Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Ten Commandments.... First and second commandment....

I Appeal to You
... through Bertha Dudde - 3.10.1950

Ten Commandments.... First and second commandment....

You shall be given the guiding principles by which you should live on earth and fulfil My will:

You always have to keep My Commandments of love in mind and then you will never be able to sin, because a life of love is at all times a life within My eternal order and then it is impossible to sin.

My Commandment of love towards God and your neighbour incorporated the laws and the prophets, hence the Ten Commandments given to Moses were not eliminated by My Commandments of love but merely confirmed.

The Ten Commandments were integrated at the same time in My Two Commandments, wherein I required love for Me and your neighbour....

You shall give all your love only to one God, thus only one Being should represent to you what you wholeheartedly aspire to, what you love and worship, what you strive to reach.

Nothing shall exist to you that could replace or displace this most perfect Being, your God, because all else a person still deems desirable are gods which reduce the love for your God and therefore cannot be tolerated beside Me.

Your love shall fully and completely relate to Me, your God, Creator and Father of eternity. Because as a result of this love your conduct in life, your will and your knowledge will be shaped. Anyone who loves Me more than anything else has gained everything, Me Myself, My love and eternal life close to Me....

This commandment is the first commandment, nevertheless it also includes the second commandment, love for your neighbour.

Because the love for what I created is also an acknowledgment of love for Me, and therefore both commandments are not to be separated from each other. So that you will learn to believe firmly and steadfastly you shall sense My nearness and feel that I Myself Am speaking to you and take notice of all your thoughts and requests, even if they are not voiced.

I will always share your inner life, I will know your questions and always will want to answer them just as soon as you give Me the opportunity, i.e. as soon as you mentally present the question to Me and patiently wait for the answer.... You will always receive the reply as soon as you attune yourselves to receive it, thus by listening within yourselves, from where the answer will emerge.

And thus hear the explanation of the commandment: Second Commandment.

`You shall not take the name of your Lord in vain....'

I Am and remain the highest and most perfect Being for you, Whom you nevertheless can contact at any time. I want you to unite with Me, to strive for unity with Me; I want you to call for Me because by doing so you inform Me of your will; I want you never to exclude Me from your thoughts, I want to be the First and the Last to you, I want you to share with Me everything that moves you, I want you to come to Me for advice and completely confide in Me, and humbly submit to My will....

But I do not want you to take My name in vain without the involvement of your heart.... I do not want you to live a life of pretence, I do not want you to appear to the world as My children who are sincerely devoted to their Father and in reality are very distant from Me. I do not want you to speak My name before the world and make the connection with Me absolutely impossible due to your attitude, due to your conduct which does not correspond to My will but which remains hidden from other people because you are constantly using My name in order to deceive them.

You are using My name in vain when your heart and mouth do not agree with each other, when you mouth speaks differently than you heart feels. Then it is truly better for you to openly turn away from Me, because then you would lack all knowledge, whereas by mentioning My name you are admitting to know Me although you still dislike Me in your heart.

You don't mislead Me but you certainly mislead your fellow human beings, and thus you are playing a game of falsehood and deceit with Me.

You should become conscious of the fact that the deceptive mentioning of your God's name will double your sin, that you are more or less using Me as a cover for your wrong way of life, that you want to cause confusion amongst those who still believe and to whom I Am the highest and most perfect Being.

I should punish you for every call to Me and every mentioning of My name from your mouth but I acknowledge your free will and put up with your sacrilege which, however, at times makes the believers wonder and doubt their faith.

Therefore every mentioning of My name without sincerity is a temptation for the believer for which I will hold you to account one day.

It is belittling Me, Whom you do not acknowledge and yet use to veil your true nature, Whom you thus try to turn into an accessory otherwise you would openly turn away from Me and not try to conceal your way of life. The deceptive mentioning of My name is a lie which will avenge itself badly when all sin will be revealed one day, it is a flagrant violation of the commandment of love for God and the next person....


B.D. 4978

— Published by friends of new revelations of God —
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Monday, June 29, 2009

I Appeal to You
... through Bertha Dudde - 6.8.1950

Antichrist.... The faith is in danger....

The Antichrist will irresponsibly proceed against all who still believe in a God of heaven and earth. For he will force people to deny their faith which, on My part, is entirely a matter of the human being's free will. He will force them by threatening measures which appear intolerable to people, hence they will be too weak to resist. The faith is in danger.... This should make everyone think who is approached by Me through My messengers on earth, who receives My Word which I have conveyed to My messengers. The faith is in danger.... Do you know what it means having to make a public declaration and at the same time heading towards extreme earthly hardship?.... Do you know how people will pull every single religious doctrine apart with the intention to demonstrate its uselessness to you and how little you will be able to answer? Do you know how difficult they will make it for you to stand firm in faith of Me, your God and Father of eternity? How they will take and destroy everything that hitherto seemed irrefutable to you?

Everyone who determinedly rejects their demand of denying Me will be treated brutally, and in the face of this many will weaken and betray Me without resistance, for they lack the strength of faith which arises from the pure truth. I want to draw your attention to this time and enlighten you in advance, because I know every individual person's character and the spiritual adversity you will experience resulting from My adversary's activity, who can be distinctly recognised by the Antichrist's measures. And I want to inform you of his success.... since he will fight with much cunning and force he will find many followers.... He will succeed in doing what many before him had failed to do, he will shake the faith which seemed unshakable.... He will overturn religious doctrines with the greatest of ease for he will be an effective speaker and will show people the error of their thinking, and those who don't carry Me in their heart will cheer him on and agree with him, considerably strengthening his power even more.

He will achieve what no-one else has achieved before.... he will overthrow a power which was deemed insurmountable. But there is one wall he will not be able to pull down, he will meet with one resistance, namely wherever My fighters are under My guidance.... There he will fight in vain, for My fighters will be invincible since they will be protected by the shield of faith which is so alive that it is strength in itself and cannot be shaken. These fighters of Mine will draw the strength directly from Me, for they will be able to hear and even see Me and not succumb to any temptation.... they will be enlightened and therefore will also recognise what hour has tolled and how close it is to the end.... The right knowledge will provide My Own with the strength to persevere to the end; but the majority of people will lack the right knowledge, and when it is given to them they will not accept it.

But I know what will happen and want to help you, and Am only able to do it such that you will be informed about the battle of light against darkness in the last days before the end, about My adversary's great power and your heavenly Father's even greater love and grace for everyone wanting to remain His Own, who thus have the sincere will to belong to the small flock whose shepherd I Am and whom I therefore will not abandon during the worst battle of faith which the people of this earth will still experience before their end....


B.D. 4947

— Published by friends of new revelations of God —
Information, download of all translated revelations, theme-booklets at:


Sunday, June 28, 2009

Remorse of souls who rejected divine gifts of grace....

I Appeal to You
... through Bertha Dudde - 1.5.1950

Remorse of souls who rejected divine gifts of grace....

Souls will find themselves in serious spiritual difficulties if they have been approached by Me in the Word and did not accept it as the Father's voice. For they have the ability to recognise it, they merely lack the will to consider it seriously. Yet one day these souls will realise it and then their remorse of not having utilised My precious gift of grace will be huge and their self-reproaches will be inconceivable torments. Anyone who is offered My gift of grace is in fact being called to work spiritually, because I know his soul's degree of maturity and want to further its progress. He is capable of understanding as soon as he is willing to live in truth. Hence he will face the crucial decision to either follow eternal truth or the world, and it is then up to his will to choose which path to follow. Consequently, a person who can choose between two directions and voluntarily takes the wrong path has to be answerable for it. The soul is subconsciously aware of this and therefore in difficulty, even if the human being's intellect wants to dismiss such considerations. Then soul and intellect will argue about significant spiritual disagreements, and blessed is the person whose soul is still able to convince the intellect of its error before it is too late, that is, before the soul leaves its mortal shell.

But if it enters the spiritual kingdom in a state of darkness then it will experience the light, which should have illuminated it, like a fire within itself. For even in a state of ignorance the soul will remain conscious of the fact that it dwells in darkness due to its own fault, because it had fled the light that was ignited by My love and grace. Then it will live in great anguish and long for this immense gift of grace, which it cannot receive again once it has been rejected. Although it can be helped by the beings of light they will not appear to the soul as carriers of light, instead the soul's free will is tested in a different way, so that it will have to make a crucial decision again.... to follow the souls of light, which do not identify themselves but want to be of help.... or to remain obstinate and decline the light beings' assistance. Just as the human being on earth is not forced to accept the light that shines to earth from above, the souls' will in the spiritual kingdom also decides whether they should accept the help that is constantly offered by My eternal love in order to guide them towards progress.

On earth, however, they have an exceptional gift of grace in My Word, which will result in their spiritual maturity with certainty. Therefore, it is irresponsible to ignore My Word which is offered to people from above, and to be indifferent or completely negatively inclined towards it. And, understandably, it has to be extremely depressing for a soul to know that it had ignored the most certain means for attaining eternal life and has to dwell in an unfortunate state in the spiritual sphere of darkness and misery. Yet it was of its own free will, it will have created the pitiful state of its own accord and now either has to endure it or voluntarily strive to change, thus make use of every opportunity My love and mercy provide so that it will still be able to ascend and enter the kingdom of light, if only after an infinitely long time. Only the soul's will creates its fate in eternity.... its will awakens the soul to life, just as it can cause its spiritual death....


B.D. 4887

— Published by friends of new revelations of God —
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Saturday, June 27, 2009

Christ's path to the cross.... Anyone who wants to follow Me will walk a lonely path ....

I Appeal to You
... through Bertha Dudde - 8.4.1950

Christ's path to the cross.... Anyone who wants to follow Me will walk a lonely path ....

Anyone who wants to follow Me will walk a lonely path, misunderstood by his fellow human beings as was My share, too, despite the love I gave to fellow people.

Anyone who wants to follow Me will have to accept his cross just as I did, although My eternal love will not let anyone's cross become as heavy as that of the man Jesus....

He will have to carry it, yet he can ease his burden at any time if he calls upon Me for help. Then I will place the cross on My shoulders and carry it for him, and with Me everything gets easier, with Me he no longer walks on his own, I will empathise and share his suffering and joy at all times; he can always follow his earthly path in silent togetherness with Me, and therefore he will find his cross bearable and humbly submit to his destiny....

I took all of humanity's suffering on My shoulders as I walked along facing crucifixion and endured unspeakable physical pain. I walked the arduous path that ended with death on the cross for everyone who wanted to follow Me one day. I suffered indescribably as a human being so that people's suffering would be lessened. I participated in all of humanity's suffering and carried the cross on its behalf.

And anyone who loved Me followed Me.... There were only a few, compared to the whole human race on whose behalf I died, only a few shared My pain, they suffered with Me and for Me. They, too, carried their cross because they followed Me, since their love for Me made them feel all their suffering twice as much.

Yet their love was like balm on My wounds which were inflicted on Me by pitiless people; their love increased My will to suffer on behalf of humanity and to bring help to them through My crucifixion.

Many followed Me on the way to the place of execution yet only few sympathized with My pain....

Many people live on earth but only few are My disciples....

I died for all people on the cross but only few accept My sacrifice and make use of the attained blessings. Only few people follow Me and yet, only by following Me can they become blessed. Everyone should take his cross upon himself and remember My sacrificial walk to Golgatha, which was almost too difficult for a human being to bear and made Me fall....

But the love of a person came to My aid when I had almost failed as a human being and I made the sacrifice, I emptied the cup of suffering completely....

And if you humans have to suffer remember My Words `Whoever wants to follow Me let him take up his cross....'

You should know that all suffering you humbly endure in My will is taken into account as a path to the cross which signifies redemption and liberation from all guilt for you....

You should know that you are living on earth in order to release yourselves from guilt, the magnitude of which cannot be estimated by you as human beings, for which I have indeed died in order to lessen it but which every one of you also has to remove, as far as it is within your power, if you want to take part in the act of Salvation which was started by My love with My crucifixion.

You humans were only given a small cross to carry because I have taken the heaviest weight from you, but you cannot remain entirely without suffering in order to keep going towards the One Who wants to help you at all times, Whom you should follow so that you will become eternally blessed....


B.D. 4876

— Published by friends of new revelations of God —
Information, download of all translated revelations, theme-booklets at:


Friday, June 26, 2009

Blissful condition of mature souls and the state of imperfection in the beyond....

I Appeal to You
... through Bertha Dudde - 24.12.1949

Blissful condition of mature souls and the state of imperfection in the beyond....

Blissful conditions have been prepared for you in My Father's house. There you will find everything that gives you joy when your soul has become free from all earthly desires and ready for the spiritual kingdom. But you can only understand these blissful conditions, the joys for your pure, spiritualised soul, when you already strive for spiritual values on earth, when the earth and its possessions cannot attract you anymore. They are spiritual pleasures which give the soul unspeakable delight. They are pleasures which touch the feelings of the soul like earthly pleasures touch the body, bringing the soul great happiness because it no longer has any earthly desires.

Like on earth, the soul will also experience beauty in the beyond and, like on earth, it will also experience feelings of happiness but far more profoundly. It will consistently long to increase its spiritual riches and this longing will indeed be granted. It can see and hear indescribable creations and will continually draw wisdom and strength from it.... It will move in the most delightful surroundings for which there is no earthly comparison because earthly creations are poor and barren in contrast, and therefore the human being lacks the imagination for the wonders of divine love which the Father allows His children to see. And since every being is in contact with like-minded souls the bliss will increase considerably and the light will become steadily brighter.

On the other hand, the state of the imperfect beings in the beyond can be described because it does not differ much from that on earth so that the souls still believe that they are living on earth, and this for a long time. Just as people on earth live for material things and cannot understand how spiritually aspiring human beings can withdraw from the world and still be happy, they also live in the spiritual world with the same desire for material things which will be granted to them but in a way that the achievement of their wishes cannot make them happy until, after a long time, they have become aware of the worthlessness of material things and begin to detach themselves from them.

But the spiritual kingdom of light with its inhabitants will be closed to these beings.... It is another world of which they will have no understanding as yet nor could they exist there because the abundance of light would consume them. But disguised beings of light are always amongst them, who try to teach them and attempt to direct their will to liberate themselves from earthly lusts and to help them strive for something higher so that they also can enter, often after a long time, the kingdom of light. Souls with the same degree of imperfection can enter the beyond yet will need different lengths of time to mature fully.... it all depends on their hearts' ability to love, which, sometimes will change faster in the spiritual kingdom than on earth, but they can also take a very long time to overcome their errors and bad habits.

However, these immature souls are always faced with known concepts, while in the kingdom of light the soul will meet completely unfamiliar conditions where seeing and hearing result in blissful happiness and the wonders never end. Herein is the promise of Jesus fulfilled: `Eye has not seen and ear has not heard what He has prepared for those that love Him'....


B.D. 4801

— Published by friends of new revelations of God —
Information, download of all translated revelations, theme-booklets at:


Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Reminder to work diligently for the kingdom of God....

I Appeal to You
... through Bertha Dudde - 18.9.1949

Reminder to work diligently for the kingdom of God....

You should tirelessly work for Me and My kingdom.... then you will fulfil your earthly task in accordance with My will, and then you will also master your earthly life, you will not need to be afraid that you cannot meet your worldly responsibilities, for earthly life will merely be secondary when spiritual life becomes more important.

Work diligently for Me and My kingdom, that is, try to inform your fellow human beings about My activity with you, try to instruct them of the truth, and draw their attention to the end and the signs of the time.... Take an interest in your fellow human being's state of soul and explain to them how vain and insubstantial worldly goods are, how people merely strive for worthless commodities and give scarcely anything to their souls because they don't know about their earthly task. Tell everyone whom I send your way. You have been instructed of the truth by Me and thus are capable to work as representatives of the truth amongst your fellow human beings. I have given you a rewarding task which will have beneficial results for you as well as for your fellow human beings, for the achievements won't just apply to earthly life but to eternity.... Fulfil this task with enthusiasm and do everything that furthers the distribution of the truth you have received from Me. Don't become indifferent in your work for Me and My kingdom but know that parched and starving souls everywhere are awaiting nourishment, which you should give to them with My gift from above.

And by remembering them you will be practising neighbourly love, for their souls require the sustenance from heaven, they need food and drink to strengthen themselves for their path of ascent. Work tirelessly, for time is short and requires diligent work in My vineyard, the souls suffer hardship, they are starved because too much attention is paid to the body's requirements and thus the soul's requirements are forgotten. Therefore help these souls, draw people's attention to the state of their souls, to a sudden end and their fate after death. Use every opportunity for spiritual conversations and thus motivate people to think about it. And then you will be doing the work for which I have employed you as labourers, and I will bless you, now and in eternity....


B:D. 4742

— Published by friends of new revelations of God —
Information, download of all translated revelations, theme-booklets at:


Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Experiments towards the end of the earth.... Activating forces....

I Appeal to You
... through Bertha Dudde - 1.9.1949

Experiments towards the end of the earth.... Activating forces....

There is a set limit to how far people can go in their conduct towards what My creative spirit has brought forth. Thus, as soon as they presumptuously want to change natural creations, every one of which was given its purpose by Me, then people's attitude towards Me becomes irrational, they underestimate My wisdom and My might, believing themselves able to dismiss both and thereby sin against Me Myself as well as against what I have created. And then the limit I have set will be transgressed, and thus humanity will destroy itself, because their scholars will draw the wrong conclusions and the consequences of their experiments will be disastrous. People believe that they have the right to explore everything I kept hidden from them in recognition of their immaturity for such knowledge.... The earth in its core is and will remain inexplorable for people until the end. Furthermore, forces of gigantic power are kept bound by Me in the earth's core so as not to endanger the earth's continued existence, only that eruptions ensue from time to time to allow these powers a brief outburst in order to give spiritual substances capable of development the opportunity to take shape above the earth and thus start their path of ascent. These forces unleash themselves with My approval, and therefore their effects are intended in My eternal plan of Salvation.

The extent of an eruption will always be limited when it happens in accordance with My will, but human determination will never be able to stop it, human will can never be the cause of it since no-one is able to explore cause and effect. Yet in the last days people will presumptuously penetrate the earth deeply for reasons of research in order to release unfamiliar energies with the intention of utilizing them profitably, and won't consider the fact that they lack the knowledge and intellectual capacity for such experiments.

Hence they will have no respect for My works of creation, they will penetrate an area which is quite naturally closed to them and wanting to investigate it can be called an impertinence, from a purely earthly point of view. But from a spiritual point of view it will mean entering the territory of the lowest spirits whose banishment I recognised as necessary and which will then therefore be unlawfully invalidated by people, that is why revoking My eternal order will have unimaginable consequences.

Their manipulations will aim to utilise earth forces against which every resistance gives way, and which therefore can be used for all experiments. But people won't consider that these forces are capable of disintegrating everything within their reach.... they won't take account of their power against which human will and intellect are futile. They will open locks which can never be closed again once they have been breached, for the area people want to enter is unfamiliar to them and they don't know its laws.... The earth's core cannot be researched in this way and every such attempt will backfire, not just on the researchers but on the whole human race.... For the limits I have set may not be exceeded according to My eternal order, which always favours progress but never destruction, and thus its infringement also has to have the opposite effect!

Satan himself will put these thoughts into the people of the last days, he will urge them to undertake this plan, for he knows that the destruction of creation will end the spirits' progress, which is his endeavour in his blind hatred against Me and all spirits striving towards Me. Yet even this plan, albeit evil, will be an inadvertent service.... he will fall in with My eternal plan of Salvation.... A new earth will arise where the development will continue, whereas everything satanic will once again be banished into its creations....


B.D. 4731

— Published by friends of new revelations of God —
Information, download of all translated revelations, theme-booklets at:


Monday, June 22, 2009

Living water.... Source of eternal life....

I Appeal to You
... through Bertha Dudde - 1.5.1946

Living water.... Source of eternal life....

Don't study and speculate but live in love.... For what do you achieve by the former if you have no love?.... You will arrive at mere misguided intellectual conclusions which are useless for your souls, only the body occasionally will benefit if your investigations and speculations relate to material things. But even earthly thinking will be blessed if you practise love at the same time, but earthly thinking without love entraps the soul ever deeper in matter, from which it should liberate itself.

Study and speculation is really not enough to understand spiritual matters, without love it leads you to misguided results, because then you avoid the Giver of truth, Who is love in Himself, Who transmits the truth to the person who aspires to become like Him. Thus look for the truth where love is evident to you, where kind speech, thinking and actions give you the guarantee that the Giver of truth Himself is actively spreading it. And from there you should draw and revive yourselves because there you will find the source of eternal life, the spring from whence living water flows, as God has promised. He Himself has made that spring accessible to you, He turned the human being's body and soul into the carrier of His spirit and guaranteed its working as soon as you live in love....

Indeed, He also gave intellectual ability to everyone but he made correct intellectual activity, correct thinking, dependent on your way of life since only this, providing it corresponds to His will, activates the effect of His divine spirit in the human being.

The earthly and spiritual world are two opposing worlds, just as the human being's intellect and his spiritual activity oppose each other as long as the earthly world does not subordinate itself to the spiritual world. Only the fusion of both will result in the same thoughts of intellect and heart, i.e. the spirit within the human being will govern the intellect as soon as the spiritual world has deadened the human being's senses for the material world and permeates his whole being.

Then the human being will be living in truth, then he will be permeated by knowledge which is given to Him by the Giver of truth Himself through His spirit.

Then he will not need to study and speculate because he will be taught by the Eternal Love Himself since his way of life is an activity of love and this means an overcoming of all matter, thus an absorption into spiritual spheres, a life in God....

Then the human being's body will be a vessel for the divine spirit from which living water flows eternally, he will be an inexhaustible spring of divine wisdom, a fountain of life which can be used by everyone to revive themselves if they so desire. And anyone who draws from it will live for eternity, as God has promised....


B.D. 3757

— Published by friends of new revelations of God —
Information, download of all translated revelations, theme-booklets at:


Sunday, June 21, 2009

Irresponsible experiments are the reason for the destruction of earth....

I Appeal to You
... through Bertha Dudde - 9.8.1949

Irresponsible experiments are the reason for the destruction of earth....

The divine world order cannot be revoked; nevertheless human determination can challenge it, but only to its own disadvantage. Laws exist which human intellect will never be able to ascertain, for they not only affect the natural properties of earth but also form the basis of continued existence for other creations, hence they are impenetrable for the human intellect and have to be accepted, that is, they must not be ignored if opposite laws are not to come into effect, which were likewise given by divine wisdom, thus intending to maintain the eternal order.

A certain degree of creativity is indeed granted to humanity, and research in all directions can likewise be embarked upon. However, as long as the human being is not yet in full possession of spiritual strength he is subject to limitations both in regards to knowledge as well as to the exploitation of earth forces which are always active and must be utilized in definite conformity to law, in some sort of orderliness. If this lawfulness is ignored, if these forces are activated contrary to law, then the effect will be disastrous and total destruction of all matter will be the inevitable result, which human will is unable to bring to a halt. For then other creations, other celestial bodies which interact with these forces, will exert an influence and thus will be affected. People will no longer be able to observe these effects as they, without exception, will fall victim to such destructions, apart from those already in possession of spiritual strength who will be taken away from the endangered vicinity of earth by God's will.

Such a process will take place and thus signify the end of this earth. Human will is arrogantly resolved in wanting to investigate forces and through experiments thus will activate forces with said enormously destructive effect.... For the motives for these investigations, which will result in this unimaginable outcome, are not honourable. Hence God will deny them the blessing which rests on activities that aim to benefit fellow human beings. Besides, they will be contravening divine natural law in so far as that they conduct experiments at the risk of human life, that they use human beings as test objects who have to sacrifice their lives.

This is a sin against divine order, against the love for God and other people, as well as a sin against humanity which thereby is doomed for destruction. For the knowledge of those conducting such tests is far from sufficient and thus they will be undertaken prematurely which, however, is known beyond doubt. And such irresponsible experiments cannot be tolerated by God, hence they will have repercussions for the experimenters, who will achieve nothing else but total destruction of all material creations on earth, thus a shattering of matter which, however, in the spiritual sense means a disintegration of every form and a release of the spiritual substances bound therein. Thus people will trigger this final act of destruction on earth, and the whole of humanity will be destroyed due to the fact that craving for fame, excessive need for recognition and greed for material possessions are turning people into reckless speculators, who nevertheless are not ignorant of the fact that they will endanger their fellow human beings and still conduct their tests. Previously gained experiences will already have provided them with enough cautions and warnings in order to refrain from them, consequently their action is a sacrilege which God will not leave unpunished....


B.D. 4708

— Published by friends of new revelations of God —
Information, download of all translated revelations, theme-booklets at:


Saturday, June 20, 2009

People's fear.... Natural disaster and its consequences....

I Appeal to You
... through Bertha Dudde - 10.5.1949

People's fear.... Natural disaster and its consequences....

All disbelievers will suffer inconceivable tribulation when I manifest Myself through the forces of nature, for they will experience a spectacle of development by tremendous forces against which the human being himself will be completely powerless. People will be seized by mortal fear, and even My Own will be affected yet be miraculously strengthened by My help as soon as they lift their thoughts up to Me. The disbelievers, however, will have no support to hold on to and will be hopelessly exposed to the elements of nature. In view of death a few will call to Me in heartfelt need, and their call will reach My ear and denote earthly or just spiritual rescue, if their hour has come. Yet then they will still have gained their eternal life.

But in the main, people will be senselessly scared, that is, they will be incapable of thinking of God, they will try to save themselves and face the same difficulties everywhere, for the whole of nature will conspire against them, all elements will be in tremendous uproar, water, fire, storm and light will leave their natural order and cause an unimaginable amount of devastation which will cost countless human lives. It will just be a short action but have extremely far-reaching consequences for all survivors, for only now will there start an earthly time of hardship which surpasses all previous experiences. People will have to change their way of life completely, they will have to make use of everything left to them, they will have to rely on themselves and cannot expect any earthly help for a long time, since they will be completely cut off from the world and contact will not be able to be established again in a hurry.

The magnitude of the disaster will be incomprehensible, yet I constantly draw your attention to the fact that you should not abandon yourselves to earthly possessions, that you should not consider them important and forget about your soul, as it entirely depends on its maturity how you will bear up to the aftermath.

Proclamations of this nature meet with little belief and yet should be taken extremely seriously, for they will fulfil themselves literally. And every day is still a gift of grace which you should utilize, not in an earthly sense but spiritually, for only your spiritual possessions are of lasting value. Nevertheless, I promise My protection and My help to all of you who believe and want to be of service to Me. Don't let My Words depress you but know that everything, even the most difficult, can be endured if you hand it over to Me, if you ask Me to help you carry your burden.... I will not leave you and will help you persevere until the end....


B.D. 4633

— Published by friends of new revelations of God —
Information, download of all translated revelations, theme-booklets at:


Friday, June 19, 2009

Did the human being evolve or was he a new creation?....

I Appeal to You
... through Bertha Dudde - 9.8.1962

Did the human being evolve or was he a new creation?....

There can be no contradictions in the spiritual knowledge you receive from Me Myself, which My spirit has imparted to you who are of service to Me and who have the task to pass on the pure truth from Me to your fellow human beings, to spread My Word which should enlighten you. Because I want to shed light onto the spiritual darkness in which people live and especially when you desire an explanation yourselves:

It took an infinitely long time for the creation work `earth' to become what it is now.... a creation which should enable people to achieve final perfection. And during this infinitely long time the original spirits, having been dissolved into the tiniest of particles, passed through countless works of creation in order to evolve ever more. The solidified spiritual substance gradually became alive, as you have been told several times already. It covered the infinitely long way in a state of compulsion, i.e. all creations fulfilled the purpose and task given to them by Me.... no constrained being could make its own decisions but gradually matured.... Forms were created for spiritual substances of all degrees of maturity aspiring to ascend; the forms of the mineral, plant and animal world were infinitely diverse, and they all were brought to life by the minute particles of the fallen original spirits, which progressively united and finally became smaller and larger living organisms. On leaving their forms they united again and finally were embodied into forms which already rather resembled the shape of a human being.

The whole lengthy course of development was subject to My law, in other words, all events in this creation which emerged through My will took place in accordance with natural law. As a result of their fall into the abyss the original spirits had lost their self-awareness. However, one day they should regain this self-awareness again and embody themselves in the last form as a human being, in order to then bring the path of higher development to a close. The final forms in the compulsive state therefore became increasingly more human-like but they had no self-awareness as yet, they acted instinctively in accordance with My will.... although they already performed functions which resembled those of a human being.... However, they were unable to think, they lacked reason and free will and were therefore not accountable. They were impelled into action by spiritual intelligences, just like every spiritual being still constrained within the form was subject to supervisors, who likewise transferred My will onto the constrained spiritual being through natural law. And then came the time when free will could be returned to the matured original spirits by which they then should be tested as to whether they wanted to return to Me or remain with My adversary.... And for those original spirits I created the form of the human being....

All works of creation, especially the ever larger created living beings, originated through My will, in as much as My thoughts took shape.... And for this reason these living beings were represented in the most varied forms, yet every form was different.... There were the most diverse species bearing no resemblance to each other, which continued to reproduce themselves but always remained the same creatures.... When the first original spirits had attained a level of maturity which required the form of the human being, My will once again brought forth a work of creation which was truly a work of wonder in the whole of My creation.... This being was structured incredibly intricately; it was created in accordance with My will so that it could fulfil its earthly task..... a being which I `created', but which did not `evolve' from the already existing human-like creations.... Because it was intended for this form to shelter an original spirit, a being which was once externalised by Me in My image and which was to become what it used to be once again.... And therefore it had to be equipped with intelligence, free will and self-awareness, and these did not gradually evolve in the animal-like beings but they were given to the human form when the original spirit took possession of the first form.... and they will always be given to every human being as part of his soul when, as divine breath, it gives life to the human being at birth....

Afterwards people indeed reproduced themselves again in accordance with My law of nature but they will always remain the same living creations as the first human being, Adam, was. They will not change into other living creations, but any change will always purely be an act of the soul which at first can still be disinclined towards Me and during its time as a human being achieve highest perfection.... The human body, however, will remain as I created it when Adam's soul took possession of it.... Although the act of creating earth with everything in, on and above it, with all dead and living creations, certainly required an infinitely long time, but at the same time a phase of higher development had come to an end for the fallen spiritual essence when the minute particles of an original spirit had gathered again and the last process of return to Me began....

And this existence on earth as a human being also required a new work of creation by Me, a form which could do justice to all demands in order to take the last test of its own free will. And thus the human being can consider himself a special creation by Me, because he is the only being on earth with the gift of intelligence, reason and free will.... the marks of divine origin. He is therefore also able to recognise above himself a God and Creator Who gave him life, and therefore he can also achieve final perfection on this earth if his free will genuinely strives for it....


B.D. 8235

— Published by friends of new revelations of God —
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Thursday, June 18, 2009

Gathering spiritual treasures on earth.... Regret in the beyond....

I Appeal to You
... through Bertha Dudde - 9.10.1948

Gathering spiritual treasures on earth.... Regret in the beyond....

Anyone who has not gathered spiritual treasures for himself on earth and thus enters the gates of the beyond empty handed is one of the poorest in the spiritual kingdom. I would like to spare you this fate because you will experience bitter regret when you look back and see the many missed opportunities. Poverty in the spiritual kingdom is so depressing and hopeless that it will torment you and completely paralyse your will, as a result you will hardly be able to deliver yourselves from this painful state. And yet it is so easy to acquire spiritual possessions on earth if only you thought of Me and desired to speak to Me. Merely this desire guarantees receipt of My Word in different ways.... You will always be shown where you can receive My Word if you do not accept it from Me in your thoughts, that is, if you cannot recognise My voice in your thoughts.

However, it is certain that you will feel the inner motivation to do kind deeds as soon as you contact Me in thought and thus intend to get in touch with Me. I announce Myself by prompting you to love because only then can I enter into complete union with you. Thus, first of all I inspire you to actions of love, and this directly through the inner voice or through external advice and reminders by the deliverers of My Word who only preach love. If you listen to them and follow the Word then you will also gather spiritual possessions and acquire riches which will remain with you eternally, which cannot be taken from you on earth or in the beyond and which will increase in the same way, even when you constantly share them. To enter the kingdom on the other side blessed with such possessions is truly most desirable as it assures your eternal life in the spiritual kingdom, a life of activity which can only be called enjoyable and will be felt by you as a great blessing.

But those who enter completely empty handed will find it very difficult to acquire spiritual wealth even though it is not entirely hopeless. Even there the gospel will be taught to the soul but, like on earth, it is not forced to accept it; like on earth, acceptance depends on its will which, however, is extraordinarily weakened and cannot make the right decision without the help of additional strength. And this input of strength in turn depends on the will of the soul to use it for deeds of love.... or on the loving intercession of a human being. For that reason you cannot have enough compassion for these poor souls who urgently require your help because they neglected to gather spiritual treasures on earth to make their state in the beyond a happy one. Their poverty is great but people do not listen to My Word, they do not believe and therefore enter the kingdom on the other side poor and with darkened spirit....


B.D. 4455

— Published by friends of new revelations of God —
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Wednesday, June 17, 2009

I Appeal to You... through Bertha Dudde - 17.7.1948

Inner voice difficult to hear.... Turmoil - silence....

You will always hear My voice if you hand yourselves over to Me and, with a desire to hear My Word, attentively listen within. I have always given you this assurance and will never withhold with My gift of grace if you sincerely desire it. Yet as long as My voice is not audibly heard by you but only affects you mentally and thus requires full attention and seclusion from the world it will depend on yourselves as to whether you will hear it. This is why I draw your attention to the forthcoming time which will make such great demands on you that only the strongest resolve will be able to manage to withdraw itself and listen to My voice in seclusion.
The adversity of the forthcoming time will often deprive you of your inner tranquillity, even though I will help every labourer to fulfil his task if he is willing to serve. I Am always close to you and if you, despite utmost distress, stay aware of My presence, you will always hear My voice too, for then your faith will be stronger than your earthly hardship, which you will banish anytime. Yet I want to draw your attention to the fact that you can expect considerable turmoil which will restrain your every thought with the effect that it will be difficult for you to make contact with Me.... But then read My Word, draw strength from My Word, and you will noticeably feel that I Am close to you....
Keep trying to retreat within yourselves and, in seclusion, listen to the voice of your heart, and you will succeed if your will and your desire for Me is powerful. But first draw strength from My Word, use the time, don't become half-hearted and indifferent but believe that great danger lies in wait for you, that you will be shaken out of your worldly tranquillity and that a large world event is in the making. Always rely on My help and you will never call to Me in vain, for I will answer you who, as My children, call upon the Father in your time of need....

B.D. 4378

— Published by friends of new revelations of God —Information, download of all translated revelations, theme-booklets at:

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

The Flood.... Last days.... Worldly progress....

I Appeal to You
... through Bertha Dudde - 13.7.1948

The Flood.... Last days.... Worldly progress....

Shortly before the end it will be just like it was at the time of the Flood. People will have a great liking for all worldly pleasures, they will indulge their physical longings and vices, they will lead an immoral and unethical way of life and send no thought to the One above, Who is Lord over heaven and earth. For they will have no more faith.... The spiritual level will be the lowest ever since the beginning of this developmental period. Mocking and blaspheming they will confront the few believers with hostility, pursue them and deny them everything they need for living. They themselves, however, will feast and gorge themselves, they will live and love.... but their love will be false and their way of life wrong, for the devil's servants will populate the earth in the last days, and the disintegration of earth will merely end a state which no longer allows people's higher development.

It will be a time of sinfulness which will go beyond all imagination. God will be completely displaced and those who believe in Him will be in danger of being killed.... And God Himself will put an end to this period, the last day will arrive suddenly and unexpectedly amid the ecstasy of the world in which the people of the last days constantly live.... Hence, prior to this an apparent progress will be noticeable, everything of a worldly nature will be offered to people, their demand for worldly things will be extreme and everyone will unscrupulously grant himself whatever his mind desires; the strong will fight the weak and the winner will be the one who heartlessly acquires what he doesn't deserve, because he is supported by Satan himself who bestows material favours on him and incites him to increased enjoyment of life.

Sin will escalate to an alarming extent and Judgment will come to pass when no-one expects it. For once people have reached this level of development they will have to be devoured by the earth, as they will have become true servants of the devil and completely deny God. And then the hour of accountability will come to all sinners, the day of God's Justice will arrive, the Day of Judgment will come to all who belong to God's adversary and the day of Recompense for the few who are faithful to God, who persevere and don't fall prey to the temptations of the world.... as it is proclaimed in Word and Scripture.... A salvation period will come to an end because humanity will be ready for its downfall.


B.D. 4374

— Published by friends of new revelations of God —
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Monday, June 15, 2009

Doctrine of re-incarnation.... Misguided teaching.... Celestial bodies....

I Appeal to You
... through Bertha Dudde - 17.3.1949

Doctrine of re-incarnation.... Misguided teaching.... Celestial bodies....

Do not be mislead by supposed contradictions, rather, see the reason in the fact that your ability of comprehension does not always suffice in order to understand something properly, and that there need not be a contradiction, but you only suppose it to be. It should be sufficient for you to know that I will never teach you wrongly and that I will always give you the information such that it will benefit your soul....

The doctrine of karma does not encourage you to increase your spiritual endeavour. It is far more likely to encourage you to conduct your life half-heartedly in the spiritual sense. For this reason alone it is of little benefit for the soul, and it does not meet My full approval that you humans count on a return to earth and as a result become negligent in your effort. Although I support the soul's higher development in every way, and wherever I recognise a reliable opportunity to advance your soul's maturity I Am willing to give My consent, but it always has to be on the basis of My lawful eternal order and never for the sake of a deliberately created opportunity.... Hence it must be understandable to you that I will not inform you of a repeated process of development on this earth, which presupposes your total failure during your earthly life, but that I would like to protect you from this failure, and therefore caution, warn and instruct you in order to prevent a failure.

It would be a wrong instruction if I were to offer you the prospect of another path to reach your goal while the right path is still ahead of you, thus you should, and could, walk this path with correct use of your will. I only inform you of the infinite number of previous embodiments because I want you to become aware of your great responsibility for the short path of earthly life. This knowledge is only intended to increase your effort, but you should not draw the wrong conclusion and neglect your endeavour in the hope of repeating your incarnation on this earth if you do not reach your goal. My spirit will definitely enlighten you, and if you ask Me faithfully I will let you know through My servants to what extent your thoughts are correct.

If you knew of the endless many opportunities to achieve maturity on the innumerable celestial bodies in the universe, you would never come to the conclusion that a soul will be returned again to earth. However, the immature soul has to go through many more embodiments indeed where it is able to prove itself and thereby make further progress.

Thus the doctrine of re-incarnation is in fact based on truth but it does not mean that the soul will be born again in the flesh on this earth. It merely indicates the many opportunities of higher development on other creations, where the soul, either in physical or in spiritual form, is again presented with a task, the fulfilment of which will assure its ascent.

It is an exception if a soul returns to this earth again to fulfil a spiritual mission, it cannot be generalised.

Souls having passed away in a state of immaturity will also deem themselves living on earth. The areas they occupy make them believe that they were transported to extremely dreary, barren stretches of land, but they are actually on another planet which is suited to their souls' maturity and which is inhabited by the most primitive creations, resulting in a meagre, depressive stay for the souls.... This is an opportunity for purification of very materialistic minded people, who have to overcome their desire in order to be placed on another work of creation for the purpose of further ascent, depending on their will.

You still love this earth too much and therefore associate the word `re-incarnation' only with this earth as the dwelling place for a re-incarnated soul. But you should consider My love's incredibly extensive work of creation, which only came about for the countless spiritual beings who have to take the path to perfection, and who will take this path in some form or other.... in physical creations, as long as the soul is not yet spiritualised and receptive for light, and in spiritual creations, where the spiritual soul can constantly ascend too, where it purifies itself ever more and makes itself receptive for the emanation of Myself.

Imagine eternity, behold the starry sky whose countless stars are the creations of My will of love, destined to accept souls in need of development.... and you will realise that this earth is not the only carrier of beings who are supposed to ascend and that it is truly not necessary to return the failed souls to earth again, although it is the only place for achieving the childship to God, but it cannot be deliberately and repeatedly chosen as a place to mature.

And thus the doctrine of frequent re-incarnation on this earth will have to be declared as a misguided teaching, which needs to be opposed as being harmful for souls, because it weakens people's will and endangers the being's sincere change in view of the expectation to be able to make up for any neglect in a repeated life until ultimate perfection....


B.D. 4590

— Published by friends of new revelations of God —
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Saturday, June 13, 2009

Is life on earth an end in itself or the means to an end....

I Appeal to You
... through Bertha Dudde - 22.4.1958

Is life on earth an end in itself or the means to an end....

The life of a human being on earth would have no real reason if it was merely an end in itself.... With other words, you humans would find it difficult to find a real reason for it because you can clearly see the vast differences between human destinies and would constantly question the purpose of a hard, sorrowful, miserable life.

Yet you could find an immediate answer if you looked at life not as an end in itself but as the means to an end. If every person's fate would be the same, if every human being's life consisted of harmony, no problems, pleasures and worldly happiness, hardly differing from other people's lives, then you could certainly believe that there is no deeper purpose to earthly life than that of life itself. But as soon as you seriously think about it you will not be satisfied with this explanation.... you will search for a deeper reason and will certainly find it because it only requires a question on your part in order to give you an answer.

And all human beings should ask themselves this question.... For it really does not show intelligence or intellectual activity if a person is satisfied to experience life merely as a whim of the Creator. Every person who claims to be intelligent would hardly use his time and effort making entirely useless things.... nor would he want to regard himself as an entirely useless creature with the sole purpose to support himself.... without being able to determine the length of his existence.... Is earthly life an end in itself or the means to an end?....

It could be very beneficial for someone lacking in faith to raise this question. You humans are by no means expected to have blind faith, for such blind faith is of no value. But you can use your intelligence, you can consider every aspect of what you are required to believe. Serious thought can lead you to an acceptable result, and you can rest assured that such mental effort will be blessed if it is applied to achieve greater insight.... to the knowledge of what is still hidden from you humans but which need not remain hidden from you.

To discover the purpose of earthly life as a human being is one such insight, since it belongs to the region of the unprovable, but it can nevertheless be gratifying to a person if he genuinely wants it. Because as soon as he realises that human life is merely the means to an end, increasingly more questions will arise in him. He will try to discover the true purpose and then also become aware of his own task, he will no longer be satisfied with just worrying about earthly life, he will learn to look at everything as determined by purpose.... and then he will find and pursue a spiritual attitude which will completely satisfy him....

The conscious life of a human being only begins when he understands the purpose of earthly life. Because then his thoughts will aim towards a goal which he tries to achieve. Only then will he himself endeavour to start improving his soul; only then earthly activities will move into the background, although he also will be able to master his earthly life with God's help, Who will bless this approach to life and repeatedly make new aspects accessible to him which will make him think and lead him to ascent. An earthly life in the awareness of purpose can never be lived in vain; it has to result in spiritual success, whereas a person looking at life as an end in itself will not acquire any spiritual advantage.

As soon as he is willing to love, questions about the real purpose of life on earth will also arise and then his thinking will change too. However, if he is unwilling to love.... which is usually the case with those who have not yet recognised the purpose of life.... one cannot speak of higher development, the person's soul remains as it was at the beginning of his embodiment, life on earth will have been in vain and then the immense blessing, which could have resulted in the highest reward, will be lost.... But every human being can come to the realisation that he lives on earth for a purpose because every human being has the ability to think, because he can weigh one thought against another and is therefore able to form his own opinion.

And on serious reflection he would definitely come to that insight, because he can recognise a certain purpose of lawful order within the creation of nature which he would also have to apply to himself.... or he would have a very limited capacity of thought, an attitude which could hardly be called intelligent. The human being can come to the realisation that there is a purpose to earthly life or he could not be held responsible for how he has used this earthly life.

People who do not want to recognise a purpose of earthly life in fact deny this accountability, but enough evidence in the creation of nature can be found that no natural law, no divine order, can be trespassed without consequences. Thus the human being also has to accept a certain order for himself; he too has to feel part of this law of order. Thus he cannot arbitrarily shape his life without any responsibility towards God, Who created everything, but he has to try to support the law of divine order. He has to acknowledge a lawgiver, and then he will also feel responsible to this lawgiver. If this lawgiver is not acknowledged, then the human being will not feel responsible to a Lord; then he is clearly still subject to a God-opposing power, which always tries to influence a person such that his earthly life will be to no avail, that any belief in a purpose and aim of earthly existence fades away, so that this power can hold on to him again for an infinitely long time....


B.D. 7100

— Published by friends of new revelations of God —
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Friday, June 12, 2009

Immorality…. Unwritten laws….

I Appeal to You
... through Bertha Dudde - 30.8.1942

Immorality…. Unwritten laws….

General immorality accompanies the time of people’s unkindness and the fact that people no longer show any consideration towards their fellow human being’s feelings and thus no longer exert any kind of self-restraint is also a sign of spiritual deterioration.

And a generation without manners and without meaningful morality is heading for disaster….

Admittedly, people find this incomprehensible, since they consider decency a mere human addition and that the times justify giving full expression to all instincts. And their points of view are encouraged by the completely wrong opinion that moral laws merely prevent people from enjoying life and therefore must be abolished.

No nation will ever survive if it does not want to accept any laws as a guiding principle which give people moral stability so that they will live their life within the framework of a certain social order….

These are unwritten laws which people have nevertheless accepted until now, because they have all recognised both the necessity as well as the blessings of such laws and, for the sake of human order, have submitted to them without argument…. These laws are increasingly more forgotten or they are knowingly discarded by people because they prevent them from living up to their sensuality.

This clearly shows a decline of spiritual development, for the more sensual a person is, the less he strives towards God; he desires the world, that is, everything that gives pleasure to the body, and for the sake of the body disposes of all consideration towards his fellow human beings.

As a result, the human being falls prey to spiritual forces which had lived a life of uninhibited pleasure on earth, which indulged their cravings and thus had led a sinful life. These spiritual forces exert tremendous influence on these people and use them such that the human being pays less and less attention to the unwritten laws, that he unreservedly indulges himself in an easy way of life and that no limits exist for him than the fulfilment of his lust.

This attitude towards worldly pleasures will never be conducive to spiritual development, for anything the body demands will always disadvantage the soul. Besides, spiritual aspiration will be laughed at and ridiculed, and this without all inhibition, because people will have lost all sense of decency and good manners….

Hence, the individual person’s point of view will not be respected either but will be deemed hostile and therefore be discarded, often in the most shameless fashion. For immorality and spiritual deterioration go hand in hand.

People indeed speak about being enlightened and, yet, they are less enlightened than ever before…. They speak of spiritual advancement and, yet, they remain far behind, for they don’t understand it as the progress of the soul, instead, they only mean a wrong way of thinking, which they nevertheless find worth striving for. They try to construct a new morality for themselves which aids and abets an easy way of life and intend to portray it as ideal.

And thus new laws will come into being and old laws will be revoked, and humanity will change accordingly and lose every guideline for a virtuous, God-pleasing life which is intended to improve the human being’s soul…. Amen

B.D. 2461

— Published by friends of new revelations of God —
Information, download of all translated revelations, theme-booklets at:


Wednesday, June 10, 2009

There is no coincidence.... Nothing happens arbitrarily....

I Appeal to You
... through Bertha Dudde - 24.4.1963

There is no coincidence.... Nothing happens arbitrarily....

Believe Me, there is no coincidence, instead everything is divine providence and every human being's course of life proceeds in accordance with divine will.... For whatever does not correspond to My will nevertheless has My permission so that you may derive spiritual benefit from it if you make the right use of everything.... However, you are not at the mercy of a blind power, every experience during the course of your life has its reason and serves a purpose.... But how you use it is up to yourselves, because what matters in earthly life is the test of your will. And in order to evaluate every happening properly you should always request My support, and truly, you will think and act in the right way, because I will not guide you the wrong way if you entrust yourselves to Me voluntarily.... And thus everything confronting you is determined by Me or permitted for the purpose of your perfection....

When you are in constant contact with Me through works of love, sincere prayer or in thoughts which relate to Me, you can also be certain that you will not think and act in opposition to My will, because then I will bless your every action and your souls will mature.... Hence you should view whatever confronts you every day as My direct action on you, because I direct all threads, I start relationships, I bring those together who shall serve Me and seize every opportunity to guide you humans into truth, who sincerely desire it.... This is most important in the last days, because passing the test of volition, which will determine your future fate, entirely depends on the truth. Sparks of light will flash on earth and tear the dark night apart, yet only few people will ever strive for them, the majority will be content with the night and flee the light.... But there will also be deceptive lights causing confusion as their light is short lived and plunges people into even deeper darkness than before.... But where there is desire for light the darkness will lift and people will find their way into the light of day....

You, who ask for it, shall all become enlightened, and need only ever take notice of where the light is coming from.... If its radiance is bright it will make you feel good, you will be able to penetrate the darkness and be happy with the light which shines for you.... Deceptive lights, however, will confuse you, you will not be able to find complete understanding and therefore feel uneasy, if you are interested in the pure truth.... if you genuinely just want the pure truth.... But I know My Own, and thus I can speak to them, and they will recognise the Father's voice, and as soon as I can speak to them Myself they will be saved for time and eternity.... And thus it is only important that you humans do not walk any path alone without first praying for My guidance. Because this prayer guarantees My protection and My help when you are still too weak and inexperienced to differentiate between true and deceptive light by yourselves. But I will place the right thoughts in your heart and then you will always live in truth, because you are seeking it....

I can prepare vessels for Myself anywhere, which fulfil all conditions and thus allow the `working of My spirit' within them.... And anyone with an awakened spirit also knows whether and when I speak Myself, because My sheep know My voice.... And when I Am able to send revelations to earth I will also take care of their distribution.... But My adversary will do the same by also trying to communicate with people who are gullible and facilitate his actions, and he will also try to spread error and find people to help him.... Nevertheless, the truth will shine like a brightly radiating light, whereas the adversary will only be able to ignite deceptive lights which will merely increase but not disperse the darkness.... But people's free will has to be upheld, and this free will must sincerely want the truth and request it from Me Myself....


B.D. 8477

— Published by friends of new revelations of God —
Information, download of all translated revelations, theme-booklets at:


Friday, June 5, 2009

Sixth commandment.... `You shall not commit adultery....'

I Appeal to You... through Bertha Dudde - 3.-4.10.1950

Sixth commandment.... `You shall not commit adultery....'

`You shall not commit adultery....' This area is particularly significant because it incorporates everything in relation to carnal desires. It concerns the sensual orientation, the active expression on the sexual level. Indeed, I Myself gave the right for this with the Words `Be fruitful and multiply....'

I Myself created humanity such that the bodies of a man and a woman long to unite, nevertheless the final purpose of the latter is just procreation.

And since the human being has free will it is up to him to control himself or to fully express himself without self-control. What on one hand is blessed by Me can, on the other hand, be a most welcome opportunity for the adversary to entice the person into sin, although he will always be conscious of it because every sexual activity, every fulfilment of carnal lust pulls the human being down and even places him below the animal, which only acts out its instinct in accordance with natural law.

But the human being has his freedom of will because he should learn to control himself, because he should suppress his body in order to help the soul to ascend.

The sensual instincts are the greatest obstacle for the spiritualisation of the soul. And yet I created the human being such that carnal desire can pester him greatly if he allows himself to be controlled by it.... if he has no will to resist the temptations which are always caused by My adversary.

The commandment I gave to you, not to commit adultery, is a serious one....

And adultery is every impure way of life which in truth signifies an unlawful conduct against My law of order.... a misuse of the natural process of procreation for the purpose of awakening human life.

Two people should find each with other pure, unselfish love, and a subsequent conception as a result of such love will never be a sin because it complies with My eternal law of order.

However, all sensual passion without love is of utmost danger for the soul, which will lapse into spiritual darkness and only with utmost difficulty will be able to lift itself out of it.

Carnal desire is selfish love to the highest degree which stifles all unselfish love for a fellow human being, because nothing is sacred to such a person, he does not honour and respect his fellow human being but merely takes advantage of him....

He takes what does not belong to him, and thus sins against the commandment of love for one's neighbour in many different ways.

Anyone whose soul genuinely endeavours to ascend also knows that he should not enjoy life entirely uninhibited because he will feel that his soul is pulled down and that it will have to make an incredible effort in order to lift itself up again.

A right kind of marriage will never find My disapproval or I would not have created humanity to reproduce itself, however, boundaries can easily be exceeded, and every excess is a breach of the marriage wanted by Me through natural law.... the coexistence of man and woman for the purpose of humanity's reproduction....

But I know people's nature, I know their weakness of will and My adversary's extremely powerful influence....

I do not condemn those who sin but I Am giving them the commandment for their own benefit, and anyone who follows it will also love Me and his neighbour, he will travel the path of ascent easier than those who give free reign to their bodily instincts at the expense of their soul....


B.D. 4979

— Published by friends of new revelations of God —Information, download of all translated revelations, theme-booklets at:http://www.bertha-dudde.info/english/index.html

Above has been taken from:

I Appeal to You... through Bertha Dudde - 3.-4.10.1950

4979 Third, fourth, fifth and sixth commandment....

`You shall keep the Sabbath Day holy....' This commandment is meant to make you conscious of the fact that you are indebted to Me, that earthly life was given to you for a specific purpose, that you should sincerely strive to make contact with Me.... that you should cross the bridge to Me, that you should leave the world behind and, through contemplation, heartfelt prayer and silent dialogue with Me, move yourselves into the spiritual kingdom:.... That you thus keep a true Sabbath Day, that you take a period of rest from the rushing and racing of the world, in which you certainly live but which should not turn you into slaves. In Me alone should you recognise your Lord, and it is Me Whom you should serve and thus you should frequently stop for an hour of rest, when your thoughts are with Me even when you perform your earthly duty and are constantly active. The more you can detach yourselves from the earthly world, the more often you connect with Me in thought, the more convincingly will you recognise Me as your God and Father of eternity and thus, by fulfilling this commandment of keeping the Sabbath Day holy, you once again simply fulfil the commandment of love for Me. But your love shall also apply to your neighbour. Who, however, is your neighbour? All people with whom you come into contact.... your love shall belong to all of them.... When I, through Moses, gave people the Ten Commandments it was necessary to make people particularly aware of their mistakes and bad habits, because their love had grown cold for all people in their surroundings. Even the children no longer practised love, it was a state of wickedness, depravity, and selfishness.... For this reason the commandment of love for your neighbour had to be presented to them in every detail. They ignored all divine order, and thus they had to be given several commandments which, indeed, are all included in the commandment of love for your neighbour but which also need to be observed by people today if they don't want to infringe against love. You shall honour your parents, offer them the love of a child and always be obedient to them. You should always remember that they, with selfless love, are preparing you to become human beings and thus enable you to live earthly life for the purpose of higher development, that they were given this task by Me, that you should thus repay the innate love they give to you and which is motivating them to physically and psychologically take care of you. You owe them your life and thus should honour them and return their care for you until the end of their life. Then I, too, will look upon you with pleasure and give you My love because by loving your parents you show a warm and loving heart which will also love Me, once it has recognised Me as the eternal Father from Whom all living creations emerged, who He wants to shape into His rightful children. Only love will turn you into My children, and anyone who loves and honours His parents will also love the Heavenly Father and be blessed by Him.... Amen(4.10.1950) `You shall not kill....' This commandment also fulfils itself if your neighbour is looked upon with love. Because love will never damage him and even less endeavour to take his life. It does not merely concern the human being's life on earth which the heartless person intends to take; it concerns the opportunity of development which can only successfully change the human being into a child of God on earth. You therefore burden yourselves with an irresponsibly severe guilt when you violate a human being's life, when you forcibly end it and by doing so unlawfully rob the soul of My gift of grace. You are committing a double sin, against your neighbour as well as against Me, as in fact every offence against the commandment of love for other people is an offence against your love for Me, because you also indirectly refuse to love Me, Who created your neighbour. To end an earthly life should never be endorsed even if honourable motives give cause to it. Because once again it is decisive that the soul only received the body's life for the purpose of higher development. You should not consider earthly life, the life of the body, as the most important and consequently only take the body's life into account. But far less should you deem earthly life so unimportant that you think you may end it arbitrarily. The person who unlawfully takes another person's life will be pursued by an inconceivable vindictiveness on earth and even in the spiritual kingdom and, furthermore, due to such acts of hatred and heartlessness he will lapse into deepest darkness himself for he will have devoted himself to Satan who, in order to prevent all higher development, endeavours to destroy the life that I awakened. He has transferred his willingness to sin to the person and thus has used him to commit an evil act which, however, the person could have refused to commit of his own free will. He was not forced to sin.... But when earthly rulers bring force to bear, when a human being acts in self-defence in order to protect his own life, when his inner being resists an act of most blatant heartlessness and yet is unable to oppose earthly law, the attitude of the person acting against this commandment will always be taken into account. However, if the person violates the commandment wholeheartedly he will be held fully responsible because he ignores My commandment of love and belongs to My adversary.... Amen `You shall not commit adultery....' This area is particularly significant because it incorporates everything in relation to carnal desires. It concerns the sensual orientation, the active expression on the sexual level. Indeed, I Myself gave the right for this with the Words `Be fruitful and multiply....' I Myself created humanity such that the bodies of a man and a woman long to unite, nevertheless the final purpose of the latter is just procreation. And since the human being has free will it is up to him to control himself or to fully express himself without self-control. What on one hand is blessed by Me can, on the other hand, be a most welcome opportunity for the adversary to entice the person into sin, although he will always be conscious of it because every sexual activity, every fulfilment of carnal lust pulls the human being down and even places him below the animal, which only acts out its instinct in accordance with natural law. But the human being has his freedom of will because he should learn to control himself, because he should suppress his body in order to help the soul to ascend. The sensual instincts are the greatest obstacle for the spiritualisation of the soul. And yet I created the human being such that carnal desire can pester him greatly if he allows himself to be controlled by it.... if he has no will to resist the temptations which are always caused by My adversary. The commandment I gave to you, not to commit adultery, is a serious one.... And adultery is every impure way of life which in truth signifies an unlawful conduct against My law of order.... a misuse of the natural process of procreation for the purpose of awakening human life. Two people should find each with other pure, unselfish love, and a subsequent conception as a result of such love will never be a sin because it complies with My eternal law of order. However, all sensual passion without love is of utmost danger for the soul, which will lapse into spiritual darkness and only with utmost difficulty will be able to lift itself out of it. Carnal desire is selfish love to the highest degree which stifles all unselfish love for a fellow human being, because nothing is sacred to such a person, he does not honour and respect his fellow human being but merely takes advantage of him.... He takes what does not belong to him, and thus sins against the commandment of love for one's neighbour in many different ways. Anyone whose soul genuinely endeavours to ascend also knows that he should not enjoy life entirely uninhibited because he will feel that his soul is pulled down and that it will have to make an incredible effort in order to lift itself up again. A right kind of marriage will never find My disapproval or I would not have created humanity to reproduce itself, however, boundaries can easily be exceeded, and every excess is a breach of the marriage wanted by Me through natural law.... the coexistence of man and woman for the purpose of humanity's reproduction.... But I know people's nature, I know their weakness of will and My adversary's extremely powerful influence.... I do not condemn those who sin but I Am giving them the commandment for their own benefit, and anyone who follows it will also love Me and his neighbour, he will travel the path of ascent easier than those who give free reign to their bodily instincts at the expense of their soul.... Amen— Published by friends of new revelations of God —Information, download of all translated revelations, theme-booklets at:http://www.bertha-dudde.info/english/index.html

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Sequence of the catastrophic event....

I Appeal to You... through Bertha Dudde - 25.7.1940

Sequence of the catastrophic event....

The teachers in the beyond always try to help you in the same way and seek to make you more receptive, yet your heart is not always willing to receive, creating obstacles which make the reception more difficult. Undivided attention has to be paid to the gifts of heaven and all earthly thoughts avoided, then the thoughts of the friends in the beyond will find easier access.

Divine love sends messengers to you who shall reinforce your willingness to receive. They bring you a revelation that describes in an understandable way the sequence of the catastrophes which shall decide the life and death of each individual person.

Only few people take notice of the signs of the coming time. They are indeed surprised about obvious changes or irregularities in nature but nevertheless dismiss it carelessly. They don't recognise therein an expression of God's will but merely put it down as a coincidence. And thus, to begin with they do not pay any attention to these manifestations when the natural event approaches. People will first be made aware of the advancing tempest by whirlwinds. This will happen so suddenly that men and animals will find themselves in great difficulty for they will barely be able to manage against the violent storm, and this will be the start....

Every now and then violent earth tremors will be felt and the sky will grow dark, a thunderous roar will be heard which will be so dreadful that it sends people and animals alike into panic so that they try to save themselves by escaping. Yet the darkness will stop them and as their distress becomes intense, the roaring grows ever louder, and the earthly tremors ever more violent, the earth will open up and huge masses of water will break through from within the earth. And as far as the eye can see.... water and darkness and an indescribable chaos amongst people who realise their horrendous situation with utmost distress.

The days before will be so glorious that people are to some extent light-hearted and the change will come so suddenly that no one can take earthly precautions, which will be entirely pointless anyway for no earthly power can defend against these elements. Only the devout person will feel the divine omnipotence now.... and entrusts himself to his Creator.... And although his heart will tremble and know fear when he sees the raging of the elements he will nevertheless wait patiently until help arrives, for he will continue to send his thoughts up to Him above.

Anyone who has grasped the meaning and purpose of life knows that now the time of decision has come for every individual person. And he will try to administer spiritual help wherever possible, he will comfort those who are miserable and refer them to God, he will help by kindling a small light in utter darkness.... For God will give them the opportunity to work for Him.... Those who have recognised Him and offer themselves to be of service to Him will be assigned a rich field of activity, and the seed will fall on good ground, for God spares those who look up to Him or find Him in greatest adversity....


B.D. 1538

— Published by friends of new revelations of God —Information, download of all translated revelations, theme-booklets at:

natural event

Monday, June 1, 2009

The outpouring of the spirit.... Whitsun....

I Appeal to You... through Bertha Dudde - 2.6.1963

The outpouring of the spirit.... Whitsun....

Only after My crucifixion was it possible for Me to pour out My spirit, for prior to this no human being would have been capable of sheltering anything divine within himself, since humanity was still burdened by the original sin of the antagonism against God. My spirit, however, is the emanation of Myself, and no human being burdened by guilt could ever have been a recipient of this emanation, for the gulf which existed between what had become guilty and Myself was too deep.
But I, in the human being Jesus, have made amends for this guilt, and everyone who accepts My act of Salvation is now also able to prepare himself such that he can receive My illumination of love again, and that means that I Myself can take abode in the person and as evidence of My presence can also permeate him with My spirit.... Then his thoughts and intentions will be determined by the strength of the spirit, he cannot think and want something wrong as long as My spirit works in him.... For he completely consciously allows Me to work in him, he opens himself by intimately uniting with Me and thus enables Me to lower the light ray of My love into his heart which illuminates everything.... giving him the most bright and clear knowledge, so that the human being will emerge from his present darkness and be guided into every truth by My spirit, as I have promised.
This act of the outpouring of spirit, which took place in My disciples in full view of all people, had to be preceded by My crucifixion, My adversary had to be defeated first so that he would no longer be able to forcibly keep people in darkness but had to release those who turned to Me, who allowed themselves to be redeemed by Me, that is, who consciously acknowledged My great act of mercy and wanted to partake of it.... Thus death.... the immense spiritual darkness.... had been conquered for them, they were able to prepare themselves as vessels for the outpouring of My spirit.... Now they no longer experienced wrong thoughts, they recognised the truth and also fully consciously aspired to it, they emerged from the state of complete ignorance, they became enlightened....
My spirit permeated them, and now they also came closer to Me again, that tiny spark of spirit, which as part of Myself had rested dormant within themselves, aspired towards the eternal Father-Spirit to which it was inseparably connected. Very simply put.... the connection with Me.... having once been voluntarily discontinued by the beings, was restored again, and a being that was once more in contact with Me, the Eternal Light, had to be permeated by My light too, and its every thought can then only be right. He has to recognise the truth, and then the human being also has to uphold this truth, because he is urged by My spirit to proclaim the truth to all of his fellow human beings....
And this, too, was My first disciples' mission, whom the outpouring of My spirit enabled to go out into the world and proclaim the Gospel to all nations. They had to possess the truth themselves in order to pass it on, and even though during My years of teaching they had been instructed in the truth by Me, the outpouring of My spirit nevertheless had to take place first so that they then would brightly and clearly recognise their task and no longer be burdened by ignorance, for they were instructed through the spirit by Myself, Who stayed with them as I had promised.
And thus, time and again I will pour out My spirit upon people who want to serve Me, who prepare themselves as vessels into which My spirit can flow and who, like My first disciples, want to bring the truth to people in the knowledge that only the pure truth can help people in their immense spiritual adversity.... And My spirit will be effective in them so that the darkness will be dispersed and the people desiring to serve Me by assisting in the redemption of errant souls will think correctly again. No person can give what he does not have....
However, to you, My servants, I want to give abundantly, so that you can impart it again to your fellow human beings who urgently require your support, since they will not establish the relationship with Me on their own.... Yet you, who know all correlations, can enlighten them and even now persuade them to their change their will. And you will always be able to receive spiritual knowledge in abundance, and at all times.... when you ask questions, they will be answered such that you will also be able to recognise the Provider, which you then should pass on.... for many people and countless souls in the kingdom of the beyond will ask questions and desire truthful answers.... they will be able to receive them from you, for I know all thoughts arising from the heart and will give to every person according to his task (comprehension).
And this is My working in you.... the working of My spirit, which the first disciples were allowed to experience for themselves after My ascension. They, too, had to be assisted by My love time and again, for in order to implement the task given to them by Me they required extensive knowledge, and without My obvious support they would never have been able to accomplish this task, for I constantly instructed them through the spirit. Thus they did not have to be afraid to be incapable of working as teachers or of spreading incorrect spiritual knowledge and were able to administer their office well.... they were able to proclaim the Gospel in accordance with My will....
And today, too, I give My last disciples on this earth the same task of taking the truth to people, which can only come forth from Me directly. For the earth is engulfed by profound darkness, errors and lies are so widespread that people have to muster an utterly sincere will in order to find the truth and then also to recognise it as such. But only through truth can they become blessed, because they can only learn to recognise and love Me when the pure truth about Me and My nature is imparted to them. And this knowledge, the pure truth, can only be imparted to them through My spirit, but it will also be clarified for you, because I love you and you only need to establish a heartfelt bond with Me through equal love in order to induce the spiritual spark in you, which is inseparably connected to the eternal Father-Spirit, to express itself.... Then I can speak to you Myself and place you into a state of cognition, and then you will also know what you have to do in order to achieve your goal.... the unification with Me.... while you are still on earth. For when I instruct you Myself you truly will be taught correctly, and then you will accomplish your task on earth for sure and change yourselves into love, you will adopt your fundamental nature again and be blissfully happy, as you were in the beginning....

B.D. 8516

— Published by friends of new revelations of God —Information, download of all translated revelations, theme-booklets at: