Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Word of God


It is impossible for you to generate your own thoughts but you are able to pick-up and make use of thoughts flowing to you. For the thought is a spiritual emanation of strength, which you will understand if you consider that you are certainly capable of thinking about what is presented to you in some form or other but that you will not think about something that is entirely unknown to you until you have been touched by a ray of thought which, however, cannot originate in yourselves.

On the other hand, however, it is possible for everyone to mull over and resolve problems if he accepts the influx of thoughts from the spiritual kingdom, but this will never be proof that he generates these thoughts himself….

When I brought you to life, when I externalised you from Myself as independent living creations I nevertheless established a connection between Me and you, which consisted of the fact that I spoke to you and you were able to reply…. And you were able to feel as well as hear these Words….

The feeling was the ‘thought’ which you audibly perceived as ‘Word’.

But then, due to your ‘thinking ability’, you were able to form an opinion about this thought or Word and reply to it according to your will…. or continue on your own to think about the thought you had received, you are able to form or shape it as you want, thus more or less develop it further in either direction, judging the thought sent to you either correctly or incorrectly….

This is the thinking ability I granted to you as created beings in order to communicate with you, again, according to your will. Something must exist first, only then will you be able to deal with it. And I Myself Am the primary cause of everything in existence…. Everything originates from Me, regardless of whether it is the life of the creature or the blissfulness of the most elevated spirits…. And thus ‘the Word’, too, originates from Me, which first appears as thought in the human being but has to be voluntarily seized by the person. And then he will be able to deal with it and use it according to his will.

Thus, intellectual thinking cannot generate a thought but it can choose and receive the thought currents surrounding it. The intellect can deflect or pick-up inflowing thought waves, which can be easily understood if you compare it to the transmission and reception activity developed by you humans in radio technology…. The transmissions come forth from a higher Will or Being and can be received by every person but do not forcibly impose themselves if a person opposes them: And because this is determined by the person’s will, the will is influenced from a good as well as an evil side….

You should know that you are always surrounded by all kinds of thought waves.... by those coming from Me, which are conveyed to you by the world of light that works according to My will, but also by those which certainly originally emerged from Me, yet which, through deliberately using strength in order to oppose Me and their thinking ability, were shaped adversely and are now also sent to you by this power…. once again demanding your will, which can accept but also reject them.

And so you are also able, by virtue of your free will, to use the thought currents from the world of light wrongly, that is, your thinking ability can take a negative attitude towards these thoughts if you hand yourselves over to the adversary by isolating yourselves from Me. The beings of light will never abandon you, they will always try to influence you, but they cannot prevent you from taking My adversary’s side. However, were you unable to give the thoughts sent to you from the world of light another direction, you would not possess free will either, you would more or less be compelled to think correctly and no error would exist in the world….

Thus, you must use your thinking ability, you must form some kind of opinion of what first affects you as a thought…. And that gives you the impression that you ‘create’ the thoughts yourselves…. In that case, however, your ‘thinking’ would be very restricted, it would constantly revolve around the same thing, around that which can be seen by your eyes and touched by your hands, because you are also physically limited. But that which is limitless in you.... your soul…. is indeed in contact with Me and constantly receives the evidence of belonging to Me….

It can also make unrestricted use of My influx according to its will…. this is why the human being by virtue of his thinking ability is also able to do what he likes with the thoughts sent to him…. thus he can think correctly or wrongly…. And the guarantee for correct thinking is offered to him by Me Myself, he need only make conscious contact with Me. If he fails to do so he is subject to My adversary’s influence, and then darkness prevails over light…. and everything the human being does in this dependence on him will be wrong and opposed to My divine order…. Amen

BD 6963

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Related Link:bertha-dudde.info - prophetic word received through Bertha Dudde http://www.bertha-dudde.info/english/ebiogr.htmlBertha Dudde - Chronological lists of all translated Revelations - 1 http://www.bertha-dudde.info/english/wordofgod/07_html/en_1000.htmlBertha Dudde - Autobiography http://www.bertha-dudde.info/english/ebiogr.htmldownload all revelations .txt document: http://www.bertha-dudde.info/english/edown_in.php?nummer=14Bertha Dudde - Index Theme-Booklets -http://www.bertha-dudde.info/english/ebooklets.htmAudio books english:http://www.akademijavjecnogproljeca.org/dudde_eng_audio_frame.html

Sunday, March 29, 2009


Word of God


You can distinctly hear the voice of the spirit in you providing you want to hear it and mentally make it known to God yourselves, since this mental expression of will enables you to receive thought transmissions from the spiritual kingdom. You cannot receive information unless you yourselves desire to receive it, but God responds to every heartfelt desire and gives to you in accordance with your degree of maturity and will. However, you have to observe the thoughts which approach you in a variety of ways when you ponder spiritual problems.

They will affect you differently, appear to be acceptable or unacceptable to you and, providing you had prayed for enlightenment of spirit first, you can safely accept or ignore what you feel is right. Then you can follow your feelings and you will accept what is right but dismiss what is wrong. Thoughts from the spiritual world affect you in proportion to the strength of your desire for truth, so that a person who genuinely desires truth remains unaffected by wrong thought currents. In that case the influence of misguided forces is no longer sufficient to captivate a person, since the beings of light have free reign and the human being readily opens himself to their thought transmissions.

You have to practise this process of spiritual activity, i.e. you have to pay more attention to your inner life, withdraw into solitude more often, and if you would like clarification about a problem, spend a longer period of time in thought. However, this exercise always needs to be preceded by heartfelt prayer in order to establish a connection with God and thus also with the spiritual forces, who work in accordance with his will and whose actions consist of transmitting utmost truthful spiritual knowledge.

This sincere connection protects you from contact with misguided forces who, understandably, endeavour to cloud and confuse your thoughts, because the battle of darkness against light and vice versa forms the basis of everything and will still continue for eternity. But anyone who acknowledges God as the most loving, wise and omnipotent being, who consciously enters into contact with this supremely perfect Being, who constantly strives to fulfil His will and then, having fulfilled these conditions, desires to know the pure truth, will not be left by God to fall prey to the forces of darkness….

God Himself will instruct him and the human being need only open his heart, listen inwardly and consider his thoughts, and he will truly be on the right track and receive clarification when he desires it. Because God, the eternal truth, also wants to convey the truth to his living creations, but God, the eternal love, also requires the human beings’ will to shape themselves into love too, and anyone who endeavours to do so also aspires after truth, since God, love and truth are unthinkable without each other.

And thus every human being who is willing to love and desires the truth is also able to hear the voice of God, Who expresses himself through the spirit in a person…. mentally or, in a state of advanced maturity, also vocally. And a person always receives the same truth, which is totally synonymous with the Word, which is directly transmitted by God’s great love to people on earth through awakened servants and prophets, who have voluntarily offered their service to Him in order to help erring souls in utmost spiritual hardship. For there is immense spiritual darkness and people urgently need help if they want to become perfect... Amen

BD 3732


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001 Who was Bertha Dudde 002 God is still speaking today003 The Question of God004 The Christ Problem005 The Mystery of Man006 God's plan of salvation007 Love - The highest Commandment008/009 You between two worlds Part 1+2010 God answers our Questions about the universe011-013 Souls in the beyond 1 - 3014 Suffering and Healing - Why must I suffer?015 How can I become healthy016 False prophets017/18 God and the churches Part 1 + 2019 The church of Christ020 Incarnation - Re-Incarnations 021 The Inner Voice022 The Right Kind of Prayer023 /024 Pre-Adamites + Adam025 Intellect - Knowledge - Realisation026 Thinking ability and Thoughts027/028 Freedom of will Part 1 + 2029 Belief - Disbelief - Superstition031/032 Self-denial 1 + 2036 God's Intervention 037 Sequence of the Catastrophe 039 The Forerunner of the Lord040 The Antichrist 044 New Banishment 045 The New Earth051 Thus it will come to pass052 God's proclamation to the dying world058 - 062 God corrects misguides teachings and errors 1 - 5064/065 Listen to the Inner Voice066 Jesus' promises 'The measure you give'067 The Adversary's Cunning and Trickery069 Fateful course of Life070a/b Return to God 1 + 2 109 Predictions …. A world shaking natural desaster128 We are only guests on this earth144 Calm before the Storm220 Sola scriptura …. The Objection that the Word of God is concludedE01 God Himself beams the truth to earthE02 - 04 I will guide you into truth 1 - 3S01 Explanation, comfort and help for difficult daysS02 What will happen to the human raceHomepage http://www.bertha-dudde.info/english/index.html

Saturday, March 28, 2009


Word of God


To consciously listen within oneself furthers spiritual development to a great extent, for this enables the direct acceptance of strength from the spiritual kingdom. It demonstrates the will to make contact with the spiritual sphere, that is, with God, and where this will exists there is also the guarantee that God will draw close to a person, that He will reveal Himself, mentally or through the voice of the spirit which, however, can only be heard by a person who has prepared himself for receiving spiritual gifts. But he will be greatly blessed....

A source will be opened up to him from which he can constantly draw a delectably refreshing drink, God Himself will offer him a gift which is bound to advance his higher development because it originates from God and acts as a means to totally unite the person with God. An incredible wealth of grace will be made accessible to him, everlasting treasures which come from the spiritual kingdom and which the person will be able to take across into the spiritual kingdom in order to work with them there for his own happiness and for the salvation of innumerable souls in need.

The spiritual wealth accepted by a person through the inner voice is often so extensive that he is unable to fully understand and use it, nevertheless, he will be inconceivably happy in the spiritual kingdom, for the extent of his wealth also determines his activity and the degree of his bliss. He accepted the divine gift of his own free will, he has voluntarily worked at shaping himself into a receiving terminal for the strength of the spirit, and this will is blessed by God…. He lets His spirit take effect in the person, He imbues him with strength and grace, He grants him unlimited knowledge and guides him into eternal truth…. But He can never ever offer this delectable gift to a human being who does nothing in order to make himself receptive, who neglects to work at improving himself or who refrains from consciously listening within…. For imparting spiritual wealth to him would signify compulsory faith and the soul’s maturing against his will, but this would contradict the divine law of order.

To someone who remains in private communication with God, who asks Him and waits for the answer and thus also consciously listens within, He will speak mentally, He will steer the person’s train of thought in the right direction, He will instruct him according to his faith and his spiritual maturity. For every connection with God through prayer or thoughts inclined towards Him opens the heart to the influx of strength from the spiritual kingdom, and the person can always be endowed with strength and grace, he becomes a receiving vessel for the divine spirit as soon as he believes in the working of the spirit, in God’s working within the human being.

This faith is the prerequisite in order to become receptive; otherwise, the human being will not consciously listen to that which the voice of the spirit proclaims. And this faith is only rarely to be found, consequently, the working of the spirit manifests itself only rarely too. This is also the reason for humanity’s spiritual hardship, because it ignores the source of life from which it would always be able to refresh and fortify itself. The human being cannot mature without a spiritual flow of strength, he cannot advance but instead remains at the same stage of development. However, spiritual strength can only be conveyed to earth from the spiritual kingdom and therefore requires a connection between the spiritual kingdom and earth, which needs to be voluntarily established. Where this will is absent humanity is weak, the souls suffer spiritual hardship and cannot receive help….

For this reason God avails Himself of a human being who fully consciously makes himself available as a mediator between the spiritual kingdom and Earth…. who, with profound faith in God’s working through the spirit, attunes himself as a receiving terminal, who prepares himself as a receiving vessel for the divine spirit due to his will to help his fellow human beings and to be of service to God. And thus divine gifts of grace flow to him without measure…. the spring of divine wisdom pours into this vessel for the benefit of all who drink from it, who do not bypass the source of eternal life but refresh and strengthen themselves on their journey through life. Their path of ascent will be an easy one, they will travel it by holding on to God’s hand and thus safely reach the goal, for His gift is delectable and guarantees spiritual success for everyone who accepts it from His hand…. Amen

BD 3612

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Addresses Related Link:bertha-dudde.info - prophetic word received through Bertha Dudde http://www.bertha-dudde.info/english/ebiogr.htmlBertha Dudde - Chronological lists of all translated Revelations - 1 http://www.bertha-dudde.info/english/wordofgod/07_html/en_1000.htmlBertha Dudde - Autobiography http://www.bertha-dudde.info/english/ebiogr.htmldownload all revelations .txt document: http://www.bertha-dudde.info/english/edown_in.php?nummer=14Bertha Dudde - Index Theme-Booklets -http://www.bertha-dudde.info/english/ebooklets.htmAudio books english:http://www.akademijavjecnogproljeca.org/dudde_eng_audio_frame.html

Friday, March 27, 2009


Word of God


There will be a great desire for spiritual nourishment as soon as the earth’s upheaval has taken place but it will merely be temporary; motivated by the serious hardship people are at first willing recipients and God’s Word shall provide them with comfort and strength. They will certainly recognise it as the Word of God, they will be faithful, but only for a short period of time. Because the world and its demands become more important again and they forget their hardship, thus they also forget Him Who allowed this hardship to happen. Their thoughts and aspirations only seek to re-establish the old life-style and they find it inconvenient to observe the commandments presented to them by the Word of God.

Consequently people agree with the actions against the faith and its followers and only a small group will hold on to the Word; only a few people will stand firm against all confrontations and remain loyal to God and the faith. And yet the earlier desire shall be fulfilled to the utmost extent; God’s Word shall be offered to human beings wherever possible so that many people will receive knowledge of it, since during the subsequent battle of faith everyone will once again be divinely reminded of it. The believers will be full of strength and accomplish extraordinary deeds, and find the strength for this entirely in their profound faith.…

And even disbelievers will be able to recognise the power of faith because they had been introduced to the teachings of Christ beforehand and much becomes clear to them as they witness the proof of what they had been told. God leaves no option unused, He leaves no stone unturned, and wherever people can yet be helped He will help them, providing they are willing. And God will instruct many servants to speak in accordance with His will where it concerns the spreading of His teachings and to inform people of the forthcoming event.

The battle of faith is unavoidable and will be conducted as never before. And the stronger people adhere to their faith the more brutal the adversary will proceed to annihilate it completely. But the believers have great strength too and can endure much, because God Himself will give them strength, because He strengthens them with His Word and because He will always be with those who defend Him and the faith before the world. You should tell people of this in advance, you should inform them of the coming battle of faith, you should tell them about the strength of faith and the strength of the believers whose leader in the battle against the world is Jesus Christ Himself.… And many from the opponent’s side will join, many will become faithful in view of the things which take place.… For God Himself will work through His servants on earth in order to save what will not entirely oppose Him.... Amen

BD 2880

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Addresses Related Link:bertha-dudde.info - prophetic word received through Bertha Dudde http://www.bertha-dudde.info/english/ebiogr.htmlBertha Dudde - Chronological lists of all translated Revelations - 1 http://www.bertha-dudde.info/english/wordofgod/07_html/en_1000.htmlBertha Dudde - Autobiography http://www.bertha-dudde.info/english/ebiogr.htmldownload all revelations .txt document: http://www.bertha-dudde.info/english/edown_in.php?nummer=14Bertha Dudde - Index Theme-Booklets -http://www.bertha-dudde.info/english/ebooklets.htm

Thursday, March 26, 2009


Word of God


People who deem themselves too superior to call upon God for help are furthest away from God…. they are neither able to believe in a helpful and omnipotent Power nor look at prayer as a bridge which leads to the divine Deity…. who therefore will not establish a connection either and are thus totally on their own if they are faced by difficulties which earthly help cannot resolve. For if a person cannot find the path to God in this adversity he demonstrates that he still remains in blatant opposition to God, that earthly life has not yet gained him higher development, that he therefore is still in a very poor state if he has to give up his earthly life. He has not yet made a conscious effort in order to attain a higher level. And since he does not appeal for it in prayer he also lacks the strength to do so.

And yet, even these people ought to sense the blessing of prayer, for they will be able to discover a perceptible softening of their nature as soon as a fellow human being prays on their behalf. Intercession can achieve very much and most of humanity could be redeemed by now if one would appeal to God for love and grace on behalf of the other. Then the wilful rejection would not be so immense anymore, for God grants every prayer which reveals unselfish neighbourly love if the gift of realisation for a fellow human being is being appealed for. God’s infinite love is instantly willing to fulfil such a prayer because it testifies to love for another person. However, the distance to God is only reduced through love, and if the being itself fails it can still be helped on earth and shown the right path through intercession.

The further away a person is from the eternal Deity the more inconceivable the thought of help is to him. And therefore he will not turn to God in prayer either. But since a change of thinking can only be achieved though heartfelt prayer, a person should not miss any opportunity to sincerely pray for his fellow human being who is still of weak faith.

The power of prayer is tremendous and a person can achieve anything with a devout prayer, and it especially affects spiritual states, that is, the person will relinquish his resistance regarding all spiritual matters, he will become reflective and think about what he previously adamantly rejected and will then arrive at a different result than before.

A person who prays on behalf of his fellow human being for spiritual enlightenment has extraordinary influence over the latter which demonstrates itself by the fact that he is willing to listen to what is imparted to him, even if at first he was opposed to it, that he thinks about it and, if he later remembers it, that he will gladly and happily accept it. And thereby the distance to God will be diminished. Heartfelt prayer results in immense strength and must therefore take effect on his fellow human being as soon as this prayer is applied to him.

This is why people who are distant from God are not hopelessly lost, for as soon as someone can be found who recognises their great spiritual hardship and would like to release them from it he has an effective means at his disposal…. the intimate intercession with God, which is very beneficially felt by the previously incorrigible person so that he cannot ignore this love. And he will be guided onto the right path and still attain realisation, if only after a very long time; but he is not hopelessly left at the mercy of the enemy, instead the beings struggling for good will remain victorious and help redeem the person from the state of being far away from God…. Amen

BD 2172

http://www.berthadudde.de/download/down_in.php?nummer=15..... no copyright.... free to distribute to spiritual needy001 Who was Bertha Dudde 002 God is still speaking today003 The Question of God004 The Christ Problem005 The Mystery of Man006 God's plan of salvation007 Love - The highest Commandment008/009 You between two worlds Part 1+2010 God answers our Questions about the universe011-013 Souls in the beyond 1 - 3014 Suffering and Healing - Why must I suffer?015 How can I become healthy016 False prophets017/18 God and the churches Part 1 + 2019 The church of Christ020 Incarnation - Re-Incarnations 021 The Inner Voice022 The Right Kind of Prayer023 /024 Pre-Adamites + Adam025 Intellect - Knowledge - Realisation026 Thinking ability and Thoughts027/028 Freedom of will Part 1 + 2029 Belief - Disbelief - Superstition031/032 Self-denial 1 + 2036 God's Intervention 037 Sequence of the Catastrophe 039 The Forerunner of the Lord040 The Antichrist 044 New Banishment 045 The New Earth051 Thus it will come to pass052 God's proclamation to the dying world058 - 062 God corrects misguides teachings and errors 1 - 5064/065 Listen to the Inner Voice066 Jesus' promises 'The measure you give'067 The Adversary's Cunning and Trickery069 Fateful course of Life070a/b Return to God 1 + 2 109 Predictions …. A world shaking natural desaster128 We are only guests on this earth144 Calm before the Storm220 Sola scriptura …. The Objection that the Word of God is concludedE01 God Himself beams the truth to earthE02 - 04 I will guide you into truth 1 - 3S01 Explanation, comfort and help for difficult daysS02 What will happen to the human raceHomepage http://www.bertha-dudde.info/english/index.html

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Word of God


Don’t allow yourselves to be deceived, because the adversary constantly seeks to keep you in darkness and to obscure the light from above. He tries to trap you with lies and falsehoods and thereby render you unreceptive to the absolute truth. He is always plotting to obscure your vision, to confuse your senses and to shroud the essence of the eternal Deity, and uses means which are difficult to discern as Satan’s work of deception if the sincere will for pure truth does not exist. He feigns piety towards people, his appearance is that of an angel of light because the people themselves desire radiance and splendour and can only imagine divine glory as external magnificence. He feigns the illusion of God’s glory when he finds gullible people who derive pleasure from it. And through them he spreads lies and misleading notions and thus obscures the thoughts of human beings. They accept the falsehood and reject the pure truth which God Himself sends in plain form to earth…

And thus the lies and fallacies spread much faster than the truth, because this is what people themselves want and because those who spread falsehoods work in the guise of being a representative of Christ’s teachings and hence find approval everywhere. Satan works with cunning and force... He uses human beings who do not sincerely desire the truth, and they are his slaves because they do not sincerely desire God either, Who is the eternal truth Himself. And thus Satan, the lord of falsehood, has an easy time. Human establishments can only be of lasting value when God’s support is called upon. And God wants to be called upon in spirit and in truth, otherwise He will not listen. This excludes every outer formality; all kinds of ceremony, splendour and grandeur prevent the right kind of prayer, prayer in spirit and in truth… He who takes notice of external events will find making an inner connection with God very difficult, because the adversary will always step between him and God, divert his attention and capture his senses with external impressions. And therefore do not look for God in grandeur and splendour, do not look for him in surroundings where earthly matter has its greatest effect… This is the field of God’s adversary and he works it with success.

God reveals Himself in secret, He reveals Himself in people who are lowly and humble. He reveals Himself in those who shall speak on His behalf because His revelations apply to all of humanity and the individual person merely serves as His tool through which He speaks to the people Himself. His revelations primarily aim to spread the truth and to proclaim His will, adherence to which results in eternal bliss for the human being. Through seers and prophets He will also announce the end of the world and draw attention to the signs of the last days. It is His will that humanity be given the relevant information, that no one shall claim that they have not been reminded and warned when the end takes them by surprise. These seers and prophets will always be human beings with profound faith and love, otherwise God’s adversary will choose people to work for him and find their approval. Consequently particular attention has to be paid to the conduct of those who call themselves God’s servants, whether it complies with God’s will, with His commandments.

But then the revelations should also be believed. God works in silence, albeit in a clear and remarkable way, yet not in miracles which would force people to believe, just as He excludes all outward show because He is not trying to win over the people of the world with splendour and grandeur, but He wants to turn their hearts away from that worldly light of deceit. Worldly people have to be able to explain unnatural events by natural means, otherwise they would be forced into believing, which God would never sanction. And thus only profoundly devout human beings will have extraordinary revelations when God’s love wants to award those and He wants to reveal Himself to them. However, public miracles compel people to believe and they would not progress spiritually because fear of God can never take the place of love which the human being has to feel for Him in order to join Him. But miracles only cause fear in the immature person and never love...

Nevertheless Satan does use such means; in this manner he wants to prevent human beings from loving God, and his work shall be unhindered where there is a lot of sinfulness and where human beings are seldom introspective but worldly-minded instead. But even there he appears under the cover of piety. He pulls the wool over people’s eyes, stopping them from seeing clearly and thus exercises his influence. This is further aided by false representatives of Christ, who deem themselves destined to spread His teachings but who are not sufficiently living in truth themselves to separate lie and falsehood as such and to exclude them. Because he works with cunning and power... God, however, is love, and only love flows from His revelations and cultivates love. And thus you should apply this standard... Truth is where love is taught and practised because there is God Himself … But where the light of the world shines too brightly God’s adversary makes himself known… And his activity is falsehood and opposes God even if he tries to appear in a disguise of light. Anyone whose will is turned towards God knows him in spite of his disguise, and he is destined to warn his fellow human beings of the false prophets who will always appear when people are in need but who will even worsen spiritual hardship instead of reducing it. And God calls out to people: Beware of false prophets because the last days will be used to work against God, against the eternal truth… Amen

BD 3580

Yes, you do have permission to send this message to family, friends and other spiritual needy. "... freely ye have received, freely give." There is no copyright but make sure not to cut off or add or change any word!Tell them they too can subscribe free by emailing to:WordofGodEndtimeProphecy-subscribe@yahoogroups.comAddresses Related Link:bertha-dudde.info - prophetic word received through Bertha Dudde http://www.bertha-dudde.info/english/ebiogr.htmlBertha Dudde - Chronological lists of all translated Revelations - 1 http://www.bertha-dudde.info/english/wordofgod/07_html/en_1000.htmlBertha Dudde - Autobiography http://www.bertha-dudde.info/english/ebiogr.htmldownload all revelations .txt document: http://www.bertha-dudde.info/english/edown_in.php?nummer=14Bertha Dudde - Index Theme-Booklets -http://www.bertha-dudde.info/english/ebooklets.htm

Saturday, March 21, 2009


Word of God


There is a set limit to how far people can go in their conduct towards what My creative spirit has brought forth. Thus, as soon as they presumptuously want to change natural creations, every one of which was given its purpose by Me, then people’s attitude towards Me becomes irrational, they underestimate My wisdom and My might, believing themselves able to dismiss both and thereby sin against Me Myself as well as against what I have created. And then the limit I have set will be transgressed, and thus humanity will destroy itself, because their scholars will draw the wrong conclusions and the consequences of their experiments will be disastrous.

People believe that they have the right to explore everything I kept hidden from them in recognition of their immaturity for such knowledge…. The earth in its core is and will remain inexplorable for people until the end. Furthermore, forces of gigantic power are kept bound by Me in the earth’s core so as not to endanger the earth’s continued existence, only that eruptions ensue from time to time to allow these powers a brief outburst in order to give spiritual substances capable of development the opportunity to take shape above the earth and thus start their path of ascent. These forces unleash themselves with My approval, and therefore their effects are intended in My eternal plan of Salvation.

The extent of an eruption will always be limited when it happens in accordance with My will, but human determination will never be able to stop it, human will can never be the cause of it since no-one is able to explore cause and effect. Yet in the last days people will presumptuously penetrate the earth deeply for reasons of research in order to release unfamiliar energies with the intention of utilizing them profitably, and won’t consider the fact that they lack the knowledge and intellectual capacity for such experiments.

Hence they will have no respect for My works of creation, they will penetrate an area which is quite naturally closed to them and wanting to investigate it can be called an impertinence, from a purely earthly point of view. But from a spiritual point of view it will mean entering the territory of the lowest spirits whose banishment I recognised as necessary and which will then therefore be unlawfully invalidated by people, that is why revoking My eternal order will have unimaginable consequences.

Their manipulations will aim to utilise earth forces against which every resistance gives way, and which therefore can be used for all experiments. But people won’t consider that these forces are capable of disintegrating everything within their reach…. they won’t take account of their power against which human will and intellect are futile. They will open locks which can never be closed again once they have been breached, for the area people want to enter is unfamiliar to them and they don’t know its laws…. The earth’s core cannot be researched in this way and every such attempt will backfire, not just on the researchers but on the whole human race…. For the limits I have set may not be exceeded according to My eternal order, which always favours progress but never destruction, and thus its infringement also has to have the opposite effect!

Satan himself will put these thoughts into the people of the last days, he will urge them to undertake this plan, for he knows that the destruction of creation will end the spirits’ progress, which is his endeavour in his blind hatred against Me and all spirits striving towards Me. Yet even this plan, albeit evil, will be an inadvertent service.... he will fall in with My eternal plan of Salvation…. A new earth will arise where the development will continue, whereas everything satanic will once again be banished into its creations…. Amen

BD 4731


no copyright.... free to distribute to spiritual needy

001 Who was Bertha Dudde 002 God is still speaking today003 The Question of God004 The Christ Problem005 The Mystery of Man006 God's plan of salvation007 Love - The highest Commandment008/009 You between two worlds Part 1+2010 God answers our Questions about the universe011-013 Souls in the beyond 1 - 3014 Suffering and Healing - Why must I suffer?015 How can I become healthy016 False prophets017/18 God and the churches Part 1 + 2019 The church of Christ020 Incarnation - Re-Incarnations 021 The Inner Voice022 The Right Kind of Prayer023 /024 Pre-Adamites + Adam025 Intellect - Knowledge - Realisation026 Thinking ability and Thoughts027/028 Freedom of will Part 1 + 2029 Belief - Disbelief - Superstition031/032 Self-denial 1 + 2036 God's Intervention 037 Sequence of the Catastrophe 039 The Forerunner of the Lord040 The Antichrist 044 New Banishment 045 The New Earth051 Thus it will come to pass052 God's proclamation to the dying world058 - 062 God corrects misguides teachings and errors 1 - 5064/065 Listen to the Inner Voice066 Jesus' promises 'The measure you give'067 The Adversary's Cunning and Trickery069 Fateful course of Life070a/b Return to God 1 + 2 109 Predictions …. A world shaking natural desaster128 We are only guests on this earth144 Calm before the Storm220 Sola scriptura …. The Objection that the Word of God is concludedE01 God Himself beams the truth to earthE02 - 04 I will guide you into truth 1 - 3S01 Explanation, comfort and help for difficult daysS02 What will happen to the human raceHomepage http://www.bertha-dudde.info/english/index.html

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Word of God


The quintessence of Christ’s teaching is the commandment of love for God and one’s neighbour. Hence, wherever this is taught and practiced, there is true Christianity, there is the church of Christ, which has its foundation in its firm faith in Him and which therefore will continue when all else comes to an end.

His church comprises believers who live according to His commandment of love and who are therefore permeated by His spirit which manifests itself openly or in secret, depending on what is best for the individual soul. And Jesus Christ guaranteed that this church will last forever with the Words

‘The gates of hell shall not prevail against it….’

At the same time His Words indicated that it will be attacked by the forces of hell…. And His Word is truth and will come to pass at the end of the time granted by God for the souls’ redemption. Then the church of Christ will be assailed by forces which are hostile to God, yet it will remain victorious and be recognised as everlasting by its followers, by the community of believers who practise true Christianity, abide by the teachings of Christ and live a life of love.

However, this church of Christ will be small, only a small group will belong to it and yet, it will be represented all over the world…. truly lovingly active people and therefore true Christians will live all over the world. Their love will gain them wisdom, and thus they will also be profoundly devout and acknowledge the God of love Who embodied Himself on earth in Jesus Christ and consciously strive towards Him.

They were all promised by God that He would remain with them until the end, He promised them His spirit because they belong in truth to His church which He Himself founded. And thus He will protect them until the end from spiritual and earthly ruin, because they live according to Christ’s teaching…. with love for God and their neighbour…. and belong to those who will be shielded from death, who will be taken by God into the kingdom of peace before the immense destruction takes place….

The small group constituting His church will be the foundation again on the new earth, Christ’s teaching will be proclaimed once more, love will be cultivated and the people of the new earth will live in deep faith, for God’s love had revealed itself to them, He Himself will stay in their midst because they fulfil His commandment of love for God and their neighbour…. And thus God’s church will continue, it will survive all times because it will always be followed by people whose faith in the Redeemer of the world fills them with love and whose activity consists of a constant service in love…. because nothing can cease to exist which originates in God, which accepts love as its basic principle and therefore is divine…. Amen

BD 3589

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There is no copyright but make sure not to cut off or add or change any word!Tell them they too can subscribe free by emailing to:

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bertha-dudde.info - prophetic word received through Bertha Dudde http://www.bertha-dudde.info/english/ebiogr.htmlBertha Dudde - Chronological lists of all translated Revelations - 1 http://www.bertha-dudde.info/english/wordofgod/07_html/en_1000.htmlBertha Dudde - Autobiography http://www.bertha-dudde.info/english/ebiogr.htmldownload all revelations .txt document: http://www.bertha-dudde.info/english/edown_in.php?nummer=14Bertha Dudde - Index Theme-Booklets -http://www.bertha-dudde.info/english/ebooklets.htm

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Word of God


God informs you of his instructions through your heart.... As soon as you feel prompted to do something, as soon as you are driven to it from within, you will always be instructed by the voice of God, providing you are making an effort to live according to God’s will, that you thus strive towards Him and entrust yourselves to His guidance. Then you will be directed by His will such that you have the same will within yourselves because you have consciously submitted yourselves to His will; only then may you comply with the prompting of your heart and your actions will be right and in accordance with God’s will.

Yet you must seriously scrutinise yourselves as to which power you give the right to guide you….

Heartfelt prayer protects you from the opposing power; however, whatever you do without having requested God’s blessing, whatever you do purely to improve your body’s well-being, whatever those of you do who are completely apart from God are not His instructions but His adversary’s, and they will damage the soul. The person striving towards God need never be afraid of thinking and behaving wrongly, because his attitude towards God also allows him to be accessed by spiritual forces and entitles them to protectively walk by the person’s side, thereby also averting the influences of evil forces.

Only the desire for God guarantees divine protection for a person, and anyone being divinely guarded cannot go astray, he can only do what benefits his soul. He is guided by God Himself and every path taken by him is important and leads to the goal.

Although the person acts according to his own discretion, in as much as his will impels him to undertake this or that action, it is nevertheless God’s will which manifests itself through his will as long as the person gives in to the inner prompting. If, however, he pays no attention to this urging then he resists it, he becomes undecided since his will has not yet entirely submitted itself to God’s will. And this is what he has to beware of, for it is always the result of praying less often…. The more intimately he is in contact with God the more clearly he will see his delineated path and the more willingly he will follow the instructions revealed to him by God through his heart.

Only the distance from God deprives him of the keen sense for the divine will, for in that case he has to rely on himself and will be unsure as to what he should or should not do. And God’s adversary makes use of such situations by tuning into a person’s thoughts, by trying to impel him to base his every action on his own advantage. And then the person will have to fight, he will have to struggle in order to restore his connection with God again which will gain him clarity of thought so that he will be able to resist the temptations. Anyone looking for God will not go wrong; however, the path of anyone excluding Him will lead him astray. This is why nothing should be undertaken without a prayer for God’s blessing, then people’s thinking will be guided correctly and every activity shall incorporate God’s will…. Amen

BD 3308


no copyright.... free to distribute to spiritual needy

001 Who was Bertha Dudde 002 God is still speaking today003 The Question of God004 The Christ Problem005 The Mystery of Man006 God's plan of salvation007 Love - The highest Commandment008/009 You between two worlds Part 1+2010 God answers our Questions about the universe011-013 Souls in the beyond 1 - 3014 Suffering and Healing - Why must I suffer?015 How can I become healthy016 False prophets017/18 God and the churches Part 1 + 2019 The church of Christ020 Incarnation - Re-Incarnations 021 The Inner Voice022 The Right Kind of Prayer023 /024 Pre-Adamites + Adam025 Intellect - Knowledge - Realisation026 Thinking ability and Thoughts027/028 Freedom of will Part 1 + 2029 Belief - Disbelief - Superstition031/032 Self-denial 1 + 2036 God's Intervention 037 Sequence of the Catastrophe 039 The Forerunner of the Lord040 The Antichrist 044 New Banishment 045 The New Earth051 Thus it will come to pass052 God's proclamation to the dying world058 - 062 God corrects misguides teachings and errors 1 - 5064/065 Listen to the Inner Voice066 Jesus' promises 'The measure you give'067 The Adversary's Cunning and Trickery069 Fateful course of Life070a/b Return to God 1 + 2 109 Predictions …. A world shaking natural desaster128 We are only guests on this earth144 Calm before the Storm220 Sola scriptura …. The Objection that the Word of God is concludedE01 God Himself beams the truth to earthE02 - 04 I will guide you into truth 1 - 3S01 Explanation, comfort and help for difficult daysS02 What will happen to the human raceHomepage http://www.bertha-dudde.info/english/index.html

Saturday, March 14, 2009


Word of God


Where cosmic changes become known, which indicate a forthcoming natural disaster, you can also be sure to detect My working in people through prior signs, all kinds of admonitions and warnings, through clairvoyant visions by especially devout people, and through increased influences by the beings of light on those whose will is devoted to Me and whose appropriate way of life enables their contact. Where natural events occur more frequently people are also more open to My warnings, and there is usually also the motive for frequent changes in the creations of nature as a result of such natural events, because the constrained spiritual substances strive towards higher development and will reach maturity faster where people are more compliant.

Yet in accordance with My eternal plan of Salvation My direct influence through the natural elements will now also affect creations of nature where this is otherwise rare…. The spiritual forces, which have already been constrained for an infinitely long time, are pushing for liberation and will meet My approval….. There, too, it will be announced what is to take place in nature. People will be made aware of it although they are not interested in My admonitions and warnings, in My advice.

Cosmic changes will also become apparent and could make everyone think; seers and prophets will arise whose gift of prophecy makes them feel duty bound to mention what they see or hear through spiritual contact. But in view of free will and belief everything will take its natural course, and even cosmic changes will be scientifically explained and therefore won’t worry people.

However, although every happening, every process in nature, can certainly be explained in natural terms it will always have a spiritual reason and explanation, and it is more important to take notice of this than of the purely natural one, because you cannot stop or lessen the natural consequences with your knowledge, but you can utilise spiritual consequence for your benefit and thus calmly face the natural consequences….

You will be in control of them when you believe, when you have derived the spiritual benefit from your knowledge…. Then you will also be in control of nature....

Do you know what that means?

To be able to stop even the elements of nature willfully, which is also My will if you are sincerely united with Me? And the liberated spiritual substances will also acknowledge you as master.... you will also be the ruler over matter and it will willingly subordinate itself to you.

You cannot appreciate its profound meaning as yet but when you have reached this degree it will also become clear to you what you can achieve with My strength, which will then be at your unrestricted disposal.

Yet only few people will reach this degree of maturity due to their profoundly steadfast faith in Me and My love, and their unlimited surrender to Me…. But My power and glory will reveal itself to them and they will proclaim Me throughout the world…. Moved by My spirit they will always and forever speak on My behalf because they will soon no longer be part of this world and close to their perfection…. Amen

Revelations from God in regard to Mar 13:25 "And the stars of heaven shall fall, and the powers that are in heaven shall be shaken."

CLOUD FORMATION IN THE SKY.… CHRIST'S SUFFERING AND DEATH…. http://www.bertha-dudde.info/english/wordofgod/07_html/1/1081.htm NATURAL PHENOMENA.... TEMPERATURE.... STAR.... PREDICTIONS…. http://www.bertha-dudde.info/english/wordofgod/07_html/1/1153.htm ANNOUNCEMENT OF THE JUDGMENT…. DOUBTS…. THE APPROACH OF A STAR.... http://www.bertha-dudde.info/english/wordofgod/07_html/4/4661.htm 'THE POWERS OF THE HEAVENS SHALL BE SHAKEN….' REVERSAL OF NATURAL LAWS…. RAPTURE…. http://www.bertha-dudde.info/english/wordofgod/07_html/5/5029.htm COSMIC PHENOMENA .... http://www.bertha-dudde.info/english/wordofgod/07_html/6/6313.htm APPROACH OF A STAR… http://www.bertha-dudde.info/english/wordofgod/07_html/6/6324.htm CHANGES IN THE CONSTELLATIONS…. http://www.bertha-dudde.info/english/wordofgod/07_html/6/6405.htm NATURAL DISASTER BEFORE THE END http://www.bertha-dudde.info/english/wordofgod/07_html/7/7151.htm ANNOUNCEMENT OF A STAR http://www.bertha-dudde.info/english/wordofgod/07_html/7/7405.htm REVELATIONS 16,18… A STAR…. http://www.bertha-dudde.info/english/wordofgod/07_html/7/7421.htm ONLY GOD IS LORD OF CREATION.... STAR…. http://www.bertha-dudde.info/english/wordofgod/07_html/7/7423.htm THE LAST CATASTROPHE …. http://www.bertha-dudde.info/english/wordofgod/07_html/8/8122.htm COSMIC CHANGES I http://www.bertha-dudde.info/english/wordofgod/07_html/8/8780.htm COSMIC CHANGES II http://www.bertha-dudde.info/english/wordofgod/07_html/8/8781.htm WORLD CONFLAGRATION…. NATURAL DISASTER…. DECISION…. http://www.bertha-dudde.info/english/wordofgod/07_html/9/9025.htm

Friday, March 13, 2009


Word of God


And remember the One Who redeemed you from all sins.... His act of Salvation is of such momentous significance that you cannot be exhorted strongly enough to cast your mind back to it. You must always bear in mind that you would be lost for an infinitely long time had Jesus Christ not taken your guilt of sin upon Himself through his crucifixion in order to redeem you. However, you will have to profess Him yourselves if you want to partake of the blessings He acquired for you through His death.

You have to believe in Him and consciously place yourselves underneath His cross, you must live with and for Jesus Christ, i.e., in memory of Him accomplish your every action, be helpful and thus comply with His teaching of love, in order to makes yourselves worthy of His gift of grace, to make yourselves worthy of His love, which wanted to protect you from an infinitely long time of torment and suffering in the beyond. The divine Redeemer has mercy upon all sinners.... He carried their guilt and suffered and died for it, He sacrificed Himself as atonement, because He loved people and wanted to lessen their immense spiritual hardship.

And thus He offered people a gift, the magnitude of which they cannot to judge on earth, and He only asks for their acknowledgement of His act of love, their acknowledgment of Himself and their conscious avowal of His crucifixion…. He asks them to keep Him in mind at all times.... People should not forget this, they should always remember that without Him they would be lost for an infinitely long time…. Hence He approaches people time and again by reminding them of Him…. time and again He tries to direct their eyes to Him, time and again the person, as a bearer of the cross himself, is admonished to remember Him, and every suffering is intended to draw his attention to the One, Who took all sins upon Himself and constantly helps people to carry their suffering as well if they, in profound faith in the divine Redeemer, burden Him with it and appeal to Him for grace and love….

People don’t carry their suffering without merit, Jesus Christ, however, was entirely without sin and took humanity’s guilt of sin upon Himself, He therefore carried a far heavier burden upon His shoulders, a cross which was so immensely heavy that He almost broke down under it, nevertheless, He accomplished the act of Salvation since His love for humanity was great and gave Him the strength until the end…. Amen

BD 3635


no copyright.... free to distribute to spiritual needy001 Who was Bertha Dudde 002 God is still speaking today003 The Question of God004 The Christ Problem005 The Mystery of Man006 God's plan of salvation007 Love - The highest Commandment008/009 You between two worlds Part 1+2010 God answers our Questions about the universe011-013 Souls in the beyond 1 - 3014 Suffering and Healing - Why must I suffer?015 How can I become healthy016 False prophets017/18 God and the churches Part 1 + 2019 The church of Christ020 Incarnation - Re-Incarnations 021 The Inner Voice022 The Right Kind of Prayer023 /024 Pre-Adamites + Adam025 Intellect - Knowledge - Realisation026 Thinking ability and Thoughts027/028 Freedom of will Part 1 + 2029 Belief - Disbelief - Superstition031/032 Self-denial 1 + 2036 God's Intervention 037 Sequence of the Catastrophe 039 The Forerunner of the Lord040 The Antichrist 044 New Banishment 045 The New Earth051 Thus it will come to pass052 God's proclamation to the dying world058 - 062 God corrects misguides teachings and errors 1 - 5064/065 Listen to the Inner Voice066 Jesus' promises 'The measure you give'067 The Adversary's Cunning and Trickery069 Fateful course of Life070a/b Return to God 1 + 2 109 Predictions …. A world shaking natural desaster128 We are only guests on this earth144 Calm before the Storm220 Sola scriptura …. The Objection that the Word of God is concludedE01 God Himself beams the truth to earthE02 - 04 I will guide you into truth 1 - 3S01 Explanation, comfort and help for difficult daysS02 What will happen to the human raceHomepage http://www.bertha-dudde.info/english/index.html

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Word of God


It is in people’s nature to pay attention to whatever appeals to their physical senses while turning a blind eye to everything which could elevate the soul…. This, too, is My adversary’s doing whose goal it is to keep the soul away from every glimmer of light and to reinforce the soul's shell, which is readily accepted by the body. For this reason alone all physical joys and pleasures should make people think if they seriously wanted to achieve the goal of earthly life, to attain spiritual maturity. But people do not think about such things and if it is mentioned to them they indignantly dismiss it. However, there is not much time left until the end and if results are still to be achieved unusual means of help have to be used which push people’s thought into a direction they would otherwise not want to take.

And many such means are at My disposal in various distressful situations, in misfortunes or unexpected happenings which are all suited to push physical desires aside and to become receptive to spiritual influences…. without using force. But under no circumstances will I resort to using mysterious appearances in order to achieve introspection in people. For such occurrences are not suited to encourage people’s spiritual endeavour, they merely increase their urge for research, again giving food to the intellect and not the soul. My adversary, in contrast, will use such methods since they, after all, even impress people who have already found contact with the spiritual world but who expect ‘miracles’, thus they are still very earthly minded. Admittedly, they need not be harmed by such phenomena because they will continue to stay in contact with Me, nevertheless, My adversary wins many people over for himself, for the more the intellect tries to understand such appearances, the less the ‘spirit’ in them comes into its own.

I will never influence people such that they will be urged into increased intellectual activity, for I want to bring people light and not give them insoluble problems. And the problems presented to you by My adversary are impossible to solve when it concerns unusual appearances, which he will substantially increase during the last days in order to cause confusion…. And he will also influence people who belong to him such that they will make things appear which are indeed earthly-physical but of a mysterious consistency and which he likewise only uses as a means to confuse people’s thoughts. Anyone who allows himself to be misled by such appearances does not know the laws of eternal order which will go on unchanged, because they alone guarantee spiritual progress…. Whatever emanates from Me, whatever is of divine origin, will always be light and give light to those who desire it.... But whatever remains unexplained, what leads to untold assumptions and continues to remain speculation comes from My adversary who also has great power but only when it is supported by people’s behaviour and attitude.

Then he can also express himself visibly and make phantoms magically appear which are purely an emanation of his satanic will. The means I use to still win souls over before the end are different, for they do not restrict the individual person’s free will, whereas he aims to force people into a mode of thought through mysterious appearances and thereby deprive them of their freedom of will…. He will not succeed in using force but people rather listen to him than to the small true voice with which I speak to them…. But I will not force people either…. Amen

BD 6675

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Addresses Related Link:bertha-dudde.info - prophetic word received through Bertha Dudde


Bertha Dudde - Chronological lists of all translated Revelations - 1 http://www.bertha-dudde.info/english/wordofgod/07_html/en_1000.html

Bertha Dudde - Autobiography http://www.bertha-dudde.info/english/ebiogr.html

download all revelations .txt document: http://www.bertha-dudde.info/english/edown_in.php?nummer=14

Bertha Dudde - Index Theme-Booklets -http://www.bertha-dudde.info/english/ebooklets.htm

Monday, March 9, 2009


Word of God


I told you that you will witness the destruction of the old earth while still in the flesh and I say it again so that you will believe it. Your faith is weak, and inwardly you refuse to accept the fact that you live in the last days.

But My spirit repeatedly tells you that the time of the end is close at hand….

Why don’t you want to believe this?

Since, on the other hand, you cannot deny the truth of My revelations?

And why do you hope for and expect progress, an improvement of earthly conditions?

Why does the thought of an end in combination with a total destruction of the old earth seem unbelievable and unacceptable to you?

Because you would gladly continue to live, because you are not yet prepared and do not sufficiently contemplate My Word, which very clearly explains to you the necessity of a total transformation of the old earth and will guide you into profound faith if you, with your will towards Me, absorb and accept every Word as coming from heaven and live accordingly….

Even you, who should spread My Word, allow yourselves to be troubled by doubt, and therefore do not represent My Word convincingly enough, you allow yourselves to be undermined by objections to the contrary.

Your faith is not strong enough, in spite of your good will to serve Me.

The reality of life affects you and you find it impossible to reconcile it with the human being’s spiritual destiny.

Consequently you don’t support My revelations about the forthcoming time diligently enough. You do not take My Word seriously enough yourselves, hence I always have to give you the same urgent warning of the approaching end again…. You will experience it while you are still in the flesh....

Does that not tell you enough?

Do you know what age you will reach?

Could it be that you will only live a short time?

Only I know which day will be the last and I will keep it a secret, but I will tell you that it is not far away and that you will serve Me until the end…. Consequently you will have to experience the day and should believe it!

You will be good labourers for Me because a convinced faith also lets you speak convincingly. I need servants like you on earth who will strongly urge and vividly describe to people the need for My working on earth and the spiritual hardship humanity will experience if it does not receive help. You receive My Word and are therefore already advanced in knowledge…. and yet you do not want to believe although you will not reject or oppose it….

For this reason I speak to you all the more insistently, because profound faith is necessary if your words are to make an impact on your fellow human beings. When you yourselves are convinced that what you hear through the voice of the spirit is the absolute truth, then you are true representatives of My Word on earth, and then you lend Me your mouth so that I can speak through it Myself.

Your task during the approaching time is to be My mouthpiece because I cannot reveal Myself to people in any other way, but it is absolutely necessary that they should hear Me Myself, although they are not always able to recognise My voice. The extreme difficulties of the last days will come upon people with such severity that they would have to despair without My help, without My Word. But if I speak to them Myself they will be strong and able to resist even the greatest adversity because My Words will have given them strength.

Hence you should render your services, because people have to be influenced without force, and because I Myself will always be present when you, as mediators, engage people in spiritual conversations and thus establish the connection between Me and the people who are to be instructed, who urgently need My Word if they want to endure until the end. And the end is coming soon.... I call to you time and time again; you should believe My Words and with complete trust approach the future, which will unfold as I told you well in advance in Word and Scripture.... Amen

BD 4116


no copyright.... free to distribute to spiritual needy

001 Who was Bertha Dudde 002 God is still speaking today003 The Question of God004 The Christ Problem005 The Mystery of Man006 God's plan of salvation007 Love - The highest Commandment008/009 You between two worlds Part 1+2010 God answers our Questions about the universe011-013 Souls in the beyond 1 - 3014 Suffering and Healing - Why must I suffer?015 How can I become healthy016 False prophets017/18 God and the churches Part 1 + 2019 The church of Christ020 Incarnation - Re-Incarnations 021 The Inner Voice022 The Right Kind of Prayer023 /024 Pre-Adamites + Adam025 Intellect - Knowledge - Realisation026 Thinking ability and Thoughts027/028 Freedom of will Part 1 + 2029 Belief - Disbelief - Superstition031/032 Self-denial 1 + 2036 God's Intervention 037 Sequence of the Catastrophe 039 The Forerunner of the Lord040 The Antichrist 044 New Banishment 045 The New Earth051 Thus it will come to pass052 God's proclamation to the dying world058 - 062 God corrects misguides teachings and errors 1 - 5064/065 Listen to the Inner Voice066 Jesus' promises 'The measure you give'067 The Adversary's Cunning and Trickery069 Fateful course of Life070a/b Return to God 1 + 2 109 Predictions …. A world shaking natural desaster128 We are only guests on this earth144 Calm before the Storm220 Sola scriptura …. The Objection that the Word of God is concludedE01 God Himself beams the truth to earthE02 - 04 I will guide you into truth 1 - 3S01 Explanation, comfort and help for difficult daysS02 What will happen to the human raceHomepage http://www.bertha-dudde.info/english/index.html

Sunday, March 8, 2009


Word of God


In the foreseeable future you will live in different circumstances and have to change your way of life completely if you want to meet the requirements of the new, very difficult conditions and be able to endure them. This change is unavoidable because the last days are entering into their final phase, which is tantamount to a most difficult struggle for existence in order to achieve the fastest spiritual advancement. Because the end is near and what this huge earthly hardship cannot achieve now cannot be achieved afterwards on this earth either. But anyone whose life is spared following My last forceful intervention can, with good will, also adjust spiritually, he can associate all events with the eternal Creator’s will and derive the greatest benefit for his soul from his attitude. Only entirely unbelieving people shall reject this correlation and try to master their earthly life with their own strength yet using their willpower wrongly, not in accordance with divine will. And they will succeed because they are supported by the God-opposing power.

However, the believers can also overcome the most difficult conditions with God’s strength, which they themselves can, in fact, feel but which does not express itself in an externally noticeable manner, in that the human being is surrounded by earthly possessions. Instead of this he will find inner strength to endure even the most difficult circumstances in life. Earthly hardship will be immense and not be easily rectified by normal means because the vast destruction, by divine will, will naturally result in massive chaos and make excessive demands on everyone’s strength. And then every individual will have to draw on God’s strength if he wants to survive the worst time. But this is at his disposal in abundance. And, therefore, God always instructs His servants to point to the forthcoming events, to inform people of the approaching disaster so that they can contact the strength-giving power in advance, Which excludes no one who desires strength. Human beings are not yet able to imagine such intervention by God and thus dismiss what they find difficult to believe in. And yet they should mentally consider it so that they won’t face the event entirely unprepared when the day arrives. Because it will irrevocably come and surprise everyone including the believers, and it will result in enormous changes... And blessed is he who changes his thought, who corrects his attitude towards God, who finds his way to Him in times of greatest need… Because that day shall be a blessing for him… Amen

BD 3737

Yes, you do have permission to send this message to family, friends and other spiritual needy. "... freely ye have received, freely give." There is no copyright but make sure not to cut off or add or change any word!Tell them they too can subscribe free by emailing to:WordofGodEndtimeProphecy-subscribe@yahoogroups.com

Revelations from God in regard to Mar 13:25 "And the stars of heaven shall fall, and the powers that are in heaven shall be shaken." CLOUD FORMATION IN THE SKY.… CHRIST'S SUFFERING AND DEATH…. http://www.bertha-dudde.info/english/wordofgod/07_html/1/1081.htm NATURAL PHENOMENA.... TEMPERATURE.... STAR.... PREDICTIONS…. http://www.bertha-dudde.info/english/wordofgod/07_html/1/1153.htm ANNOUNCEMENT OF THE JUDGMENT…. DOUBTS…. THE APPROACH OF A STAR.... http://www.bertha-dudde.info/english/wordofgod/07_html/4/4661.htm 'THE POWERS OF THE HEAVENS SHALL BE SHAKEN….' REVERSAL OF NATURAL LAWS…. RAPTURE…. http://www.bertha-dudde.info/english/wordofgod/07_html/5/5029.htm COSMIC PHENOMENA .... http://www.bertha-dudde.info/english/wordofgod/07_html/6/6313.htm APPROACH OF A STAR… http://www.bertha-dudde.info/english/wordofgod/07_html/6/6324.htm CHANGES IN THE CONSTELLATIONS…. http://www.bertha-dudde.info/english/wordofgod/07_html/6/6405.htm NATURAL DISASTER BEFORE THE END http://www.bertha-dudde.info/english/wordofgod/07_html/7/7151.htm ANNOUNCEMENT OF A STAR http://www.bertha-dudde.info/english/wordofgod/07_html/7/7405.htm REVELATIONS 16,18… A STAR…. http://www.bertha-dudde.info/english/wordofgod/07_html/7/7421.htm ONLY GOD IS LORD OF CREATION.... STAR…. http://www.bertha-dudde.info/english/wordofgod/07_html/7/7423.htm THE LAST CATASTROPHE …. http://www.bertha-dudde.info/english/wordofgod/07_html/8/8122.htm COSMIC CHANGES I http://www.bertha-dudde.info/english/wordofgod/07_html/8/8780.htm COSMIC CHANGES II http://www.bertha-dudde.info/english/wordofgod/07_html/8/8781.htm WORLD CONFLAGRATION…. NATURAL DISASTER…. DECISION…. http://www.bertha-dudde.info/english/wordofgod/07_html/9/9025.htm

Saturday, March 7, 2009


Word of God


You are constantly instructed to increase your knowledge, and strength is also constantly conveyed to you which you ought to use for spiritual work as well. Therefore you should make use of this strength by distributing what is conveyed to you through the spiritual instruction, use it by passing on what you have received yourselves.

Spiritual strength should never rest, that is, a person with strength at his disposal should never remain inactive, and thus spiritual strength should also continuously be used or it will be taken away from the person who leaves it lying idle. Spiritual work, however, is everything which contributes towards another person’s knowledge.... It is irrelevant in which way this knowledge is imparted to him, only the fact that it is imparted is important.

And this task is given to you who receive the spiritual knowledge from God either directly or through His instruments. Everyone who is offered spiritual knowledge, who accepts it and, after deliberating on it, accepts it as his spiritual possession, will only benefit from it if he passes it on with love. For once it has become valuable to him he shall also share it with his fellow human being, otherwise he is still gripped by powerful selfish love and the blessing of God’s grace will barely be felt by him.

Spiritual knowledge should never lie fallow if a person does not want to risk having it entirely withdrawn from him. For it is divine law that he who gives will receive, because unselfish neighbourly love is a prerequisite that the human being can receive. The spiritually striving aspirant should pay attention to his feelings…. his desires will be granted but it also obliges him to give the truth to the one who, like him, desires to know it. Furthermore, it also commits him to convey the truth to wherever error still exists, for the truth shall displace the error.

And therefore a bearer of truth must make an active effort to bring light to all places where darkness still exists. This is spiritual work which may never be excluded again if the human being is blessed to be educated by the spiritual kingdom. For the human being is only ever the organ of being’s of light which want to bestow truth upon all people, especially those who are entrusted into their care to be spiritually guided by them. People themselves can only rarely hear the light beings’ gentle voice; therefore they cultivate instruments for themselves which shall speak on their behalf.... This activity should never be ignored by a recipient of light, he should speak wherever the opportunity presents itself, he should communicate verbally and in writing, he should make use of every day and every hour and thus carry out the work he himself had offered to do for God, and constant achievement will be granted to him. He will be able to advance himself spiritually and likewise the people who are spiritually endowed by him.

This admonition applies to all who are being refreshed by the font of eternal life and draw strength and fortitude from the divine Word. Everyone moves within a field of duty where he can be very industrious, and he should not neglect this, otherwise he makes himself unworthy of receiving the truth that is offered to him from above. For it is precious knowledge and shall be passed on for the benefit of people, so that it will remedy the immense spiritual adversity which is the cause of humanity’s spiritual decline and which also results in earthly adversity and suffering.... Amen

B.D. 3390

http://www.berthadudde.de/download/down_in.php?nummer=15..... no copyright.... free to distribute to spiritual needy001 Who was Bertha Dudde 002 God is still speaking today003 The Question of God004 The Christ Problem005 The Mystery of Man006 God's plan of salvation007 Love - The highest Commandment008/009 You between two worlds Part 1+2010 God answers our Questions about the universe011-013 Souls in the beyond 1 - 3014 Suffering and Healing - Why must I suffer?015 How can I become healthy016 False prophets017/18 God and the churches Part 1 + 2019 The church of Christ020 Incarnation - Re-Incarnations 021 The Inner Voice022 The Right Kind of Prayer023 /024 Pre-Adamites + Adam025 Intellect - Knowledge - Realisation026 Thinking ability and Thoughts027/028 Freedom of will Part 1 + 2029 Belief - Disbelief - Superstition031/032 Self-denial 1 + 2036 God's Intervention 037 Sequence of the Catastrophe 039 The Forerunner of the Lord040 The Antichrist 044 New Banishment 045 The New Earth051 Thus it will come to pass052 God's proclamation to the dying world058 - 062 God corrects misguides teachings and errors 1 - 5064/065 Listen to the Inner Voice066 Jesus' promises 'The measure you give'067 The Adversary's Cunning and Trickery069 Fateful course of Life070a/b Return to God 1 + 2 109 Predictions …. A world shaking natural desaster128 We are only guests on this earth144 Calm before the Storm220 Sola scriptura …. The Objection that the Word of God is concludedE01 God Himself beams the truth to earthE02 - 04 I will guide you into truth 1 - 3S01 Explanation, comfort and help for difficult daysS02 What will happen to the human raceHomepage http://www.bertha-dudde.info/english/index.html

Thursday, March 5, 2009


Word of God


The Last Judgment will put an end to all abominations and peace will be on Earth for a long time. There will be a state of divine order on earth where only peace will reign, where love will unite all people, where the individual person’s love will also guarantee God’s working through His spirit, where everyone will be able to hear God’s voice and be exceedingly happy to know God is so close to him…. where God will also visibly dwell amongst His Own in an as yet inconceivable way for present-day people…. People on the new earth will live in paradise again, in harmony of soul, in yearning for God and His love and in constant fulfilment of their longing. And all evil will be banished for a long time....

Yet before this state can come to pass on Earth a storm must sweep across it with a purifying and devastating effect, a storm which only people with profound faith and loyalty to God will stand up to. They will suffer great distress yet their later time on the new earth will amply compensate them for all previous adversities and afflictions. For as soon as evil has lost its power they will no longer be harassed and most blissful peace on Earth will be their fate…. This is why the final stormy time should not be dreaded by the believers, for God’s will is above all happenings, God’s love will work amongst His Own and His power will overcome Satan’s power at the right time. And regardless of what will threaten the believers, worldly power, human hatred and unkindness will be unable to prevent the coming bliss on Earth or in the kingdom of the beyond for those who will remain loyal to God….

They cannot kill the soul although they want to kill the body. Yet God will even prevent this because He wants His Own to inhabit the paradise of the new earth…. because they are intended to form the root of the new generation and because they shall be compensated for their previous time of distress as a sign of God’s greater than great love which wants to provide His Own with a blissful fate on Earth. Therefore they will also be endowed by God with extraordinary strength with which they will be able to overcome all evil and which will enable them to stand up to the worst hostility. For the bulwark of their faith will be most violently shaken….

And only in those who have overcome their desire for the earthly world will the strength arise to offer resistance. But anyone who will still allow himself to be captivated by the appeal of the world will relinquish all resistance, he does not belong to the flock of those faithful to God, he will sell his soul for ill-reward, for whatever he believes himself to have gained will crumble on the Day of Judgment…. And all atrocities will come to an end on this day.... all God-opposing spirits will be banished and a state of calm will ensue in the whole of the universe, a state of peaceful activity which is incomparable to the peace of death. The latter is the fate of the banished spirits which will be bound in utter weakness within solid matter and for an infinitely long time be unable to become active….

And this is the time you humans are approaching, and you don’t have much time left. If you want to be successful during the last days before the day of Judgment you must still diligently work at improving yourselves, you must contact God increasingly more sincerely, you must draw strength for yourselves daily and hourly and constantly remain in prayer in order to always receive strength as soon as you open your heart and desire God’s grace and strength. And He will be and remain with His Own until the end, He will dwell with them in the paradise of the new earth and stay inextricably united with them for all eternity…. Amen

B.D. 3706

http://www.berthadudde.de/download/down_in.php?nummer=15..... no copyright.... free to distribute to spiritual needy001 Who was Bertha Dudde 002 God is still speaking today003 The Question of God004 The Christ Problem005 The Mystery of Man006 God's plan of salvation007 Love - The highest Commandment008/009 You between two worlds Part 1+2010 God answers our Questions about the universe011-013 Souls in the beyond 1 - 3014 Suffering and Healing - Why must I suffer?015 How can I become healthy016 False prophets017/18 God and the churches Part 1 + 2019 The church of Christ020 Incarnation - Re-Incarnations 021 The Inner Voice022 The Right Kind of Prayer023 /024 Pre-Adamites + Adam025 Intellect - Knowledge - Realisation026 Thinking ability and Thoughts027/028 Freedom of will Part 1 + 2029 Belief - Disbelief - Superstition031/032 Self-denial 1 + 2036 God's Intervention 037 Sequence of the Catastrophe 039 The Forerunner of the Lord040 The Antichrist 044 New Banishment 045 The New Earth051 Thus it will come to pass052 God's proclamation to the dying world058 - 062 God corrects misguides teachings and errors 1 - 5064/065 Listen to the Inner Voice066 Jesus' promises 'The measure you give'067 The Adversary's Cunning and Trickery069 Fateful course of Life070a/b Return to God 1 + 2 109 Predictions …. A world shaking natural desaster128 We are only guests on this earth144 Calm before the Storm220 Sola scriptura …. The Objection that the Word of God is concludedE01 God Himself beams the truth to earthE02 - 04 I will guide you into truth 1 - 3S01 Explanation, comfort and help for difficult daysS02 What will happen to the human raceHomepage http://www.bertha-dudde.info/english/index.html

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Word of God


The departed soul’s purification process in the beyond starts immediately after the decease of the body but in accordance with the soul’s will. Spiritually completely dark souls experience the darkness as agony, and this right from the start of the process, because it is intended to contribute towards the change of the soul’s will. Although the duration of this varies, it is always the principle of the purification process. God’s love constantly gives the soul the opportunity to change its will, but in the beyond it does not always recognise these methods as the working of God’s love, and yet they can soon lead to the goal providing the soul is not too obstinate.

It has to purify itself completely before it can accept light, and until it can receive light it is in a state of torment, and thus the fate of an immature soul is lamentable. It can never receive too much help from people by means of loving intercession or mental instructions and advice to act with love. However, if the soul is not too obstinate it will constantly progress in its development, every torment melts the hard cover, it becomes receptive to help and will try to liberate itself, although occasionally it can take a very long time before the purification process is completed and the soul, as a recipient of light, is able to act with kindness.

But even more mature souls will still have to become more receptive to light, because the light can touch a soul at various degrees of intensity, depending on its state of perfection, which can reach an increasingly higher level. On entry into the spiritual realm the soul can already be so advanced in knowledge that it no longer needs to linger in dark surroundings, it is able to see and understand everything, it finds itself in a more or less brighter pool of light and thus is also able to work accordingly. And yet it still has to shape itself to receive more light. It still has to crystallise itself to utmost clarity and this again through loving work with needy souls, because devoted love for those unhappy souls will purify the soul and make it progressively more receptive to light, while due to its redeeming activity its own happiness intensifies at the same rate.

As soon as a soul has the will to ascend it becomes diligently and untiringly active, and because of its will to help other suffering souls it constantly receives strength for its own happiness and sustained helpfulness. Always providing, of course, that it has overcome its weakness of will, that its engulfing impenetrable darkness is broken, that it is receptive to the merciful rays of light which God sends into the darkness, and that it wants to escape its dark state. Its struggle towards ascent, its torments and the darkness of its surrounding are taken into account as purifying factors, its layers dissolve, it becomes receptive to light and its ascent towards the light is assured. In accordance with the soul’s own will God’s continuous help enables it to ascend until, penetrated by light, it can work in the spiritual kingdom as is its destiny… Amen

BD 3627

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Link:bertha-dudde.info - prophetic word received through Bertha Dudde http://www.bertha-dudde.info/english/ebiogr.htmlBertha Dudde - Chronological lists of all translated Revelations - 1 http://www.bertha-dudde.info/english/wordofgod/07_html/en_1000.htmlBertha Dudde - Autobiography http://www.bertha-dudde.info/english/ebiogr.htmldownload all revelations .txt document: http://www.bertha-dudde.info/english/edown_in.php?nummer=14Bertha Dudde - Index Theme-Booklets -http://www.bertha-dudde.info/english/ebooklets.htm

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Word of God


The time for the end has definitely arrived, and anyone can see that if he so wants. I do not keep My living creations in ignorance, I inform them of this Myself, but anyone who lacks belief in Me and My Word, anyone who does not reflect on the cause of the total decline and is unable to associate it with the spiritual low level, cannot receive additional information either. Nor can the credibility of My Word be proven to him since he rejects all evidence. The time of the end is making itself noticeably felt, however, anything that is earthly recognisable can also be explained by people in an earthly, i.e. natural, way. And yet there is a spiritual cause for everything which has to be observed first; people have to try to resolve the spiritual cause if the consequences are to be averted. But people do not make this attempt, and thus the time is irrevocably approaching the end, i.e. the earth is experiencing its last days in its present form. I speak to people clearly but they cover their ears, they cannot muster the will nor the strength to accept information which would enable them to discover an orderliness even in the decline, in the immense misery and all events…. they don’t want to know about it and don’t want to be truthfully instructed either. And time and again I send them My servants and messenger to guide them into the right way of thinking….

But My plan of eternity is predetermined, My wisdom recognises the necessity of changing the existing state, and My love and My will carry out what is unavoidably needed in order to still save the few which want to be saved. Because humanity’s activity has to stay within limits, and once these are exceeded the time of the end will also have arrived. And the fact that people are behaving in opposition to divine order can be easily seen by everyone. Thus, what would be more logical than to restore the order again in accordance with My will? Nevertheless, it cannot happen in a humanly aspired way but has to take place in keeping with My law of eternity…. A humanly devised change on this earth would not result in any spiritual change, it would not result in any spiritual progress, but this is the only purpose for My living creations’ life on earth, and this has to take place; hence the necessary conditions have to be available for it too and consist of entirely new creations for the spiritual substances which still remain opposed to Me.

Thus the old earth will pass away in as much as all creations on it will be destroyed, in order to be inhabited again by completely new creations according to My will, which signifies the start of a new earth period, the start of a new era of redemption in a spiritual sense. It is easy to understand that a change on earth in opposition to My order also has to result in complete disintegration; but anyone who does not acknowledge an eternal Lawmaker will also refuse to acknowledge a violation of My order, since he is not living within My order himself in as far as he values earthly matter more than the spiritual kingdom which, however, should be the purpose and goal of his earthly life. A person who does not stay within My order through actions of love and conscious contact with Me will not have orderly thoughts either, and his knowledge is deceptive knowledge without lasting value. But anyone who opens his eyes and ears will recognise the spiritual decline and also know that the end is near. He will strive to stay within My eternal order and thus not fear the end because it is the beginning of a new life for him, a life of eternal bliss…. Amen

BD 3749

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