Friday, May 29, 2009

Will of resistance to truth (Bible)....

I Appeal to You
... through Bertha Dudde - 4.12.1954

Will of resistance to truth (Bible)....

The poverty of people on earth is such that they are not accessible to God's truth.... They can only find salvation in truth and refuse to accept it.... they oppose it with an extremely strong will of resistance because they are trapped in fallacies and lies.... Only pure truth would be able to enlighten them but people shield themselves from it and yet cannot be forced to surrender their resistance....

This is proof that God's adversary has great power over humanity, and particularly during the period before the end.... it is proof that heaven is suffering violence, and whoever wants to seize it for himself has to use force.

He has to take a forcible step and achieve his separation from all falsehood, all untruth.... he also has to be ready to surrender his knowledge if he wants to receive pure truth. Above all he has to desire the truth with all his heart and mind.... Then he will be able to withstand God's adversary, and then the adversary's power will be broken....

Who gives you humans the assurance that the ancient, adopted records correspond to the truth?

Why do you cling so firmly to the distorted reports of human inadequacy and do not consider the Words spoken on earth by the Lord Himself?....

And His Words can truly be correctly understood if they are not just contemplated by the intellect but also by the heart.... Although His Words can indeed be misunderstood as well they will always allow for the meaning which corresponds to the pure truth....

But this does not apply to the words which were added by human beings to the pure Gospel of Jesus Christ.... Because the meaning of human spoken words becomes fixed.... And human spoken words result and have resulted in serious misconceptions and confusions, but they were equated with the Lord's Words and yet they would only be of equal value if they had been a direct expression of the divine spirit.... However, such words completely concur with the Word of the Lord.... You can severely hurt yourselves if you commit yourselves to words that deal with human nature far too humanly....

You should know that the spirit of analogy was far more prevalent at the time when Jesus Christ lived on earth than today, but people could understand each other because almost everyone knew the key to the parables, and thus metaphorical comparisons were sometimes used as well which, however, at a later time were interpreted word for word by people....

But as soon as you compare the Word of the Lord Himself with every question of doubt you will also understand the meaning of the figurative comparisons.... but you should never give them precedence over the Word of the Lord.... He brought the pure teaching to you humans, He provided you with information, and His Word has still retained its purity, it is merely frequently misunderstood....

But this does not apply to the words which had been added to His pure Gospel, because these did not remain unchanged, and from time to time human will had substituted the expression of the spirit with intellectual thought.... And this resulted in almost imperceptible changes but which completely sufficed in creating confusion.... in giving rise to misguided teachings, which are truly a great danger to as yet spiritually blind humanity....

And this, too, is a reason why God reveals Himself over and over again to human beings, why He, as the eternal truth, repeatedly transmits the truth to earth, why He imparts His Gospel in all purity to those who, in their desire for truth, pray to Him for it and are willing to pass it on....

God's spirit has certainly always conveyed the pure truth to His servants, yet time and again the working of the spirit will be negated by common sense people, because people have free will which God does not infringe upon even if.... spurned by His adversary.... it interferes with the pure truth.

But time and again God will purify what people have spoilt.... time and again the eternal truth Itself will reveal Itself.... time and again the light of truth will shine for those of good will who open themselves to receive its ray of love....


B.D. 6125

— Published by friends of new revelations of God —
Information, download of all translated revelations, theme-booklets at:

I Appeal to You
... through Bertha Dudde - 30.8.1954

New Revelations.... Reason.... Bible....

It is very dangerous when My Word gets wrongly interpreted, when the meaning of My Word becomes distorted and this misinterpretation is then used as a foundation again. For then My adversary will have easy access by confusing people's thoughts more than ever and distance them ever further from the truth.

No-one will ever be able to quote a Word from the Scriptures which proves that the Father will never speak to His children again because He has already declared His will in the Scriptures....

There is no Word which could give people the right to deny new Words of love by God.... there is no Word which would support the opponents of My New Revelations, for I would never have spoken such a Word, because only I know that My living creations on earth will require My Word time and again in order to reach the objective of becoming My children....

I speak to people in different ways indeed, and therefore not every human being needs to hear My voice directly; yet if I didn't speak to people time and again only few would, in fact, reach their goal.... For without the working of My spirit people would be unable to think correctly, to separate truth from error and even to understand the Scriptures correctly....

Thus I also address people when I teach them to think correctly and establish the right goal for their feelings, but whatever a person thinks who is guided by My spirit he will also be able to voice it, and this communication through a human mouth is then likewise a revelation from Me, for then it is My Word which was imparted to the human being by My spirit. For I want to speak to people, and if someone willingly places himself at My disposal by wanting to proclaim My Word to people.... then My Word will be voiced through this person's mouth.... Every true messenger of My Word offers Me the opportunity of revealing Myself anew....

And likewise, I can voice My Word when someone is willing to listen to Me.... when a person attentively listens within himself and desires to be addressed by Me....

Would a loving Father stay quiet when His child desires to hear Him?....

Does My love limit itself?

Am I not a Lord of infinite riches which I Am constantly willing to bestow?

Do you humans want to impose restrictions on Me or deny Me to speak when and to whom I want?

If you believe that I can be present with you, then you also have to believe that I will reveal Myself when I Am with you, and yet you want to argue that I speak to people who want to hear Me.... But I have promised you My presence with the Words

`Whenever two or three of you come together in My name I Am there with you....'

And what will you talk about then?

Will you discuss worldly affairs?

No, you will make Me the subject of your conversation, you will speak righteously, and you will say what I put into your mouth, for I Myself will speak through you so that you recognise My presence.... And thus I Myself will be wherever people unite to hear My Word.... wherever I Am allowed to speak, wherever My spirit can work, and you humans will always receive the same Word since it is your desire to hear Me....

I know how much people need My Word, and therefore I will never stop conveying My Word to you, and I will enlighten people about error and misinterpretation of the Scriptures; I will impart My pure Gospel Myself to those who open themselves to Me, thereby wanting to be of service to Me and their fellow human beings.... for I will bless every good will and every desire for truth, and My blessing consists of speaking to them Myself just as I once spoke to My disciples, and I will give all those who are able to hear Me the task to spread My pure Gospel, for I speak through them to everyone who wants to hear Me....


B.D. 6038

— Published by friends of new revelations of God —
Information, download of all translated revelations, theme-booklets at:


A SEARCH function is available with immediate effect on the Bertha Dudde homepage to search in some 1700plus english translated revelations. About every two month more translations will be added.

..... no copyright.... free to distribute to spiritual needy

001 Who was Bertha Dudde
002 God is still speaking today
003 The Question of God
004 The Christ Problem
005 The Mystery of Man
006 God's plan of salvation
007 Love - The highest Commandment
008/009 You between two worlds Part 1+2
010 God answers our Questions about the universe
011-013 Souls in the beyond 1 - 3
014 Suffering and Healing - Why must I suffer?
015 How can I become healthy
016 False prophets
017/18 God and the churches Part 1 + 2
019 The church of Christ
020 Incarnation - Re-Incarnations
021 The Inner Voice
022 The Right Kind of Prayer
023 /024 Pre-Adamites + Adam
025 Intellect - Knowledge - Realisation
026 Thinking ability and Thoughts
027/028 Freedom of will Part 1 + 2
029 Belief - Disbelief - Superstition
031/032 Self-denial 1 + 2
036 God's Intervention
037 Sequence of the Catastrophe
039 The Forerunner of the Lord
040 The Antichrist
044 New Banishment
045 The New Earth
051 Thus it will come to pass
052 God's proclamation to the dying world
058 - 062 God corrects misguides teachings and errors 1 - 5
064/065 Listen to the Inner Voice
066 Jesus' promises 'The measure you give'
067 The Adversary's Cunning and Trickery
069 Fateful course of Life
070a/b Return to God 1 + 2
109 Predictions …. A world shaking natural desaster
128 We are only guests on this earth
144 Calm before the Storm
220 Sola scriptura …. The Objection that the Word of God is concluded
E01 God Himself beams the truth to earth
E02 - 04 I will guide you into truth 1 - 3
S01 Explanation, comfort and help for difficult days
S02 What will happen to the human race


Thursday, May 28, 2009

Blessings of the last days.... Death before the event.... The beyond....

I Appeal to You... through Bertha Dudde - Whitsun 27.5.1944

Blessings of the last days.... Death before the event.... The beyond....

