Thursday, July 30, 2009

Renewed captivity....

... through Bertha Dudde - 21.7.1955

Renewed captivity....

What will happen to you humans if you don't change cannot be described to you pessimistically enough, for it will exceed your worst imagination.... It is most dreadful for you, because you will have to give up your already attained degree of freedom, because you will be constrained and for infinitely long periods of time find yourselves in captivity again, until one day you will meet the same fate of living as a human being on earth once more.... But irrespective of how shockingly your fate is described to you, you don't allow yourselves to be affected by it and yet, you would still be able to avoid this fate if only you would take it to heart and change your ways.... For I only require you to change your nature, I only require you humans to change your attitude towards each other, that you help rather than fight and antagonise each other, that one will make the other happy and offer kindness instead of being mutually nasty and intensify the hatred in yourselves. I only require every individual to make an effort in cultivating unselfish neighbourly love, then his whole nature will change and then the person will make contact with Me Myself, and the danger of a new banishment after the end of this earth will no longer exist for him....

And even if you don't want to believe what awaits you, you should nevertheless try to improve yourselves, for a life of love would still only have beneficial effects on earth, because then you will have the energy at your disposal which a heartlessly thinking and behaving person is lacking.... The forthcoming fate can only ever be portrayed to you as a horrible experience to which you will fall prey yourselves.... And you should only ever be encouraged into loving activity if you want to evade this dreadful outcome.... If you find it difficult to believe.... you can nevertheless still live a life of love, and you will soon know for certain what you don't want to believe, for then your spirit will become enlightened by love and you will clearly recognise the inevitable consequence of a violation against the law of order.... because then you will be able to observe cause and effect in every event and experience.... Yet anyone who remains indifferent to these admonitions and warnings will experience what he could have avoided.... and he himself will be the victim of his life without love. For all his strength will be taken away from him and the utterly weak substance of his soul will harden again, the most solid matter will confine the being again and the release from it will take infinitely long periods of time.... in order to finally arrive at the same level you are at the moment.... An infinite cycle, which will repeat itself until you exclude yourselves through conscious endeavour and a conscious connection to Me.... Only then will the process through matter be over and the path into the spiritual realm assured for you....

You could already achieve this now if only you would put My will into practise: that you release yourselves from all restraints through loving activity, that you believe in Me and seek contact with Me.... and that you establish this contact precisely through this loving activity.... You are able to do this while you still live on earth and the energy of life is at your disposal, but you only have very little time left.... Use it well, believe My Words, believe that an appalling fate awaits you, and consciously avoid this fate by just striving to live correctly and honourably and practising neighbourly love. It is an urgent exhortation which I proclaim to you with a loving heart: Change yourselves before it is too late.... Remember Me and remember your neighbour with kindness, so that you become free and don't have to fear what is approaching you....


B.D. 6317

— Published by friends of new revelations of God —
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Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Strokes of fate.... Remedies....

... through Bertha Dudde - 21.6.1955

Strokes of fate.... Remedies....

The wounds I have to inflict on you if I don't want you to fall into everlasting death are truly not an expression of wrath, of lack of love, nor are they indications of just punishments for your transgressions.... They are merely remedies to remove ailments which you have caused yourselves and which are needed in order to restore the health of your soul....

It was your own fault that you left the eternal order or your fate would be one of pure happiness and beatitude. Believe Me, I would much rather grant you blissful happiness but you yourselves make it impossible for Me as soon as you leave My order.... however, I will use everything to lead you back into divine order again so that I can make you abundantly happy once more.

The more hardship and sorrow, misery and illness are evident on earth the greater are the offences against My order, and by looking at this adversity you humans can see how low you have fallen, for I would truly rather make humanity happy than let unfounded tribulations befall them in order to restore My eternal order again.... And although the individual person believes himself to be a lesser sinner than the misfortune he has encountered.... you humans don't know the correlations or the extent of a misfortune's effect.... nor do you know who will be helped to mature in turn as a result of the individual person's fate.... You also don't know what you have voluntarily offered to endure before your incarnation as a human being.... I, however, know everything, and I truly will not impose upon you a greater burden than you are able to bear....

Furthermore, I offer Myself as a cross bearer if your cross seems too heavy for you.... Unfortunately you don't very often take advantage of My help, and thus you complain about your burden and frequently protest its weight.... You were motivated by love to offer yourselves to bear a burden of the cross.... But in earthly life you don't know why you, who believe to belong to Me due to your will, have to suffer.... Yet I want you to travel your path silently and without complaining even without knowing the cause, I want you to humbly accept your cross, I want that you always submit to My will in the recognition that the One to Whom you submit yourselves is a God of love and that everything you receive from Him will be a blessing for you....

Therefore, don't object to your destiny whatever comes your way.... don't complain and grumble if you want to belong to Me but always rest assured that it is only for your benefit.... that it always signifies help and a restoration of My eternal order.... rest assured that one day you will realise it and be grateful to Me that I allowed you to take this arduous earthly path with its misfortunes but also with My love, which is the reason for everything that affects you, because it only ever wants you to become blessed....


B.D. 6290

— Published by friends of new revelations of God —
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Tuesday, July 28, 2009

The task to spread the truth presupposes receipt of truth from God....

I Appeal to You
... through Bertha Dudde - 7.5.1955

The task to spread the truth presupposes receipt of truth from God....

You should speak in My name for Me and My kingdom.... You should say the same to people as I would say to them Myself if I visibly lived amongst them.... you should instruct them truthfully like I Myself have done during the time I lived on earth....

If I give you this task then I also have to provide you with the possibility to accomplish it.... And if I expect you to impart the truth to people then I also have to give you the truth, so that you will be able to work in accordance with My will for Me and My kingdom. But therefore you can also be certain that whatever I give to you is the utter truth, otherwise I could not demand of you to proclaim the Gospel in My name. And thus you can confidently regard yourselves as My instruments, you can repeat with utter confidence what you receive from Me through the spirit, you can stand up for the truth with conviction, you need not trouble yourselves with doubts or you would have to question God's love, omnipotence and wisdom if He could not protect you from error.

I have initiated you into My eternal plan of Salvation.... I gave you knowledge of My reign and activity, of your purpose of existence, of the reason and goal for everything in existence.... I tried to make you understand that My love constantly cares for all living creations.... I have introduced you to knowledge that you cannot simply dismiss as implausible because all correlations were revealed to you with profound wisdom.... And this knowledge alone can already be regarded by you as evidence of extraordinary activity.... you can also believe everything, because it is offered demonstrating My love to you far more comprehensibly than the knowledge acquired by human intellect which, however, lets doubts arise in My love, wisdom and omnipotence.... But I have only conveyed the information to you for one purpose: to distribute it amongst people, so that they learn the pure truth which originates from Me and which should be passed on to them unaltered.... I Myself, Who is Eternal Truth Himself, give this instruction to you.... And I give to you in abundance, I provide you with extensive information which you should pass on, and you truly need not accept `additional knowledge' from elsewhere.... I therefore caution you not to combine My pure truth.... the spiritual information you receive from Me.... with spiritual information not imparted to you by Myself, for there is a great risk that the pure living water will be mixed with harmful embellishments.... Pass it on again as pure and adulterated as you received it from Me, for you are drawing from the spring of life, a source has been opened up for you which lets the most delectable gift flow out: direct strength from Me, My Word, which originates from Me directly and affects your spiritual ear. Thus I Myself bring the living water to you which fully suffices to awaken people to life and to keep them alive....

I truly know what is necessary and helpful to you, and that is also what I will convey to you.... Keep to this and only this.... then you will speak in My name and proclaim the pure Gospel to your fellow human beings.... And you will always be blessed by Me....


B.D. 6252

— Published by friends of new revelations of God —
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Monday, July 27, 2009

Arbitrarily taking one's own life....

I Appeal to You
... through Bertha Dudde - 19.7.1954

Arbitrarily taking one's own life....

You humans are granted a certain length of time for your final deliverance from bondage.... for the ultimate release from the form.... Yet the duration of this time varies such as I had recognised to be good for your soul. Your earthly life is not finished by Me arbitrarily, yet I know the maturity of every person's soul and thus I also know the risk of a decline or the possibility of further progress on earth.

And My love and mercy also ends a human life prematurely in order to prevent the soul from regressing.... or I can see the possibility of a change in the last hour and therefore prolong the natural life, always in wise counsel, for everything that serves the benefit of the soul is known to Me.... And now you will understand that your own ending of the body's life is a serious offence, that you commit a sin, that you act in advance of My love and mercy and don't utilise the opportunities which were offered to your soul to reach perfection....

You interfere with My plan of Salvation and cause such damage to your soul which one day will trigger immense remorse and self-reproaches in you, yet which no longer can be put right in the kingdom of the beyond, for the advantages you should and are able to utilise on earth can never be offered to you in the kingdom of the beyond again. You have irretrievably forfeited something, even if you still succeed in improving the state of your soul by then striving to ascend....

Yet there is a great danger that the soul will descend.... that it will rebel, just as arbitrarily taking its own life was a rebellion, and that it will continue to stay in opposition. Such souls require a lot of help as not to be lost for an infinitely long time, yet they, too, only get what they want.

I will truly help everyone, even in utmost adversity, which is instantly lessened when the person just thinks of Me, when he just calls upon Me for help.... And adversity is, after all, only a means of directing your thoughts towards Me, so that you then will also be able to gain success from your earthly life.... Adversity will not befall a person without reason, for his soul is in danger from which it shall escape by means of this adversity. And the more its stance hardens against Me the more it is at risk, in order to finally defy My will and throw away the life which it was granted by My love and grace for its final redemption. For the embodiment as a human being is a grace for the soul.... a gift of My love.... it is the last step towards ascent which it is allowed to take in order to become eternally free and blissfully happy.... The soul has almost reached its goal and is therefore responsible for its actions if it does not utilise this gift of grace but throws it away in blindness of thought.

Every movement of a human heart is known to Me and I truly judge righteously.... I take the weaknesses of My living creations into account yet it is not without their own fault, and the human being's free will incriminates him if it was wrongly orientated, thus was abused. The human being is unable to end his adversity by his intervention, he will have to continue suffering because of it, he will not be able to escape his distress, and that is why the soul will suffer inexpressibly in the kingdom of the beyond.... until it can master it in the same way as it should have done on earth.... until it takes refuge in the One Who is Lord over suffering and adversity, because He is the victor over sin and death....


B.D. 6005

— Published by friends of new revelations of God —
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Sunday, July 26, 2009

Last Judgment is an act of divine love ....

I Appeal to You
... through Bertha Dudde - 23.6.1954

Last Judgment is an act of divine love....

The Last Judgment also has to be considered an expression of God's love, for this, too, is based on the continued development of souls which had failed their last test of earthly life and which have to be placed into a new developing process in order to reach the final goal one day. Hence the Last Judgment is, in a manner of speaking, a finalising rearrangement of what had become disorderly.... it is for judging and integrating it into the various forms which correspond to the soul's degree of maturity.... it is the conclusion of one developmental period and the beginning of a new one in line with My plan of eternity which is based on profound wisdom and love. Even a judging God remains a God of love, because My justice is only able to take effect as My love deems beneficial for the soul and yet compensates the wrong thoughts and conduct of people who become subject to this judgment. Even the greatest sin will somehow have to be atoned if it hasn't been handed over to the One Who offered Himself as a sacrifice of atonement.... A balance has to be created in order to diminish this great guilt, and precisely this balance is guaranteed by the Judgment.... by placing the soul, having become sinful, into a situation where it has to reduce this guilt, since it had not voluntarily accepted the gift of atonement....

The Last Judgment is by no means an act of divine wrath but just an act of love which also expresses My justice.... since this cannot be excluded from a supremely perfect Being. I could certainly let each person feel My righteousness separately, I could more or less punish every sinner immediately.... but this would not correspond to My wisdom, and in that case My love would hardly be recognisable. For I Am exceptionally long-suffering and patient and postpone a judgment, like the one at the end of a developmental period, for as long as possible, in order to still gain people for Myself beforehand.... And I place My protective hand over the unrighteous and wicked, because I wish to defeat them with My love and not be feared by them as a punishing God.... But once the point in time has arrived when I restore order, because there is no further hope of a voluntary return to Me, My love seemingly has to withdraw and yet, it alone is the driving force....

My love brings a satanic situation to an end and prevents further destructive activity by My adversary.... I rescue souls from falling into the deepest abyss.... I constrain them within solid matter again and thus place them into the developmental process once more.... a judgment which yet again only intends Salvation and not everlasting death.... and which therefore indeed even more demonstrates My love for everything I have created.... for everything that is dead and shall attain eternal life....


B.D. 5983

— Published by friends of new revelations of God —
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Saturday, July 25, 2009

Strong faith.... Following Jesus....

... through Bertha Dudde - 18.7.1953

Strong faith.... Following Jesus....

Follow Me and you will attain an ironclad faith.... A person's faith cannot come alive until he lives a life of love, until he takes the path I took Myself on earth, the path of unselfish neighbourly love.... You can certainly also acquire intellectual faith, that is, by way of logical conclusion gain a rational conviction of Me as Creator and Provider or of the One Who had allowed Himself to be nailed to the cross for you.... then you will also believe, yet such faith is not of much use to you.... it is merely a statement of facts which, admittedly, cannot be proven either but nevertheless will no longer leave you in doubt.... But what is a living faith?

A faith which lives and demonstrates or affirms its life through extraordinary works.... A faith which believes itself capable of doing extraordinary things in the firm realisation of also achieving them with My support.... A living faith demonstrates its strength, without doubting it takes My help for granted, and such faith enables the human being to achieve things which are regarded as miracles and yet are only the results of a living faith. And such faith can only be gained through a life of unselfish neighbourly love as I exemplified on earth, because love is the strength which achieves everything. Anyone who lives in love receives so much strength from Me that he wants to somehow put it into action, as a result of his activity of love he also feels My presence, and this realisation lets him bring about everything he is prompted to do by his heart....

Love and a living faith cannot be separated; this is why love should be preached to people first, so that they will attain this living faith, for intellectual faith is no substitute for living faith, since it will fail as soon as people are faced by great hardship, it will shrink, the human being will be of little faith in the true sense of the word, perhaps even giving up his faith because it lacks the strength of love. Fighting for and trying to attain a firm faith means doing ever more labours of love, to overcome oneself and change selfish love into unselfish neighbourly love.... This necessitates fighting against all longings, but his struggle will bring him great rewards, for anyone with a living faith no longer knows fear, worry and doubt, he feels safe and secure in Me in Whom he believes, he no longer feels lonely but takes every step with Me, Who lives in him and Who acts and works with him in every way.... Anyone with a living faith is victorious over life and death, for God's strength is at his disposal, he is in such close contact with Me that he will also always make use of My strength and achieve everything because he believes....

B.D. 5726

— Published by friends of new revelations of God —
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Satan's work as an angel of light.... Apparitions ....

I Appeal to You
... through Bertha Dudde - 21.11.1959

Satan's work as an angel of light.... Apparitions ....

During the last days Satan will fight by any means so that souls will commit themselves to him and go astray. And his trick is to involve them in error, to let them believe that they are on the right path, and yet to entangle their paths such that they do not notice that they will lead into the abyss, because they do not really desire to take the path of ascent.

People are satisfied with being told that `the path is ascending....' but they do not pay attention to it themselves or they would certainly notice that it is descending. And he uses many means for deception, all divert from the truth, all are but a tangle of fraud yet so well camouflaged that a person has to be attentive as not to be taken in by him.

And he deems the mother of Jesus to be the best means, which he first puts into the forefront of people so that they, due to their veneration and glorification, forget their real purpose of earthly life: to attain the bond with Jesus Christ Himself, which is the only guarantee for the person's salvation of soul....

Thus people carry out an apparently righteous act of love for the mother of Jesus, but Satan's intended result is less love for the divine Redeemer Himself, Who more or less takes second place.

But a lifetime on earth is too short to take detours in order to reach the goal, and people who do not take refuge with Jesus every hour of the day take long diversions....

The contact with Him is so extremely important that it cannot be established often enough, and for this reason alone every glorification of the mother of God means a deviation from the actual objective of life to establish this very contact, on which a person's salvation of soul depends.

And thus it is this bond which God's adversary tries to prevent by all means, and he succeeds best by turning people's thoughts towards Mary. He is able to do so through unusual apparitions initiated by himself, but he makes himself visible in the guise of an angel of light to people who are particularly suited to perceive psychic phenomena.

Through these apparitions he predicts forthcoming events to people, which he indeed knows will happen, and thus he creates an impression of credibility even though it is a strategy of disguise in order to cause even greater confusion. He will always wrap himself in the cloak of mystery, always making claims about concealed things, always prohibiting public disclosure, because then his fraudulence could be revealed.... He will only ever provide veiled information because he lacks precise knowledge, but in bright moments even he occasionally recognises the seriousness of the times when he himself will also be dealt with....

But he cannot stop himself from demanding honour and fame, and does this through the mouth of those camouflaged beings of light by demanding the building of churches and altars where homage should be paid to him, because he himself hides behind such apparitions.

And the most obvious indication of an anti-spirit rests in the fact that people are demanded to pay homage before the world to those in whose garment darkness keeps itself imperceptible.

A heavenly being of light will only ever draw people's attention to Jesus Christ and mention his act of Salvation, a true being of light will not demand any formalities, no buildings of churches and altars, but encourage people to shape themselves through love into a temple for God, nor will it make concealed suggestions but proclaim what all people should be told: that the end is near and that people should change themselves....

A true being of light will not persuade people to perform formal prayers for hours either, but motivate them to establish a living bond with Jesus Christ, where only and forever salvation is to be found.

You humans need not take such events seriously, for they are events which were embellished by people, they happened in a primitive manner and were only later presented as unusual experiences....

A good basis for this was prepared, because the mother-of-God-worship was already too deeply ingrained in people and even minor events caused feverish activity in them and created the foundation to believe in ever more improbable things. But they were by no means divinely-spiritual apparitions which were to reinforce people's faith in worshiping the mother of God, for it is not her will to distinguish herself from her Son Jesus Christ, instead she will only ever call attention to Him and His act of Salvation, if ever she will make an appearance....

For the human being's goal is the unification with God in Jesus Christ, which should be aspired to every hour and every day, and this is the true and only path which should be walked on earth....


B.D. 7460

— Published by friends of new revelations of God —
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Friday, July 24, 2009

Book of Books.... God's Word....

I Appeal to You
... through Bertha Dudde - 28.6.1953

Book of Books.... God's Word....

The Scriptures, which testify of Me, would fully suffice to proclaim My will to people, it would also guide them to the light, to enlightenment, if My will were done, and they would attain beatitude. Yet this book, the Book of the Fathers, has lost its value for many people; it is no longer the book which imparts My Word to them because their unbelief also concerns the origin of the Scriptures, they cannot believe that My spirit was working in My disciples, that this spirit motivated them to write down what I Myself did and taught while I lived on earth. And therefore they no longer appraise this Word of Mine as it should be appraised.... as the proclamation of My will which requires people to fulfil the commandments.... of love for God and their neighbour....

They would only need to acknowledge that these two commandments were given to people by Me and if they endeavoured to live on earth in accordance with these two commandments they would very soon learn to appreciate the accuracy and truth of all other teachings which My disciples recorded on My behalf for all people.... But they do not live with love, and therefore they also lack understanding for everything contained in the Scriptures. As a result, they also doubt the origin, they do not recognise Me as the source of the Word that testifies of Me. However, they nevertheless should be informed of My Word, they nevertheless should know My will and thus made directly aware of the One Who manifests Himself in many ways....

They should know that it is possible for Me to convey My Word to earth at any time, that I instruct people through the spirit at all times just as I taught My apostles when I no longer lived amongst them in the flesh. They should know that the pouring out of the spirit was not a unique occurrence which only happened to My disciples, but that time and again I pour My spirit into an open vessel, that I instruct people in the same way as I once instructed My disciples and thus convey My Word to them, which again only reveals My will to live within love, and as a result of their compliance with My will to then guide the person into truth, to explain to him the correlation between the creation and its creator, the destiny and goal of everything that is visible, thus to bestow comprehensive knowledge to him which denotes brightest light to the soul and enables it to find the path to eternal life....

By transmitting My Word I only intend to achieve the possibility for the human being to shape himself into love.... The Scriptures, too, only ever teach love, thus its origin has to be from Me Myself, Who is eternal love. But since love has grown cold amongst humanity, people are no longer able to recognise the deeper value of what is written, they are spiritually blind and lack all judgment. Therefore they shall be confronted again by living representatives of My Word who, although they will not bring them anything new, they will nevertheless be able to advocate the old Word with conviction and demonstrate it anew.... namely, that love is the first commandment I expect to be fulfilled, and that all additional knowledge, the higher awareness of truth, only arises from love.... My Word shall be widely spread again, for once again I say to My chosen disciples `Go into the world and teach all nations....' For people have to hear My Gospel, they have to know that the Scriptures may not be dismissed, that it comprises the truth which I Myself proclaimed to My disciples through the spirit.... They should know that I will always and forever transmit the same Word to earth and that My Word will remain even when heaven and earth pass away....


B.D. 5710

— Published by friends of new revelations of God —
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Thursday, July 23, 2009

Guardian spirit.... Spiritual guides....

I Appeal to You
... through Bertha Dudde - 5.9.1956

Guardian spirit.... Spiritual guides....

A loyal spiritual guide accompanies you throughout your earthly life wherever you might go.... You are never without spiritual protection, and if this guide, as well as the beings of light surrounding you, were permitted to work unrestrictedly, your full maturing on this earth would be guaranteed, since their love for you leads them to do whatever will help you to ascend. But they are not allowed to affect you unreservedly because your will itself is imposing restrictions on them.... They, too, are only able to influence you according to this will, and you humans often prevent the activity of the beings which guide you due to your opposing will. Nevertheless, your guides will not abandon you and will keep trying to exert their influence until you die. Hence you are constantly surrounded by guardian spirits, and you can always turn to them for help, yet they are only permitted to help if you have established the bond with Me first, for it is the law that the beings of light only ever implement My will, that they only ever act in accordance with My will.

Thus a God-loving-person can live a truly carefree earthly life.... because he will always be granted much loving support if he, after heartfelt prayer to Me, hands himself over to My helpers and also asks for their protection and support. These guardian spirits and guides are permeated by light and strength; consequently it is easily possible for them to shape your earthly existence such that it will be bearable for you.... They are able to resolve adversities which confront you on an earthly level or which arise through the influence of evil forces....

These spiritual guardians are instructed by Me to take care of you as soon as you have established your bond with Me through your will, through your attitude, through labours of love and through prayer. Thus a person devoted to Me can always rest assured that he is protected by Me directly, and My heavenly servants merely implement My will.... And My will always has your well-being at heart, since you have already given yourselves to Me and desire My protection.

And thus you know that you are never alone, regardless of how lonely or abandoned by the world you believe yourselves to be.... You are surrounded by a host of helpful spiritual beings which, instructed by your spiritual guardian, take care of you and protect you from physical and spiritual harm.

But it would be wrong if you only made contact with these beings due to a certain sense of superstition, if you saw in them anything else but My servants who are only allowed to help you once you have established the connection with Me.... For as soon as you call upon spiritual beings for help without faith in Me and without love for Me you will call upon adverse forces and place yourselves under their control.... For these adverse forces, too, are in your vicinity and only waiting for the opportunity to take possession of you, and this opportunity always presents itself when I Am excluded from your thoughts, when you live and act without Me on this earth.... In that case even your spiritual guide will be unable to take precedence, since your will does not allow for it.

And then the adverse forces will be especially busy, which you are just as able to feel around you as the good beings which work on My behalf. But you will invariably fall prey to these evil forces since they are very powerful and they will use this power because your will is giving them the right to do so.... However, you need never fear these evil forces if your will only ever applies to Me and you commend yourselves to My protection. In that case I have numerous helpers at My side wanting to be of service to you. And then the path of your earthly life will always be under the protection of your spiritual guide, whom I placed by your side Myself from the time of your birth until your death....


B.D. 6636

— Published by friends of new revelations of God —
Information, download of all translated revelations, theme-booklets at:

more about: Guardian spirit


Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Justice.... Recompense in the beyond....

I Appeal to You
... through Bertha Dudde - 24.2.1952

Justice.... Recompense in the beyond....

There is justice, there is recompense, if not on earth then in the spiritual kingdom, where the soul will reap what it has sown.... You humans should consider that no-one can take anything that does not belong to him, that he will have to give account down to the last cent, and that he has to pay for what he acquired unlawfully.... Bear in mind that I cannot remit anything because I Am a just God, and that you therefore burden yourselves with considerable guilt if you believe that you can commit sins with impunity. Sooner or later the day of retribution will come for everyone who lives on earth without scruples because he does not believe in Me as a just God and hence accumulates one sin after another.

Earthly life soon comes to an end for everyone, only spiritual treasures will remain, and woe to him who has none to show.... He will arrive on the other side naked and poor and wander around in utmost misery and darkness.... which is the recompense for an earthly life if it was not lived in accordance with My will and the commandment of love for Me and other people, if the person only thought of himself and lived to please My adversary, if he indulged in worldly pleasures giving free rein to his passions and instincts....

Anyone who only thought of himself on earth will be on his own on the other side and no-one will offer him love, just as he ignored those who needed his help on earth. He will have to pay every cent, for no-one can pay his debt for him except Jesus Christ in Whom, however, the soul completely devoid of love does not believe....

You humans, consider your earthly life from this point of view and understand that you should not live thoughtlessly, for sooner or later your physical life will be over and the soul will have to remove the guilt it was burdened with.... and that every tribute you paid to the world has been taken away from the soul, and its poverty in the spiritual kingdom will be the result thereof.

You should know that there is recompense for every hour you applaud My adversary, for every hour you pay homage to the pleasures of the world and completely forget about Me.... for earthly life was given to you for the perfection of your soul. But what are you doing? You only take care of your body, you satisfy its every desire, you intoxicate yourselves with worldly pleasures, you only too willingly fall into the traps laid by the enemy of your souls....

You take from your soul and give to your body.... and you will have to pay for it a thousand-fold. For you will suffer grave hardship when you enter the spiritual kingdom where only the soul's everlasting possessions will be of value.... It will suffer acute poverty, and no-one will help the soul if it does not approach Jesus Christ Who, however, is unknown to the soul in its darkness. Only He can help the soul, yet eternities can pass before the soul becomes aware of this and turns to Him. It can carry its burden for an infinitely long time because My justice cannot unburden it as long as it does not request Me to do so itself....


B.D. 5323

— Published by friends of new revelations of God —
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more about: Justice

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Consequences of unkindness in the beyond....

I Appeal to You
... through Bertha Dudde - 23.2.1952

Consequences of unkindness in the beyond....

Unkindness has far-reaching consequences on earth as well as in the beyond. For it surrounds the soul with the densest of covers, so that no ray of light can penetrate it and it forever remains in darkness. Light is everywhere, yet where it cannot penetrate the human soul there is darkness. Love, however, radiates light and illuminates the soul from within, the covers dissolve, and then the light from outside can exert an effect.... the soul becomes enlightened.... Thus, on earth `enlightenment' denotes knowledge of the eternal truth, of the meaning and purpose of earthly life and ever-increasing love for God.... But in the kingdom of the beyond receiving light is guaranteed to the soul who became enlightened on earth through love.... Darkness has gone forever, everything is revealed to the soul, no uncertainty exists for the soul any longer, nothing is incomprehensible or impossible, for due to love it has become full of light and strength itself....

Hence, unkindness is the soul's eternal ruin, for a soul who still languishes in profound darkness is wretched. It has become a victim of the one who is devoid of love himself and also wants to prepare this state for souls who allow themselves to be influenced by him, who are full of selfish love and only ever treat their fellow human beings unkindly, because they are seduced by Satan, because he wants to transfer his own feelings into people in order to enslave them. Unkindness is the death of the soul.... it poisons people's thoughts, so that the results of thinking are lies and ill-will which generate acts of hatred and, in turn, will result in evilness again. And neither can it be otherwise, for where there is love there is God.... where unkindness and hatred reveal themselves there is Satan. And he reigns, so that he can truly be recognised as the souls' greatest enemy, who not only pursues and tries to gain people on earth, but with increased malice works on and tries to influence the souls in the beyond in order to hasten the hardening of their hearts and pull them ever deeper into the abyss.

And because heartlessness has such a frightening effect in the beyond it can only be countered with love.... souls in the beyond need to be given lots of love, which effects the ailing soul like medicine by which it can be healed if people do not stop giving them love.... Even the most stubborn souls of darkness can be changed by rays of love, unwillingly at first, yet once they feel the blissful relief they will not let go of it again.... Love is the most effective weapon against the opponent who cannot endure it, who takes flight and therefore will rather drop his victims than allow himself to be touched by rays of love. For this reason you should fight against unkindness and know that it will lead into ruin, whereas deeds of love will open the kingdom of light for you, and with love you can also help those to attain the light who still languish in darkness as a result of their loveless and unkind way of life on earth. Only love can help them and release their restraints, only love can make all of you blissfully happy....


B.D. 5322

— Published by friends of new revelations of God —
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Monday, July 20, 2009

The souls' hardship in the beyond.... Intercession.... Change of will....

I Appeal to You
... through Bertha Dudde - 16.2.1952

The souls' hardship in the beyond.... Intercession.... Change of will....

The hardship of needy souls in the beyond is immense, for their situation is frequently insufferable because they are surrounded by dense darkness from which they cannot escape. However, the more a soul suffers the sooner it might analyse itself, reflect on its guilt and look for help, on account of which it will then pursue even the smallest ray of light in the hope of deliverance. Only when it tries to get away from the darkness can it be guided into the light. Prior to this it would be unable to understand the instructions, but also still too stubborn to accept the latter, so that every loving effort would be in vain. Every soul's will can be recognised by the beings of light, and accordingly they will guide those poor souls to the light who desire it, for these souls are then in a state when they can be given help, since they are willing to accept it and also request to be helped.... Then the act of Salvation can take effect on these souls, even on those from the abyss. Then Jesus' love and mercy has also affected individual souls in the abyss, and to bring release to them is an extremely rewarding task, to which you humans can contribute greatly with conscious intercession and mental instructions of those who approach you for help.

The souls in the beyond know that people on earth still have energy of life, which they lack completely, and therefore gather around people in order to receive strength from them. Admittedly, they don't know how the strength flows to them, nevertheless they ask people for what they are lacking, for what they don't have but are able to discern in people.

Their severe hardship keeps impelling them toward people on earth, even though they often have but a faint memory of the knowledge they had on earth. Consequently, instructing these souls is not easy, since their poor intellectual capacity has to be taken into account and, in view of their guilt, their state of maturity lacks all awareness. Nevertheless, they hunger for explanations and are patient listeners when they are given to them.

There is immense hardship in the kingdom of the beyond which, however, can be eased by you humans if you are willing to help them, if you take pity on these souls and your willingness to help gets motivated. For your loving thoughts are already experienced by them as a perceptible influx of strength, and therefore they will never leave a person who helps them with loving thoughts and an appeal to Jesus Christ to help these poor souls. The divine Redeemer is always ready to raise the souls from the abyss, yet the law of love cannot be avoided, and if the soul itself is still unable to love, He will be satisfied with loving intercession and accept it as if it were offered by the soul itself.... And they will find salvation through His love and mercy.... People could contribute vastly to rescue souls from the darkness.... They all are appealing to you, as soon as they enter your thoughts you will know that they can be helped, that they are already in a state when they want help and that people's loving efforts will not be in vain.... Help them, save them from their plight, and thereby contribute towards the souls' salvation who neglected to work for their perfection on earth, and who are therefore in utmost distress in the beyond, which only people's love can help to alleviate....


B.D. 5318

— Published by friends of new revelations of God —
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Change of WILL

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Purpose of earthly life: Change of will and character....

I Appeal to You
... through Bertha Dudde - 26.1.1952

Purpose of earthly life: Change of will and character....

You humans have to go through a process of revival or you will be unsuitable for the spiritual kingdom, for the spheres of light. This means that you humans, the way you are in earthly life, don't have the necessary maturity to reside in the kingdom of light. You need a completely different attitude in order to become an acceptable occupant of the spiritual kingdom, and you are meant to achieve this state on earth, which is indeed possible. Hence you have to go through a certain process of transformation, and you have to undertake it of your own accord.

Your character cannot be forcibly changed, thus your state at the end of your earthly life is determined by yourselves, and corresponding to your willingness to change your soul will leave your body.... either receptive to light or still surrounded by dense layers which cannot bear any emanation of light.... But who knows this, which person ponders this when he is informed of it and takes changing his character seriously?....

Every person has to refine himself, he has to discard faults, weaknesses and bad habits and teach himself humility, gentleness, peacefulness, patience, compassion; every person has to shape himself into love in order to combine all these virtues within himself, then he will have shaped himself such that he can be admitted into the kingdom of light, then his nature will be deified, then he will have adjusted himself to My fundamental nature and thereby will have enabled Me Myself to enter into union with him, for everything that had separated us will have been consciously removed.

The transformation of his character is the path which leads to Me, he will have achieved his earthly goal and discarded the last heavy cover as soon as he leaves his body in order to then live eternally as a blissfully happy spiritual being. Only then will the real life begin....

Let these words come alive in you: Real life begins for you when you enter the kingdom of light....

Everything prior to this has only been the ladder, the preparation time for the actual life which, however, has to be acquired during this preparation time. You humans eagerly and undauntedly work for earthly life since you consider this alone important, and you regard it as an end in itself. Yet you do not consider the actual life because you do not believe in a continuation of life after the death of your body.

Oh, you are fools....

Your purpose of life is an entirely different one than just working for your body's well-being.

You are informed of this time and again yet you don't believe it, and therefore you don't change your character either, and that is your downfall.... For if you are not suitable to enter the kingdom of light, but I neither can nor want to destroy you since you originated from Me, you will have to carry out your transformation elsewhere, and that can also mean a great fall and a gradual ascent corresponding to My eternal plan, if the opportunity of attaining maturity in the beyond is not available to you.... Sooner or later you will have to undertake this change of character in the stage of a human being, not even My love can release you from this. The stage of a human being is, however, the final stage in an incredibly long process of development through all creations on earth. As a human being you will have to accomplish a conscious change of will and character if this process of development is to reach a successful end with your physical death on earth.... Then your earthly course of life will irrevocably come to an end....

Nevertheless, progress can continue in the spiritual realm, the soul can still recognise its wretched state in the spiritual kingdom and try to improve itself, but this necessitates much help from the beings of light or through human intercession. But the being can also slide down again into the deepest abyss because it did not recognise and try to change itself.... Then it will have to accept an appalling fate in order to join the process of change after an infinitely long time again, when it has to prove itself once again....


B.D. 5303

— Published by friends of new revelations of God —
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Change of will

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Jesus came to the weak, sick and needy....

I Appeal to You
... through Bertha Dudde - 27.12.1951

Jesus came to the weak, sick and needy....

I came into the world for the weak, sick and needy, for the strong and healthy did not require Me, they found their own way, at least they believed they could, and only when they went astray did they recognise their weakness and called for Me.... when their own strength did not suffice to master their lives. All those who call for Me, who need Me, are weak and their souls are ailing, and all those will be helped by Me, because by calling for Me they acknowledge their distressed state, from which they hope to be rescued by Me. All you humans are weak and ill, and good for those who recognise it....

However, those who feel strong and healthy are in a bad way, for they cannot be helped....

And there are many who believe that they don't need help, there are many who are convinced of their own strength and very easily use the strength of the one who wants to gain them for himself, who increases their arrogant belief and therefore gives them strength, but not without a service in return.... He wants the soul and in exchange gives the body what it wants....

I, however, Am the physician of the sick and weak, I Am the comforter of the sorrowful and the hope of the disheartened.... They all come to Me and they will not ask in vain, I agree to help them all even if they do not experience it immediately. But in that case I also know why, and yet you are not abandoned, for no one who calls to Me for help from the bottom of his heart will ever call to Me in vain.

Come unto Me, all you who are weak and heavily laden, I will refresh you.... Thus I have promised you My help, and so you will certainly receive it....

Always remember this when you are confronted by hardship, when you feel physically or psychologically distressed, when earthly life is a heavy burden to you, when you need help. Then remember that I once and at any time came to the poor, sick and weak and only await your call to reveal Myself to you, but that I want to be called upon, so that you freely recognise your weakness and ask for Me, your physician and helper, that your call demonstrates your faith that I can and will help you.... and I will never allow this faith to be destroyed....


B.D. 5282

— Published by friends of new revelations of God —
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Friday, July 17, 2009

Spreading the Gospel throughout the whole world....

I Appeal to You
... through Bertha Dudde - 4.3.1958

Spreading the Gospel throughout the whole world....

When your attention is repeatedly drawn to world events you should recognise therein the sequence of what has already been revealed to you a long time ago, you should recognise therein the signs of the approaching end.... And if your spirit is awakened you will know the time you are living in. And thus everything will come to pass as I proclaimed to you through seers and prophets. There will be much grief amongst people, love will grow cold, it will be the way it was before the great flood: increased enjoyment of life, sinfulness and unbelief.... everything occurs in such a way that people will consider it normal, and they do not consider it unusual because all their thoughts and endeavours are merely of a worldly nature. But I told you that by the signs you will know when the end is near.... And thus you should pay attention to the signs.

You humans may well raise the objection that the earth has seen many such times by now, that the mentioned proclamations could have been expected at any time as a matter of course.... You will also draw attention to the times of utmost unbelief and accursed human actions.... But you forget that I had indicated that My Gospel has to be spread throughout the whole world before the last appearance on this earth can take place.... and you don't know what the `proclamation of the Gospel' actually entails....

You believe that this can only be done by people who take the information concerning the act of Salvation and the divine teaching of love to wherever it is not yet known.... The spreading of My Gospel in this way is indeed a part of it as well, but I Myself also make sure that said knowledge reaches people who have not yet been informed about Jesus Christ and His act of Salvation.

But I impart this knowledge to them directly.

I work through My spirit wherever people endeavour to live a life of love of their own accord....

And this `direct action' takes place on a massive scale and often leads to greater success than with people who have already known of Jesus Christ for a long time and yet cannot be called `Christians'.

First the Gospel has to be spread.... and it will indeed be spread. It will be taken everywhere by My messengers of light, who are exceptionally active especially in the last days, and who have embodied themselves all over the world for the purpose that they may now be useful vessels for Me into whom I can pour My spirit, who thus establish a link between Me and those to whom the Gospel shall be proclaimed.

In fact, humanity would be badly off if it had to depend entirely on people as to if, when and how the proclamation of My Gospel takes place.... And yet their efforts would be in vain too if My spirit would not work there as well, so that spiritual awakenings happen first which subsequently also permit a direct action on My part....

But I also think of those who will not be reached by the `preachers of the Gospel'.... And everywhere I Myself descend to earth in the Word in order to help My living creations.... However, this direct influence has never before occurred to this extent. And neither has it ever been acknowledged when I Myself had filled a useful vessel for Me with My spirit.... Because My adversary had constantly tried to extinguish the light, and people had listened to him. But it was not yet the time of the end, when he rages exceptionally, and therefore I will also work extraordinarily in order to save the people.

And thus love will be preached everywhere, spiritual awakenings will come about amongst all nations, but not through `speakers' alone, but through My messengers of love and light, who especially care for those who have no knowledge at all of Jesus Christ and His act of Salvation.

And those people will always have a teacher amongst them, who.... filled by My spirit.... will speak and give them the information they need for the salvation of their souls....

And the spirit of Christ, Who can now speak to them through the teacher, will reveal everything and remind them to live a life of love.... And then they too will become enlightened....

But even for this the time first has to come, hence the hour of the end could not be expected sooner in spite of the spiritual hardship and darkness. But you humans should observe what is taking place on earth and then you will easily identify the time you live in. Because one day the future will become the present-day, one day it will come to pass what I proclaimed to you a long time ago, one day the harvest will ripen and has to be taken into the barns.... And thus one day the cleaning process has to happen, the old order has to be restored again, the earth has to be made suitable for its real purpose once more: to mature the souls of people....


B.D. 7055

— Published by friends of new revelations of God —
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Revelations from God in regard to Mar 13:25

"And the stars of heaven shall fall, and the powers that are in heaven shall be shaken."
















Thursday, July 16, 2009

The helping hand of Jesus Christ.... Deliverance from the abyss....

I Appeal to You
... through Bertha Dudde - 20.12.1951

The helping hand of Jesus Christ.... Deliverance from the abyss....

On earth as well as in the beyond the Saviour's saving hand reaches out to the souls in the abyss to aid the ascent of those who seize His hand. God's love and mercy is constantly at work to bring redeeming help; but the souls themselves must want to be helped or every gift of grace from God will remain ineffective.

But only a desperate situation can persuade someone to appeal for help. Every immature soul in the kingdom of the beyond suffers and is tormented, whereas the soul on earth seeks to numb itself with earthly pleasures and thus finds it far more difficult to appeal to God for help. Yet the spiritual hardship is just as severe but it has a perceptible effect in the beyond.

The soul on earth could certainly advance with ease, since the person can use his energy of life for God-pleasing actions, whereas the soul in the beyond is powerless and depends on help, either from the beings of light or from human beings.

However, there is far less willingness to do good on earth than with the souls in the beyond, whose will is only weak as long as the soul lacks strength, but after its first gift of strength it constantly gets stronger.

The torments in the beyond can bring about a change of will, and then the ascent is also guaranteed. But even on earth spiritual progress is impossible without a change of will, and since the world always has a numbing effect on people they occasionally have to be placed into a state of distress to instigate a change of will. In that case, however, the helping hand of Jesus Christ, the divine love, is always ready to elevate a person, and there is hope of redemption for every soul, yet the soul's will, which inevitably has to aim upwards, decides the moment in time itself....

One day even the strongest opposing will shall be broken, yet not force but divine love will achieve this, which time and again will approach the being until it is recognised and reciprocated, until the being's will overwhelmingly wants to give itself to God as His Own....


B.D. 5277

— Published by friends of new revelations of God —
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The helping hand of Jesus Christ.... Deliverance from the abyss....

I Appeal to You
... through Bertha Dudde - 20.12.1951

The helping hand of Jesus Christ.... Deliverance from the abyss....

On earth as well as in the beyond the Saviour's saving hand reaches out to the souls in the abyss to aid the ascent of those who seize His hand. God's love and mercy is constantly at work to bring redeeming help; but the souls themselves must want to be helped or every gift of grace from God will remain ineffective.

But only a desperate situation can persuade someone to appeal for help. Every immature soul in the kingdom of the beyond suffers and is tormented, whereas the soul on earth seeks to numb itself with earthly pleasures and thus finds it far more difficult to appeal to God for help. Yet the spiritual hardship is just as severe but it has a perceptible effect in the beyond.

The soul on earth could certainly advance with ease, since the person can use his energy of life for God-pleasing actions, whereas the soul in the beyond is powerless and depends on help, either from the beings of light or from human beings.

However, there is far less willingness to do good on earth than with the souls in the beyond, whose will is only weak as long as the soul lacks strength, but after its first gift of strength it constantly gets stronger.

The torments in the beyond can bring about a change of will, and then the ascent is also guaranteed. But even on earth spiritual progress is impossible without a change of will, and since the world always has a numbing effect on people they occasionally have to be placed into a state of distress to instigate a change of will. In that case, however, the helping hand of Jesus Christ, the divine love, is always ready to elevate a person, and there is hope of redemption for every soul, yet the soul's will, which inevitably has to aim upwards, decides the moment in time itself....

One day even the strongest opposing will shall be broken, yet not force but divine love will achieve this, which time and again will approach the being until it is recognised and reciprocated, until the being's will overwhelmingly wants to give itself to God as His Own....


B.D. 5277

— Published by friends of new revelations of God —
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Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Help for poor souls.... Love redeems....

I Appeal to You
... through Bertha Dudde - 4.9.1951

Help for poor souls.... Love redeems....

Everything that helps the souls to ascend will be appreciated in the spiritual kingdom. The love given to the still immature spirit is the only means of redemption as long as it is unable to lift itself up, i.e. as long as it is still unable to be lovingly active itself, since it is without strength. Everything that will strengthen these beings has My blessing because it complies with the principle of love. The love people demonstrate to immature souls somehow or other has to have a redeeming effect, be it on earth or in the beyond, for no spark of love is without strength, and thus all deeds of love always result in a supply of strength. You humans on earth can therefore help greatly if you are motivated by love to consider the poor souls in the beyond who are completely without strength and therefore dependent on help. And everything you do to strengthen them, everything you do to release them, will be pleasing to Me and never be in vain.

So little love can be found amongst people on earth already, and they consider the souls in the beyond even less, since they do not believe in life after death. And this unbelief also has bitter repercussions on the souls in the beyond, who languish unredeemed and without strength in dark surroundings and are unable to help themselves. Every kind thought, every loving wish for their well-being alleviates their torment and will be gratefully felt by them. Yet especially the souls who languish in darkness are rarely thought of kindly and lovingly, and thus they remain in utmost hardship. Thus you can understand that people who want to help them are surrounded by untold souls who all would like to make their presence known in order to be helped.

All you humans are surrounded by such souls, yet only few of you will listen to them, only few of you have the willingness to help and the faith that you can help through prayer and loving thoughts.... Yet countless souls cannot find anyone to pray for them on earth and therefore also try to approach circles where currents of strength manifest themselves. These souls, too, appeal for your help.... Grant their request, do everything that love inspires you to do and know that My blessing rests upon you as long as you are only motivated by love to help them.

You should only want to help, then you can loosen many chains, then you can free the tormented souls by initially giving them strength, which they will then use themselves by following your example, so that they too will want to help as you have helped them. Never forget that they depend on your help, even if My grace and mercy will not condemn any being forever; but first their hardened hearts have to be touched by a ray of love before they seize My gifts of grace.... And I Myself will guide these souls to you, who just need an incentive to start their path of development in the beyond. Yet without loving help they will continue to languish in the same state for an infinitely long time and cannot find the path of ascent.

Pray for them and don't forget them, for their suffering as a result of their unbelief and unkindness is immeasurable; but if you want to help them I will always be willing to lift them with My grace and mercy from the night of death into life, for then I will not be able to resist the love you give to those unhappy souls in the beyond and I will forgive their guilt for the sake of your love....


— Published by friends of new revelations of God —
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Monday, July 13, 2009

Redeeming help for souls in the beyond through people....

I Appeal to You
... through Bertha Dudde - 25.7.1951

Redeeming help for souls in the beyond through people....

Untold souls in the beyond struggle to ascend, and these souls suffer utmost hardship, for their lack of strength makes their ascent impossible, and their realisation of weakness is immensely agonising for them since they don't know how to remedy their situation. This very lack of knowledge is their calamity, since due to the law of eternity they may only be given what they want, and they receive in accordance with their will. If they want light, then they will receive it, yet without having experienced the benefit of light they have no desire for it either. Their agony rests in the fact that they are in a constant state of suffering and no longer able to muster the will to change it, if they don't use their will to revolt against God and their fate and cruelly rampage through their environment. These souls are already in a state of hell, because they are constantly goaded by the forces of hell and their change and endeavour to ascend still requires an incredibly long time. Even the souls which have lapsed into lethargy could equally have to endure their painful fate for an extremely long time unless they receive help from one side, since due to their weak will they are unable to help themselves.

And this help can only be given to them by beings whose love wants to release them from the darkness.... by people on earth or by beings in the beyond who are either already enlightened or just possess a slightly higher degree of knowledge which enables them to help. Thus countless souls experience this hardship and people should take pity on them.... but especially people will rarely help those souls, because people no longer believe in the soul's continuation of life after death.... People could have a vast sphere of activity on the spiritual level if they supported the suffering souls in the beyond and helped them to ascend from the abyss, and helping these souls in the beyond would in turn have an effect on people again when they suffer physical and psychological distress.... Yet people very rarely take part in this redeeming work, they even leave their loved ones in the beyond in great suffering, who should be particularly taken care of by them.... This is why it is welcomed with great joy when people gather on earth who have the will to do redeeming work and want to kindle a light for many souls in darkness.

For this reason beings of light also play a redeeming part in as much as they likewise appear where unhappy souls in the beyond are remembered with loving thoughts, and their help is evident because they protectively surround the people on earth when the crowd of dark spiritual beings threatens to endanger the work of redemption. The souls in the beyond as well as the people on earth have their guardian angels who, depending on the will of the former, will intervene when danger is imminent. And the enemy will always lurk where people want to do redeeming work and try to confuse those who should offer enlightenment to the souls in darkness. Yet he will not be able to prevent the rays of light, which emerge from the redeeming love, from touching the souls of darkness, who feel their benefit and appear wherever people gather with the will to help them, and this work will be blessed.... For once a soul has been touched by a ray of light and love, it will never descend again, it will look for the light and also find it, because every soul will receive what it desires....


B.D. 5178

— Published by friends of new revelations of God —
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Sunday, July 12, 2009

I Appeal to You
... through Bertha Dudde - 30.6.1951

Strength of intercession....

You should give the strength of intersession to all those who have departed from you, irrespective of the degree of maturity you may think they have, for they all still need strength and are grateful for any help. It is a happy feeling to have helped souls to ascend, which you will only fully realise when you have entered the kingdom of the beyond yourselves and see the hardship of many souls who are not remembered in prayer, because no one on earth will remember them lovingly and provide them with the necessary strength in order to ascend. Once these souls have experienced the strength of love they will work with immense enthusiasm and use this strength, but the first impulse has to be given to them by people's loving intercession, because this is what will affect them first and change the direction of their thoughts.

But this intercession has to be rendered consciously, i.e. with the intention of helping the souls to advance. You humans should know that your prayers are valuable, you should familiarise yourselves with the suffering of departed souls and with a loving heart pray for a gift of strength for these souls. They will surely experience this gift of strength and also gratefully feel the love intended for them which will cause them to love in turn, which will thus affect their environment like a small light that benefits all souls. You humans could do so inexpressibly much to release the souls if you have the will to alleviate hardship and suffering.... For this will motivates you to pray from the bottom of your heart, and only this comprises redeeming strength. You should do everything consciously, external formalities or lip-prayers have no effect, because they exclude the conscious will to help. Only love is liberating.... this has to be said time and again.

You can achieve inconceivably much with love, you can send bright light into the darkness through loving intercession, so that many souls will gather there and be touched by this ray of light, always with the result that their feeling of love will also be awakened and will want to express itself. Loving intercession is a tremendous flow of strength the effect of which will never fail. Include all your loved ones in your prayer, mentally call them to you and tell them that you want to help them and that they should accept your help quietly and without objection; mentally instruct them that they, too, will be able to ascend it they want to use the strength they receive through your intercession. And always point them to Jesus Christ.... Only One can redeem them, and this One can only be reached through love. Therefore inform them that they should use their imparted strength to help other souls in turn who also suffer great hardship, that these deeds of love will bring them ever closer to Jesus Christ Who, with utmost mercy, will then draw all souls to Himself and guide them into the kingdom of light....

Once you have helped a soul to use its given strength correctly its progress will be assured, then the weakness of will and lack of strength will disappear and it will eagerly ascend and take untold souls along, for it then will also share its knowledge with them, and thus a single correct intercession will result in unforeseen blessings.... You humans on earth should not underestimate the strength of intercession, but always remember that it should be made with a loving heart in order to truly give strength.... And include all your loved ones, for they all are still in need of strength and will thank you forever if you increase their strength and remember them with love....


B.D. 5161

— Published by friends of new revelations of God —
Information, download of all translated revelations, theme-booklets at:

Friday, July 10, 2009

I Appeal to You
... through Bertha Dudde - 2.3.1951

Hardship of unbelievers on entry into the beyond....

You all should help with the redemption of misguided souls. Everyone who believes in Me and thus also in the soul's life after death, should try to convey this belief to his fellow human beings, too. Then he will do a work of merciful love for others, for he will save such souls from death. If you knew how much easier the souls' fate will be if they have but a glimmer of faith when they pass from this earth, you would do anything to kindle this spark in yourselves, and the stronger it is the brighter will be the soul on entry to the kingdom of the beyond. Anyone who has faith himself should not rest until he has won his fellow human being over to the faith. He should work diligently and will thereby acquire a great reward, for the souls he has gained will thank him a thousand fold.

To soothe spiritual hardship is a true labour of love, the effects of which will extend into eternity. And spiritual hardship is experienced by all those people who lack faith, who are not convinced of an utterly perfect Being, who do not believe that they will be accountable to a Judge at the end of their earthly life, who thoughtlessly live in the world ignoring their task of developing their soul and who have not reduced their guilt of sin, which was the reason for their earthly life, but even increased it, because they fell prey to My adversary who wants to corrupt them forever. These human beings suffer severe hardship, yet their fellow human beings' love is able to help them. Participate in Christ's act of Salvation and try to enlighten your fellow human beings, since you know of the great love and mercy of the One Who has created you.

Do not portray Me to them as a punishing God but as a loving Father Who recalls His children into the Father's house which they had voluntarily left. And help them to regain their faith, then you will acquire a substantial reward for yourselves, for you will accomplish a work in My vineyard which I will truly not leave unrewarded since I, after all, will regain My children, for whom I long and whose love I constantly invite. Help Me to regain these children, so that I can make them eternally happy with My love....


B.D. 5076

— Published by friends of new revelations of God —
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Thursday, July 9, 2009

I Appeal to You
... through Bertha Dudde - 20.12.1950

`Whoever loves his life shall lose it....'

The will to live means guaranteed victory over death.... Admittedly, you cannot prevent bodily death, but even physical death can be the transition into life if the human being's will is strong enough for him to gain eternal life. This will to live has My approval, even though I said the Words `Whoever loves his life shall lose it, and whoever loses it will gain it....' Anyone who only thinks about how he can preserve his physical life will very soon realise that he is completely powerless and taken from this earth without being able to oppose it. Thus it is not this kind of will to live which will enable someone to be victorious over death....

The soul's true life has to be desired, and the human being's will has to use all its strength to acquire it, then there will be no more death for the person for eternity, then he will live in light and strength and be able to be constantly active for his own happiness. Then he will have truly conquered death, and the soul's separation from its body will be an awakening into new life, unburdened by the physical shell, free from all matter and yet with an inconceivable abundance of strength. This is the life people on earth should learn to love and only endeavour to gain one day, then they will long for their death, then they will want to relinquish their earthly life for the sake of true life in eternity. But people are still far too attached to their bodily life, they fear to lose it, they love earthly life and therefore will lose it and their fate will be death.

And again, not physical death is meant by this but the death of the spirit, into which the earthly life-loving soul will descend without fail. This death is worse than a human being can imagine, for he will then have lost himself, he will have lost his earthly life and his soul will be without light and strength, totally helpless and in profound darkness.... Spiritual death is an indescribable torment for the soul because it is conscious of itself, thus it is aware that it was not obliterated at the moment of death but continues to exist in an agonizing condition. The desire for pleasing activity can only ever be fulfilled by the living soul, for this requires strength which is only inherent in a living being, whereas a being without strength is dead.

However, what the human being accomplishes on earth with his inflowing energy of life need only consist of worldly activity, which will certainly increase material commodities but they are worthless in the spiritual kingdom.... Or it can consist of spiritual activity, which will produce everlasting treasures and thus also guarantee a life in eternity. And for this reason, the human being's will should seriously strive towards eternal life, so that he then utilises his energy of life for the acquisition of spiritual strength.... then he will be victorious over death, then eternal life will be certain for him and he will not taste death for eternity....


B.D. 5024

— Published by friends of new revelations of God —
Information, download of all translated revelations, theme-booklets at:

Battle of light with darkness....

I Appeal to You
... through Bertha Dudde - 24.11.1937

Battle of light with darkness....

Listen, my child, it is God's will to instruct you of teachings which correspond to your thoughts and therefore I want to let you know today how very fond our Lord Jesus is of you and how much your dedication pleases Him.... If you ever feel a sense of abandonment, never be frightened.... for One is always close to you, your Saviour, Who will help you carry your every worry. Confidently travel your path of life until the end in this knowledge and don't be afraid!

Not everyone is granted the same fate of being allowed to work physically and spiritually as the Lord and Saviour has intended for you.... yet if you always lift your eyes upwards you will be able to live up to both and constantly feel the Father's caring hand. Listen to us, who stay close to you, and try to understand: In the beginning of the world all spirit was united.... it was a Being surrounded by the light of the eternal Sun....

Elements whizzed through the universe which shied away from the radiance and tried to destroy the divine light. During the battle of darkness against light countless atoms lost contact with the light and the elements of darkness declared war on those tiny bodies of light which went astray in the universe in order to extinguish their abundance of light, which each of these small and smallest beings sheltered, and to draw these beings into the sphere of influence of darkness.... thus, the battle between good and evil erupted, which will last for an unforeseeable time to come.... And God gave every being of light the freedom to turn according to its own will.

Nevertheless, these beings will continue to fundamentally belong to the divine light, even if the battle lasts for millennia.... each one of the smallest components of the eternal Light will flow back to the origin of its purpose.... This is the cycle according to God's will, that every being should voluntarily turn to Him, with full use of its strength and supported by the love of the divine Father who generates all light, and thus find the path back to perfection and be permitted to stay close again to the heavenly Father.... the eternal Light.


B.D. 0198

0199 Battle of light with darkness.... (Continuation of B.D. 0198)

When your will applies to spiritual spheres you shall also receive the strength to pursue your goal. The assurance for your striving rests in your heart.... you will feel in your heart that your contact with the Saviour will result in the flow of divine grace and, happily and with inner peace, you will be able to look forward to the future. Where the Saviour seeks to help His Own every day will bring you blessings.... yet also thank the Lord for every day which instructs you of His Word.... And thus begin:

Where beings of light argue with darkness no grain will go astray.... everything will arise anew, always aspiring to reach the light.... The smallest beings will stay in the universe and, depending on the duration of their life, will reshape themselves time and again.... until they finally reach a state in which they can freely use their own discretion to do as they like, yet always subject to the Creator's will. At the onset of their own freedom of will they are also responsible for their further course of life and development.... for the maturity of their soul.... It is their purpose to return to the eternal light from whence they originated, yet the time they take to accomplish this purpose has been left up to them....

Consequently, the light beings struggle incessantly against the power of darkness. Those who emerge victoriously from this battle in turn contribute towards helping those who are weak, and the most effective weapon in the battle against the opponent is love....


0200 Battle of light with darkness.... (Continuation of B.D. 0198 and 0199)

Oh, it is so pleasing for us to watch your endeavour!.... Anyone who strives towards the light like that cannot descend into darkness, therefore continue to receive our teachings so devotedly, after all, it benefits the salvation of your soul and that of many others. And thus today we want to give you the final conclusion to yesterday's work:

Throughout short intervals of time and space numerous beings of light go through their period of development embodied in animal and plant life, and they, too, unconsciously strive time and again towards the light.

After a long time, during which they continue to develop higher in various stages, they enter the last stage before their spiritual rebirth.... the embodiment as a human being. At this stage the battle begins with the darkness, which would like to deprive this earthly being of its purpose and completely pull the soul down into obscurity.

And since the human being has free will at this stage to make a personal choice for good or evil.... for light or darkness, this battle carries tremendous responsibility, for his apostasy from the heavenly Father, the eternal Light, would signify a struggle which would last for thousands of years again until this soul is finally also redeemed thanks to the never-ending help of the enlightened spiritual beings' love.

Countless beings would strive more persistently were they aware of this responsibility.... yet the human being should find the path to God of his own accord, only then will he once again be able to become a part of that which he was at the beginning of the world....

Where God's omnipotence and love takes effect none of the tiny beings of light goes astray, this is why your attention is repeatedly drawn to the fact that, in infinity, every being takes its designated path, conducive to its development, in the care of the Father. The profundity of this law does not seem comprehensible to you, yet neither will you be able to grasp your heavenly Father's infinite magnitude before you have become what your purpose is.... to be as one with the divine Father....


— Published by friends of new revelations of God —
Information, download of all translated revelations, theme-booklets at:

..... no copyright.... free to distribute to spiritual needy

001 Who was Bertha Dudde
002 God is still speaking today
003 The Question of God
004 The Christ Problem
005 The Mystery of Man
006 God's plan of salvation
007 Love - The highest Commandment
008/009 You between two worlds Part 1+2
010 God answers our Questions about the universe
011-013 Souls in the beyond 1 - 3
014 Suffering and Healing - Why must I suffer?
015 How can I become healthy
016 False prophets
017/18 God and the churches Part 1 + 2
019 The church of Christ
020 Incarnation - Re-Incarnations
021 The Inner Voice
022 The Right Kind of Prayer
023 /024 Pre-Adamites + Adam
025 Intellect - Knowledge - Realisation
026 Thinking ability and Thoughts
027/028 Freedom of will Part 1 + 2
029 Belief - Disbelief - Superstition
030 Body - Soul - Spirit
031/032 Self-denial 1 + 2
033 Spiritual rebirth
036 God's Intervention
037 Sequence of the Catastrophe
039 The Forerunner of the Lord
040 The Antichrist
044 New Banishment
045 The New Earth
051 Thus it will come to pass
052 God's proclamation to the dying world
058 - 062 God corrects misguides teachings and errors 1 - 5
064/065 Listen to the Inner Voice
066 Jesus' promises 'The measure you give'
067 The Adversary's Cunning and Trickery
069 Fateful course of Life
070a/b Return to God 1 + 2
102 Correcting an Error about sSpeaking in Tongues
109 Predictions …. A world shaking natural desaster
128 We are only guests on this earth
144 Calm before the Storm
152 Jesus Christ
154 Great Events are often Foreshadowed
220 Sola scriptura …. The Objection that the Word of God is concluded
E01 God Himself beams the truth to earth
E02 - 04 I will guide you into truth 1 - 3
S01 Explanation, comfort and help for difficult days
S02 What will happen to the human race
S03-04 Information about distibuting the Word Part 1+2



Tuesday, July 7, 2009

I Appeal to You
... through Bertha Dudde - 13.12.1963

Clarification about UFOs....

You will receive light on all subjects through My divine revelations, no question will remain unanswered which you submit to Me in full trust that I will give you an explanation. Therefore nothing needs to stay unexplained; you need only ask yourselves in order to receive a truthful answer.

Time and again doubts arise in you because you believe that you are allegedly able to prove the existence of so-called spaceships, (whether evidence could be produced of the existence of so-called spaceships), which come to earth from other stars.... But if you seriously investigate these alleged appearances you will not be able to provide one hundred per cent proof. You will find that these statements are always based on mere presumption or self-suggestion, for which no proof can be found. The explanation rests in the fact that people fall victim to the adversary who, in the last days, resorts and is able to resort to lies and deception because people themselves want to experience sensationalism, and nothing is too fantastic for them.... and that their thoughts are completely confused.

If people had spiritual knowledge they would know that there is no prospect of contact between the individual stars, that the inhabitants on other stars will never be able to leave their sphere and approach other worlds.... The claims made by these people are pure inventions and no person will ever be able to prove his claim to have been in contact with inhabitants from other stars. However, people can fall prey to the adversary's works of deception and, due to their imagination, can be receptive to delusions which originate from him, but these cannot have physical consistency since My adversary lacks the power to produce material objects.

Nevertheless, where actual physical objects have been sighted by people they have their origin on this earth.... They are test objects of researchers who, with intensified effort, intend to dominate earth's outer space.... Rumours that are spread about extraterrestrial beings, who supposedly come from other stars, are deliberate lies because no human being will be able to prove to have spoken to such alleged `star-dwellers'. The circle of those who affirm such appearances will never include spiritually enlightened people because they are My adversary's absolute servants, whom he can use for his purposes.... always provided that it does not concern earthly test objects which could be seen by anyone.... which then, however, will be portrayed as extraterrestrial objects by unenlightened people, or by people enslaved by My opponent.

Time and again I emphasize that there is no contact between individual stars and that there is good reason for it.... If you humans even assume that these alleged messengers from other stars want to come to earth to save you, then they would also have to actively help you humans on My behalf.... Consequently, if I had given them this task....they would always have to establish and maintain the connection with those who are My Own, with those whom I will lift up to heaven in the end.... In that case My Own would see these objects and their occupants too.... which will never happen.... because I explain this misconception to them and inform them of the pure truth.

But those who make and believe such assertions cannot be spiritually enlightened, they always pursue purely earthly goals and believe My adversary's promises, who wants to prevent people from making heartfelt contact with Me, which is the only guarantee for their rescue at the forthcoming end of this earth. You should believe that it is truly possible for Me to protect every individual person and at the end of the earth lift him up to heaven because the destruction of earth, as it exists now, is inevitable.... And believe that I have countless angels in readiness for this, but that they will never appear to people beforehand as inhabitants of other stars.... And since I convey the pure truth to earth because you humans are in need of it, I would truly also inform you of this if it corresponded to the truth.

But I will continue to warn you about My adversary's artful deception in the last days before the end, who uses earthly activities to deceive people, as well as suggestions to cause mental confusion.... because people will blindly believe what is presented to them as long as they are not permeated by the longing for truth, then they would also always receive the truth....


B.D. 8698

— Published by friends of new revelations of God —
Information, download of all translated revelations, theme-booklets at: