise God, otherwise they would already see by the world event to what extent humanity has distanced itself from God and why God permitted such a world event to take place. For God’s will does not prevent people’s will from accomplishing that which they precipitated by their heartlessness.

However, the forthcoming event will raise great doubt about the existence of a Deity Which Itself destroys that which it created with Its Might…. But these doubts will only surface in people who do not act with love…. whereas the loving person will be enlightened and know that nothing can happen without God’s will, thus he will recognise that God had sent the event…. And he will know that nothing will come upon the earth without purpose and reason and that everything can benefit the soul in some way or other.

He, too, will be severely shocked by the scale of the event but he will also realise that the human race must be shaken out of its faithless existence so that it will take stock of itself and give its way of life a different direction in order to come closer to God. And blessed is he who will still derive a benefit for his soul from this forthcoming event, for he will lose nothing but only gain, even if his earthly possessions have been destroyed…. He will have found God through it and gained infinitely more than he had lost…. Amen

BD 2361 no copyright.... free to distribute to spiritual needy001 Who was Bertha Dudde 002 God is still speaking today003 The Question of God004 The Christ Problem005 The Mystery of Man006 God's plan of salvation007 Love - The highest Commandment008/009 You between two worlds Part 1+2010 God answers our Questions about the universe011-013 Souls in the beyond 1 - 3014 Suffering and Healing - Why must I suffer?015 How can I become healthy016 False prophets017/18 God and the churches Part 1 + 2019 The church of Christ020 Incarnation - Re-Incarnations 021 The Inner Voice022 The Right Kind of Prayer023 /024 Pre-Adamites + Adam025 Intellect - Knowledge - Realisation026 Thinking ability and Thoughts027/028 Freedom of will Part 1 + 2029 Belief - Disbelief - Superstition031/032 Self-denial 1 + 2036 God's Intervention 037 Sequence of the Catastrophe 039 The Forerunner of the Lord040 The Antichrist 044 New Banishment 045 The New Earth051 Thus it will come to pass052 God's proclamation to the dying world058 - 062 God corrects misguides teachings and errors 1 - 5064/065 Listen to the Inner Voice066 Jesus' promises 'The measure you give'067 The Adversary's Cunning and Trickery069 Fateful course of Life070a/b Return to God 1 + 2 109 Predictions …. A world shaking natural desaster128 We are only guests on this earth144 Calm before the Storm220 Sola scriptura …. The Objection that the Word of God is concludedE01 God Himself beams the truth to earthE02 - 04 I will guide you into truth 1 - 3S01 Explanation, comfort and help for difficult daysS02 What will happen to the human raceHomepage

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Word of God


The reason why people so easily fall prey to misconception is due to the fact that their attitude towards Me is not yet entirely correct, even if the will for it is there, that is, if they have the will to be of service to Me. Their constant bond with Me would truly protect them from error, that is, they would recognise it as such.

However, this bond is still not deep enough, and thus earthly thoughts still come to the fore which are taken up and considered by the intellect, but the intellect often consults a fellow human being and he can, if he is not closely enough united with Me either, also advise him wrongly. For this reason I Am only rarely able to convey the pure truth to earth, because this necessitates the most heartfelt contact with Me which prevents all interference by other forces.

And therefore, only that person who establishes this intimate bond with Me and rejects any external influence, who only listens to what I Myself say to him through the heart will be protected from erroneous influence or error. It is indeed My will that you humans should unite in love, that one shall strengthen and support the other in faith, that you treat each other as brothers and strive together towards Me as your Father, but I also want every single person to connect with Me too; I want you to ask Me for advice yourselves ….

I want you yourselves to appeal to Me to fulfil your every spiritual and earthly request….

I want this direct bond with Me when it relates to personal questions and wishes.... just as I, on the other hand, send to you My mediators and messengers to whom you should listen if you receive spiritual teachings, if My Gospel is intended to be conveyed to you….

Understand that I want to speak to you through My instruments and will always do so when ‘spiritual information’ shall be imparted to you, because you are not capable as yet of receiving such teachings or deeper wisdom directly.

Then I will always say:

Listen to My messengers and fulfil My will....

But I will never impart thought concepts to you through your fellow human beings which have a different content than a ‘spiritual’ one…. because you should come to Me yourselves with every personal request.

You should learn to differentiate between the ‘transmission of My Word’ and ‘personal speeches’ which can be received by anyone who makes heartfelt contact with Me, whereas My Word requires a special mediator or vessel in order to be able to flow into it as an outpouring of My spirit….

And therefore you should be careful and realise that you can easily fall prey to error, for where My adversary recognises a human weakness he can effortlessly slip in and avail himself of it. However, you can rest assured that I protect ‘My Word’ from every error, from the adversary’s influence, because I want to guide you humans into the truth.

Nevertheless, you should not carelessly believe every Word which rings out to you as a spiritual transmission, you should seriously scrutinise it as to whether its content is purely spiritual, whether it aims to achieve the maturing of your souls, whether it can be spoken of as given by Me for your soul’s salvation. And you should entrust your own wishes to Me, and then I will also speak to you through your heart and you will subsequently know what you should or should not do…. Amen

BD 7859

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Word of God


Everyone can work in My vineyard if only he has the will to be of service to Me. Yet there are many different things he can do because I only require a profoundly faithful heart which emanates love for its fellow human beings…. thereby awakening love in them again and this will spread and help to gain a living faith in a God and Creator…. And everyone who has a convinced faith of his own can also proclaim Jesus Christ, the divine Redeemer, in Whom I Myself accomplished the act of Salvation.... And he will be of service to Me, he will be My faithful servant, for he will also try to lead his fellow human beings to gain this faith. And I shall bless his will and manifest Myself to him, I will speak to him through his heart, he will sense it, he will be inwardly impelled to accomplish his vineyard work and be stimulated from within to speak to fellow human beings of good will when he meets them.

And thus you can all serve Me and participate in the redemption work if this is your will.... The strength to do so will be conveyed to you by Me, Who knows your will and gives it My blessing. For there is great spiritual hardship because people no longer have faith, and My servants must be able to convincingly endorse this faith again if it is to be accepted by their fellow human beings, too.

However, this redemption work need not be associated with any unusual activity, anyone can do it if he has living faith in Me and whose love applies to their fellow human beings suffering spiritual adversity, for My spirit works in everyone, even if it is not externally noticeable. And this silent redemptive work is frequently of greater value to Me than work of an externally obvious nature, the latter easily reveals earthly side effects which detract from the redemptive work. This risk occurs if overly eager people want to emphasise spiritual gifts.... if, regardless of where they are, they always expect My direct communication concerning personal wishes…. In that case they no longer allow Me to guide them, instead they try to oblige Me to take their wishes into account…. And then My spirit remains silent…. Then they speak themselves as people and jeopardize My working in them.

I indeed speak to all people through a human mouth if I seek to make the Gospel accessible to them in all purity, and if you humans comply with My will by living up to My Gospel then I will also be able to address every one of you through the heart, so that you will truly receive an answer to every question you have in mind…. But anyone who has not yet shaped himself though love such that he will be able to hear Me by feeling the answer I give to him, cannot expect a communication from those who would like to convey it to him either and thus the latter will pass on words which do not come from Me…. After all, it is My will that you should establish a close bond with Me yourselves, it is My will that you come to Me yourselves, that everyone should shape himself such that I will be able to answer him when he asks…. If you silently assure Me of your will to serve Me and to render redemption work you can also rest assured that I will look after you and you will truly not need any instruction conveyed to you from a fellow human being, for you thereby admit your own inadequacy: lack of love and trust in Me Who knows every question which moves you and Who will answer it if you ask Me….

The silent redemption work rendered by every individual person is truly more pleasing to Me than that carried out due to human influence, for you know that I welcome and accept all of you as My servants if you yourselves offer your services to Me and aim to fulfil My will…. Thus why do you desire confirmations which you expect Me to give to you through a human mouth? You thereby open a door for your adversary who will then try to express himself in accordance with your desire, because you demonstrate that you don’t believe in My direct working within you, because you don’t believe that I place the answer into your heart when you make contact with Me in prayer…. And due to this unbelief, he whom you should avoid will gain influence…. For he, too, uses fine words and you will seriously have to examine where these words originated from…. Amen

BD 7858

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Monday, January 19, 2009


Word of God


The substances of soul demonstrate in their composition an extreme finely constructed formation that would strike the human being as enchanting if he could see it. There is nothing that is not present in this creation… Everything in creation can be found in miniature in the soul because the individual substances had animated every work of creation and therefore also retained the shape of these previous forms, who multiply by continuous association and therefore constantly change and perfect the overall image.

A human being’s comprehension would not suffice to imagine all these works of creation, yet one day he will, overwhelmed by the wisdom and omnipotence of the Creator, behold the image that reveals to him the most amazing magnificence. The least and most insignificant work of creation holds again thousands of miniature creations within itself which in turn also exhibit everything that is represented in God’s great work of creation.

The human soul, however, is carrier of all these creations, i.e. it is composed of countless substances, each one has already fulfilled its task in creation and hence was permitted to unite for the last and greatest task… to complete the infinitely long earthly progress as a human soul. No other work of wonder in all of God’s great creation is so extraordinary beautifully shaped as the human soul… And it is proof of its perfection when the soul can behold itself as in a mirror and perceive its own glory, i.e. when it sees itself in the most radiant light in many thousand-fold shapes and formations, and thus the contemplation of itself causes it unimaginable happiness because the vision of the entire work of creation is an overwhelmingly beautiful experience for the soul.

And the soul’s contemplations will never end because the image reshapes itself time and again; constantly more enchanting works of creation emerge since God’s wonders are endless and so is what His love provides to His living creations who are perfect and thus enlightened… They always and ever feel His love and as a result experience ever increasing happiness… There will be no conclusion, no limit of what the spiritual eye may behold... And nothing remains unchanged, which denotes a state of bliss for the being which progressively increases and therefore requires constant transformation of the being’s spiritual vision… Amen

BD 2344 no copyright.... free to distribute to spiritual needy001 Who was Bertha Dudde 002 God is still speaking today003 The Question of God004 The Christ Problem005 The Mystery of Man006 God's plan of salvation007 Love - The highest Commandment008/009 You between two worlds Part 1+2010 God answers our Questions about the universe011-013 Souls in the beyond 1 - 3014 Suffering and Healing - Why must I suffer?015 How can I become healthy016 False prophets017/18 God and the churches Part 1 + 2019 The church of Christ020 Incarnation - Re-Incarnations 021 The Inner Voice022 The Right Kind of Prayer023 /024 Pre-Adamites + Adam025 Intellect - Knowledge - Realisation026 Thinking ability and Thoughts027/028 Freedom of will Part 1 + 2029 Belief - Disbelief - Superstition031/032 Self-denial 1 + 2036 God's Intervention 037 Sequence of the Catastrophe 039 The Forerunner of the Lord040 The Antichrist 044 New Banishment 045 The New Earth051 Thus it will come to pass052 God's proclamation to the dying world058 - 062 God corrects misguides teachings and errors 1 - 5064/065 Listen to the Inner Voice066 Jesus' promises 'The measure you give'067 The Adversary's Cunning and Trickery069 Fateful course of Life070a/b Return to God 1 + 2 109 Predictions …. A world shaking natural desaster128 We are only guests on this earth144 Calm before the Storm220 Sola scriptura …. The Objection that the Word of God is concludedE01 God Himself beams the truth to earthE02 - 04 I will guide you into truth 1 - 3S01 Explanation, comfort and help for difficult daysS02 What will happen to the human raceHomepage

Sunday, January 18, 2009


Word of God


The explanation for their unbelief rests in people’s confused thinking. When people join a school of thought, which can be called utterly wrong in comparison to the pure teaching of Christ, it is misguided thinking, and the less it corresponds to the truth, the more serious are the consequences.

Thoughts which are opposite to the truth must, understandably, detract from true belief and prepare the ground for unbelief. However, a person will be unable to grasp a clear thought but will disjointedly believe one moment this and another that, i.e. he will deem it to be the truth.

And thus his train of thought is confused, he will hardly recognise what is right as truth and this state is scarcely satisfactory. It cannot result in a person’s spiritual progress but instead will cause him constant anxiety and he will keep insisting on his point of view for a long time. He will walk past the pure truth because he excludes God. Hence he will try, by way of his own thinking, his own strength, to fathom what is incomprehensible to him, and his thoughts will therefore be led astray. Or his will for truth is not strong, consequently, it cannot be offered to him either, whereas the person who desires knowledge for its own sake will receive brightest wisdom.

Belief and unbelief are based on opposite conditions. In order to have faith, the human being must have a childlike relationship with God. He must totally hand himself over to the eternal Deity.... he must consider himself small and insignificant and recognise in the eternal Deity a Being of profound perfection.... For this is faith....

The atheist, however, negates everything, he deems himself intelligent and wise and no instruction gets through to him. He will never subordinate himself to a higher Being because he denies His existence. Thus he is high and mighty; consequently, the preconditions are entirely different.... the believer’s thoughts are clear and righteous, while the thoughts of the unbeliever lack order and therefore cannot reach a correct conclusion either.

Spiritual clarity can never be given to an arrogant person since he does not pray for grace, therefore he cannot receive it. Without divine grace, however, the human being cannot think correctly. But the human being’s will is frequently too weak in order to seek help from God Himself, and thus he will live in ignorance until he prays for spiritual clarity and then humbly waits for divine grace.... Amen

BD 1894

Yes, you do have permission to send this message to family, friends and other spiritual needy. "... freely ye have received, freely give." There is no copyright but make sure not to cut off or add or change any word!

Saturday, January 17, 2009


Word of God


You should not think that the opponent will bypass you even if you strive towards God…. His influence is unrestricted as long as the human being’s will is weak. Only a strong will can offer him the resistance which he cannot overcome. The will is always decisive as to whether he gains control over a person. But if the will weakens his influence becomes stronger again, and the temptations approach a person in the most varied of ways.

For this reason he must constantly struggle, he must constantly appeal for strength and grace, for strengthening of his will, he must constantly be on his guard so as not to succumb to the temptations of evil, he must watch and pray…. for the prize is worth the battle….

The world and its enticements approach the human being time and again, it is the adversary’s most effective means to cause the human being’s downfall, for everything which belongs to the world separates the human being from God. He cannot possess God and the world at the same time, he must sacrifice one if he wants to win the other. The world, however, only offers illusive goods which are phantoms that make a person only temporarily happy and which crumble into nothingness.

They have no lasting value but still destroy spiritual values, that is, they distract the human being from spiritual striving, and this is a regression on the path of development. The opponent constantly intends to detach the human being from God, therefore he repeatedly approaches him in the form of worldly amusements, he entices him with worldly pleasures, he tries to turn his mind to them and thereby desert God. And if a person does not oppose him with a firm will he will succumb, and the opponent will have won his game.

The human being’s body enjoys the experiences but the soul gets into difficulties, for to the same extent as the person enjoys earthly pleasures the soul has to go short. If the soul can become stronger than the body then it will succeed in making the person feel discontented; these are the inner admonitions and warnings which are imparted to the person through the inner voice, if only he pays attention to them. Then he will make every effort to overcome his inclination for the world and with increased determination strive spiritually again. And this determination will also give him the strength and the grace of being able to achieve it.

But the voice of the world is frequently stronger than the inner voice, in that case the latter will fade away unheard, he will throw himself increasingly deeper into the whirlpool of worldly pleasures, he wants to enjoy himself and gets caught in the opponent’s nets of lies, who will tie the human to himself ever more firmly by offering him the pleasures of the world and making him totally unreceptive to spiritual possessions. He has bound his will and the person will find it very difficult to release himself from him, for the human must turn away from him of his own accord and desire God before the strength and grace can take effect in him.

And therefore beware of the temptations by the world!....

Consider that God’s adversary will approach you time and again and that only your will is able to banish him. And in order for this will to become strong enough, you must watch and pray…. Pay attention to the danger which constantly lies in wait for you in the shape of worldly temptation, and constantly request the strength from God to withstand them, for every fall is a spiritual regression, and every overcoming will bring you closer to the goal.

What God offers you is incomparably more valuable and can never ever be compensated by worldly goods, worldly pleasures or amusements. Be vigilant and know that you are constantly put under pressure by God’s adversary, who intends to make you fall…. Therefore appeal to God for strength and strengthening of your will so that you can resist every temptation…. Amen

BD 2778

Bertha Dudde - Index Individual revelations

Thursday, January 15, 2009


Word of God


Every religious doctrine should be examined before it is accepted. God demands this from you in order to reduce the adversary’s influence, because then you will also understand how he works yourselves. His objective is to infiltrate the divine truth with inaccuracies, but the human being can certainly become aware of it if he seriously examines what he is offered with the desire only to accept the divine, the truth. The opponent uses human will, i.e. he influences people to arbitrarily add other teachings to the divine teaching and to pass them on as God-given teachings.

But human work is not without error and consequently the pure divine teaching is spoilt too, and even more so the less people scrutinise and think for themselves. And once again it is the opponent’s doing that human doctrines inherently prevent their scrutiny and contemplation…. that people are therefore required to accept each religious doctrine unconditionally and scrutiny of it is made out to be wrong. This furthers the activity of the prince of lies very much indeed.

But God requires people to have a living faith, i.e. a faith of heart, a faith which affirms with full conviction what it is taught. Anyone who seriously thinks about it will be able to affirm every divine truth wholeheartedly, however, he will never be able to accept the action of Satan. He will soon recognise it as human work and, having found it to be worthless, thus abandon it with an easy heart. Examine everything and hold on to the best...

And because scrutiny inevitably has to entail the recognition and rejection of every error, the adversary knew how to prevent the examination of religious dogma by establishing a teaching which was intended to eliminate human thought and which thus has resulted in very nasty consequences….

This concerns the teaching of infallibility of the head of church, which apparently relieves the human being of every responsibility yet leads him into deep spiritual darkness if it is accepted and regarded as divine truth. Because any misguided teaching could then be added as divine truth without permitting criticism or rejection. And thus the door was opened to every error... a field had been made available to the adversary’s activity on which he could scatter his seed widely ….

People’s obligation to believe the teaching of infallibility of the head of church means that every additional teaching or rule set up by the head of church has to be approved or accepted without criticism, and thus the human being’s thought and choice are eliminated, even though they are indispensable if the human being is to give account of his relationship to God one day. Every person has to answer for himself, consequently he has to make his own decision with complete freedom of will…

However, in order to make a decision he has to be able to examine and consider what he should decide on… It should not be the case that an individual person decides and this person then demands of thousands and thousands of people to follow his decision, subsequently expressing this demand in the form of a commandment …. (a doctrine)…. which is undeniably the case if every church commandment were to be acknowledged as in accordance with God’s will, because its foundation is the (alleged) infallibility of the head of church. These teachings are now unreservedly accepted without the human being clarifying their meaning and purpose, resulting in routine actions which are unrelated to free decision, profound faith and deeply felt closeness to God…

A church service evolved which, in reality, is not a service to God. Customs were introduced which are more or less formalities.... The adversary’s actions succeeded in alienating people from the truth under the guise of piety, to stop them from using their own thoughts and thus their free decision too, since all this is suppressed by God’s adversary due to the dogma of infallibility.

Because once this teaching has been made plausible to a person he will no longer need to have an opinion about it. Thus he accepts without scrutiny, he need not make a decision because someone else has already made a decision on his behalf and free will is not utilized. Instead, the person has to believe what is given to him as religious dogma if he does not want to come into conflict with the particular religious dogma, which the church makes out to be so very important, that the head of church can never err or take wrong measures when he makes a decision concerning the church.

God only values free decision-making, but this has to be made by the person himself and thus the pros and cons of religious dogma have to be considered by him. Only what he can affirm in his heart can be called faith, and not what he finds himself compelled to affirm …. Because religious dogma intended by God will bear up to every scrutiny and will be even more convincingly accepted the more the human being delves into it…. However, anything that is not of God does not stand up to scrutiny and will be rejected by every person who seriously struggles for knowledge… Amen

BD 2383a+b no copyright.... free to distribute to spiritual needy001 Who was Bertha Dudde 002 God is still speaking today003 The Question of God004 The Christ Problem005 The Mystery of Man006 God's plan of salvation007 Love - The highest Commandment008/009 You between two worlds Part 1+2010 God answers our Questions about the universe011-013 Souls in the beyond 1 - 3014 Suffering and Healing - Why must I suffer?015 How can I become healthy016 False prophets017/18 God and the churches Part 1 + 2019 The church of Christ020 Incarnation - Re-Incarnations 021 The Inner Voice022 The Right Kind of Prayer023 /024 Pre-Adamites + Adam025 Intellect - Knowledge - Realisation026 Thinking ability and Thoughts027/028 Freedom of will Part 1 + 2029 Belief - Disbelief - Superstition031/032 Self-denial 1 + 2036 God's Intervention 037 Sequence of the Catastrophe 039 The Forerunner of the Lord040 The Antichrist 044 New Banishment 045 The New Earth051 Thus it will come to pass052 God's proclamation to the dying world058 - 062 God corrects misguides teachings and errors 1 - 5064/065 Listen to the Inner Voice066 Jesus' promises 'The measure you give'067 The Adversary's Cunning and Trickery069 Fateful course of Life070a/b Return to God 1 + 2 109 Predictions …. A world shaking natural desaster128 We are only guests on this earth144 Calm before the Storm220 Sola scriptura …. The Objection that the Word of God is concludedE01 God Himself beams the truth to earthE02 - 04 I will guide you into truth 1 - 3S01 Explanation, comfort and help for difficult daysS02 What will happen to the human raceHomepage

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Word of God


When you hear of the death of a worldly ruler you have arrived at the point you can call the beginning of the end. Then the world will turn into a place of fire, flames will blaze high, unbridled hatred will rage and humanity will be gripped by horror as it sees no escape from the inevitable peril.

And then I will urge you to speak, for whilst everything is in uproar great calm will take hold of you as you clearly realise that the time of My appearance is drawing near, and thus you proclaim it to those who will listen to you. People see themselves surrounded by enemies on all fronts and are therefore without hope for a peaceful solution. Hence those without faith in the only One Who can help will suffer immense fear.

Consequently they will only focus on world events…. People will anxiously attempt to provide for themselves as they see the approach of great earthly hardship; they will anxiously try to secure worldly goods and prepare for escape even though it seems hopeless to them. Only the faithful remain calm, and then I will use these to encourage their distraught fellow human beings who despair in their unbelief. I attempt to bring Myself close to them once more, I let My servants talk to them and through them I Myself speak words of love and encouragement. I warn them against escape and not just to consider their physical well being; I demonstrate the futility of their intentions and admonish them to persevere and put their fate in My hands; and thus everything takes it course....

The fire is kindled and people will not extinguish it anymore, I will put it out Myself by opposing it with other elements, by confronting those Myself who want to tear each other apart... And My voice will sound from above… The earth will experience a natural disaster which will tear the fighters apart; they will be faced by a power which neither can match…. The process will only take hours but it will create a completely new situation in the world, totally changed conditions and an initially uncontrollable chaos, utmost earthly hardship and unspeakable grief and adversity amongst people.

Yet you all must endure this, for the end is approaching and many opportunities for purification still need to be created since all people have a shorter lifespan now and need to mature in the shortest possible time... The end is near and as soon as this point is reached you also can, without doubt, soon expect the last day and the Last Judgment, so that may be fulfilled what has been proclaimed in Word and Scripture… Amen

BD 4493
..... no copyright.... free to distribute to spiritual needy001 Who was Bertha Dudde 002 God is still speaking today003 The Question of God004 The Christ Problem005 The Mystery of Man006 God's plan of salvation007 Love - The highest Commandment008/009 You between two worlds Part 1+2010 God answers our Questions about the universe011-013 Souls in the beyond 1 - 3014 Suffering and Healing - Why must I suffer?015 How can I become healthy016 False prophets017/18 God and the churches Part 1 + 2019 The church of Christ020 Incarnation - Re-Incarnations 021 The Inner Voice022 The Right Kind of Prayer023 /024 Pre-Adamites + Adam025 Intellect - Knowledge - Realisation026 Thinking ability and Thoughts
027/028 Freedom of will Part 1 + 2
029 Belief - Disbelief - Superstition031/032 Self-denial 1 + 2036 God's Intervention 037 Sequence of the Catastrophe 039 The Forerunner of the Lord040 The Antichrist 044 New Banishment 045 The New Earth051 Thus it will come to pass052 God's proclamation to the dying world058 - 062 God corrects misguides teachings and errors 1 - 5064/065 Listen to the Inner Voice066 Jesus' promises 'The measure you give'067 The Adversary's Cunning and Trickery069 Fateful course of Life070a/b Return to God 1 + 2 109 Predictions …. A world shaking natural desaster128 We are only guests on this earth144 Calm before the Storm220 Sola scriptura …. The Objection that the Word of God is concludedE01 God Himself beams the truth to earthE02 - 04 I will guide you into truth 1 - 3S01 Explanation, comfort and help for difficult daysS02 What will happen to the human raceHomepage

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Word of God

B.D. 8857
Sept. 21. 1964


I am going to answer all your questions, as soon as you can draw a benefit from it for your soul… For what helps you to the maturity of your souls is the receiving of the answer that bridges the knowledge, which must be an expansion of your cognition, it must fill a space in your knowledge. It should not only assuage a curiosity, therefore, it cannot be a worldly question.

Your thinking to this extent is correct in that each name has its meaning, but you are not capable to fathom this, only then, when you bring one of your own names in connection with the name of a people, whose name I Myself gave.

Then, first you have to become aware of what I Myself have placed into this name. That I chose a people, to introduce Myself amidst of a people to the world as their God and Creator…that I chose a people to embody Myself in. Therefore, I am speaking of the people of Israel, the people, who recognized only one God, and that is why I abided with them. I was not talking about for whom I was not the Saviour Jesus Christ…but I spoke of those instead of them, who acknowledged me, who could call themselves true Israelites, because I was a true Israelite and could rightfully take on this name Myself, because I arose out of the tribe of David, the ancient father of those that believed in Me and therefore followed Me.

Though everyone called themselves Jew, but were more or less without belief, their belief was - because they had no love - not a living one, and although in the temple they taught the faith in one “God”, but they themselves were without faith… And therefore will the “People of Israel” not consist of those whom you term “Jews”, on the contrary, to be understood as those who have a living faith and acknowledge Me; I Who appeared as Jew, because I was a real “Israelite”. And now again the people who, with all zeal, represent Me, who are taught directly by Me, who promote one spiritual well being and therefore, as well belong to My Israelites, to the people of Israel, who in Me recognize their Saviour and Redeemer, who feel connected to Me, who I can speak to at all times. Although it may not happen directly, yet they hear me indirectly. Therefore, they belong to My messengers who carry the gospel into the world. Consequently, I still speak to My People of Israel and denote those, who confess in their acceptance one God, who acknowledge only one God, Who embodied Himself in Jesus.

For it is the works of redemption in which you people must believe, in order to also find deliverance. For this, the one God descended to earth and took on flesh. Yet, He had to prevail against all attacks. For He came unto His own world, and His own did not except him. He suffered and died for the people, and they did not recognized Him because their minds were darkened and did not want to let go of their temple statutes, against which He fought in the fields. And once again we have come this far that He is not being recognized. Again the darkness is so great that it is hard to find the right faith in Me, because the hatred is increasing against the Jews, the closer we come to the end. And everyone who represents Me before the world I will bless, and speak to My people in whichever form it may be.


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Monday, January 12, 2009


Word of God


The will brings forth the deed. The will is therefore decisive although only the deed is the verification of the will. Without the will the deed cannot be carried out; but even without the deed the will has to be justified before God because it manifests the human being’s nature, the impulse for good or for evil. In order to implement the will the human being has to use the energy of life which flows through him, thus he can accomplish good as well as bad deeds, but to do so he always has to use the strength which God Himself has given him.

Consequently, if he commits a bad deed he accomplishes it with the help of divine strength and thus does something for which he is accountable before God. He has, in fact, used his will to increase the strength of God’s adversary with the strength he receives from God because every bad deed is surrender to the evil power and therefore increases it. The human will turns away from God and towards the evil power with every deed which opposes God and bad intention.

If the human will is good, i.e. directed towards God, then he will always use the energy of life to benefit other people. He will be constantly occupied with helping others, i.e. he will allow his will to become a deed. If the deeds are the result of love, i.e. if love causes the human will to become active, then his will is turned towards God. Therefore the will has voluntarily chosen God and every deed resulting from this will is justified before God, and God evaluates this deed in accordance with the ‘will to love’… Amen

BD 2489

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Sunday, January 11, 2009


Word of God


Human free will is the reason for everything people inflict on each other, which so often results in unspeakable suffering and yet is permitted by God. Although His almighty power could indeed prevent it but it would be a restriction of free will if the human being was prevented to carry out what he wants to do. If God took his free will away the human being would be forced back into a state of compulsion. It would be impossible for him to test his free will during his period of life on earth.

A human being has to be able to accomplish what he intends to do, only then can it be said that he has the means of self determination during life on earth. Only when the effect of free will, in a bad sense, is directed against people who are consciously connected with God and who pray to Him for protection, will God prevent the latter from being harmed by bad will, but then the bad will is judged as an accomplished act.

At the moment an endless number of people are subjected to the same ill will, thus they also share responsibility for the suffering of the time… if they approve of actions which result from it. They will not be free from guilt until they reject acts of evil. Condoning an act of evil makes them partly responsible for the suffering that results from it. However, what countless many people consider right, although it is the greatest wrong, will not be reversed by God because people need to understand their wrongdoings themselves or they will always do the same again without recognising their wrong as such.

Nevertheless, this does not mean that God’s justice will not intervene when humanity’s activity becomes so extensive that humanity itself is in danger. But even this intervention is merely to let people’s free will become active again and, in view of the huge suffering, turn towards good… so that the human being now, of his own free will, strives to make up for what he, due to his previous approval, either directly or indirectly has caused himself.

God must permit humanity’s actions, He does not want to determine the will of a human being before making his own free decision. However, when he has finally decided, God will reduce the effects where necessary and permissible without interfering with the free will of the human being… Amen

BD 2044

Friday, January 9, 2009


Word of God


God reveals Himself to people in order to make religious truths available to them by availing Himself of a person through Whom He speaks to all people. He makes Himself known to them, that is, He so discernibly expresses Himself that a person, if he is willing, can attain profound belief in a Being Which is supremely perfect, full of love, omnipotence and wisdom and Which, as creative power, is in closest connection with Its living creations.

His revelations make this perfectly clear, but it is up to the human being to believe it or not; and for this reason His revelations convey what he should believe, nevertheless it will never be proven to him such that he must believe it. It is entirely up to his will whether the knowledge conveyed to him becomes his inner conviction, whether he thereby becomes a believer. And therefore God’s revelations are presented such that they will never signify religious compulsion.

They can certainly be recognised as divine revelations if the human being sincerely desires truth, that is, God; but they can also be made out to be human work, to be human thinking, and a person is entirely at liberty to make up his own mind. But since faith in God is imperative in order to ascend, God will time and again reveal Himself in order to give people the knowledge about Himself, about His reign and activity.

And He appeals to the human being’s intellect to process this imparted knowledge mentally and thereby arrive at the right belief. For as soon as the person discovers correlations which harmonise with God’s nature, that is, which show God’s love, wisdom and omnipotence, he will accept what is offered to him as plausible. And then he will try to establish his own connection with this supremely perfect Being.

And this is the purpose of God’s revelations, so that people who are looking for Him will take the right path and thereby find Him. They should be able to believe as a matter of conviction and this entails that they have mentally processed the knowledge conveyed to them and subsequently acknowledge it as truth. For what God expects people to believe has to be made accessible to them in some form or other. But God Himself can never manifestly speak to them, because it would not be spiritual freedom but coercion, which would not enable people to gain a higher degree of maturity.

Although it certainly would be convincing proof, it would nevertheless be worthless, for then the person would be forced into a God-pleasing way of life, but this has to be the result of profound love for God. For only love can lead to higher spheres, but love has to arise from the heart in absolute freedom of will, if it is to be divine and lead to God. Love is also the key to wisdom, that is, only a loving person recognises the truth, and this is why only a loving person will be able to attain true faith.

But God preaches love through His Word, and everything He proclaims to people through His Word will therefore also be trustingly accepted if love is not excluded. Thus, God reveals Himself in order to educate people to love, in order to make them believe that He can come close to them with His gift of grace which intends to help them towards spiritual progress.... Amen

BD 3377

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Thursday, January 8, 2009



The closer it gets to the end the more violent is My adversary’s activity, and you all will feel it, for no day will pass by without causing you unrest or tasting his treachery in other ways. And nothing else helps but your prayer…. your connection with the One Who is his Lord too, Who defeated him through His death on the cross.

A heartfelt prayer will re-establish the inner peace which he wants to deprive you of. For his power will be defeated when you turn to Me, no matter how much he strives to agitate you. The battles against him become increasingly fiercer for he will not let up pushing you, and time and again I have to tell you that only prayer will protect you from his activity. For then you demonstrate that you are looking for Me and want to be released from him, and then I can use My power against him, I can prevent him from continuing his harassments since then your own will gives Me the right to deal with him.

But in the last days his rage becomes ever stronger, and yet he will not succeed with My Own, with those who desire Me with all their heart and call upon Me for My protection. And whom else would I rather protect than My Own, who always want to be in contact with Me and have offered their services to Me? You just should believe that I also have power over him, that you are not defencelessly left at his mercy and that you will have the strength to repel his every intrusion. And you should draw this strength from My Word, you should always engross yourselves in this Word and you will be surrounded by light which he, however, avoids and you will be released from him.

And don’t allow yourselves to be held captive by the world, for then he can enter secretly and entice you with its goods….

Then he will also have a certain amount of power over you which you won’t recognise since he is able to deceive you. However, in that case I cannot help you, for you hand yourselves over to him and forget about Me, and then you will have to struggle for your inner bond with Me, only then will you realise what it means to have detached yourselves from Me, for once he owns something he holds on to it. But I won’t let anyone fall who seriously desires Me, he will just have to struggle considerably in order to get back to the same level he had previously been on….

Make sure that the adversary will not gain power over you and call on Me in your ordeal, for I Am always willing to help you if your call comes from your heart. Just don’t let the world get the better of you, for then you will be served by the one who is lord over this world, and all I can do is wait until you find the way back to Me…. Amen

BD 8955