God will be merciful to those who still recognise their wrongdoing in time and distance themselves from it, but He will inflict severe punishment without mercy on those who are unyieldingly cruel, who have no compassion even for their fellow human beings and thus pass judgment on themselves through their unkindness. And the approaching time will testify of people's depravity, the most unimaginable means intended for destruction will be devised; and people will not hesitate to use these means to accomplish their plans, and humanity's despair will increase. The leaders, as well as their followers who agreed and supported their plans, will be held responsible for everything. For God is just and He passes judgment according to thoughts, words and deeds.... Nothing is hidden from Him; He looks into the human heart and every genuine emotion determines the amount of mercy at its disposal, that it is granted to him when the end has come.... For the end will come without fail.... It will be accelerated by people's behaviour and thus an era will come to an end that would not result in a better human generation even if God extended His patience and offered humanity many more opportunities to change themselves. But they no longer make use of them and thus God will put an end to earthly life....
This period of development was particularly gracious for humanity and could have sufficed completely for its salvation. Although God will support people until the end with remarkable gifts of grace they will be mostly ignored, just as everything in relation to God or the benefit of their own souls will generally not be taken notice of. Thus a longer stay on this earth would be inappropriate, that is, it will only benefit the body but not the immortal soul. Therefore the soul's earthly opportunity will be taken away, but it still has the assurance for further development in the beyond if it does not reject God's Word in the beyond too, and only if it loses its physical life before the Last Judgment, before the end of this earth, and is accepted into the realm of the beyond. Death before this event is even an exceptional mercy for the human being if he has not made his decision on earth. Afterwards in the beyond he will still find ample opportunity to be helpful and serve with love and in so doing continue his interrupted development, indeed he can even start it if he does not refuse to listen to helpful souls. In that case he can regress even further and return into most solid matter, after which he has to repeat the long earthly path before he can embody himself as a human being again. Thus God still has many blessings available before He destroys the old earth but He will not force people's will, and depending on how they accept His mercy they will derive benefit for their souls.... they will remain empty and incapable on earth as well as in the beyond if they ignore and reject all blessings, or they will rapidly achieve higher development by readily allowing every gift of grace to take effect on themselves and thereby receive much more strength. For God is exceedingly gracious and merciful but also just, and He will give to people according to their will....

B.D. 3135

— Published by friends of new revelations of God —Information, download of all translated revelations, theme-booklets at: no copyright.... free to distribute to spiritual needy001 Who was Bertha Dudde 002 God is still speaking today003 The Question of God004 The Christ Problem005 The Mystery of Man006 God's plan of salvation007 Love - The highest Commandment008/009 You between two worlds Part 1+2010 God answers our Questions about the universe011-013 Souls in the beyond 1 - 3014 Suffering and Healing - Why must I suffer?015 How can I become healthy016 False prophets017/18 God and the churches Part 1 + 2019 The church of Christ020 Incarnation - Re-Incarnations 021 The Inner Voice022 The Right Kind of Prayer023 /024 Pre-Adamites + Adam025 Intellect - Knowledge - Realisation026 Thinking ability and Thoughts027/028 Freedom of will Part 1 + 2029 Belief - Disbelief - Superstition031/032 Self-denial 1 + 2036 God's Intervention 037 Sequence of the Catastrophe 039 The Forerunner of the Lord040 The Antichrist 044 New Banishment 045 The New Earth051 Thus it will come to pass052 God's proclamation to the dying world058 - 062 God corrects misguides teachings and errors 1 - 5064/065 Listen to the Inner Voice066 Jesus' promises 'The measure you give'067 The Adversary's Cunning and Trickery069 Fateful course of Life070a/b Return to God 1 + 2 109 Predictions …. A world shaking natural desaster128 We are only guests on this earth144 Calm before the Storm220 Sola scriptura …. The Objection that the Word of God is concludedE01 God Himself beams the truth to earthE02 - 04 I will guide you into truth 1 - 3S01 Explanation, comfort and help for difficult daysS02 What will happen to the human raceHomepage

Destiny.... `Father, Your will be done....'

I Appeal to You... through Bertha Dudde - 11.5.1948

Destiny.... `Father, Your will be done....'

Every individual person's course of life is predetermined and has to be taken without grumbling and complaining if it is to have a favourable effect on the soul. But strong trust in God has to be present too, then every destiny can easily be endured, for it is shaped by God alone according to His will, only He is able to change every situation in life, He is able to change joy into grief but also suffering into joy if he is approached in heartfelt prayer, and He will do so if the human being in childlike trust tells Him of his problems and commends himself to His grace.
A long path has to be travelled from the abyss to the pinnacle, and this path cannot always be even or it would not lead to ascent. Obstacles have to be overcome, mountains have to be climbed, for the goal is up above and every progress is arduous without the assistance of the right guide. And as long as you humans walk with God Himself by your side as your guide, as long as you entrust yourselves to His guidance, you will not travel the path in vain, He will lead you upwards, and with His help you will be able to overcome every obstacle. And the steeper the path the shorter it will be and the higher you can climb; but when you have reached the pinnacle you will be able to look back and be grateful to your Guide Who enabled you to reach the goal, and every adversity will be over.
The more difficult a destiny, the higher the goals set for you and the brighter the light will shine, and all abysmal darkness will be defeated. God, however, is able to make even the steepest path of ascent seem smooth to you if you hand yourselves over to Him as His children, if you accept every sorrowful event, if you always pray
`Father, Your will be done....'
Then He will not let you suffer, even in greatest adversity He will calm your soul and give you peace, He will powerfully work in you Himself and nothing will seem difficult and yet you continue to progress, for your will, your submission to His will, lets you partake of His strength, you will not consider anything a burden to you and always gladly and cheerfully cover your earthly path until the loving Father's hand takes hold of you and takes you into the Father's house, until you have reached the goal and return to the eternal home, into the land of light where no sorrow, no suffering nor adversity exist but only eternal blissfulness....

B.D. 4296

— Published by friends of new revelations of God —Information, download of all translated revelations, theme-booklets at:

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

The servants' mission who receive the Word directly....

I Appeal to You... through Bertha Dudde - 2.9.1944

The servants' mission who receive the Word directly....

My Word can only be directly conveyed to a few people, because only a few believe that I speak to people Myself and because this faith is absolutely necessary for Me to be able to express Myself in a person....
People lack faith in My work, in My omnipotence and love, and thus I cannot make Myself known to them in the Word either, for in order to be able to hear My Word the human being's spirit has to be alive, but this is part of Me, and thus it cannot manifest itself in the Word where I Am not acknowledged, where faith in Me is insufficient. Yet those who hear My Word and to whom I can speak directly are needed by Me on earth, for they have to accomplish a great mission....
They shall let faith in Me arise anew amongst people, they shall strengthen those who are still weak in faith, they shall proclaim Me, speak of My love, omnipotence and wisdom, they shall bring Me close to people and refer them to the Word which they are able to hear themselves. And thus they shall speak on My behalf where My voice is no longer heard....
I Myself want to speak through them because divine activity is not acknowledged, but it is imperative that people should be informed of My will, that they are admonished to live according to My order, that they are informed of the dangers which result in a way of life in opposition to My order, and that love is constantly preached to them so that they will reduce the distance from Me and thus become capable of believing and of hearing My Word themselves.
The number of labourers in My vineyard is not large, for people seek earthly reward for their service; but those in My service have to work for spiritual reward and this remuneration does not appeal to the former. Yet the few who are of service to Me receive far more than they relinquish, for they are the servants of a Lord Who has all the treasures of heaven and earth at His disposal, Who has the power to give everything and Who, in His love, provides His Own with an abundance of everlasting gifts which outshine everything that the earth is able to show.
Those who want to serve Me can be certain of My love, and I prove this love of Mine by speaking to them like a father who speaks to his child, yet in a way which benefits its soul. For not all people are capable of enduring My loving Word if I include My full abundance of love, not all are mature enough as to hear Me audibly; yet merely their will to help Me enables them to grasp My Word, regardless in which form I transmit it to them.
My Word is the token of My love, but My Word is also the evidence of My omnipotence for a person who is still weak in faith. For I, being invisible to you humans, manifest Myself through My Word which is eternal truth and will also be recognised as such as soon as you believe in Me.
But through My Word I also want to provide evidence for the unbelievers by predicting things they will experience and which will thus enable them to recognise My truth. At the same time, I will give them the evidence of My omnipotence too, because the forthcoming occurrence will not be accomplished by people but will be entirely My work and therefore will help many people to believe in Me.
This is why I instruct My servants to mention My predictions far and wide, for My love applies to those who are incapable or weak in faith, and in order to help them I will visibly manifest Myself after announcing it in advance.
I grant the grace of hearing My Word to those who want to receive it, who desire Me and My Word with all their heart and who humbly submit themselves to My will.
This grace, however, enables the person to mature if he allows it to take effect in him.... And My Word is the most effective means of grace, since the soul of anyone who has My Word and lives accordingly is already bound to become fully mature on earth. You should therefore be grateful that you may hear Me through a person who allows Me to speak to him, i.e. who believes in Me, in My work, My love and omnipotence and who therefore listens within to what I say to him.
You should not hear him but instead hear Me in every Word that reaches you, you should let the grace take effect in you, you should become strong in faith and try to motivate your fellow human beings to gain faith as well by informing them of the heavenly Father's concern for His children who have distanced themselves and are no longer able to hear His voice.
But you should receive My servants as My messengers who want to convey the grace of their Lord to you, who want to bring you peace if you are of good will.... Pay attention to their words and you will hear My voice, comply with it and submit yourselves to My will.... My servants, however, are blessed and prepared by Me for their work in My vineyard....

B.D. 3241

— Published by friends of new revelations of God —Information, download of all translated revelations, theme-booklets at: no copyright.... free to distribute to spiritual needy001 Who was Bertha Dudde 002 God is still speaking today003 The Question of God004 The Christ Problem005 The Mystery of Man006 God's plan of salvation007 Love - The highest Commandment008/009 You between two worlds Part 1+2010 God answers our Questions about the universe011-013 Souls in the beyond 1 - 3014 Suffering and Healing - Why must I suffer?015 How can I become healthy016 False prophets017/18 God and the churches Part 1 + 2019 The church of Christ020 Incarnation - Re-Incarnations 021 The Inner Voice022 The Right Kind of Prayer023 /024 Pre-Adamites + Adam025 Intellect - Knowledge - Realisation026 Thinking ability and Thoughts027/028 Freedom of will Part 1 + 2029 Belief - Disbelief - Superstition031/032 Self-denial 1 + 2036 God's Intervention 037 Sequence of the Catastrophe 039 The Forerunner of the Lord040 The Antichrist 044 New Banishment 045 The New Earth051 Thus it will come to pass052 God's proclamation to the dying world058 - 062 God corrects misguides teachings and errors 1 - 5064/065 Listen to the Inner Voice066 Jesus' promises 'The measure you give'067 The Adversary's Cunning and Trickery069 Fateful course of Life070a/b Return to God 1 + 2 109 Predictions …. A world shaking natural desaster128 We are only guests on this earth144 Calm before the Storm220 Sola scriptura …. The Objection that the Word of God is concludedE01 God Himself beams the truth to earthE02 - 04 I will guide you into truth 1 - 3S01 Explanation, comfort and help for difficult daysS02 What will happen to the human raceHomepage

Monday, May 25, 2009

True servants of God.... Instituted words.... Working of the spirit....

I Appeal to You... through Bertha Dudde - 9.11.1962

True servants of God.... Instituted words.... Working of the spirit....

You, who believe in Me and the working of My spirit within you, receive extraordinary knowledge from Me.... And this knowledge obliges you to communicate with your fellow human beings, for you don't just receive it for yourselves, you merely act as mediators between Me and people whom I cannot address directly but who urgently require truthful information in order to be able to fulfil their earthly task. Their will to draw closer to their God and Creator again has to be stimulated, and therefore they must be enlightened about Me and their relationship with their God and Creator.... They know about My will and their task on earth.... Only then can they be held to account as to whether and how they make use of their earthly life. They must also be informed of the process of return they are going through themselves and the reasons on which this is based.... For all this knowledge can help people to reflect about themselves and give their presently purely worldly attitude a spiritual outlook so that their pilgrimage across this earth will not remain unsuccessful but result in their return to Me and to supreme bliss, as was destined for them in the very beginning.

This task of distributing the knowledge conveyed to you from above is your most important work, the implementation of which can lead to tremendous blessings.... I Myself will support any task you undertake on My behalf, for the result could be that I will win back countless saved souls which My adversary has to return to Me if it is their own will. And then these souls will have completed a process of development which has lasted for an infinitely long time already.... but which can be prolonged for an infinitely long time again if the human being fails on earth.... I convey to you, My messengers of light, such extensive knowledge as to enable you to carry much light into the spiritual darkness.... And your fellow human beings need only open their hearts and ears in order to partake in a greater than great treasure of grace which you are permitted to unearth because you want to be of service to Me. You shall only ever distribute the bread of heaven and the water of life, the healing strength of which is true wine for your souls....

Then you will be My true disciples to whom I give this instruction just as I gave it to My first disciples when I took the last Supper with them. Although I handed them food for the body they nevertheless knew that My instruction meant the distribution of spiritual food.... they knew that My Words called them to the teaching ministry, that they should carry My Gospel into the world, that they should nourish their fellow human beings' souls with My Word which they had received from Me and continued to receive through the working of My spirit within them....

Thus I called these disciples and instructed them to go out into the world.... But this instruction first required them to receive from Me the bread of heaven, the water of life, for they were meant to pass on divine gifts and not human ideas which do not benefit the soul. Thus, as long as these proclaimers of My Word and their successors were called to teach through the working of My spirit within them, they were My representatives, My disciples, and therefore the successors of My first disciples who had received the true Gospel from Me.... And everyone can regard himself as My disciple, as successor of the first disciples whom I had called to the teaching ministry.... in whom My spirit works such that he is introduced from within to extensive knowledge which cannot be intellectually acquired.... And even traditionally adopted spiritual knowledge first necessitates My spirit's working in the proclaimer so that he can fully understand this spiritual knowledge and pass it on in a way that it will have a truly beneficial effect on those who are being taught....

Only a spiritually awakened proclaimer of My Word is a true successor to My disciples.... and not those preachers who decided for themselves to make it their career and who believe that they can academically acquire the knowledge with which they then want to work in My vineyard.... These labourers are unsuitable for they have to wait until I call them Myself, prior to this they cannot work properly in My vineyard because I Myself want to work through My spirit in those who are active for Me and My kingdom. And neither can this calling come from fellow human beings, from someone who, in turn, has also taken up his office without an inner calling, who was also made a `servant of God' by his fellow men.... This teaching ministry carries so much responsibility that it truly also requires the qualifications for it and human will or human action can never suffice to confer such an office.... I descended to earth Myself in order to bring My Word to humanity, the knowledge which corresponds to the truth, which grants complete enlightenment and returns a person into a state of realisation which was his share before his apostasy from God.... I brought this Word to people Myself and.... since I was only able to stay for a limited period of time on earth.... chose suitable vessels for Myself whom I filled with My flow of spirit, whom I instructed Myself and.... since they lived a life of love.... to whom I also promised the working of My spirit while they carried out My instructions....

And you humans know that due to people's free will the purest truth can be spoilt if the conditions no longer exist which permit the working of My spirit.... Do you really believe that all people who claim to be My `representatives on earth', who claim to be the successors of My first disciples, displayed the prerequisites which enabled the working of My spirit? And thus the pure truth was no longer guaranteed, for a person who has not shaped himself into a vessel for My spirit can be easily influenced by My adversary, whose sole intention is to always undermine My pure truth.... This is why countless misguided teachings were able to assert themselves without being recognised by them as such.... For wherever My spirit is as yet unable to work darkness still prevails, for only My spirit ignites the light in the human being, for My spiritual spark is love, and love is also light and strength....

As the divine spark of love in the human being.... the spark of God's spirit.... unites with the eternal Father-Spirit a bright light has to shine which no error can endure, because it will be exposed and refuted by the truth from Me, Who will only ever support the pure truth and make it accessible to you humans.... Understand that this was the real meaning of My last Supper with My disciples, that they thus received the instruction to bring the pure truth to people and at the same time mention My act of Salvation and My human manifestation in Jesus, therefore I said: Do this in remembrance of Me.... For only by proclaiming the pure Gospel was it also possible to provide people with the knowledge of My act of Salvation.... And since this knowledge is extremely important I mentioned it with the above Words, for all people who want to become blessed should remember Me.... But as long as precisely these `instituted' words are misunderstood and associated with a completely senseless action there is still profound spiritual darkness in people.... And this I why I now instruct My last disciples again to carry My Word into the world, the pure truth which I was able to convey to them through My spirit `which effectually worketh also in you that believe'....


B.D. 8325

— Published by friends of new revelations of God —Information, download of all translated revelations, theme-booklets at:


Saturday, May 23, 2009

Truth emanates from God himself....

I Appeal to You... through Bertha Dudde - 15.12.1963

Truth emanates from God himself....

Desire the truth.... and truly, this spiritual request will be granted to you. But don't search for this truth in books which are based on human intellect again, which are purely intellectual thoughts.... assumptions, for which no evidence can be provided. For as soon as you assume that people are capable of ascertaining the truth by themselves, you are mistaken, because pure truth originates from Me alone, as I Myself Am the Eternal Truth. Therefore I say, request the truth from Me, sincerely appeal to Me for it and you shall receive it. The truth, as I want it to be understood and which you should request of Me, is a wealth of knowledge of a spiritual nature.... It is knowledge which extends into spiritual spheres and which can never be substantiated by evidence.... it is the knowledge of your existence, its reason and purpose.... it is the knowledge of the Power Which brought everything into existence and of the relationship between you humans and this Power.... It is the knowledge about the nature, reign and activity of this Power, Which has created everything that exists.... It is impossible for any human being's intellect to provide a truthful explanation of this, such an explanation can only be given by the Eternal Truth Itself.... Hence you have to ask It yourselves. It is I Who can and wants to give you an answer because I Am the highest Authority and also the Love, Which wants to please you, My living creations, with this knowledge. But I can only reveal Myself to those who sincerely desire truth.... yet they will not ask Me in vain to impart the truth to them....

However, only a few people have this sincere desire.... Mostly they are indifferent or they unreservedly accept what is given to them by their fellow human beings who also merely use their intellect but cannot guarantee that their reasoning was guided correctly. Not many are interested in the basic questions relating to their existence as human beings, and the belief in a God of love, wisdom and might is not always strong enough to ask Him for enlightenment. The pure truth, however, can only emanate from Me, and their wrong attitude towards Me, their God and Creator, is the reason why people live in error and devoid of all truthful knowledge and thus don't make use of their earthly life which could lead them to perfection.... Their indifference towards truth is a side effect of the human souls' immense immaturity, for they are still dominated by My adversary who tries to prevent everything which could provide people with clarification, because he doesn't want to lose them and can only control them as long as their spirit is dark, far removed from the truth; but only truth leads people to perfection, truth alone is beatitude, it is a light which illuminates the darkness of night that is spread across the earth....

I Myself Am the Truth, and thus anyone who knows the truth is closely united with Me.... As long as you humans are not truthfully instructed you lack the light for your earthly path of life.... Admittedly, you keep walking, but where is the path leading to without truth?.... It can only lead into the abyss, whereas you will irrevocably ascend if you take the path of truth, for this is brightly illuminated and leads you to the goal, to Me Who is Eternal Truth Itself. And I Am truly always willing to guide you into truth, as I promised when I lived on earth.... I will reveal Myself in My love, wisdom and might to every person who simply desires in his heart to hear Me, to be guided into truth by Me.... This is the most important prayer you can send to Me, for this plea demonstrates your serious will to return, it also proves to Me that you acknowledge Me as your God and Father, and it is a spiritual request which will surely be granted.... For as soon as I can convey the pure truth to you, you will also learn to get to know and love Me in My nature.... And I want your love, I yearn for your love which is only deep and pure if you, through the conveyance of pure truth, know about everything, your origin and past relationship with Me and the goal which shall unite you with Me again.... Then love will ignite in you and you will push ever closer to Me and thus can also be guided into ever more profound knowledge which will make you extremely happy.... You will learn about My eternal plan of Salvation, about the Father's love for His children and the great work of return, for which every single person can also offer Me his services.... You will learn to love Me.... And this love will make you blissfully happy, for it will lead to the final union with Me, to eternal life.... Yet only the truth leads to the goal and thus you humans should strive for the truth, you should lovingly hand yourselves over to Me and let yourselves be taught by Me, and then you will indeed be instructed by Me, your God and Father, Who knows everything and Who thus can and wants to teach you everything because He loves you....


B.D. 8700

— Published by friends of new revelations of God —Information, download of all translated revelations, theme-booklets at:


Thursday, May 21, 2009

Assessing religious dogma.... Divisions.... (II)

I Appeal to You... through Bertha Dudde - 17.6.1944

Assessing religious dogma.... Divisions.... (II)

Intellectual knowledge acquired by the human being without prayer to God for spiritual enlightenment is incomplete and therefore cannot be described as consistent. Hence there can still be unsolved issues and these in particular give cause to doubt because different supporters also explain them differently. It is now self-evident that the different results also have to be assessed by anyone who only wants to accept the truth. Human knowledge is never above reproach, and that controversial issues always relate to human knowledge, human interpretations, is obvious from the fact that it is disputed, because pure truth originating from God is always the same and will never show different results.

A person without good will and a desire for truth will receive God's transmitted truth incorrectly as his thoughts are subject to evil influences which confuse him and render the truth incomprehensible; on the other hand, a person who genuinely strives for truth also questions misguided knowledge. It does not give him complete assurance of truth and thus he evaluates it, provided he is not prohibited to do so and unconditional acceptance is demanded of him which is, however, at all times and without question Satan's doing. For it will never be an injustice before God to sincerely seek the truth, and that the human being should form an opinion of what is presented to him as truth is part of it. Nor should the human being be guided by other people's idea of truth but form his own judgment, particularly when he is expected or offers himself to distribute knowledge and teach other people.

God does not deny His help to the human being who humbly asks for His mercy, but whether the highly respected dignitary of the world or the scientist holding a worldly elevated position, be it in a spiritual or secular office, bends himself in deepest humility before God as the sole Provider of truth and thus complies with the first condition for its receipt has to be doubted, if his teachings do not offer flawless explanations or are in contradiction to each other. Error exists for as long as there are divisions and different interpretations because there is only one truth, and to ascertain this truth the human being will have to make contact with the eternal Deity Himself, he will have to ask Him for spiritual enlightenment and by a God-pleasing way of life become worthy of being taught by Him directly.... However, God knows how and in which way He shall teach the human being who strives and prays for truth but the end result will always be pure truth since it is God's will that His living creations shall live in truth, hence He also enlightens them in accordance with their will....


B.D. 3159b

— Published by friends of new revelations of God —Information, download of all translated revelations, theme-booklets at:

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Assessing religious dogma.... Divisions.... (I)

I Appeal to You... through Bertha Dudde - 15.6.1944

Assessing religious dogma.... Divisions.... (I)

Few people understand the value of divine revelations and thus rarely accept the messages unconditionally.... Consequently, numerous opportunities are not utilised which results in limited knowledge and often deadlock where progress could have been made. People's spiritual ignorance could be resolved, their state of darkness could be turned into enlightenment, and yet they prefer the night and shun the light, they are still in opposition to the world of light which caringly gives to everyone who places their trust in it. This is due to a lack of faith in God's mercy and His willingness to help people when they are in need. Nevertheless it is a proven need and consists of the fact that countless misconceptions prevent people from understanding God correctly, from loving Him and from revealing this love by gladly helping other people. This need consists of a dead faith which will fail when it is tested, because when the human being has to make a serious decision he can only stay committed if he is firmly convinced that his knowledge and faith are more valuable than what opposes him. For this reason faith and knowledge have to concur, i.e. whatever a person should believe has to be credible and reveal wisdom when he seriously reflects on it. God does not demand to believe something that he could not accept after serious consideration. Whatever appears to be unacceptable, whatever - after serious examination - lacks wisdom, has to be a human addition to what God has demanded to believe.

However, the credibility of dogma is apparent by the love it emanates, by God's love for everything He has created; consequently, love and wisdom indicate a divine being which cares for His living creations. And thus every religious doctrine can initially be assessed from this perspective. It has to be said that anyone willing to teach is first of all duty bound to make such an assessment, since he should only teach what he himself has identified as truth. This prerequisite is usually disregarded and for that reason alone significantly supports the spread of errors. Every teacher has to be fully convinced of what he teaches. And conviction can only be gained after serious assessment. Then the teacher can safely pass on what he has recognised as true to people who are less able to make such an assessment but who, if taught correctly, nevertheless can know that the teaching is credible because it confirms God's love and wisdom to them. Those who genuinely want to evaluate dogma will not lack the ability to think if they want to know the truth, on condition that the examiner also lives within love, otherwise he cannot represent the truth but has to represent errors and lies since, due to his unkindness, he has given himself to the one who fights against God.

In view of this it is understandable that and why an initially pure and unadulterated teaching given to people has been considerably changed, why it was not possible for written records to remain authentic, because serious assessment of their credibility and truth was evaded by the demand to categorically believe everything that was being taught. Pure truth will stand up to any kind of investigation and thus remain unchanged. But divisions occurred in due course, different schools of thought and their individual doctrines constantly offered the opportunity of comparison, and had they been compared with divine wisdom and love, every serious examiner could have known which doctrines were human work and should have been denounced as misguided beliefs. Consequently, the people who were capable of verifying the truth but failed to do so and unscrupulously passed on doctrines which on closer examination they should have rejected, are mostly to blame and will also be held accountable. As a result they had spread errors and lies.

However, there have always been people who, of their own accord, had undertaken such assessments and as reformers tried to change the old doctrines. And again, it depended on their degree of maturity how much they were living in truth and could convey it as such.... Hence, time and again human beings had been given the opportunity to form an opinion about religious doctrines, since due to the disputes between different schools of thought, due to the divisions within the church, they were made aware of the different teachings but nevertheless it was demanded that they had to be believed. Now the intellect and the heart had to become active if an evaluation were to be carried out, and that required the person's will and his desire to know the truth. Every follower of a doctrine supports his doctrine and yet different doctrines cannot claim to be the truth as there is only one truth. And every human being should endeavour to acquire this truth.... Thus it is indeed absolutely essential for a human being to form a personal opinion about every religious instruction otherwise it cannot ever become his spiritual possession even if he supports it with words. But then such words are not an innermost conviction, since conviction absolutely necessitates mental deliberation and this thought process can only be correctly guided by appealing to the divine spirit.

However, if teachers offer the pure truth a person will find it much easier to gain inner conviction if he reflects on it himself, while it takes a stronger will and desire for truth to identify misguided teachings as wrong. And this is why the teacher is wholly responsible if he, due to his own indifference or negligence, fails to carry out an assessment and spreads spiritual information of which he is not completely convinced himself. For if he has offered himself for teaching work he may only teach what he himself - after serious assessment - considers to be acceptable, otherwise he sins against those who believe to receive wisdom from him and whom he urges into wrong thinking with misguided teachings. Furthermore, it is his duty to encourage people to evaluate the teachings too so that they, in turn, may gain conviction, or a living faith, and become able to differentiate between error and truth....


B.D. 3159a

— Published by friends of new revelations of God —Information, download of all translated revelations, theme-booklets at:

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Fight with the sword of the tongue.... Truth....

I Appeal to You... through Bertha Dudde - 15.3.1953

Fight with the sword of the tongue.... Truth....

Take up the fight against everything that is spiritually opposed to you, fight with the sword of the tongue, for it is a holy battle.... you are fighters for Me and My kingdom. And whatever is spiritually opposed to you when you represent Me and My Word before the world is directed against Me. My pure Gospel shall be proclaimed to people, this is why I sent My disciples into the world to teach all nations.... Only through the pure Gospel, only through the truth, were they able to acquire the kingdom of God, for the truth proclaimed Me and showed the path to Me. As soon as the truth gets distorted the path to Me also gets uneven, I can no longer be properly recognised and people's goal becomes indistinct and will not longer be aspired to.... If the path to eternal life shall be shown to people again, then the truth must pave the way to it first, people must be able to clearly and distinctly recognise Me, only then will they strive towards the right goal again, they will be able to reach Me and attain beatitude and everlasting life....

I Myself Am the way, the truth and the life.... And you, whom I have chosen and educated as My disciples in the last days, you know the truth, you have received it from Me Myself, and you also know how dangerous error and lies are and how much spiritual adversity people suffer who are not instructed in the truth. This is why error and lies are My great enemy and also yours who live within the truth. And this is the enemy you shall fight.... Time and again I give you this task that you shall argue for Me and My teaching, that you shall fight with the sword of your tongue.

Although you will find many enemies who will support their wrong doctrine with conviction, yet you will also be able to counter their misguided teachings with the pure truth and win every time, providing they are not obvious followers of the prince of darkness and don't really want light and truth, that they don't fight for what they had accepted as right but only for themselves and their power.

Your sword will truly be razor-sharp, for you will be able to refute everything that is wrong, the Words will be put into your mouth, My spirit will guide you, thus I Myself will be at your side as your commander-in-chief and the truth will be victorious indeed but can also cost the enemy many victims who would rather perish than abandon their error as not to lose their power. They are not interested in the pure truth; instead, as My adversary's representatives they rather aim to darken the light with which they are confronted. Consequently they will be the victims of this battle which, however, has to be fought out at the end of this time, for the prince of darkness will finally declare war on Me, he will try to dethrone Me with lies and defamation. And then you shall face up to him, I want to speak through you to those who are controlled by My adversary, and I also still want to show them the path which leads to the goal, to eternal life which, however, can only be taken by means of the truth....


B.D. 5627

— Published by friends of new revelations of God —Information, download of all translated revelations, theme-booklets at:

Monday, May 18, 2009

Tradition.... Sacraments.... Sacramental effect....

I Appeal to You... through Bertha Dudde - 10.1.1957

Tradition.... Sacraments.... Sacramental effect....

It is surely not to your credit if you humans allow your thoughts, actions and will to be determined solely by traditionally accepted views, if you do not seriously form your own opinion whether and to what extent such views are justified and to what extent they must only be regarded as the result of human thoughts. People are expected to attain perfection on earth.... and this is such a serious matter that everyone should earnestly investigate it. In that case, however, he will also have misgivings as to whether the demands made upon him are justified, and he will begin to question whether those traditions actually originated in Me, whether they are based on pure truth or on a truth that became spoilt in due course. Because a serious will to attain perfection on earth will certainly to raise such doubts.... especially when it relates to very spoilt doctrines, for then I would place such doubts into a person's heart Myself in order to guide him from a state of darkness into the light.... It cannot be denied that so-called 'traditions' contain much spoilt information, since so many customs and bad habits, as well as wrong doctrines, have been derived from My doctrine, which I Myself preached on earth, so that the pure Gospel of love.... the essence of My doctrine.... has been pushed into the background whilst human additions are claiming foremost attention.

And people allow themselves to be captivated by it, they make every effort to comply with the demands and dare not change old traditions and customs which are, however, of no benefit whatsoever for the development of their souls. Nevertheless, they cannot be excused since every human being is able to think and thus also has the duty to reflect on the doctrines which determine his fate in eternity. He should take his life on earth more seriously and not believe that I will be content with completely worthless performances.... which also include the `receiving of sacraments', which are no sacraments at all....because only what a faith awakened by love may receive from Me directly can have a sanctifying effect, thus when a union with Me has been established through love. Then a person will be so abundantly blessed by Me that he will be able to reach perfection on this earth.... Then all sacramental blessings will manifest themselves in the person..... He will receive the baptism of the spirit.... in turn he will be a teacher and messenger to his fellow human beings; he will always be allowed to partake of the bread from heaven, of My flesh and My b1ood.... Closely united with Me he will be alive with wisdom and love since he will no longer be burdened by the guilt of sin which was forgiven him for the sake of Jesus Christ, Whom his loving heart recognised and now acknowledges before the world. He will be filled with My spirit.... because he has come alive through his love and his faith. However, he cannot receive these blessings by performing traditional duties.

It is certainly good to guide the thoughts of a child towards the purpose of its life on earth and its task.... but it should never be taught to perform lifeless rites, instead it should always be taught to love. And a person's spiritual development entirely depends on his attitude to this doctrine of love.... He can only attain perfection through a life of love and only this will yield the sacramental blessings. Because every human being has to strive for his perfection entirely voluntarily, but he will be prevented to do so by demands and commandments which are supposedly My will. Since he should attain life.... he also has to be alive in his thinking, his will and actions. Every kind of formality, however, will destroy this life and something purely external cannot achieve an inner change. But every person is responsible for his soul himself, and he will have no excuse in the future that he had been wrongly informed, for every person who earnestly strives for perfection will also be given the opportunity to receive the pure truth from Me, providing he has the desire to gain Me and My kingdom and always wants to live in accordance with My will....


B.D. 6732

— Published by friends of new revelations of God —Information, download of all translated revelations, theme-booklets at:

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Various schools of thought.... Pretended worship....

I Appeal to You... through Bertha Dudde - 27.11.1963

Various schools of thought.... Pretended worship....

It is just like the time when Christ descended to earth.... People's thoughts are just as confused, they advocate the same misguided teachings, they believe to possess the sole truth and yet they are living right in the midst of falsehood.... Now, as then, they uphold their hollow creeds even though all vary from each other, each creed endorses its own point of view and each one is convinced that it can lay claim to the truthfulness of its teachings. And the number of schools of thought has grown considerably, there are not just a few opposing each other but a great variety of opinions has created a great variety of faith communities which all endeavour to win supporters and fanatically insist on the doctrines they endorse....

Hence it is essential that people receive the truth, that they at last learn what God expects from people.... It is essential that God's will is revealed to them so that they learn to recognise that the fulfilment of His will is the meaning and purpose of life on earth.... However, every church or spiritual movement teaches that it proclaims God's will and still the various creeds differ. At the time of Christ's descent to earth people prided themselves just like today on practicing various customs, the divine service was fanatically performed and lacked spirit so that people did not establish any heartfelt contact with their God and Creator....
And the same happens nowadays: a formal religious service giving due consideration to all rites and customs, demonstrating to the world the union with God whilst the heart of the individual is far removed from this heartfelt bond with Him....
It is just pretence and deception, there is no longer any truthfulness in people's way of life.... They solely belong to the physical world, and even if they want to give the impression of a relationship with God they only perform lifeless formalities which do not touch their souls.
And you, who receive the truth from God, shall challenge this pretence of worship and remember that even Jesus during His life on earth did not support those who upheld wrong doctrines and tried to justify their pretence of worship as the only one pleasing to God and who condemned everything that contradicted their teachings. Nowadays people will not want to part with the doctrines handed down to them by people either and will therefore always remain in error, because they refuse to accept the pure truth which can only be granted to them from above.... from the Eternal Truth.
Yet such a gift of grace requires free voluntary acceptance.... The truth cannot be forcibly conveyed to people who are unwilling to accept it. And therefore it is difficult to root out misguided teachings even if these are substantiated and amended to them as being wrong. There will only ever be a few who will be open-minded to what God Himself conveys to people, because they don't want to acknowledge such evident working of God.... because they have no knowledge of the fact that God pours out His spirit over those who willingly open up their hearts to Him for the receipt of His pure truth....
Prior to Jesus' descent to earth, before His crucifixion, the pouring out of the spirit upon a human being was not possible, and therefore the world was full of error.... However, after His death on the cross truth could find access to mankind and it became possible to fully enlighten people as to whether and when their thinking was erroneous, it was possible to instruct them through the spirit and they could rid themselves of all error.
Yet there was never any coercion and this is why time and again error could creep in and be advocated as truth and passed on with such tenacity that it is difficult to convince people of their wrong thinking, and thus they will always resist accepting the pure truth from God and giving up their misconceptions. And still, for the sake of truth itself everything has to be tried to make people change their points of view.... everything has to be tried to motivate them to think, everything has to be done to impart the pure truth to them, for they can only reach the final goal on the path of truth....
As long as they remain in their wrong thinking they will not be able to partake in the bliss of the kingdom of the beyond, which can only ever guarantee enlightenment....
Only truth grants light, therefore truth alone leads to beatitude, for countless beings can be made happy with it again and happiness in the spiritual kingdom consists of the giving of light. This is why you humans must not fall victim to wrong thinking, this is why the truth is offered to you time and again, this is why everything will be done on the part of God to turn your thinking in the right direction, yet you yourselves need only have the will to live in truth.... For it is not as important on earth as it is in the kingdom of the beyond that you know the truth, because you cannot be happy there without truth, and even if you ignore your dark state on earth.... it will nevertheless torment you in the beyond, because only light is beatitude and light is only ever emanated by the Truth, by God Himself, Who is the eternal Essence of light....

B.D. 8686

— Published by friends of new revelations of God —Information, download of all translated revelations, theme-booklets at:

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Canonisation.... Community of Saints ....

I Appeal to You... through Bertha Dudde - 21.2.1939

Canonisation.... Community of Saints ....

Being so securely protected you will truly not run the risk to offend against divine will, because countless spiritual beings are making an effort to safeguard the success of this work and your spiritual well-being and thus also guarantee their protection, so that you may receive what is spiritually offered to you, unimpeded and without hesitation. Many a question shall still be answered for humanity through you, many a problem shall be resolved and many a doubt removed, and thus your devotion and diligent work will constantly be required. The more willingly and joyfully you do this work, the easier it will be for the helpers in the beyond to make themselves understood, and thus a message is intended for you today which concerns a very controversial subject:

Canonisation is arousing the indignation of many a person, since it is, from their point of view, an interference with divine law and divine judgment. But those who felt entitled and destined to establish a community of Saints have in fact assumed to possess a competence of judgment which undoubtedly far surpasses human abilities. Because they will never be knowledgeable enough.... to conduct such canonisation in complete lawfulness. What do people know of another person's inner life?.... Only God can look into a person's heart, only He alone is able to measure the earthly child's degree of love.... Only He can dispense in accordance with merit and knows to judge the innermost nature, the maturity of soul....

Hence people established an unlawful spiritual community which as such became the centre of admiration and prayers, which truly cannot have been intended by the Heavenly Father, because it is more likely to result in the earthly child's separation from the Father than in a heartfelt relationship with Him. The human being no longer approaches the Heavenly Father Himself in prayer but attempts to reach his goal through intercession, and this will always hamper the right relationship with the Father. The spiritual beings who take care of you are certainly always chosen by God for this office, they also stand by you with all their spiritual strength, they guard and protect you and are constantly concerned for your spiritual advancement; however, it depends on God's will as to who is chosen for your protection, because you humans would not have the right knowledge to decide whom to turn to in order to mature spiritually and to obtain the greatest benefit for the salvation of your soul. When people on earth presume to anticipate the eternal Deity's judgment, when they feel entitled to canonise or to condemn, it is similar to an anticipation of divine Judgment.... it is a supposedly irrefutable testimony of an honourable way of life which is pleasing to God, the evidence of which, however, can never be produced by a person....

As long as he lives on earth the human being will err, and therefore his judgment will not be irrefutable either. Anyone who outwardly portrays himself to live in a God-pleasing way is very often still far removed from it within himself, and equally, a person passing by unnoticed in earthly life will very often be enlightened, with a pure inner life and a heart that became love on earth. And so people should not wrongly assume a right to which they are not entitled, because this canonisation is not beneficial for humanity, rather it is misleading those who are seeking the truth....


B.D. 0783

— Published by friends of new revelations of God —Information, download of all translated revelations, theme-booklets at:

Friday, May 15, 2009

No one will enter the kingdom of heaven who pays homage to the world....

I Appeal to You... through Bertha Dudde - 13.12.1953

No one will enter the kingdom of heaven who pays homage to the world....

To pay tribute to the world is to forfeit the kingdom of heaven, since the human being cannot gain both at the same time. And anyone who pays homage to the world will not endeavour to attain the heavenly kingdom either, for he will only recognise the earthly world and its attraction and not believe in a kingdom beyond this world. And yet the path to the kingdom of heaven has to be taken through this earthly world, it cannot be avoided, for the human being lives in this world, he has to cover the last stage of his development on earth, in midst of the realm which belongs to God's adversary. But he can overcome this kingdom, he can pass through the earthly world without allowing himself to be extraordinarily impressed by it, without coveting it with his senses.... he can experience it and yet be its master....

And it is your task to overcome the world, for it was given to you as a means for your soul to become fully mature therein, to detach itself voluntarily from everything pertaining to the world, because this separation is at the same time also a separation from the one who is lord of this world, and a turning-towards the spiritual kingdom and its Lord.

Hence it is understandable that anyone enslaving himself to the world will never be able to take possession of the spiritual kingdom, neither in earthly life nor after the human being's death.... it is understandable that the lord of the world will keep him tied up because the human being gives him the right to do so himself, for the separation from his power, the separation from the material world, has to be endeavoured and accomplished by the individual himself.

He has to wage battle against himself; he has to be able to go without in order to gain something valuable, he has to resist all temptations during his short lifetime on earth in order to then take possession of the spiritual kingdom with all its glories, which will compensate him thousand fold for his renunciation on earth.... And he will only do so if he recognises the irrelevance and impermanence of what he deems desirable on earth. Only this realisation will give him the strength to change his will correctly, and he can gain this realisation by merely contemplating the material world.... For he cannot be forced to change his will.... he can only be prompted by experiences into inner contemplation, at which point the result is up to him.

And God can only help him by time and again demonstrating the fleeing nature of things, that He allows the destruction of what the human being loves on earth, that He intervenes by affecting him painfully, taking from him what his heart is set on.... just to point out to him how worthless the goals of his endeavours are.

But those who learn from such experiences can consider themselves fortunate, for they will gradually change the direction of their will and relinquish the world in order to occupy the spiritual kingdom one day.... But no one should believe that he can make compromises, no one should believe that he can pay homage to the world with impunity.... All striving will have an effect after his death, and if it related to the world then it will result in spiritual death, then he will have relinquished the spiritual kingdom for the sake of earthly gain and the world will have brought him death.... Then he will have handed himself over again to the power of the one in the abyss, and the path of ascent will yet again take an infinitely long period of time....

B.D. 5825

— Published by friends of new revelations of God —Information, download of all translated revelations, theme-booklets at:

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Heaven and hell....

I Appeal to You
... through Bertha Dudde - 17.11.1948

Heaven and hell....

I will not let anyone who gives himself to Me as My Own fall ever again. But anyone who remains in opposition to Me is in great danger of losing the strength of My love completely and becoming hardened in his fundamental substance, an extremely agonising condition which I would like to prevent. This truth, which has not been concealed from humanity from the start, resulted in the concept of `heaven and hell', of a blissful and a wretched condition, which in people's imagination is a limited space, until ultimately the real truth.... the condition.... became less important in their imagination and only the place remained, visualised by fantasy in every conceivable way. This gave way to many misguided thoughts so that the truth is now completely distorted and the human being no longer has any knowledge of what heaven and hell really mean.

Life and death are heaven and hell.... Busy, joyful activity in the most brightly radiating light is life.... Weakness, helplessness and deepest darkness are death.... And every condition can continually increase in both directions until the final aim, blissful union with Me or deepest descent, infinite distance from Me, has been reached.... Inconceivable is the bliss of the former, inconceivable is also the torment and suffering of the condemned, who languish for eternities and have no strength for redemption. It is these souls you should consider....

It is a misguided teaching that there is no salvation from hell, that these souls are eternally condemned by Me.... It is not I Who condemns them but they themselves who have chosen damnation, not I Who pushed them into the abyss, but they themselves aimed towards the deepest point. However, My love leaves nothing so far away forever and therefore there is even salvation from hell, since I died on the cross for these beings too and accepted their guilt, because My love is greater than My wrath, than My justice. Even hell will have to let go of its last victims, i.e. even the hardest matter will be disintegrated one day, freeing the spirits within for the purpose of ascending to life.... Because hell, as you humans imagine, does not consist of an eternally blazing source of fire, it is not a place which contains the condemned.

Hell is an indescribably agonizing condition, a condition which starts on earth when people do not acknowledge Me, hence they disassociate themselves from Me and remain without the strength of My love. They certainly continue to live their physical life without Me and as yet do not feel the weak condition, which their distance from Me entails, as torment, but as soon as their bodily life is over the agony starts: the consciousness to be completely without strength and yet to exist....

It is still possible at first to let go of the resistance if the soul listens to the advice of knowing beings, but these opportunities are rarely valued and the soul descends ever deeper, the distance to Me gets ever greater and the weakness increases until the final hardening takes place.... the new banishment into most solid matter..... Then an infinitely long developmental period will have passed unsuccessfully for the spiritual substance which was once bound in matter and then set free as a human being in order to voluntarily strive for shedding every physical restraint. That it has failed is his free will because I truly do not withhold direct admonishments and warnings. But hell has a far greater attraction than heaven.... and the human being strives with utmost zeal towards matter again which the soul had long overcome. And therefore it is also his fate.... matter will once again be the shell for the spiritual substance which had failed its final test of will.

Hell has opened its gates wide, and countless souls will enter the darkness voluntarily..... Hell will triumph, i.e. its prince will have, as far as numbers are concerned, great success, but I will extort all these souls from him by placing them into the new creation again, and at the same time remove My adversary's every power over these beings by banishing him into the center of earth.... that is, he will be given the hardest cover as a constraint, which he will be unable to leave again until the will of humans gives him power once more, by people desiring material goods and increasingly distancing themselves from Me again. Then he will fight for the souls again and this contest will be permitted so that the souls can prove themselves by choosing between Me and him, because without the right decision no person can achieve blissfulness....


B.D. 4488

— Published by friends of new revelations of God —
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Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The concept of "hell" .... Renewed banishment .... God s infinite love ....

I Appeal to You
... through Bertha Dudde - 7.9.1956

The concept of "hell" .... Renewed banishment .... God s infinite love ....

Even the most depraved living creation is a child of My love. Therefore it also has My unabated care to return to Me one day, even though it will have to travel a far longer path in order to bring itself into line with Me and My fundamental nature. But I will not let it fall, and whatever can be done on My part will be done by Me in order to help the creature to recognise and change itself. However, the distance is often so vast that the opposing force has greater influence and My illumination of love remains ineffective. For this reason it may also take eternities until it comes a little closer to Me but I will never abandon it ....

However, when we talk about hell this relates to an accumulation of such depraved living creations in the beyond, which had already passed through earthly life with negative results and which continued to descend ever further in the beyond because they submitted themselves to My adversary anew .... Therefore, before a renewed banishment of the creations on earth takes place, which always signifies the beginning of a new era of Salvation, these adherents of Satan move within spheres where they can indulge in their most evil passions, where they inflict all kinds of evil deeds on each other and where constant fighting and arguing prevail and where they always try to draw weaker beings into their domain .... hence where they, on instructions of My adversary, act such that they will sink ever deeper.

These places have no boundaries; hell is, in a manner of speaking, wherever such deeply fallen beings congregate, where they rage against each other .... on account of which one can also speak of on earth of hell and of states of hell when evil-minded people are hostile towards each other and wreak all kinds of havoc. All these beings are nevertheless My living creations on whom I take pity and whom I would like to release from their sin and their bondage to My adversary, for they are still wholly under the influence of the one who rose up against Me and who also incited all of his created beings to revolt against Me so that they, too, apostatised and became wretched.

But they had also been My children because they emerged from My strength which permeated My adversary without limitation and which enabled him to create these beings in the first place. Therefore My love also belongs to these beings no matter how deep they have sunk .... which will now also explain to you humans why a new creation of earth will have to take place. For I Am just as concerned about these unhappy creatures in the deepest abyss as I Am about the people on earth .... I also want to prepare a path again for those which have already languished under My adversary s control for an infinitely long time; I want to wrest them away from him and constrain them once more in solid matter so that their path will go upwards again, so that the immense resistance they still offer Me will slowly wane ....

My love for those having descended remains unchanged and will never diminish either, but there is no other way to demonstrate My love than through a renewed banishment into earthly creations, there is no other way to achieve success or their return, therefore it follows that a transformation of earth is necessary, as I always and forever proclaimed to you. Only love determines My every activity and reign throughout the universe, even if you humans are unable to detect love therein .... Sooner or later you will understand My plan of Salvation and give thanks and sing your praises to the One Who also guided you out of darkness and death, Who wants to give happiness to all beings which emerged from Him .... and Who, with invariable love, also considers those which require His love most urgently because His adversary is keeping them enslaved .... Amen

B.D. 6638

— Published by friends of new revelations of God —
Information, download of all translated revelations, theme-booklets at:


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Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Community of `Saints'.... Intercession pointless....

I Appeal to You
... through Bertha Dudde - 10.6.1948

Community of `Saints'.... Intercession pointless....

You humans need considerable support from the spiritual world if you want to survive the last battle on earth, and this help is at your full disposal in every way by just asking for it. For this reason it should be explained to you what kind of help will be given to you and how you can request it.

There exists, as you humans call it, the community of Saints, which helps you; but it is necessary to explain the term `Saints' to you if you are to be truthfully taught and free from wrong notions.

The beings of light are people's most faithful guides and helpers who are always ready as soon as they are called. But their assignment to people is determined by God in His wisdom, just as He, corresponding to their degree of perfection, also permeates the spiritual beings with light and strength.

People, however, are unable to assess another person's degree of maturity and therefore have neither the right nor the ability to elevate him to sainthood, because only God knows the quality of his soul when he, having been liberated by physical death, enters the spiritual kingdom. Only God knows the relationship the person has had with Him on earth and to what extent he acted with love.

Loving activity is the decisive factor and could have given him light and strength in abundance while still on earth, enabling him to do extraordinary things on earth if he wanted to. But in the beyond God reserves the right to guide mature souls to the sphere of activity which corresponds to their degree of maturity. He allocates to them the activity in the spiritual kingdom, just as He determines what kind of help should be given to people on earth.

The beings of light have abundant strength, they can achieve anything because they work with God and in accordance with His will since they are constantly permeated by His strength. But the being of light moves entirely within God's will too, i.e. it cannot want anything but God's will since it has already established the union with God and is therefore totally absorbed in His will. However, since it possesses great wisdom it also recognises the inexpediency of many people's petitions and therefore also has to refuse when a fulfilment would be detrimental for the soul.

Helping people is a state of happiness for the beings of light, for this reason God allows people to request help from them. But it is not right to call upon specific Saints, because their activity and task could be entirely different and people, in their ignorance, might appeal to a being which is still far from perfect and then, due to their petition, become subject to and get unfavourably influenced by it.

Because those who are called will appear, they immediately seek to get close to the caller and try to impose their thoughts on him, which might not correspond to the truth.

Besides, the canonisation by people is mainly dependent on a way of life conforming to a church community, i.e. where piety is a prerequisite, although never demanded by God it is insisted upon by that church, and in accordance with the latter the canonisation takes place, which can never be the will of God. Consequently, not everyone canonised may be a being of light, whereas there are many beings of light in the spiritual kingdom whose way of life in fact corresponded to God's will but did not conform to the rules of an ecclesiastical community.

All beings of light possess God's strength which they want to use, thus people were entrusted into their care whom they should and can help to reach perfection, providing human will is not opposed to it. Appealing to the beings of light will never be in vain, whereas calling upon specific beings may be good but could also be harmful even though help is expected from them. However, the idea to gain intercession by the beings of light is misguided....

Prayer is an appeal to God. It establishes the relationship between the human being and God, which is requested by God Himself because the appeal demonstrates that the person's will is directed towards Him. Thus in people's opinion, the beings of light, which are already in closest union with Him, are supposed to establish this relationship with God. This would relieve the person from establishing the relationship himself which, however, is purpose and goal of his earthly life, because only the contact with God provides the influx of strength without which the soul is unable to mature fully.

But the being of light cannot convey strength to the person, because even in the spiritual kingdom are laws which have to be observed by its inhabitants in the knowledge that they were given by God's love and wisdom. The beings are willing to help in every instance and in accordance with God's will, consequently the human being has to please God's will first in order to be considered by Him directly or through the beings of light, which truly will never leave anyone without help if God's will approves.

Hence the appeal for help to the beings of light will never be in vain, but an appeal for intercession is futile. Because the child itself should trustingly approach the Father so that the Father's love can give Itself to the child, and because this intimate relationship will never be established if the human being believes that he can also reach the goal through intercession.

God is a God of love. He does not want people frightened to come to Him, He wants to be the Father of His children and not a strict judge and ruler. People try to please the latter through intercession but approach the former trustingly, and God asks for this trust from His living creations, because His infinite love belongs to them and He will also fulfil their every prayer....


B.D. 4328

— Published by friends of new revelations of God —
Information, download of all translated revelations, theme-booklets at:

Monday, May 11, 2009

Antichrist.... End....

I Appeal to You... through Bertha Dudde - 30.1.1946

Antichrist.... End....

The spirit of the Antichrist has been in the world since Jesus Christ accomplished of His act of Salvation. He has constantly attempted to undermine His act, he has always and forever fought Jesus' followers, he has always and forever driven people into heartlessness, thus he has actively opposed Christ's will and teaching on earth, partly by means of spiritually confusing people's thoughts and partly, in human appearance, clothed in a gown of knowledge and intelligence.

The teaching of Jesus Christ was opposed by a human teaching at all times which aimed to weaken it, thus it was antichristian, and this has always been Satan's work, the work of forces from below which intended to cause people's desertion from God or to obstruct their way to Him. And this antichristian activity is steadily on the increase and will be blatantly self-evident before the end.... Satan himself will be active on earth in human form, the Antichrist in person, whose activity will be extremely ominous for the whole of the human race. For he will initiate laws which aim to eradicate spiritually-minded thoughts, which will prevent all spiritual endeavour and intend to entirely secularize people. And this will be the last work of the one who fights against God, for he will be transgressing the limit of his authority, which is relentlessly punished by God....

The change of worldly events will be rapid, extensive worldly changes will occur in short succession and a ruling power will come to the fore by wanting to direct the state of affairs of all nations and, instead of order, will cause utter disorder. For his regulations will first and foremost apply to the suppression of all faith. He will find many supporters on earth, and that will be the sign for the End. For people won't resist it but will almost unanimously profess and celebrate him as a hero and victor whose goal they acknowledge and consequently also support.

And this will be the start of the most difficult time for believers. It will seem incomprehensible to them what is going on in the world, it will seem incomprehensible to them that God's love and patience allow His most sacred name to be slandered and ridiculed and Jesus Christ's followers to be ostracized and pursued in a most brutal way. Yet they penetrate the truth of the divine Word ever more, which has predicted all this, and thus they also faithfully commit themselves to God's guidance.

The Antichrist rages in a most frightening way, he dazzles people by the actions he implements with support of strength from below.... Satan himself works through him as the opposing spirit of the One Who works in the living creations of love and faith, in people, who love God above all else and firmly believe in Him and thus have to suffer great adversities due to God's opponent.
People will pay homage to him, they will erect altars, they will proclaim him as the Messiah bringing salvation to them, for he will achieve feats which will impress people, yet they will not be works of love but mere activities of arrogance and craving for power. He will work as a human being, try to explain his strength as human strength and oppose and deny everything that is divine, that points to and testifies of God. And his willpower will be rock hard....

He will give orders, and anyone resisting his command will be destroyed by him.... He will seek to prohibit all teachings of Christ, all knowledge of Him and His act of Salvation, he will try to drag everything through the mud and regally reward those who assist him in his quest against Christ, just as he, full of hatred, will also take actions against His followers....

The Antichrist's stature will be recognisable by its external good looks, by his physical strength.... for Satan conceals himself so as not to be recognised for who he is. And his extraordinary abilities will draw humanity's attention to him, there will be no end of admiration. He will reside on earth in external splendour and grandeur, in contrast to Jesus Christ Who lived inconspicuously amongst his brothers, devoid of all earthly possessions with a love-filled heart for his fellow human beings.

But the Antichrist's heart will be callous and unemotional towards all worldly hardship and yet humanity will jubilantly applaud him, blinded by his external brilliance and strength. He will appear suddenly and unexpected at a time of utmost earthly adversity and, with strong hands, promise relief, seize power and authority without meeting any resistance, because people only pay attention to the harsh conditions on earth and ignore this hero's spirit, who will want to distinguish himself and, with the help of like-minded people, elevate himself as a ruler. And then the end will be near.... For the resulting battle of faith will be the prelude to the entire work of destruction of earth.... It will only last a short time but with such intensity that it will require an extremely strong faith as not to succumb.

Yet once again God Himself will confront His adversary.... For He is in spirit amongst those who fight on His behalf, and the Antichrist runs in vain against the bastion of faith.... And he will fall from his throne into the mire of damnation....

His government will not last long but will cause unspeakable misery amongst the whole of humanity which will predominantly support him and abandon all faith in God, which will believe his earthly implementations and will thus finally also share the damnation, for it will be subject to God's adversary and therefore also share his fate. And this will be the End....

Jesus Christ will remain victorious and His church will continue to exist for all eternity....


B.D. 3672

— Published by friends of new revelations of God —Information, download of all translated revelations, theme-booklets at: