I Appeal to You
... through Bertha Dudde - 24.11.1937
Battle of light with darkness....
Listen, my child, it is God's will to instruct you of teachings which correspond to your thoughts and therefore I want to let you know today how very fond our Lord Jesus is of you and how much your dedication pleases Him.... If you ever feel a sense of abandonment, never be frightened.... for One is always close to you, your Saviour, Who will help you carry your every worry. Confidently travel your path of life until the end in this knowledge and don't be afraid!
Not everyone is granted the same fate of being allowed to work physically and spiritually as the Lord and Saviour has intended for you.... yet if you always lift your eyes upwards you will be able to live up to both and constantly feel the Father's caring hand. Listen to us, who stay close to you, and try to understand: In the beginning of the world all spirit was united.... it was a Being surrounded by the light of the eternal Sun....
Elements whizzed through the universe which shied away from the radiance and tried to destroy the divine light. During the battle of darkness against light countless atoms lost contact with the light and the elements of darkness declared war on those tiny bodies of light which went astray in the universe in order to extinguish their abundance of light, which each of these small and smallest beings sheltered, and to draw these beings into the sphere of influence of darkness.... thus, the battle between good and evil erupted, which will last for an unforeseeable time to come.... And God gave every being of light the freedom to turn according to its own will.
Nevertheless, these beings will continue to fundamentally belong to the divine light, even if the battle lasts for millennia.... each one of the smallest components of the eternal Light will flow back to the origin of its purpose.... This is the cycle according to God's will, that every being should voluntarily turn to Him, with full use of its strength and supported by the love of the divine Father who generates all light, and thus find the path back to perfection and be permitted to stay close again to the heavenly Father.... the eternal Light.
B.D. 0198
0199 Battle of light with darkness.... (Continuation of B.D. 0198)
When your will applies to spiritual spheres you shall also receive the strength to pursue your goal. The assurance for your striving rests in your heart.... you will feel in your heart that your contact with the Saviour will result in the flow of divine grace and, happily and with inner peace, you will be able to look forward to the future. Where the Saviour seeks to help His Own every day will bring you blessings.... yet also thank the Lord for every day which instructs you of His Word.... And thus begin:
Where beings of light argue with darkness no grain will go astray.... everything will arise anew, always aspiring to reach the light.... The smallest beings will stay in the universe and, depending on the duration of their life, will reshape themselves time and again.... until they finally reach a state in which they can freely use their own discretion to do as they like, yet always subject to the Creator's will. At the onset of their own freedom of will they are also responsible for their further course of life and development.... for the maturity of their soul.... It is their purpose to return to the eternal light from whence they originated, yet the time they take to accomplish this purpose has been left up to them....
Consequently, the light beings struggle incessantly against the power of darkness. Those who emerge victoriously from this battle in turn contribute towards helping those who are weak, and the most effective weapon in the battle against the opponent is love....
0200 Battle of light with darkness.... (Continuation of B.D. 0198 and 0199)
Oh, it is so pleasing for us to watch your endeavour!.... Anyone who strives towards the light like that cannot descend into darkness, therefore continue to receive our teachings so devotedly, after all, it benefits the salvation of your soul and that of many others. And thus today we want to give you the final conclusion to yesterday's work:
Throughout short intervals of time and space numerous beings of light go through their period of development embodied in animal and plant life, and they, too, unconsciously strive time and again towards the light.
After a long time, during which they continue to develop higher in various stages, they enter the last stage before their spiritual rebirth.... the embodiment as a human being. At this stage the battle begins with the darkness, which would like to deprive this earthly being of its purpose and completely pull the soul down into obscurity.
And since the human being has free will at this stage to make a personal choice for good or evil.... for light or darkness, this battle carries tremendous responsibility, for his apostasy from the heavenly Father, the eternal Light, would signify a struggle which would last for thousands of years again until this soul is finally also redeemed thanks to the never-ending help of the enlightened spiritual beings' love.
Countless beings would strive more persistently were they aware of this responsibility.... yet the human being should find the path to God of his own accord, only then will he once again be able to become a part of that which he was at the beginning of the world....
Where God's omnipotence and love takes effect none of the tiny beings of light goes astray, this is why your attention is repeatedly drawn to the fact that, in infinity, every being takes its designated path, conducive to its development, in the care of the Father. The profundity of this law does not seem comprehensible to you, yet neither will you be able to grasp your heavenly Father's infinite magnitude before you have become what your purpose is.... to be as one with the divine Father....
— Published by friends of new revelations of God —
Information, download of all translated revelations, theme-booklets at:
..... no copyright.... free to distribute to spiritual needy
001 Who was Bertha Dudde
002 God is still speaking today
003 The Question of God
004 The Christ Problem
005 The Mystery of Man
006 God's plan of salvation
007 Love - The highest Commandment
008/009 You between two worlds Part 1+2
010 God answers our Questions about the universe
011-013 Souls in the beyond 1 - 3
014 Suffering and Healing - Why must I suffer?
015 How can I become healthy
016 False prophets
017/18 God and the churches Part 1 + 2
019 The church of Christ
020 Incarnation - Re-Incarnations
021 The Inner Voice
022 The Right Kind of Prayer
023 /024 Pre-Adamites + Adam
025 Intellect - Knowledge - Realisation
026 Thinking ability and Thoughts
027/028 Freedom of will Part 1 + 2
029 Belief - Disbelief - Superstition
030 Body - Soul - Spirit
031/032 Self-denial 1 + 2
033 Spiritual rebirth
036 God's Intervention
037 Sequence of the Catastrophe
039 The Forerunner of the Lord
040 The Antichrist
044 New Banishment
045 The New Earth
051 Thus it will come to pass
052 God's proclamation to the dying world
058 - 062 God corrects misguides teachings and errors 1 - 5
064/065 Listen to the Inner Voice
066 Jesus' promises 'The measure you give'
067 The Adversary's Cunning and Trickery
069 Fateful course of Life
070a/b Return to God 1 + 2
102 Correcting an Error about sSpeaking in Tongues
109 Predictions …. A world shaking natural desaster
128 We are only guests on this earth
144 Calm before the Storm
152 Jesus Christ
154 Great Events are often Foreshadowed
220 Sola scriptura …. The Objection that the Word of God is concluded
E01 God Himself beams the truth to earth
E02 - 04 I will guide you into truth 1 - 3
S01 Explanation, comfort and help for difficult days
S02 What will happen to the human race
S03-04 Information about distibuting the Word Part 1+2
Homepage http://www.bertha-dudde.info/english/index.html
and http://wordofgod.de/