Friday, August 28, 2009

... through Bertha Dudde - 13.5.1940

Mental activity.... Mind.... Images....

The human being's thinking apparatus resembles the blank pages of a book as long as it is not active, that is, as long as the intellectual capacity is not developed yet, thus as long as the human being is not yet capable of formulating thoughts.... At the tender age of infancy, the thinking organs are not yet active and it requires a certain time until the human brain starts to take in outside impressions.

And this happens as follows:

The human eye imparts an observed image to the human being's thinking apparatus, the brain, and this begins its actual activity by allowing the imparted image to take effect on a highly sensitive retina. This receives the image and conscious impressions occur which emerge in the human being as thoughts and effectively are thus retroactive effects of the image in the human brain....

Every impression, in turn, makes itself identifiable on the hitherto empty space of the cerebral cortex and can remain indelibly engraved for long times.... but it can also become unrecognisable through new impressions and vanish into the unconscious mind, hence no longer entering a person's consciousness.

As long as the human being is alive, constantly new layers keep forming for the purpose of receiving and reflecting new impressions. However, the sensitivity increasingly lessens, therefore the images will no longer stand out so clearly in the receptive area and therefore are no longer able to impart the impressions to the thinking apparatus as strongly, which manifests itself as forgetfulness, as less intellectual capacity and as a reduction of receptivity for impressions which require a certain amount of concentration.

Then the thinking apparatus will only work slowly, the external impressions are no longer capable of causing increased activity; the images will no longer be clearly imparted to the cerebral cortex and the whole mental activity starts to slow down....

The human being will no longer be able to effortlessly and easily recall individual occurrences because the images have become indistinct and blurred, nevertheless, they will be able to describe earlier occurrences precisely because these images are indelibly and clearly inscribed in his consciousness and can even be brought to light from earliest childhood, because the thinking apparatus can be impressed by these clear images and thus every image appears in the form of thoughts.

The process of mental activity can be likened to a constant diving-down and fetching-up.... where it concerns earlier experiences.

Countless images are engraved in countless thin layers, every empty and blank space has been covered by impressions imparted by the human eye, and countless spaces have been covered by mental images which a penetrating image from outside made appear again.

The mental function of the designated organs is therefore an inherent activity, brought about through external impressions and implemented through the person's will to allow this or that image to take an effect on him. These images need not always penetrate him through the eyes, spiritual images can also trigger the same process, which the human being conjures up through his will and which thereby trigger an associated mental activity. These organs are therefore first prompted to become active through a person's will, and the thoughts subsequently take the direction which corresponds to the person's will.

Purely earthly interests and imaginations will, understandably, only impart these kinds of images to the cerebral cortex, and thus the mental activity will therefore express itself such that only thoughts which correspond to these earthly notions will dominate a person. The human being's train of thought is always in agreement with his will....

The will determines his mentality....

And this is why the human being is also responsible for his thoughts, since it is up to him to impart images to his spiritual eye, regardless of what kind they are.

But he should not forget that too many earthly images reduce the capacity for impressions and that it is therefore to his own disadvantage if the mental activity reduces accordingly and, in the end, is no longer receptive to spiritual truths, i.e. mental transmissions. All thoughts will therefore only ever express that which moves a person most.... and thus the human being, having been furnished with all abilities by the divine Creator.... which also includes the mental activity.... is fully responsible for his thoughts, because it is up to him to formulate them according to his will....


B.D. 1417

— Published by friends of new revelations of God —
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Thursday, August 27, 2009

Fear of death....

... through Bertha Dudde - 8.8.1956

Fear of death....

Death is just the passageway into a life which will last forever. You humans would not have to fear death if your life on earth corresponded to My will.... if you had travelled this earthly path in divine order, for then you would not feel terror-stricken in view of death, because then your soul would just rejoice at being able to escape the body in order to return to its home where the earthly body is utterly superfluous, where ceasing to exist cannot be spoken of but where a free life in an abundance of light and strength will await the soul. Jesus Christ arose from the grave on the third day.... He demonstrated to you that there is no such thing as ceasing to exist after the body's demise, he has provided you with the evidence that a correct way of life merely results in the change of the earthly into a spiritual body, that the human being continues to exist, that only his shell has experienced a transformation, which is absolutely necessary for staying in the spiritual kingdom....

And you all are able to accomplish this change yourselves, and death would then truly have lost its sting. But since you humans do not believe in life after death, you neglect to prepare yourselves for a stay in the spiritual kingdom, and since your soul has therefore no prospect whatsoever to clothe itself after physical death in a radiantly bright spiritual garment you fear death, and rightly so, for you cannot cease to exist but earthly heaviness can still cling to you, and your awakening after the body's death will not be a happy one.... But you will awaken, regardless of how imperfectly your soul is shaped.... it will find out that it has not and cannot cease to exist.... And this fate is unconsciously dreaded by you humans who fear death.

Yet you ought to remember the One Who has overcome death.... Jesus Christ wants to awaken you to life, He wants to give you an eternally-indestructible life which you shall never lose again. Accept his gift of grace, remember Him during fearful hours and commend your soul to Him, and appeal to Him not to let it fall prey to death, but to have mercy on it and to help it attain life.... And, truly, you will not have sent your appeal to Him in vain.... Your fear will disappear to be replaced by blissful calm, a calm which only Jesus Christ can bestow upon the soul. The living faith in Jesus Christ dispels all dread of death, for the human being knows that he will rise again, just as Jesus Christ arose on the third day.

But anyone without this faith in Him will fear death or believe that he will cease to exist, that he will return into oblivion from where he imagines himself to have emerged.... And he, as well as all others who lived on earth without Christ, will have a rude awakening.... And it will take a long time until they are convinced that they have not perished, but that they can only escape their lifeless state if they call upon the One Whom they refused to acknowledge on earth, but Who alone can give them life again....

Death need only be the transition into a new and immortal life.... It need not worry people on any account, because Jesus Christ has prevailed over it, because He accomplished the act of Salvation in order to deliver people from a condition which had been brought into the world by His adversary.... But Jesus' act of Salvation and resurrection are not properly valued by people.... Many know of them and yet do not believe, and therefore they are also unable to derive the benefit from the effects of the act of Salvation and resurrection.... But the living faith gives people firm confidence and therefore also removes their every fear of death.... And these will blissfully fall asleep in the Lord and joyfully awaken with Him in the kingdom of light and beatitude.... For they will eternally not taste death again, they will only ever have eternal life....


B.D. 6616

— Published by friends of new revelations of God —
Information, download of all translated revelations, theme-booklets at:

Fear of death....

... through Bertha Dudde - 8.8.1956

Fear of death....

Death is just the passageway into a life which will last forever. You humans would not have to fear death if your life on earth corresponded to My will.... if you had travelled this earthly path in divine order, for then you would not feel terror-stricken in view of death, because then your soul would just rejoice at being able to escape the body in order to return to its home where the earthly body is utterly superfluous, where ceasing to exist cannot be spoken of but where a free life in an abundance of light and strength will await the soul. Jesus Christ arose from the grave on the third day.... He demonstrated to you that there is no such thing as ceasing to exist after the body's demise, he has provided you with the evidence that a correct way of life merely results in the change of the earthly into a spiritual body, that the human being continues to exist, that only his shell has experienced a transformation, which is absolutely necessary for staying in the spiritual kingdom....

And you all are able to accomplish this change yourselves, and death would then truly have lost its sting. But since you humans do not believe in life after death, you neglect to prepare yourselves for a stay in the spiritual kingdom, and since your soul has therefore no prospect whatsoever to clothe itself after physical death in a radiantly bright spiritual garment you fear death, and rightly so, for you cannot cease to exist but earthly heaviness can still cling to you, and your awakening after the body's death will not be a happy one.... But you will awaken, regardless of how imperfectly your soul is shaped.... it will find out that it has not and cannot cease to exist.... And this fate is unconsciously dreaded by you humans who fear death.

Yet you ought to remember the One Who has overcome death.... Jesus Christ wants to awaken you to life, He wants to give you an eternally-indestructible life which you shall never lose again. Accept his gift of grace, remember Him during fearful hours and commend your soul to Him, and appeal to Him not to let it fall prey to death, but to have mercy on it and to help it attain life.... And, truly, you will not have sent your appeal to Him in vain.... Your fear will disappear to be replaced by blissful calm, a calm which only Jesus Christ can bestow upon the soul. The living faith in Jesus Christ dispels all dread of death, for the human being knows that he will rise again, just as Jesus Christ arose on the third day.

But anyone without this faith in Him will fear death or believe that he will cease to exist, that he will return into oblivion from where he imagines himself to have emerged.... And he, as well as all others who lived on earth without Christ, will have a rude awakening.... And it will take a long time until they are convinced that they have not perished, but that they can only escape their lifeless state if they call upon the One Whom they refused to acknowledge on earth, but Who alone can give them life again....

Death need only be the transition into a new and immortal life.... It need not worry people on any account, because Jesus Christ has prevailed over it, because He accomplished the act of Salvation in order to deliver people from a condition which had been brought into the world by His adversary.... But Jesus' act of Salvation and resurrection are not properly valued by people.... Many know of them and yet do not believe, and therefore they are also unable to derive the benefit from the effects of the act of Salvation and resurrection.... But the living faith gives people firm confidence and therefore also removes their every fear of death.... And these will blissfully fall asleep in the Lord and joyfully awaken with Him in the kingdom of light and beatitude.... For they will eternally not taste death again, they will only ever have eternal life....


B.D. 6616

— Published by friends of new revelations of God —
Information, download of all translated revelations, theme-booklets at:

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

I Appeal to You... through Bertha Dudde - 23.6.1948

Earth rotations.... Earthly tremors....

For a considerable period of time already the earth has been rotating around its own axis with extraordinary speed. Admittedly, the constant rotations are by no means noticeable to the human being, but only because he is on earth and they can only be observed from outside the earth. Nevertheless, changes in the cosmos are perceptible which are caused by this phenomenon. It is like a regular trembling which can be felt more or less faintly when the body is in a resting position and susceptible to the slightest movement. This phenomenon will lead to the total dissolution of Earth after an incredibly long period of time but will be hastened through human intervention on account of which the conclusion of this epoch can be traced back to human influence, even though it has been included from the start in the divine plan. The earth would actually have an inconceivably long lifespan, i.e. its existence would be guaranteed for an infinitely long time, yet God's will allows itself to be determined by human will, God allows people to accomplish what will cause them even the greatest harm. In His plan of eternity all changes in the cosmos are established according to His wisdom and love. But the scientifically educated human race does not want to know anything about a change with inconceivable consequences, and yet it constantly takes place.
This change.... an excessively fast rotation of Earth.... will also trigger the natural disaster which has been proclaimed by seers and prophets since the beginning of the period of Salvation and which is now revealed again through the spirit of God. This process is humanly not easily explainable, however, simply said, the rotations will increase and stop for seconds, which will manifest itself as earthly tremors of such tremendous effect that people will believe that the end of the earth has come. No equivalent to it can be found on earth, for it is an expression of power which comes from the universe and is unknown to earthly science. The consistency of the stars activates such forces, and the interior of the earth will be affected by them and to a certain extent therefore be moved beyond the law, which always manifests itself in a destructive manner, yet is sporadically allowed by God for the purpose of dissolving even the hardest matter in order to release the constrained spiritual substances within. And this act is approaching soon but will only be the spectacle of a few seconds, yet with preceding signs which by themselves can already be called catastrophic because they generate indescribable panic amongst people and therefore will have to be considered as being within the timeframe of the catastrophe. Nevertheless, everything is eternally predetermined and God's plan will come to pass, as it is written....
Earth rotations.... Earthly tremors.... (cont.)
Explain the process to yourselves like this: The faster the earth moves, the shorter the period of time it takes for one rotation, and the stronger becomes the atmospheric pressure that is caused by its movement. Normally this atmospheric pressure should be felt on the earth's surface, but this is not the case. Hence this is already a scientifically unexplainable deviation from the natural laws, therefore it follows that the natural laws applicable to earth lose their validity outside of it. Nevertheless, this fast rotation affects the earth's surface insofar as a crust is being formed which is a suitable growth medium for vegetation, therefore a continuous habitation of the earth's surface is only possible due to its perpetual rotation, due to the generation of a force which affects the ground, that is, which does not spread outward and dissipates but works from the outside towards the interior of the earth. This force is life-giving but cannot be explained by human intellect, precisely because it arises and is effective beyond the law.
Were the earth to stop its velocity all life on it would solidify, on the other hand, however, an increased velocity would encourage abnormal growth but also penetrate and affect the interior of the earth and bring about eruptions which would endanger the earth's core and jeopardise its continuation. Such increased velocity is currently happening and its effects will also soon become apparent. If the final result is to be avoided the excessive energy has to find a sphere of activity.... it has to have an explosive effect in places, which consequently takes the form of a natural disaster. This will slightly reduce the speed of the rotations, the newly generated energy will find new soil which it can animate with plants and animals and the continued existence of earth will be guaranteed for a brief period of time again, until human determination once again triggers forces which have not been completely ascertained as yet and which have an all-destructive effect, because they can effectively be described as adverse forces, i.e., they work from within towards the outside and the opposing actions of both forces signifies total destruction, which can certainly be explained to but not understood by people....
Spiritually advanced scientists will easily be able to understand this process, for they no longer look at the activity of natural forces beyond the law with so much disbelief, because they know that the sphere beyond earth is an area which cannot be fathomed with earthly reasoning power, because they are subject to other natural laws than those applicable to earth.
Every celestial body is a world unto itself, and in every celestial body the will of God's love has expressed itself differently, because His countless thoughts are implemented by His might and strength and every thought testifies to most profound wisdom. According to human opinion such manifold diversity of God's creations cannot exist, since the power of imagination is limited, but God's thinking is not limited and no obstacles exist for His creativity. The fact that the human being, the inhabitant of one of God's countless creations, would be able to completely ascertain God's reign and activity is entirely out of the question, for he instantly rejects what appears to be impossible but what is always possible for God. Thus, the timing of the movements of earth, its path and its composition can certainly be calculated and explored, yet only ever as far as the earth's applicable natural laws which are known to people form the basis of it.
Anything over and above this is beyond his knowledge and intellect. But an 'over and above' does exist, or earthly science would be able to accurately determine when and in which form as well as for what reason the final destruction of earth will happen. It is incapable of establishing this, however, it is not proof that the destruction of earth will not take place. Here faith is placed in opposition to science.... anyone who values science more negates what faith affirms.... God proclaims the end of this earthly period; He proclaims a total change of the earth's surface along with the disappearance of all life on, in and above the earth.... This process is completely unknown to science.... hence it is an indication that a supernatural activity caused by God will happen; although not beyond natural law from His point of view yet for people who do not know all natural laws, all forces to the point that they can indicate and calculate such an event, but that investigations also have to be conducted on the basis of faith if they are to produce truthful results. Only then will the researcher also receive access to the area which otherwise remains closed to people, then he will be assisted and enlightened by spiritual co-workers, then he will also be able to have an insight into God's plan of Salvation, and much will be comprehensible and acceptable to him which his intellect would otherwise have discarded....

B.D. 4348, 4355
— Published by friends of new revelations of God —Information, download of all translated revelations, theme-booklets at:

Monday, August 24, 2009

Proclaiming Jesus' teaching of love is urgently needed....

... through Bertha Dudde - 31.7.1956

Proclaiming Jesus' teaching of love is urgently needed....

My Gospel shall be spread throughout the world.... I gave this instruction to My disciples while I still lived on earth, and I give My disciples of the last days the same instruction today, for it has become more necessary than ever to convey to people My Gospel, the Gospel of love, which is unfamiliar or no longer taken seriously by everyone, even though it is well known. People have distanced themselves from Me because they no longer live in love, thus I cannot be with them either. And a life without love will result in certain death for you.... Hence it has become imperative that people be informed, that My teaching of love is proclaimed to them again, that the danger they are in is brought home to them if they fail to live according to My commandments of love, and what they will achieve if they shape themselves into love....

My teaching of love has to be proclaimed to all nations of this earth, and therefore I send My disciples into the world again.... The teaching material I give to them and which they shall distribute is exquisite, so that people can once again be taught in the same way which I preached on earth as the man Jesus in order to bring salvation to people from their lifeless and constrained condition.

More than ever it has become necessary to emphasise the divine teaching of love, for it is observed far too little. What should be normal for people such as loving each other like brothers and doing for each other what is customary amongst brothers is no longer known to them, everyone just thinks of himself, and everyone regards his fellow human being as his enemy rather than his brother.... There is no community which unites with love, unselfish neighbourly love has almost disappeared but selfish love has grown ever stronger, and therefore people are at great risk of delivering themselves to death and having to linger in this sleep of death for eternities again.... but which they can escape if only love is kindled and practised in their hearts once more. For this reason I repeatedly prioritise love, I Myself constantly preach love; the essence of My Word, which is transmitted to you directly from above, only ever consists of love which motivates Me to help you, and which has to be practised by you, too, if you want to remedy your soul's hardship, if you want to wake up to life and not ever lose this life again.

And I awaken servants for Myself everywhere.... disciples, which I instruct again as during the time of My life on earth, disciples, to whom I proclaim My pure Gospel with the instruction to pass it on, because I know that people have to be informed of the Gospel of love, of their earthly task to deliver themselves from their bondage and darkness through unselfish love. For although people know My commandments of love they nevertheless speak of them thoughtlessly, they don't consider them in their hearts and act accordingly....

And therefore their attention needs to be drawn to them again, time and again they have to be spoken to and stimulated to act with love, they have to be told that they can only become blessed through love because only through love can they come closer to and establish the unity with Me, which has to take place without fail in order to be happy. And thus there is no other mission more urgent than this: to proclaim My teaching of love or to revive it again with reference to the One Who suffered for love and died on the cross. For all people have to be informed of Him Who exemplified to them a life of love, Who was motivated by love to endure utmost suffering and an excruciating death in order to save humanity from the night of death....

People shall only be taught to look after their fellow human beings with unselfish love, to approach them like brothers and to treat them like brothers.... Only that guarantees their own salvation, but a heartless way of life inevitably drives people into My adversary's hands, who is devoid of all love. Yet until the very last day of this earth My messengers will still preach love, until the last day they, as My disciples of the end time, will proclaim the Gospel of love, for only the person who accepts it will escape the end and experience My love and mercy to the same extent as he has practised it himself....


B.D. 6610
— Published by friends of new revelations of God —
Information, download of all translated revelations, theme-booklets at:

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Loving help for fellow human beings in distress....

... through Bertha Dudde - 16.2.1957

Loving help for fellow human beings in distress....

You shall help and comfort those who suffer earthly or spiritual hardship. Then you will truly exercise neighbourly love and also awaken love in your fellow human being. The last days cannot pass people by without sorrow and adversity for they are the last means used by Me to win them over for Myself. I want to speak to every human heart by way of such adversity, and if they hear Me, if they recognise My voice in their distress and then turn their heart and ear to Me they will have taken a step forward, they will have entered the path which leads to ascent. But there are still untold people who keep their heart and ear closed to Me.... And you should speak to these and direct them in their adversity to Me, where they will find true comfort and help....

You are already helping them by not ignoring their distress, and this help will be gratefully received.... You should believe that only love is the correct remedy, that love heals wounds, that love soothes pain and that no human being is immune to a deed of love. And thus, every deed of love will awaken reciprocated love in another person, and only in this way can souls be won.

Souls only mature through love, and if a soul is capable of love, then suffering, too, will result in great blessings, for then the soul will purge itself of all impurities and let every ray of love take effect on it.... Therefore you should talk to all people whom you know to be in difficult situations, who endure much suffering and are without hope and despondent. Comfort them and refer them to Me.... Don't leave them to their pain, so that they won't feel lonely and despair.... Every kind word is soothing to them, and compassion lets them feel their pain less intensely.... Provide them with earthly and spiritual comfort, so that all suffering will have a beneficial effect on their souls.... For you all still have to face much adversity and misery, you will all still experience situations when you will be grateful for comforting advice, for all kinds of assistance.

In the coming time one person will have to depend on the other, and where people don't support each other the hardship will appear almost unbearable unless they turn to Me, Who will never leave a person if he calls to Me. And that is all I want to achieve, that people establish such a heartfelt bond with Me that they will never feel lonely and abandoned but always know that their Guardian and Helper is next to them, and that they then will no longer feel their adversity as harshly and as bitterly as the person who is still distant from Me. Every adversity is endurable for a person who takes refuge with Me, but you, who want to serve Me, can work as mediators between Myself and them.... you can show them the way to eliminate their distress, and if you do it with love you will also be successful.

Don't let your hearts harden, don't ignore your fellow human beings hardship, look around yourselves and you will see much adversity, and your help will always be comforting to others. But you all can help, for the right kind of help consists of kind-hearted thoughts, kind-hearted words and of actions that your love asks you to do.... True, compassionate love for your fellow human being in distress will always let you find ways and means to ease their hardship, and spiritual guidance is frequently of greater value than earthly assistance, for you thereby open the door to their hearts for Me, and once I can enter them Myself they will also be comforted and gladly carry their cross for their soul's sake. And then their adversity will have been a blessing, for then they will have found their way home to the Father, I will have won them for eternity....


B.D. 6763

— Published by friends of new revelations of God —
Information, download of all translated revelations, theme-booklets at:

Loving help for fellow human beings in distress....

... through Bertha Dudde - 16.2.1957

Loving help for fellow human beings in distress....

You shall help and comfort those who suffer earthly or spiritual hardship. Then you will truly exercise neighbourly love and also awaken love in your fellow human being. The last days cannot pass people by without sorrow and adversity for they are the last means used by Me to win them over for Myself. I want to speak to every human heart by way of such adversity, and if they hear Me, if they recognise My voice in their distress and then turn their heart and ear to Me they will have taken a step forward, they will have entered the path which leads to ascent. But there are still untold people who keep their heart and ear closed to Me.... And you should speak to these and direct them in their adversity to Me, where they will find true comfort and help....

You are already helping them by not ignoring their distress, and this help will be gratefully received.... You should believe that only love is the correct remedy, that love heals wounds, that love soothes pain and that no human being is immune to a deed of love. And thus, every deed of love will awaken reciprocated love in another person, and only in this way can souls be won.

Souls only mature through love, and if a soul is capable of love, then suffering, too, will result in great blessings, for then the soul will purge itself of all impurities and let every ray of love take effect on it.... Therefore you should talk to all people whom you know to be in difficult situations, who endure much suffering and are without hope and despondent. Comfort them and refer them to Me.... Don't leave them to their pain, so that they won't feel lonely and despair.... Every kind word is soothing to them, and compassion lets them feel their pain less intensely.... Provide them with earthly and spiritual comfort, so that all suffering will have a beneficial effect on their souls.... For you all still have to face much adversity and misery, you will all still experience situations when you will be grateful for comforting advice, for all kinds of assistance.

In the coming time one person will have to depend on the other, and where people don't support each other the hardship will appear almost unbearable unless they turn to Me, Who will never leave a person if he calls to Me. And that is all I want to achieve, that people establish such a heartfelt bond with Me that they will never feel lonely and abandoned but always know that their Guardian and Helper is next to them, and that they then will no longer feel their adversity as harshly and as bitterly as the person who is still distant from Me. Every adversity is endurable for a person who takes refuge with Me, but you, who want to serve Me, can work as mediators between Myself and them.... you can show them the way to eliminate their distress, and if you do it with love you will also be successful.

Don't let your hearts harden, don't ignore your fellow human beings hardship, look around yourselves and you will see much adversity, and your help will always be comforting to others. But you all can help, for the right kind of help consists of kind-hearted thoughts, kind-hearted words and of actions that your love asks you to do.... True, compassionate love for your fellow human being in distress will always let you find ways and means to ease their hardship, and spiritual guidance is frequently of greater value than earthly assistance, for you thereby open the door to their hearts for Me, and once I can enter them Myself they will also be comforted and gladly carry their cross for their soul's sake. And then their adversity will have been a blessing, for then they will have found their way home to the Father, I will have won them for eternity....


B.D. 6763

— Published by friends of new revelations of God —
Information, download of all translated revelations, theme-booklets at:

Friday, August 21, 2009

God's protection in the battle of faith....

... through Bertha Dudde - 1.8.1961

God's protection in the battle of faith....

Thus stand firm and don't let your faith waver, for I, your God and Father of eternity, Am and remain with you when the great battle of faith will begin by which My adversary also wants to cause the downfall of you who are My Own. Everything undertaken against Me will always aim to render Jesus Christ and His act of Salvation implausible to you.... And the fact that Jesus Christ will be denied, that people shall be deprived of all faith in Him and that they therefore shall have no opportunity to depart from this earth in a redeemed state shall be taken by you as an obvious sign of the approaching end.... For My adversary will openly challenge Me by attacking Jesus Christ in Whom I became a visible God for humanity.

And the more intense this battle erupts the more you can be assured of My presence, for I will not abandon My Own, I will not let My adversary be victorious over those who want to be and remain My Own. And when you are thus cornered by the requirement to deny Me as the divine Redeemer Jesus Christ.... when you will have to choose between Me and My adversary, then just put all your trust in Me as then I will be closer to you than ever; I Myself will fight with you and you need not fear My adversary, for My power is supreme and will protect you, no matter how threatening the undertakings against you may look. But then you can expect your deliverance within hours, you can count on My coming within hours and the end of the world, whence I will remove you at the height of affliction and danger....

Do not become doubtful then, but remember that I have foretold you that you will still have to endure great tribulations for the sake of your faith.... Yet the stronger your faith and the more confidently you abide in Me, the easier will be the battle of faith for you, for I truly have the power at My disposal to avert even the worst from you, and My Own shall experience My love and power and therefore can confidently and fearlessly look ahead to this time. But it will come, for the believers will come under attack by the earthly authorities and those who are enslaved by My adversary.... My Own will have to give public testimony and should not be frightened, for the God Whom they acknowledge will also reveal His power and help them in earthly adversity and distress....

Just be prepared that brutal measures will be used against you, who want to remain loyal to Me.... But don't forget that I Am Lord over life and death, over heaven and earth.... and that I truly have means and ways to lead My Own out of earthly hardship, even if it seems as if there is no way out. And whatever earthly things will be denied to you.... I will miraculously feed you and quench your thirst, for that, too, is within My power, after all, I created heaven and earth, I made all laws after My will.... and thus I can also abolish laws and nourish you supernaturally.... I can also surround you with a protective barrier, I can instruct My angels to form such a barrier around you....

You only have to faithfully entrust yourselves to Me, your Father, Who will not leave His children in peril and Who will protect you from the enemy of your soul, from earthly and spiritual opponents.... For My might and My love is great.... And this will happen in the near future.... Yet prior to this you will still be subjected to tests of faith but these, too, will strengthen and enable you to stand firm in the last battle on this earth. And as soon as this conflict will flare up you will also know that the end is not far away, for My adversary will only wage battle for a short time, because for the sake of My chosen people I will shorten the time, I will bind him as well as his supporters. For the time he was granted for his activities on earth is fulfilled and the end of the earth is near, as it is proclaimed in Word and Scripture....


B.D. 7954

— Published by friends of new revelations of God —
Information, download of all translated revelations, theme-booklets at:

Free booklets for download, print and distribution:

..... no copyright.... free to distribute to spiritual needy

001 Who was Bertha Dudde
002 God is still speaking today
003 The Question of God
004 The Christ Problem
005 The Mystery of Man
006 God's plan of salvation
007 Love - The highest Commandment
008/009 You between two worlds Part 1+2
010 God answers our Questions about the universe
011-013 Souls in the beyond 1 - 3
014 Suffering and Healing - Why must I suffer?
015 How can I become healthy
016 False prophets
017/18 God and the churches Part 1 + 2
019 The church of Christ
020 Incarnation - Re-Incarnations
021 The Inner Voice
022 The Right Kind of Prayer
023 /024 Pre-Adamites + Adam
025 Intellect - Knowledge - Realisation
026 Thinking ability and Thoughts
027/028 Freedom of will Part 1 + 2
029 Belief - Disbelief - Superstition
030 Body - Soul - Spirit
031/032 Self-denial 1 + 2
033 Spiritual rebirth
034 Childship to God
035 The Origin of Evil
036 God's Intervention
037 Sequence of the Catastrophe
039 The Forerunner of the Lord
040 The Antichrist
044 New Banishment
045 The New Earth
051 Thus it will come to pass
052 God's proclamation to the dying world
058 - 062 God corrects misguides teachings and errors 1 - 5
064/065 Listen to the Inner Voice
066 Jesus' promises 'The measure you give'
067 The Adversary's Cunning and Trickery
069 Fateful course of Life
070a/b Return to God 1 + 2
102 Correcting an Error about speaking in Tongues
109 Predictions …. A world shaking natural desaster
128 We are only guests on this earth
144 Calm before the Storm
152 Jesus Christ
154 Great Events are often Foreshadowed
220 Sola scriptura …. The Objection that the Word of God is concluded
E01 God Himself beams the truth to earth
E02 - 04 I will guide you into truth 1 - 3
S01 Explanation, comfort and help for difficult days
S02 What will happen to the human race
S03-04 Information about distibuting the Word Part 1+2


Thursday, August 20, 2009

... through Bertha Dudde - 1.1.1962

The earth's last hour....

And the last hour of the world's clock comes constantly closer....

These Words don't mean much to you humans for you don't believe that you are so close to the end.... And for your sake I cannot give you compelling evidence of this for your fear would render you incapable of fulfilling your earthly task. And thus you may or may not believe it, and your nature will be in accordance with this unbelief when the hour has come. For My plan has been determined for eternity, and profound love for My living creations made Me decide on this plan in all wisdom and will also determine Me to bring it to fruition because the time is fulfilled.

My Nature is forever unchanging, and what I once foresaw as being necessary and successful for the beings which are still separated from Me I will also carry out and not allow people to make Me change My plan, since it was based on humanity's will which I have eternally foreseen as no longer capable of change on this earth.

I do not plan and act arbitrarily but immeasurable love and wisdom determine Me in everything that happens. Hence there is no reason why I should refrain from implementing My eternal plan of Salvation, for I can see every situation clearly and therefore know that nothing will be gained by changing or deferring My plan of Salvation.

You humans must bear in mind that you truly have had enough time at your disposal and yet those of you who do not believe in Me have not changed.....Even if you had far more time at your disposal you would still not change, hence a postponement of the end would be completely ineffective and pointless and would even put My Own at risk of falling prey to My adversary as well if I do not constrain him as it is intended....

You really ought to grant Me supreme wisdom and profoundest love, then you will no longer appeal to Me for preventing the end of this earth, then you will expect the coming time with complete trust in My love which shall protect everyone who wants to belong to Me and which will truly also use its might when My Own need help in any adversity.

Even if you humans don't want to believe that your time is nearing its end you should at least consider the possibility that you suddenly will be recalled from earth; for you know that you cannot prolong your own life and that you don't know when your last day will come. Just consider that you cannot stop death and think what will happen to your soul, which is immortal, which is your real Self whose fate you decide yourself during your earthly life....

But you do not even believe in your soul's continuing existence, and as a result of your unbelief you are in serious trouble for it will not stop Me from carrying out what is proclaimed in Word and Scripture.... For the time is fulfilled and everyday is still a blessing which you can use if only you are of good will.

However, don't put your hope in false prophets who deny an end, who believe that they can change My mind, for they do not speak in My name but are the instruments of the one who wants to keep you in spiritual darkness and who therefore wants people to believe that they have unlimited time....

People would rather believe these false prophets and only ever seek fulfilment by enjoying a good life but fail to consider their souls whose existence they doubt or deny.
And it will come to pass as it was foretold.... I Myself will come in the clouds in order to fetch My Own before the work of destruction of the old earth begins....

Not one stone will remain on the other, for the earth will have to be renewed. A new earth will arise, a paradise-like creation which will accept all immature spiritual beings again which were released at the destruction of the old earth and require new forms once more in order to continue to mature fully.

And this new earth will be inhabited by those who had remained true to Me until the end.... For they will have reached the degree of maturity which allows them to enter the sphere of light and therefore they will also be allowed to inhabit the paradise which will truly be the same state of beatitude for them as if they had entered My spiritual kingdom without their physical shell. Yet they shall serve Me as the root of the new human race....

A new period of Salvation can only start with spiritually mature human beings who will also help all still constrained spirits within their environment to speedily achieve maturity, who have such a heartfelt bond with Me that they will also teach love to their children and children's children and bear witness to their God and Creator's glory, and thus the release from the form can progress quickly because I will dwell amongst them in the living Jesus....

Because all people who will then inhabit the new earth will also entrust themselves to their divine Saviour and Redeemer Jesus Christ and in awareness of the original sin also consciously take the path to Him and therefore all resistance will have been broken, for then every person will consciously take the path of return to Me so that I Myself can be present to him since his great love for Me will allow it.

Hence this will be the thousand-year kingdom in which the victory over Satan will be evident, for he cannot and will not oppress anyone anymore since all have entirely freed themselves from him and achieved the return to Me, leaving him unable to enter My kingdom until even this blissful time will gradually change again.... until people once again show an inclination towards matter and thereby release the chains of My adversary.... who is lord over matter.... and his influence markedly manifests itself again....

Yet before this time comes to pass many souls will have entered My kingdom in a completely redeemed state.... I will have been able to reap a good harvest, and then the battle with My adversary for the souls will start again....

Yet I will be victorious and time and again wrest souls from him and reduce his follows who represent his power. And time and again he will contribute towards the fact that the redemption of the fallen spiritual will continue. For I will never surrender what is Mine, even if it takes eternities.... one day it will return to Me and then remain united with Me forever....


B.D. 8071

— Published by friends of new revelations of God —
Information, download of all translated revelations, theme-booklets at:

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Destruction of earth is the result of experiments....

I Appeal to You... through Bertha Dudde - 23.9.1963

Destruction of earth is the result of experiments....

The final work of the earth's destruction will be triggered by you humans yourselves. And I will not stop you, because I also consider the spiritual substance which, as a result of this work of destruction, will be liberated from matter and able to continue its process of development in new forms on the new earth.

You have been informed of this several times already and yet have little belief, for the whole event is simply unimaginable to you. Nevertheless, it is the conclusion of a period of development which will lead to a new period, so that the work of return can once again successfully proceed in lawful order, which was no longer evident before the destruction of the old earth.

My adversary completes his last satanic work by influencing people to do something which he has no power to do himself:

to destroy works of creation.... in the belief to thereby release the constrained spirits and take control of them.

He manipulates people and induces them to carry out all kinds of experiments which, however, will fail with devastating effect due to peoples' lack of knowledge. For people dare to experiment without having explored the outcome.... they will unleash forces they cannot control and consequently are doomed to die.

And with them the creation work earth, too, will be subject to enormous destructions....
The entire earth's surface will totally change, all works of creation on earth will fall prey to destruction, the effects will penetrate to the core of the earth, and thus one can speak of a destruction of enormous proportions although people themselves will not be able to observe it, apart from the small flock which I will lead away from earth beforehand into a realm of peace.
I Myself would never allow such destruction if thereby I would not gain new opportunities of salvation for the still constrained spiritual substance, which already languishes for an infinitely long time in hardest matter....

Yet continued development would also be possible for this spiritual substance if people would not reverse the lawful order and always just live up to their helpful task on earth.... But people no longer live within divine order, and therefore My adversary exerts great influence over them and impels them to start a process in the hope to gain the return of the constrained spirits to him.

And I will not stop him, since it still depends on every person's own free will to comply with My adversary's inducement....

Nevertheless, regardless of what people do, I will always know how to utilise the effects of their actions correctly. For even the world of darkness is subject to Me and My might, and it will have to serve Me while at the same time take part in My work of return, if only unconsciously. But I know the direction of humanity's will since eternity and was able to incorporate it in My plan of Salvation.... I know when the moment in time has come when spiritual progress can no longer be expected....

I also know when the time has come to liberate the constrained spiritual substances, and therefore will not prevent people's activity when they set an enormous work of destruction into motion due to their misguided will, which aims for My adversary, and thus people are his willing instruments. For he himself is unable to destroy any work of creation, he cannot dissolve any kind of matter and all power over the spirits has been taken away from him.

This is why he tries to regain it, and people who belong to him contribute themselves towards the disintegration of matter.... at first through countless experiments which then take on proportions which matter can no longer withstand....

But I allow the spirits captivated therein to be set free, if only at the expense of humanity, which itself has reached a spiritual low that requires a new banishment into matter.... And irrespective of what My adversary and the people who belong to him will undertake.... in the final analysis it will nevertheless serve the progress of the spiritual substances again, which is meant to reach perfection one day. Therefore My plan of Salvation will surely be implemented, as it is proclaimed in Word and Scripture....


B.D. 8624
— Published by friends of new revelations of God —Information, download of all translated revelations, theme-booklets at:

More revelations of God concerning DESTRUCTION of the EARTH

Monday, August 17, 2009

Experiments towards the end of the earth.... Activating forces....

... through Bertha Dudde - 1.9.1949

Experiments towards the end of the earth.... Activating forces....

There is a set limit to how far people can go in their conduct towards what My creative spirit has brought forth. Thus, as soon as they presumptuously want to change natural creations, every one of which was given its purpose by Me, then people's attitude towards Me becomes irrational, they underestimate My wisdom and My might, believing themselves able to dismiss both and thereby sin against Me Myself as well as against what I have created. And then the limit I have set will be transgressed, and thus humanity will destroy itself, because their scholars will draw the wrong conclusions and the consequences of their experiments will be disastrous.

People believe that they have the right to explore everything I kept hidden from them in recognition of their immaturity for such knowledge.... The earth in its core is and will remain inexplorable for people until the end.

Furthermore, forces of gigantic power are kept bound by Me in the earth's core so as not to endanger the earth's continued existence, only that eruptions ensue from time to time to allow these powers a brief outburst in order to give spiritual substances capable of development the opportunity to take shape above the earth and thus start their path of ascent. These forces unleash themselves with My approval, and therefore their effects are intended in My eternal plan of Salvation.

The extent of an eruption will always be limited when it happens in accordance with My will, but human determination will never be able to stop it, human will can never be the cause of it since no-one is able to explore cause and effect. Yet in the last days people will presumptuously penetrate the earth deeply for reasons of research in order to release unfamiliar energies with the intention of utilizing them profitably, and won't consider the fact that they lack the knowledge and intellectual capacity for such experiments.

Hence they will have no respect for My works of creation, they will penetrate an area which is quite naturally closed to them and wanting to investigate it can be called an impertinence, from a purely earthly point of view. But from a spiritual point of view it will mean entering the territory of the lowest spirits whose banishment I recognised as necessary and which will then therefore be unlawfully invalidated by people, that is why revoking My eternal order will have unimaginable consequences.

Their manipulations will aim to utilise earth forces against which every resistance gives way, and which therefore can be used for all experiments.

But people won't consider that these forces are capable of disintegrating everything within their reach.... they won't take account of their power against which human will and intellect are futile. They will open locks which can never be closed again once they have been breached, for the area people want to enter is unfamiliar to them and they don't know its laws.... The earth's core cannot be researched in this way and every such attempt will backfire, not just on the researchers but on the whole human race.... For the limits I have set may not be exceeded according to My eternal order, which always favours progress but never destruction, and thus its infringement also has to have the opposite effect!

Satan himself will put these thoughts into the people of the last days, he will urge them to undertake this plan, for he knows that the destruction of creation will end the spirits' progress, which is his endeavour in his blind hatred against Me and all spirits striving towards Me. Yet even this plan, albeit evil, will be an inadvertent service.... he will fall in with My eternal plan of Salvation.... A new earth will arise where the development will continue, whereas everything satanic will once again be banished into its creations....


B.D. 4731

— Published by friends of new revelations of God —
Information, download of all translated revelations, theme-booklets at:

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Unification of ecclesiastical organisations?.... Spoilt teachings....

... through Bertha Dudde - 28.11.1963

Unification of ecclesiastical organisations?.... Spoilt teachings....

As long as people cannot decide to cleanse the Christian doctrine of all human additions, as long as every single denomination does not have the sincere will to embrace the fullest truth and to remove every error, no agreement of the churches will take place because the various denominations can only meet within pure truth and only then will they be united.

However, no group is willing to renounce any of its spiritual knowledge and, above all, usually persists on the misguided teachings since they are unable to differentiate by themselves as long as they are merely governed by their intellect. And, remarkably, no school of thought endorses the `working of the spirit'.... God's working within the human being.... and only accepts knowledge gained in this way, instead they deem the product of human intellect more valuable and are unable to dissociate themselves from it.

Hence the attribute of the church which I Myself founded on earth is rarely found as proof of credibility and truth of what is preached. The ecclesiastical organisations lack that very aspect which guarantees the truth or they all would meet in the same truth and any disagreement would be eliminated.

And thus it has to be stated to humanity's greatest regret that the pure truth can no longer be found where one would expect to receive spiritual knowledge.... It has to be said that merely a thin thread connects everything when the commandments of love for God and one's neighbour are taught.... although this faintly glowing teaching material could still suffice to make truth accessible to the people since compliance with these commandments of love also guarantees `God's working in the human being', who is then taught from within, thus he is certainly able to differentiate between truth and error....

But only the teaching of love has survived as divine teaching material, consequently every human being has the opportunity to live within truth as long as he complies with this teaching. Then he will also know that everything else is human work which only leads to wrong concepts.... that they are mere earthly expressions of what is spiritually demanded of people by God. However, people do not have the will to thoroughly cleanse the structure which they themselves have erected in the state of spiritual blindness....

No school of thought desists from its doctrines and rules and each one remains a purely secular affair as long as they advocate external customs and practices which can only be regarded as symbols which lack the true interpretation.... And yet they are all fully convinced of their own school of thought, and precisely this is the tragedy, because in doing so they show their heartless attitude which prevents them from recognising the truth.... as well as their indifference, their irresponsibility towards their souls. For every human being living within love will value truth too highly as not to seriously ensure that he is living in truth. And merely a sincere question and request for it would result in enlightenment.

But where can one find doubts concerning the truth among those who have made themselves leaders of people, who took on and are in charge of a teaching ministry themselves?....

Where, on the whole, is serious desire for truth still to be found?

Why doesn't anyone raise the most important question `What is truth? Do I possess it myself?.....'

Everyone upholds with certain obstinacy what he has adopted himself without forming his own opinion.... He believes to be `devout' by accepting everything without a word of protest what was conveyed to him by other people.... He shakes off all personal responsibility, he neither uses his own intellect nor his heart to examine the accuracy of what he in turn is supposed to endorse again.... He himself sins against the spirit, because the spirit is within him and only wants to be awakened by love in order to be able to express itself. And this in a manner which will give him light and clarity so that he will become truly wise because he may receive the light from Me Myself which will give him brightest comprehension....

But why do only so few people experience this light of comprehension.... why are so many upholding spiritual values which are so unconvincing when they are seriously examined?....

Why are people satisfied with doctrines that have truly not come from Me and why don't they accept the precious spiritual knowledge from My hand which may be asked for and received by every person who earnestly searches for pure truth and who can, through a life of love in accordance with My Will, also establish direct contact with Me in order to be taught by Me directly.... because you humans lack the knowledge about the working of My spirit within the human being.

And this in itself is proof that you were and are not correctly instructed, that even the teachers are lacking this knowledge and that consequently they were not given their teaching ministry by Me. For when I commission someone to become a teacher to his fellow human beings I will certainly also equip him with the right knowledge....

But you, who deem yourselves appointed to be in charge of your school of thought or denomination and want to be looked upon as leader, lack this knowledge. You have not been appointed by Me, and you will never be able to lead your fellow human beings into truth because you do not possess it yourselves and do nothing to receive it.

And therefore take notice of what I tell you:

The true church, which I Myself founded on earth, can only be found where the working of My spirit in the human being is evident. And this is not outwardly recognisable but it includes members from all the different religious communities, from different schools of thought, for they have won a living faith through a life of love. These will also know that My church does not present itself outwardly, instead it guarantees the closest union with Me to which I then disclose the truth.... a clear spiritual perception.

This is missing in those who do not belong to My church, who cannot dissociate from misguided spiritual knowledge which cannot possibly have originated in Me but is human addition, motivated by My adversary who will always oppose truth but which will never be accepted by those who give themselves to Me in love and faith.

And thus you will also understand that there will never be a unification of Christian denominations because each one will insist on the doctrine it has represented so far, that the argument between the denominations always concerns misguided teachings which will be anxiously guarded every one of them because they are unwilling to abandon them....

However, only truth can lead to beatitude and only the person who genuinely wants it will also receive it if he takes the path to Me directly and asks Me for it in all sincerity....


B.D. 8687

— Published by friends of new revelations of God —
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Saturday, August 15, 2009

Addition to message about `ascended master'....

... through Bertha Dudde - 4.7.1964

Addition to message about `ascended master'....

It is inconceivable to you that a being of light embodied on earth might not be able to fulfil the mission for which it lived on earth....

Every being has its own free will which I do not compel by any means. And thus, the being of light will also be able to study the doctrines of its religion even if they vastly contradict the truth, which it receives through its own illumination although it is by no means forced to accept these insights....

The being of light came to earth as a human being, and as a human being it has to struggle with existing misguided teachings too, which it could certainly recognise as such, but its free will has to be respected if it refuses to do so. For precisely because these humans are highly educated, because they even know the mysteries of creation but believe that they had acquired their knowledge themselves, they feel entitled to indisputable acknowledgment by those who want to be instructed by them....

However, since they represent a completely different school of thought which rejects the belief in Jesus Christ, it is not unusual for these beings of light to fail on this specific point.... they can indeed initiate their students into everything they accept themselves but they do not fulfil the task of proclaiming Jesus Christ's act of Salvation.... apart from a few who completely detached themselves from their school of thought and through inner experiences then received the grace to become completely convinced of Jesus' Divinity. The earthly progress of those beings of light did not result in ultimate perfection, nevertheless, a being of light cannot fall again but it can offer to repeat the earthly path time and again.

In addition, incarnated beings of light on earth are without past memory.... thus they believe to be on earth for the first time, or they accept a repeated embodiment as consequence of their religion, which may well be justified.... but they adamantly reject the thought of salvation, they believe in self-redemption through their own will and own strength.

This attitude prevents them from speaking on behalf of Jesus Christ and My human manifestation in Him. However, their will is free and with it the spiritual knowledge they pass on and.... since it encourages the human being's own effort as well as his self-denial, his struggle against himself.... it can also be beneficial, but it ignores the most important problem.... the redemption through Jesus Christ.

Nevertheless, there is a danger that people with knowledge of Jesus Christ adopt their ideas.... that they sacrifice their own knowledge in favour of mentors from other countries.... that they forfeit what they owned, that they even allow themselves to be instructed by `spirit guides' who passed over into the beyond in ignorance. For even in the beyond their will remains free as long as they inwardly reject the thought that Jesus occupied a special position, that He sheltered Me Myself within Himself.... But this happens very seldom, since the beings of light rather quickly gain the true knowledge....

However, anyone who makes himself known as an `ascended master' is merely using this name to deceive you, because I will only instruct you through the spirit which conveys purest truth to you.

Teachers who instruct you on My behalf are not authorised by Me to impart their names to you, the others, however, only pass on their knowledge to people in a state without willpower, in a state of mediumship, which does not offer any guarantee that you are controlled by good spirits....

Time and again your attention is drawn to the fact that only My spirit teaches the truth and that it will not let you go astray, and the evidence for this is Jesus' act of Salvation and My human manifestation in Him. Only that is your guarantee for truth....

Therefore I caution you against accepting information from those who undeniably have utmost intellectual knowledge and can enlighten you about mysteries of creation, if they do not have knowledge about Jesus and His act of Salvation.

Then you, who had knowledge and surrendered it on their account, will regress.

They are too absorbed in their religion but their will is free and I do not force them either, although they descended to earth for a purpose of a mission: to spread the truth.... However, they will discover this truth as soon as they pass away from this earth and then they will also be able to convey it from above....


B.D. 8825

— Published by friends of new revelations of God —
Information, download of all translated revelations, theme-booklets at:

Friday, August 14, 2009

Jesus was not an `ascended master' …. Correction of misguided teachings....

... through Bertha Dudde - 27.6.1964

Jesus was not an `ascended master' …. Correction of misguided teachings....

Truth does not remain pure once it is spread amongst imperfect humanity, which I had foreseen and therefore spoke the Words `I will guide you into truth....', although merely a firm will would suffice to keep it pure. But people do not muster this will.... And especially divine gifts will be devalued by the adversary's influence. It can always be safely assumed that My revelations will not remain unchanged either, especially when worldly interests are involved, when people do not exclusively serve these revelations with the firm intention to protect them against adverse influences. And thus My pure Word can be sent to earth time and again, it will not remain pure, because there are too few spiritual helpers, and if My divine Word gets into the hands of worldly minded people it can be expected to be contaminated again. Therefore it is always necessary to convey the pure truth to earth again....

And for this I choose the right vessels, people who prepare themselves for the reception of My flow of spirit, who give Me the assurance that they will accept the truth without resistance.... who do not oppose it with their own opinions and who fulfil their task correctly.... and who are also distributors of My divine truth. They will also have the gift to recognise error which, as a work of My adversary.... thus under the cover of piety, is given to people as truth in the same way.

I cannot contradict Myself, and neither can I make use of a person who denies My act of Salvation and My human manifestation in Jesus, who thus allegedly speaks to a person as `Jesus' being an `ascended master'....

A misguided doctrine is being fostered in all these human beings, which does not correspond to My divine teaching. But My chosen vessel recognises all correlations and cannot be deceived. And since the beings of light, who work on My instruction, will only teach you what is My will.... since they impart the same flow of strength and light which emanates from Me Myself, their spiritual information has to be the same too, or you would have to doubt its authenticity.

I will always and forever expound the divine teaching of love, as I did on earth, and explain to people the consequences of a life of love as well as the disadvantages of non-compliance with My commandments, because this is the meaning and purpose of earthly life after all.... And time and again you will be told about the cause of your earthly existence.... The knowledge of all correlations is all-inclusive and explains everything, you will recognise therein My love, wisdom and might, and will be able to strive towards a unity with Me. That is all I ask for.

The fact that My pure Word was repeatedly spoiled forces Me to repeatedly pronounce My will too, yet its truth is guaranteed as long as I can still use a vessel serving Me voluntarily and as long as servants assist Me to spread the pure truth. And while this is so, misguided doctrines, which are always close at hand and endanger the pure truth, can be refuted.

I will always bless the will of those who strive for pure truth, I will enlighten their thoughts so that they will recognise the truth.... but it is also essential that they take the path to Me. They must not entrust themselves to beings they call upon for help, for they don't know whether these are authorised by Me to teach you. Thus they do not know whether they are being taught the truth.

The act of Salvation and its reason is evidence that you have found the right source, but if this is only mentioned in passing, if it is not the essence of a message from above, you should have misgivings, for I gave you the criterion Myself `Test the spirits whether they are of God.... a spirit who confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is of God....' And this teaching is the most important, this is what matters: that you find salvation through Jesus Christ, only He can take the original sin from you.... For He and I are one, you have to acknowledge Him as your God and Creator in order to unite with Me eternally....


B.D. 8822

— Published by friends of new revelations of God —
Information, download of all translated revelations, theme-booklets at:

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Knowledge of the original sin is necessary in order to understand the act of Salvation.... In order to acknowledge Jesus Christ as the `Redeemer'....

... through Bertha Dudde - 26.5.1964

Knowledge of the original sin is necessary in order to understand the act of Salvation.... In order to acknowledge Jesus Christ as the `Redeemer'.... Misguided teachings of “ascended master”….

You humans lack the knowledge about the first original sin, consequently you also consider Jesus Christ's act of Salvation just an atonement for your human guilt, indeed, you even deny His `act of Salvation' because.... you believe.... that everyone has to pay for their guilt down to the last coin. This opinion would be understandable if it only concerned the sin you burdened yourselves with as human beings.... but it concerns the immense first original sin, the spirits' apostasy from Me.... a sin.... which you would never be able to atone, which thus cannot ever be denied, which is the cause of the whole of creation and the reason for My human manifestation in Jesus.

For the apostasy from Me was caused by the fact that the created beings were unable to see Me, and therefore I made Myself visible in Jesus. Anyone who merely acknowledges the past original sin by the first human beings will find it incredulous that these sins necessitated a `Redeemer', he will always maintain that humanity could not be punished for a sin it had not committed. And therefore even the sins committed by a person as such are indeed an offence against My love.... but they do not recognise them in their state of darkness, which is the consequence of the immense first original sin. But this sin explains everything, and as long as people do not know about this event of the spirits' apostasy they will find it difficult to believe in the `divine Redeemer', Who died on the cross in utmost pain and torment for the sake of this immense sin, which He had taken upon Himself in order to offer this sacrifice of atonement to Me.

Consequently, every teaching which denies the divine Redeemer.... which thus renounces the principle of salvation.... will have to be rejected as a misguided teaching, even if His work as advocate of the divine teaching of love is emphasised. It concerns the redemption of the first original sin, which only I Myself could accomplish in the man Jesus, and therefore My human manifestation in Him will be comprehensively explained to you, for I Myself Am a Being which could not be seen by any of My living creations without ceasing to exist.

If I thus wanted you to be able to conceive Me visibly it had to take place in the form of a being like yourselves Which, for you, was the human being Jesus. Consequently, it is first of all necessary to know about the event of the beings' apostasy from Me in order to then understand the process of creation of the visible world. Then you will also be able to understand the everlasting battle between light and darkness and the appearance of a Saviour for humanity in Jesus Christ.... of a non-fallen original spirit.... in Whom I embodied Myself, because you had no concept at all of the `all-creative strength'. And for this reason you are able and have to acknowledge a Redeemer, Who died on the cross on behalf of everyone and Who also prayed on behalf of you humans for the remission of your sins.

But it cannot be granted to you instantly, rather, you have to apply to Him yourselves because the fall happened voluntarily and thus the return to Him will also have to take place in free will. The fact that a person who seriously strives for perfection will, apart from the original sin, also be forgiven for his sins as a human being need not be doubted, hence all guilt will be forgiven and thus forgiveness is ensured.

But since Jesus is only rarely recognised as Redeemer by those who accept the misguided teaching which portrays Him as a human being and “ascended master” and who do not want to acknowledge My human manifestation in Him, they do not ask Him for forgiveness of all their sins either.

For there is only One Who can release them from their guilt, only One has the power to cancel all sins.... and that is Jesus, in Whom I Myself became a human being....


B.D. 8806

— Published by friends of new revelations of God —
Information, download of all translated revelations, theme-booklets at:

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

... through Bertha Dudde - 4.7.1956

Logical reasons for world events....

It is difficult for worldly people to believe what you, My servants on earth, proclaim to them on My instruction.... It seems so unreal to them that they would much rather portray you as fantasists than to take your words to heart and to count on their likelihood. For what you are telling them does not fit into the plans they make for themselves in their earthly life.... The belief of it requires a complete change of thinking from one area to another.... and they don't see the need for it. They live and want to enjoy their life. And therefore they first fulfil their selfish love and a dark spiritual state is the result. They grow increasingly darker within themselves and My kingdom moves ever further away from them instead of being taken by them as their possession.

And yet, I cannot leave them to their fate, time and again I approach them and also inform them increasingly more often through seers and prophets what will await them.... And thus their calls of admonition and forewarning are even heard in the midst of the world in order to direct people's attention to an area which they would otherwise not enter. Nothing else can be done for their deliverance but to address them Myself through My servants, since this is the most natural way of revealing Myself as it will not compel them to believe and yet it is occasionally successful.

The indications of the end and the natural catastrophe preceding the end will be repeatedly made known to people in various ways, both in relation to proclaiming My Gospel as well as to the world events which should make those people think who avoid the messengers of My Gospel but who shall also be addressed. Where My Word is still heard the connection with Me still exists or is not yet broken, and it is easier to make the coming events believable to them, because My Word has always indicated an end of this earth and referred to the signs which announce such an end....

But it is difficult to approach people who have disassociated themselves from religious organisations and let the world or earthly success become their only purpose in life. I would also like to address those, and where I Am unsuccessful through My instruments on earth I can only let worldly events speak to them: accidents, disasters and natural destructions can still influence their thoughts, and then it is possible that they will also try to relate such thoughts to the announcements of a near end, which they will also hear about even if they are servants to the world. And in the forthcoming time there will be no shortage of voices who intend to arouse people from their sleep on My behalf. I also still want to win those who completely stand apart but who are not interested in religious doctrines.... yet nevertheless willingly listen to a clear explanation about the meaning and purpose of creation as well as the human being's task in life.... and who therefore have to be given a logical reason if they are to be lead to believe in a higher Power Which rules the universe with wisdom and love....

My means and ways are manifold, and thus I also need servants on earth with various dispositions who therefore can be called upon to carry out various tasks in My vineyard. And I truly place all labourers in the right place where they can work successfully.... But they all just have the one purpose: to inform people of the approaching end, for believers and unbelievers alike shall know that they live in the last days of grace, which they should and could use well so that they need not fear the end. And they all shall also be informed of what I want to achieve through various worldly events, through exceptionally sorrowful happenings, through illness and adversities.... For it is only My love which allows this to happen to people so that they will still mature fully or find Me before the end....


B.D. 6588

— Published by friends of new revelations of God —
Information, download of all translated revelations, theme-booklets at:

Monday, August 10, 2009

The path to the eternal home....

... through Bertha Dudde - 17.5.1956

The path to the eternal home....

The way home can be long and comfortable but also short and arduous, depending on how serious you are of reaching your goal.... But you can also quite easily walk a completely wrong way if you don't care where you go to....

A difficult path will never lead into the abyss, for the one who wants to entice you to descend shows you ways which are appealing to walk.... He will never lure you to himself with a difficult path. This is why it should always give you cause for concern if your earthly path is far too easy and full of joy; then you should always ask yourselves whether you are on the right path, whether it is the path to your eternal home. But you are generally satisfied as long as your earthly life gives to you what you desire, and then you will rarely consider the life of your soul after death....

But you should be concerned....

If you want to reach higher spheres then your ascent must require strength, it will never be possible to cover it effortlessly unless you completely hand yourselves over to Me and let Me be your guide. In that case you will not feel the effort of ascending quite so much and yet your path will lead upwards.... Therefore, take notice of the fact that an even path can never lead to the goal.... and humbly accept all adversities and difficulties, for they guarantee you a path of ascent, to Me, Who should never be searched for below but only ever above.

And also beware that you do not divert from these ascending paths onto the wide and comfortable road again, for you can change your goal at any time, the opportunity will always be offered to you to change from the broad path onto the narrow path which cannot be effortlessly walked; just as the reverse is always possible, for My adversary will never stop enticing you and time and again will show you appealing regions to prompt you to direct your steps to where he wants you to go.... An all too easy earthly life with all kinds of earthly joys and pleasures is such a wide and easily passable path, which certainly can still be exchanged before the end of your life on earth with the steep path towards ascent, but although the achievement of the goal can still be possible it is nevertheless very doubtful, for no person knows when his earthly life will be over and whether he will still have the opportunity at the end to turn onto the narrow path towards ascent.

No-one knows whether he can ever catch up on the missed time or whether he will still be able to change the direction of his goal in his earthly life....

This is why you should not be envious of any fellow human being who lives a carefree earthly life which constantly seems full of joy.... He is not on the right path yet, he is still too much taken care of by the one who wants to lure him into the abyss....

And yet, guided by My hand, you too can enjoy your earthly life, but your joys and wishes will be different ones than those which you observe with your fellow human beings. For the gifts distributed by Me are of a different kind but they can make the person far happier than material possessions.... And at the same time they give you the necessary strength you need for the path of ascent.... And you will truly not make a bad choice if you decide quite early to turn off the broad way onto the narrow and seemingly impassable path towards ascent.... For then you will no longer desire what you have left behind.... You will look upwards and follow the light, and you will safely reach the goal, to Me in your Father's house....


B.D. 6549

— Published by friends of new revelations of God —
Information, download of all translated revelations, theme-booklets at:

Sunday, August 9, 2009

... through Bertha Dudde - 30.12.1955

Consider the end....

I send the same admonition to all human beings: Consider your end. For it is granted to all of you; right now you all have to count on a natural recall from this earth when your hour has come. But many of you will have to leave earthly life prematurely, because I don't want to let them fall into My adversary's hands since their resistance is not strong enough to resist his coercion in the last days....

However, even the people who will experience the end will have to count on a shorter lifespan than they would naturally expect, for this end will happen to you soon.... And you humans are not yet mature enough to anticipate this end without reservations.... And thus, in view of the near end I admonish you all to make every effort to improve your soul. I caution you to live consciously and not to let a day go by without having done a kind deed, without having offered your soul a gift to help its ascent.... I urgently remind you all to accept My Word, to let yourselves be addressed by Me in My Word and thereby also receive the strength to help you ascend.... Don't just live your earthly life but engross yourselves at least once a day in My Word, briefly communicate with Me and commend yourselves to Me and My grace....

Just a heartfelt thought to Me is already refreshment for your soul, and if you read or hear My Word in silent devotion you will provide your soul with the nourishment that will help it mature for sure. I only admonish you humans to live consciously.... to remember that your life will not last much longer and that you will prepare a bearable fate for your soul after the death of its body....

Don't let the time you have left until the end slip away.... don't let it pass by without using it for your soul, and you only provide for your soul when you entertain spiritual thoughts, when you make mental contact with your God and Creator of eternity, Who is Father of you all, Who would like to admit you into His kingdom but requires your own will to do so: to create a state of soul which allows its entry into My kingdom....

Therefore I admonish you time and again: Consider the end....

As long as you stand in the midst of life you will always resist this idea because you don't know that you can be granted an extremely blissful fate afterwards.... But My love would like to grant you a blissful fate, consequently you will constantly hear these Words of exhortation from above, because you yourselves have to want to become blissfully happy.... Every pensive hour, every moment of inner reflection will be of utmost benefit for you.... Yet woe to those who will never find time for this, who are so attached to the world that they are incapable of detaching themselves for a short time.... For they are firmly under My adversary's control from which they will hardly be able to escape if they are not helped through loving intercession, through calling upon Jesus Christ to be helped by Him directly.... You can call upon Me at any time and I will hear you, for I want to release you from his chains and not prolong your captivity....

Consider the end.... and consider the state of your souls. Call upon Me for help.... This is what My never-ending admonitions intend to achieve, that you will remain in contact with the only One Who can help you.... that you will direct your eyes and appeals heavenwards and become and remain conscious of the fact that you will not live forever on this earth....


B.D. 6439

— Published by friends of new revelations of God —
Information, download of all translated revelations, theme-booklets at:

Friday, August 7, 2009

... through Bertha Dudde - 10.12.1955

Heartfelt contact with God.... Inner voice....

You should listen to your inner voice after a heartfelt prayer to Me, then you can also be certain that you are on the right path, for then it is My voice which will be speaking to you, advising and guiding you as is right for you. Someone who contacts Me more frequently, who won't do anything without having commended himself to Me, who always enters into dialogue with Me and asks for My blessing, will also do what is right, because I then will guide him Myself and always convey the right thoughts to him, so that his way of life consequently complies with My will too.

Yet this is questionable when you exclude Me from your thoughts, when you deem yourselves able to do everything yourselves, when you live your life without God.... then I often have to let you fail, so that you will take the path to Me again because you realise your weakness.... Irrespective of how powerful you seem to be, how abundantly you are endowed with earthly abilities, it will not influence your earthly life, instead it will take place according to My wise judgment, and therefore you will often find yourselves in situations where your own abilities will not get you anywhere, where you have to take refuge with Me in order to overcome them.....

Although even then you can still refuse but you would do well to take the path to Me..... For I Myself thereby entice you to contact Me, Whom you would otherwise forget....

And thus there will still be many difficulties in store for you, and you all should ask yourselves why your God and Creator allows this to happen to people.... You should not believe that only people's actions alone create conditions which appear almost unbearable.... You should also think of the One Who is Lord over heaven and earth.... and Who allows this to happen. And you should ask yourselves why I allow such things to come over you.... I could divert at any time what is caused by human will, or by virtue of My might reverse its effect.... I could and also will do so where I Am called upon with sincere faith for help in this adversity.... But I nevertheless allow people to experience great hardship because they should take the path to Me, which they haven't walked for a long time already.... Without Me they will lapse into utter weakness, but with Me they will be able to overcome even the most difficult situation, and this is what people should experience.... My Own as well as those who make the attempt to appeal to Me in utmost distress. For they will be helped, often miraculously....

But the former, too, will realise that they are completely without strength because they rely on themselves and don't believe they need Me.... I want to reveal Myself to people, for their benefit but also for their downfall.... For anyone who even then doesn't want to recognise Me will be lost for an infinite time.... Don't rely on your own strength, it will not suffice for what will come your way; turn to Me beforehand already and appeal to Me to give you strength.... I will not deny it to anyone who thinks of Me in the hour of need. But blessed are those who always carry Me in their heart.... They will not need to fear the approaching time of hardship, for I will protectively keep My hands over them, and no matter where they go, they will be escorted by guides guarding them and smoothing their every path....

But there will be a storm.... which will devastate everything, it will awaken many sleepers and fearfully make them wonder whether they will be able to escape it. Yet whatever happens.... it is My will or My permission in order to give those on the wrong path a last opportunity of return.... They all can still turn to Me in the last hour, and they will truly never need to regret it.... For I accept everyone who tries to approach Me. I will extend My hands to him which he only needs to grasp for Me to be able to draw him to My Fatherly heart.... For you cannot become blessed without Me.... That is why you should take the path to Me, Who wants to provide you with everlasting beatitude....


B.D. 6421

— Published by friends of new revelations of God —
Information, download of all translated revelations, theme-booklets at:
... through Bertha Dudde - 10.12.1955

Heartfelt contact with God.... Inner voice....

You should listen to your inner voice after a heartfelt prayer to Me, then you can also be certain that you are on the right path, for then it is My voice which will be speaking to you, advising and guiding you as is right for you. Someone who contacts Me more frequently, who won't do anything without having commended himself to Me, who always enters into dialogue with Me and asks for My blessing, will also do what is right, because I then will guide him Myself and always convey the right thoughts to him, so that his way of life consequently complies with My will too.

Yet this is questionable when you exclude Me from your thoughts, when you deem yourselves able to do everything yourselves, when you live your life without God.... then I often have to let you fail, so that you will take the path to Me again because you realise your weakness.... Irrespective of how powerful you seem to be, how abundantly you are endowed with earthly abilities, it will not influence your earthly life, instead it will take place according to My wise judgment, and therefore you will often find yourselves in situations where your own abilities will not get you anywhere, where you have to take refuge with Me in order to overcome them.....

Although even then you can still refuse but you would do well to take the path to Me..... For I Myself thereby entice you to contact Me, Whom you would otherwise forget....

And thus there will still be many difficulties in store for you, and you all should ask yourselves why your God and Creator allows this to happen to people.... You should not believe that only people's actions alone create conditions which appear almost unbearable.... You should also think of the One Who is Lord over heaven and earth.... and Who allows this to happen. And you should ask yourselves why I allow such things to come over you.... I could divert at any time what is caused by human will, or by virtue of My might reverse its effect.... I could and also will do so where I Am called upon with sincere faith for help in this adversity.... But I nevertheless allow people to experience great hardship because they should take the path to Me, which they haven't walked for a long time already.... Without Me they will lapse into utter weakness, but with Me they will be able to overcome even the most difficult situation, and this is what people should experience.... My Own as well as those who make the attempt to appeal to Me in utmost distress. For they will be helped, often miraculously....

But the former, too, will realise that they are completely without strength because they rely on themselves and don't believe they need Me.... I want to reveal Myself to people, for their benefit but also for their downfall.... For anyone who even then doesn't want to recognise Me will be lost for an infinite time.... Don't rely on your own strength, it will not suffice for what will come your way; turn to Me beforehand already and appeal to Me to give you strength.... I will not deny it to anyone who thinks of Me in the hour of need. But blessed are those who always carry Me in their heart.... They will not need to fear the approaching time of hardship, for I will protectively keep My hands over them, and no matter where they go, they will be escorted by guides guarding them and smoothing their every path....

But there will be a storm.... which will devastate everything, it will awaken many sleepers and fearfully make them wonder whether they will be able to escape it. Yet whatever happens.... it is My will or My permission in order to give those on the wrong path a last opportunity of return.... They all can still turn to Me in the last hour, and they will truly never need to regret it.... For I accept everyone who tries to approach Me. I will extend My hands to him which he only needs to grasp for Me to be able to draw him to My Fatherly heart.... For you cannot become blessed without Me.... That is why you should take the path to Me, Who wants to provide you with everlasting beatitude....


B.D. 6421

— Published by friends of new revelations of God —
Information, download of all translated revelations, theme-booklets at: