Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The end is determined by people themselves.... Low level....

I Appeal to You... through Bertha Dudde - 11.12.1945

The end is determined by people themselves.... Low level....

My eternal decision included the end, and thus it will come without fail when people's low spiritual level demands it.... The end will therefore be preceded by a time when people distance themselves from Me of their own free will, so that I can no longer influence them with My strength of love because they will prevent it themselves. But where My strength of love stops, i.e. where it is no longer able to affect the spirit, that is where life.... activity.... will also come to an end. The spiritual being will descend into a state of solidification.

This will be the result of insufficient strength, to which it will have shut itself off. The human being as such will still be in possession of vital energy, but since he will be using it in a completely wrong way during the last days, since he, instead of striving towards Me, will strive away from Me completely of his own free will, I will also have to take his vital energy away from him, which will therefore signify the physical end of countless spiritual beings which are embodied as human beings on earth and which, deprived of their final form of development, will subsequently completely solidify again, thus descend into weakness and darkness, until My love gives them a form once again in which their process of development can start anew.

The spiritual being cannot live, thus be active, without an influx of strength, yet this strength will not flow to it against its will while it is in a state of free will. At the start of its incarnation as a human being the latter is certainly weak-willed, or his will is still undecided, and he can use the vital energy he is granted as a gift of grace in any way.... But once people have reached the lowest point when they no longer make use of this vital energy in order to attain spiritual strength, when they consciously resist the influx of strength from Me, I will also withdraw the energy of life from them....

They will have to repeat the process of development once more, which starts again with an utterly weak state in the most solid form, in hard matter, the overcoming of which takes an infinitely long time again.... I would like to spare the spiritual beings this long captivity, and therefore all conceivable means will be used by My love beforehand, yet people are beyond learning....

If My servants explain their spiritual hardship to them, if they are reminded of the serious consequences of their unbelief , if their attention is drawn to the shortly approaching end, they close their ears. They don't believe in My eternal plan of Salvation, they don't believe in Me and My never-ending love and thus they precipitate the end themselves....

They not only remain on their low spiritual level but continue to descend ever further.... Their own will hastens the dissolution of that which shelters spirits, just as their own will lets the human being return to that which his soul had already overcome long before....

It is not My but people's own will which determines the end, yet I have foreseen this will for eternity and thus will constrain it once again because freedom of will is being misused.
Anyone who has My Word knows about My love, he knows about My plan of Salvation to redeem the souls and he also foresees the end, for he recognises the spiritual hardship. Yet anyone who does not recognise this hardship is not imbued by My love, he is still in spiritual darkness and can hardly step out from this into the light of day. For he needs My Word to do so, the light which illuminates him and enriches his knowledge....

And he will understand the physical adversity of the time, which is caused by the immense spiritual hardship. Anyone who has My Word will expect the end with profound faith, for everything will come to pass as I proclaimed in Word and Scripture.

Therefore, pay attention to My Word when it is imparted to you through My messengers.... pay attention to the Word which is conveyed to you from above, which guarantees you the absolute truth which originates from Me, the Giver of truth, and which I impart to you with all My love, so that you will find the path to Me through the Word, so that you will not be lost to My kingdom, so that you need not go through the process of development again, which would mean indescribable agony for your souls....

Pay attention to the Word so that you will belong to My Own, who will be spared at the end in order to enter the kingdom of peace, as I have promised....


B.D. 3625

— Published by friends of new revelations of God —Information, download of all translated revelations, theme-booklets at:

NEW!!!! A SEARCH function is available with immediate effect on the Bertha Dudde homepage to search in some 1700plus english translated revelations. About every two month more translations will be added., you do have permission to send this message to family, friends and other spiritual needy. "... freely ye have received, freely give." There is no copyright but make sure not to cut off or add or change any word!Tell them they too can subscribe free by emailing to:WordofGodEndtimeProphecy-subscribe@yahoogroups.comAddresses Related - prophetic word received through Bertha Dudde Dudde - Chronological lists of all translated Revelations - 1 Dudde - Autobiography all revelations .txt document: Dudde - Index Theme-Booklets - books english:

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Strength of intercession....

I Appeal to You... through Bertha Dudde - 30.6.1951

Strength of intercession....

You should give the strength of intersession to all those who have departed from you, irrespective of the degree of maturity you may think they have, for they all still need strength and are grateful for any help. It is a happy feeling to have helped souls to ascend, which you will only fully realise when you have entered the kingdom of the beyond yourselves and see the hardship of many souls who are not remembered in prayer, because no one on earth will remember them lovingly and provide them with the necessary strength in order to ascend. Once these souls have experienced the strength of love they will work with immense enthusiasm and use this strength, but the first impulse has to be given to them by people's loving intercession, because this is what will affect them first and change the direction of their thoughts.

But this intercession has to be rendered consciously, i.e. with the intention of helping the souls to advance. You humans should know that your prayers are valuable, you should familiarise yourselves with the suffering of departed souls and with a loving heart pray for a gift of strength for these souls. They will surely experience this gift of strength and also gratefully feel the love intended for them which will cause them to love in turn, which will thus affect their environment like a small light that benefits all souls. You humans could do so inexpressibly much to release the souls if you have the will to alleviate hardship and suffering.... For this will motivates you to pray from the bottom of your heart, and only this comprises redeeming strength. You should do everything consciously, external formalities or lip-prayers have no effect, because they exclude the conscious will to help. Only love is liberating.... this has to be said time and again.

You can achieve inconceivably much with love, you can send bright light into the darkness through loving intercession, so that many souls will gather there and be touched by this ray of light, always with the result that their feeling of love will also be awakened and will want to express itself. Loving intercession is a tremendous flow of strength the effect of which will never fail. Include all your loved ones in your prayer, mentally call them to you and tell them that you want to help them and that they should accept your help quietly and without objection; mentally instruct them that they, too, will be able to ascend it they want to use the strength they receive through your intercession. And always point them to Jesus Christ.... Only One can redeem them, and this One can only be reached through love. Therefore inform them that they should use their imparted strength to help other souls in turn who also suffer great hardship, that these deeds of love will bring them ever closer to Jesus Christ Who, with utmost mercy, will then draw all souls to Himself and guide them into the kingdom of light....

Once you have helped a soul to use its given strength correctly its progress will be assured, then the weakness of will and lack of strength will disappear and it will eagerly ascend and take untold souls along, for it then will also share its knowledge with them, and thus a single correct intercession will result in unforeseen blessings.... You humans on earth should not underestimate the strength of intercession, but always remember that it should be made with a loving heart in order to truly give strength.... And include all your loved ones, for they all are still in need of strength and will thank you forever if you increase their strength and remember them with love....


B.D. 5161

— Published by friends of new revelations of God —Information, download of all translated revelations, theme-booklets at:

Monday, April 27, 2009

Community of `Saints'.... Intercession pointless....

I Appeal to You... through Bertha Dudde - 10.6.1948

Community of `Saints'.... Intercession pointless....

You humans need considerable support from the spiritual world if you want to survive the last battle on earth, and this help is at your full disposal in every way by just asking for it. For this reason it should be explained to you what kind of help will be given to you and how you can request it. There exists, as you humans call it, the community of Saints, which helps you; but it is necessary to explain the term `Saints' to you if you are to be truthfully taught and free from wrong notions. The beings of light are people's most faithful guides and helpers who are always ready as soon as they are called. But their assignment to people is determined by God in His wisdom, just as He, corresponding to their degree of perfection, also permeates the spiritual beings with light and strength. People, however, are unable to assess another person's degree of maturity and therefore have neither the right nor the ability to elevate him to sainthood, because only God knows the quality of his soul when he, having been liberated by physical death, enters the spiritual kingdom. Only God knows the relationship the person has had with Him on earth and to what extent he acted with love.

Loving activity is the decisive factor and could have given him light and strength in abundance while still on earth, enabling him to do extraordinary things on earth if he wanted to. But in the beyond God reserves the right to guide mature souls to the sphere of activity which corresponds to their degree of maturity. He allocates to them the activity in the spiritual kingdom, just as He determines what kind of help should be given to people on earth. The beings of light have abundant strength, they can achieve anything because they work with God and in accordance with His will since they are constantly permeated by His strength. But the being of light moves entirely within God's will too, i.e. it cannot want anything but God's will since it has already established the union with God and is therefore totally absorbed in His will. However, since it possesses great wisdom it also recognises the inexpediency of many people's petitions and therefore also has to refuse when a fulfilment would be detrimental for the soul.

Helping people is a state of happiness for the beings of light, for this reason God allows people to request help from them. But it is not right to call upon specific Saints, because their activity and task could be entirely different and people, in their ignorance, might appeal to a being which is still far from perfect and then, due to their petition, become subject to and get unfavourably influenced by it. Because those who are called will appear, they immediately seek to get close to the caller and try to impose their thoughts on him, which might not correspond to the truth. Besides, the canonisation by people is mainly dependent on a way of life conforming to a church community, i.e. where piety is a prerequisite, although never demanded by God it is insisted upon by that church, and in accordance with the latter the canonisation takes place, which can never be the will of God. Consequently, not everyone canonised may be a being of light, whereas there are many beings of light in the spiritual kingdom whose way of life in fact corresponded to God's will but did not conform to the rules of an ecclesiastical community. All beings of light possess God's strength which they want to use, thus people were entrusted into their care whom they should and can help to reach perfection, providing human will is not opposed to it.

Appealing to the beings of light will never be in vain, whereas calling upon specific beings may be good but could also be harmful even though help is expected from them. However, the idea to gain intercession by the beings of light is misguided....

Prayer is an appeal to God. It establishes the relationship between the human being and God, which is requested by God Himself because the appeal demonstrates that the person's will is directed towards Him. Thus in people's opinion, the beings of light, which are already in closest union with Him, are supposed to establish this relationship with God. This would relieve the person from establishing the relationship himself which, however, is purpose and goal of his earthly life, because only the contact with God provides the influx of strength without which the soul is unable to mature fully.

But the being of light cannot convey strength to the person, because even in the spiritual kingdom are laws which have to be observed by its inhabitants in the knowledge that they were given by God's love and wisdom. The beings are willing to help in every instance and in accordance with God's will, consequently the human being has to please God's will first in order to be considered by Him directly or through the beings of light, which truly will never leave anyone without help if God's will approves. Hence the appeal for help to the beings of light will never be in vain, but an appeal for intercession is futile. Because the child itself should trustingly approach the Father so that the Father's love can give Itself to the child, and because this intimate relationship will never be established if the human being believes that he can also reach the goal through intercession. God is a God of love. He does not want people frightened to come to Him, He wants to be the Father of His children and not a strict judge and ruler. People try to please the latter through intercession but approach the former trustingly, and God asks for this trust from His living creations, because His infinite love belongs to them and He will also fulfil their every prayer....

B.D. 4328

— Published by friends of new revelations of God —Information, download of all translated revelations, theme-booklets at:

Saturday, April 25, 2009


I Appeal to You... through Bertha Dudde - 28.-29.5.1954

Hereditary sin....

Questions, which you would like to have answered, will have to arise in you time and again, then I can enlighten you as soon as you contact Me in heartfelt prayer and listen to what I say to you.... by regarding your emerging thoughts as My reply, if you are not addressed by Me directly through the voice of the spirit. Your desire and appeal to Me will ensure your correct thinking.... yet without Me you will not recognise the truth, without Me your endeavour for enlightenment will be futile, since without Me you will only have misguided thoughts which the powers from below will be able to convey to you.... precisely because you evade Me, Who is the provider of truth.... And thus listen to the following:

As long as you are not perfect you can only receive explanations in a descriptive manner.... You would never be able to understand the infinite profundity of divine wisdom, you would never understand the reasons for My reign and activity, since your imperfection also means inadequate power of perception, and thus you are unable to find an explanation by virtue of your intelligence.... but you will be able to receive it in a flash as soon as you are permeated by the light of My love in the spiritual kingdom. On earth you will need to receive descriptive clarification, the processes that took place in My creation can only be described to you in line with your ability of comprehension.... And thus the spiritual processes in the hearts of the first people can only be intelligibly explained to you along the lines of earthly processes which, however, are but a faint comparison.... simply because you are still weak in spirit yourselves.... You humans are constrained by laws of nature because total freedom, which you forfeited through your past apostasy, first has to be regained by you during your earthly life.... For that reason I imposed a limit on the first human beings' will because I first wanted them to realise that they were subject to a Power and that they should voluntarily submit to this Power.... in order to then have their final freedom bestowed onto them. In the past they refused to acknowledge Me, which was the first sin, their opposition to Me from Whom they had originated.... Only voluntary acknowledgment could cancel this sin again. And I wanted to obtain this acknowledgment of Myself when I brought the whole of creation into being. As a result, the first human beings were endowed such that they could in fact recognise Me but were not compelled to do so.... And therefore free will had to make a choice which, again, should be tested against `temptation'....

People had to see something they desired, while a prohibition and an enticement at the same time had to prompt them into a decision of will.... but, understandably, the enticement had to be linked to a promise, which they were then supposed to resist.... The prohibition and the enticement ensued from two sides.... since they involved the return of the fallen spirits to Me and their stay with My adversary, i.e., My created spirits achievement of their goal or their fall into the abyss again.... Consequently, the people had to have the desire within themselves and be offered the opportunity to satisfy this desire.... or to overcome it for the sake of a far higher goal: for eternal bliss with Me, which surpassed this earthly fulfilment of desire a thousand fold. Since regaining the deserted spiritual beings was a battle between Me and My adversary he also had to have the opportunity to influence these beings' will.... only that he feigned illusive values and illusive happiness so that people should forfeit true happiness and a blissful life in eternity.... I knew of this temptation and therefore gave the first people a commandment with a simultaneous warning of eternal death.... This warning should have sufficed in stifling every desire in the people in order not to die.... And My adversary convinced them of the contrary.... he promised them life.... But they recognised Me as the supreme Power and yet followed the lie.... and thereby brought death into the world.... But what was it that made their desire so powerful that they succumbed to it?....

They lived a blissful life in paradise, they were masters over all created things; everything was subject to their will and they felt happy in full possession of strength and power. And as long as this love was intended for Me and the partner there was no danger either that the test of will would fail.

But My adversary knew how to turn this love in the wrong direction.... He reversed it into selfish love by making false promises to them and thus kindling their desire to obtain happiness for themselves.... Their love became craving, selfish and low, and thereby they once again handed themselves over to the power of the one from whom they should and could have delivered themselves had they valued My commandment more than their desire.

You humans ought to understand..... that the time for Me to bless the first human couple had not yet come.... Therefore they became sinful.... for nothing is sinful that fits in with My plan of creation, nothing can be a sin that happens in lawful order.... and the process of procreation can never be against the order ordained by God. Yet the satisfaction of the senses without the will to bring forth life is no act of divine love, but it is selfish love kindled by My adversary which draws the human being down and totally submits him to his control.... The first human beings had fallen victim to this wrong love, and this wrong love was the sin, which in turn related to the original sin of arrogance.... which did not want to give itself but possess everything, which was the inheritance of its maker.... but which has nothing in common with divine love....

Divine love rests as a spark in your hearts and can ignite itself into brightest radiance. But My adversary's goal was and is to reverse this love, and he has succeeded in doing so. What was pure and divine became soiled and changed into a love of self, which no longer merits the concept of `love' and can only be called lust, selfishness and love of self, and which is also capable of doing whatever My adversary wants you to do.... And thus the act of procreation became a means for My adversary to turn countless souls towards him, which would never have been possible had it taken place with My blessing.... where the divine love of giving and bestowing happiness should find its culmination in the emergence of a new life.... Hence the original sin consisted of the abandonment of pure divine love for the sake of impure selfish love....

The divine spark in the human being was extinguished through satanic influence and replaced by a fire which destroyed everything that was noble and pure.... The senses became aroused and were driven into utmost greed, which in no way corresponded to My act of creation.... yet for the sake of My adversary's and My created beings' freedom of will it was not prevented.... since it is still up to the will of each individual person to resist this temptation by Satan.... The original sin was therefore not the act of procreation but the voluntarily ignited wrong and sinful love induced by Satan.... A happiness giving act of creation in the divine sense was reduced to a game of unclean spirits.... My adversary was permitted to take part in an act where I Myself wanted to be present in people with My blessing in order to increase the pure, divine love in them, so that it should also flow into the then begotten beings. And thus a new human generation would have arisen which would have found its way back to Me in increasingly brighter light without suffering and pain, which would soon have liberated itself through love, because it had to recognise Me Myself where love shines forth.... The first human beings could have passed this test of will.... but since I was struggling with My adversary for the human souls I could not prevent him from using means which would ensure his victory. For it involved My created beings' return in completely free will.... which, however, had failed and resulted in a fate for the whole human race from which it could not free itself anymore.... Until a human being in pure divine love achieved the act.... which redeemed all of humanity and opened the path of ascent again.... For love is victorious and will not rest until even the last fallen being has found the way back to Me....


B.D. 5967

— Published by friends of new revelations of God —Information, download of all translated revelations, theme-booklets at:

NEW!!!! A SEARCH function is available with immediate effect on the Bertha Dudde homepage to search in some 1700plus english translated revelations. About every two month more translations will be added., you do have permission to send this message to family, friends and other spiritual needy. "... freely ye have received, freely give." There is no copyright but make sure not to cut off or add or change any word!Tell them they too can subscribe free by emailing to:WordofGodEndtimeProphecy-subscribe@yahoogroups.comAddresses Related - prophetic word received through Bertha Dudde Dudde - Chronological lists of all translated Revelations - 1 Dudde - Autobiography all revelations .txt document: Dudde - Index Theme-Booklets - books english:

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Spiritual rebirth....

I Appeal to You... through Bertha Dudde - 4.3.1946

Spiritual rebirth....

Spiritual rebirth is the human being's objective on earth, otherwise the soul will also be without life when the body dies, but since it is immortal it cannot entirely fade away. Spiritual rebirth means life for the soul, but life for the soul without spiritual rebirth is impossible.

However, the human being will be spiritually reborn when he seeks contact with the spiritual realm of his own accord. The human soul is no longer content with the body's life, but it cannot find fulfilment of its desire in the earthly world either and aspires towards the realm to which it really belongs, and depending on the sincerity of its will the human being will be reborn sooner or later.

Kind-hearted activity is absolutely necessary for the attainment of spiritual rebirth, since this revives the person's spirit. Through actions of love the dormant spiritual spark within the soul unites with the eternal Father-Spirit, it becomes active, and activity is life....

If, by his deeds of love, the human being gives the spiritual spark within himself the opportunity to become active, he will have become spiritually reborn and can no longer descend into the state of death. Once the spirit is awakened it will never disregard him, it will constantly influence its surrounding shell, i.e. the spirit will influence the soul and through it also the human being's body, urging him into kind-hearted actions and thereby advancing the soul's higher development.

Spiritual rebirth cannot be intellectually achieved, neither will nor words can make it happen, only a will that is put into action results in it, and these actions need to be deeds of unselfish love for other people.

A person's spirit will only come alive through love, it will only move into action through deeds of love, and thus only through love can the soul achieve eternal life, which is the consequence of spiritual rebirth. But anyone who has love also lives in constant contact with the Eternal Love, and thus the eternal Father-Spirit will also constantly influence the spiritual spark in the human being....

Eternal Love will draw to Itself what is striving to shape itself into love.... And then there will be no more death for the soul.... Then there will only be life, i.e. uninterrupted activity in strength and light; then the shackle of death has been removed, then death has been conquered....
Hence a spiritually reborn person will never fear his body's death because his soul knows the transience of all earthly things as well as the immortality of everything in the spiritual realm, it does not fear its earthly death because its eternal life is guaranteed. It does not merely believe in the soul's life after the death of the body but it has become certain of it, because it is instructed by the revived spirit, because the knowledge it receives from the spirit results in profound conviction....

Hence its faith has become unwavering because it carries the evidence within itself.... the awakened spirit, which is part of the eternal Father-Spirit. A spiritually reborn human being has no further doubt in regards to spiritual knowledge, because the working of the spirit within him also includes ever-increasing understanding, recognition of the eternal Deity and His reign and activity, as well as the knowledge of God's eternal plan of Salvation....

His imparted knowledge is not mere faith, since the wisdom of what is presented to him is so self-evident in the eyes of the spiritually reborn person that he needs no further evidence but he is fully convinced of its truth, which he can now call his own mental concept because his heart and intellect have absorbed it. Therefore the spiritually reborn person need no longer search, through love he has found what he was looking for. Thus love is the key to wisdom, and wisdom is knowledge which corresponds to truth, which emanates from and leads back to the spiritual kingdom....

However, a human being can only be reborn in spirit if his soul ignores the body and merely strives to bring the spirit to life who, thus, even if unaware of success, relinquishes what the body desires of his own accord, in order to give it to those who suffer hardship and are in need of spiritual or worldly help.

Giving away worldly goods for the sake of selfless love will bring him spiritual wealth. However, distributing spiritual wealth will result in immense growth within himself, because God's spirit can then work in the human being without restriction, He will give truth, which signifies eternal life....

Life, however, is uninterrupted activity.... The spiritually reborn person can no longer be inactive, but will then diligently work for the kingdom of God.... he will take part in Christ's act of Salvation for erring souls on earth, because the spirit in him does not rest, like his eternal Father-Spirit it is always and forever active....

And thus spiritual rebirth will always result in the human being feeling urged to work for the spiritual kingdom. He will take little notice of worldly life but keep his attention constantly focussed on spiritual life in the knowledge of its importance and in the desire to help where understanding is lacking. Because the spiritually reborn person knows of the darkness on earth, of the lack of strength in people who attach too much importance to worldly life. He knows of the souls' hardship, of their spiritual death even on earth and one day in eternity, where they are far more conscious of their helpless state, where it is an agonising state for them and the soul can no longer be helped if it continues to reject all advice as it had done on earth.

The spiritually reborn human being is aware of his mission and will follow it with love and eagerness. He radiates light, and good for him who is not offended by this light.... good for him who takes notice of the person who wants to bring him light, who seeks to awaken him into life too.... Spiritual rebirth can be recognised by everyone who is spiritually orientated, because true wisdom is recognisable by every willing person, because where there is will the spirit's strength gets activated.

Let your spirit come to life and you will have reached the goal on earth which you were given in the beginning. As soon as the soul detaches itself from the body you will enter the spiritual kingdom with a wealth of strength and knowledge, and all you will leave behind is immature matter which has not yet spiritualised itself on earth.... But you yourselves will enter the realm of the blissful spirits in a free state and nothing will deter you from actively forming and creating, for the love in you will prompt you to do so and cause a state of bliss in you which you are unable to comprehend on earth. Because you will be able to unite with the eternal Father-Spirit Who will draw His children to Himself with burning love to make them eternally happy....

B.D. 3704

— Published by friends of new revelations of God —Information, download of all translated revelations, theme-booklets at:

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Rejection of the divine Word in spiritual arrogance....

I Appeal to You... through Bertha Dudde - 6.11.1958

Rejection of the divine Word in spiritual arrogance....

Anyone who rejects the Word of God in spiritual arrogance when it is offered to him through My servants on earth will be seriously accountable for it one day, since it is not spiritual inability to be able to recognise something bright but it is a rejection due to dishonourable motives supported by My adversary's influence. `Spiritual arrogance' excludes all scrutiny, spiritual arrogance is an obvious sign that the person is subject to dark influences, for spiritual arrogance is the distinctive mark of the one who opposes Me because he refuses to acknowledge Me. Spiritual arrogance of the first-fallen spirit resisted and rejected the light which permeated him, therefore utter darkness engulfed him. Hence the human being will remain in spiritual darkness when he arrogantly rejects the light again, when My grace wants to emanate it in order to provide a glimmer of enlightenment to his heart.... But the reason for refusal is important, for it can also be rejected due to other reasons which cannot be as condemned as this very arrogance of a human being.
And one can speak of spiritual arrogance when a person believes that he needs no further instructions, that he has sufficient spiritual education, when he overestimates his own knowledge and therefore believes not to need additional information. However, even then the human being should still be prepared to examine what he is offered. If he still maintains his will with conviction and rejects it again then his verdict will not be as severe, then he lacks judgment due to spiritual blindness.... If, however, he omits all scrutiny then the human being's blatant rejection will repel My offered hand of grace and the responsibility will hit him hard one day, for one day he will realise the truth, and then it might be too late....
No one can be forcibly persuaded to accept My Word but everyone will sooner or later have the opportunity to seriously deal with questions of doubt, for I place such doubts into the hearts of those who are not yet on the right path. All people should, in fact, form an opinion about such questions, they would only derive benefit from it, for they will certainly receive clarification providing they genuinely desire it. But then it will show whether the person seriously desires the truth.... for it will indeed be offered to him. Spiritual arrogance, however, will instantly reject it because this is My adversary's will and his determination will be fulfilled by those of like spirit.
Arrogance caused the fall of the former being of light, and arrogance is therefore also his supporters' nature which unmistakably characterises them as his followers. And a big step has to be taken, the human being's nature has to seriously try to change itself.... the person has to step down from arrogance into humility and thus completely detach himself from My adversary and approach Me with utter humbleness.... Only then will a light shine into the person's heart, and only then will he be able to recognise the precious gift of grace which My Word represents to every person and his soul's salvation. Only then will he gratefully accept what the Father's love offers to His child.... Then he will hunger for food and drink yet also be constantly satisfied by My love....

B.D. 7203

— Published by friends of new revelations of God —Information, download of all translated revelations, theme-booklets at:

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

After reading a book about Indian religions....

I Appeal to You... through Bertha Dudde - 26.2.1965

After reading a book about Indian religions....

You have taken on the significant task of spreading the pure truth conveyed to you from above, which is especially important because it is opposed by My adversary everywhere. And you will realise that he is predominant because people's nature turned them into his slaves, since they accept everything they are offered but are unable to distinguish where it comes from.... And yet it could be easily established, for if it is truth, Jesus Christ's act of Salvation would have to be mentioned without fail. This act of mercy has to be emphasized as the quintessence of pure truth. And then you will be able to easily see what corresponds to the truth.... For I explicitly pointed out that every spirit who professes that Jesus Christ became flesh in order to redeem the world will not instruct you incorrectly either. After all, it concerns the fact that Jesus Christ is the Redeemer from sin and death....

You humans are burdened by the offence of the original sin, and you can only be released from it by carrying it to the cross.... And you have to believe this.... Absolute proof cannot be given to you because you have to take the path to the cross voluntarily. Only this will result in a life of beatitude when you have to leave our earthly body and enter the kingdom of the beyond.... your true home, which will then also offer you the fate you aspired to on earth. You humans have to believe that you are the fallen original spirits, that the path across this earth is transient and only requires a test of will in order to regain your true nature, to create and work in My kingdom as blessed spirits once again, providing you don't fail and then have to repeat the development through all works of creation....

And this is the pure truth you should support since the extent of error is increasing, because people are experiencing the last days and My adversary is succeeding in deceiving them. He is so clever that he has found many gullible followers who, however, have fallen victim to mediums, to hypnosis, to self-deception through suggestion, all serving the same purpose again: to reject the divine `Saviour' or to present Him as a `mere human being', Who certainly pursued the highest goals but was not the `embodied Deity Himself'. However, anyone with the sincere desire to know the truth and who, through a life of love, shapes himself such that My spirit can flow into him, will also be given the knowledge of Jesus Christ and His act of Salvation.... If he does not receive it during his earthly life, then his degree of love is decisive in order to convey this knowledge to him in a flash when he enters the kingdom of the beyond. Then he, too, will utilise the blessings of the act of Salvation, he will hurry into the divine Redeemer's arms and also find redemption from all guilt. Hence only a life of love is necessary to receive this knowledge which, however, will always be the same, because truth can only be what I Myself give to people who prepare themselves as a vessel for the spirit.

The fact, that beings of light are time and again willing to come to earth in order to convey the correct knowledge to people cannot be denied, yet they are faced with difficult conditions in relation to preconceived opinions.... as they belong to different schools of religion.... No matter how much people try to perfect themselves.... they can only achieve this by living a life of love. But then they are also open-minded for correct instructions relating to the divine Redeemer.
But where entire nations are inaccessible to the truth, where only individual people are willing to accept it, My love cannot exercise force, and I will be satisfied with an honourable way of life which will also bear fruit. But I will not divert from the truth in as much that I would apply different laws to other people, even if I admit that people with a high degree of maturity are able to take actions above and beyond their human abilities.... But then they also have the inner awareness of Jesus Christ as the `divine Redeemer', Who has to be approached by everyone in order to be freed from their original sin. For only this knowledge will result in your blissful life in the spiritual kingdom, which you can expect after the death of your body. Because your existence on earth is transient, the spiritual kingdom is your true home where you will live again.... when you have found salvation through Jesus Christ.... in your true state, as it was in the beginning....


B.D. 8944

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Monday, April 13, 2009

Resurrection.... Decomposition of the flesh....

I Appeal to You... through Bertha Dudde - 21.1.1959

Resurrection.... Decomposition of the flesh....

Everyone of you living on earth will physically die, but your soul will either arise into life or remain dead, if it did not strive for life on earth. Thus, resurrection is assured to all of you who desire to live....

For those who do not believe in the resurrection do not desire life for their soul either, instead, only the life of their physical body is possibly desirable for them, which they seek to prolong as far as they are able to do so. But they will die and remain dead for an infinitely long time to come, even though one day resurrection will be assured to them too....

However, anyone who seeks and strives towards attaining life for his soul can also be certain that it will rise from the dead after the death of the body, for Jesus Christ provided the evidence for this, Who arose from the dead on the third day, Who had conquered death and the one who had brought death into the world.

Admittedly, His resurrection is being doubted by believers and unbelievers, for even the believers are unable to grasp this greatest of miracles and are often inclined to harbour quiet doubts as long as they merely 'believe' but have not yet brought this faith alive properly. But as soon as My spirit can work in the human being these doubts will be clarified and Jesus' resurrection will be the clear evidence of his own resurrection for him, he will know that he will not die but only enter from this life into the kingdom of the beyond, where he will live forever.

The resurrection of Jesus Christ is a constantly disputed problem amongst people, for on the one hand they want to doubt it, on the other hand they want to deduce from it a resurrection of 'the flesh' because they believe that Jesus also arose in the flesh on the third day.... They don't yet realise that Jesus only made Himself visible to people in order to help them to believe, but that they only ever saw his spiritual body which presented itself to them visibly.

All the substances of his physical body had spiritualised themselves through His crucifixion, and thus the 'man' Jesus had put on a spiritual garment when He visibly approached His disciples.... And you, too, will put on this spiritual garment at your resurrection into life.... The physical body stays behind and its substances continue the path of higher development; hence the body of flesh decomposes and its substances animate other forms again which are still at the beginning of their development....

Thus they will never enclose the soul again, they will never be the shell for the soul again and be resurrected with it at the same time.... And yet the soul will arise from the dead if it has fulfilled My will on earth, if it strives to enter the life I promised it when I lived on earth as Jesus, the human being.

A resurrection is assured to all of you, yet you determine the time yourselves. However, you must gain the right understanding of a 'resurrection of the flesh', for the works of your flesh will certainly be judged and according to these will be your resurrection.... either to life or, if your works give evidence against you, to death, the banishment into hard matter.

And this is once again an infinitely long lasting state of helplessness and darkness, a state of death which, however, you aspired to on earth yourselves because you lacked the faith that you are destined for life and not death, which you caused yourselves.... For this reason I arose from the dead in order to provide you humans with this evidence.... And yet, you can only believe it again if you, through a life of love, awaken your spirit which will subsequently explain and instruct you about everything, and then you will also be able to believe with conviction what cannot be proven to you. Strive towards life and you will never ever need to fear death, you will live forever in strength and light and freedom....


B.D. 7262

— Published by friends of new revelations of God —Information, download of all translated revelations, theme-booklets at:

Sunday, April 12, 2009


I Appeal to You... through Bertha Dudde - 29.3.1959


And you all can rejoice, for the Lord has risen from the dead.... Thus it rang out in the kingdom of the spirits as well as with My Own to whom I appeared on the third day when I had left the tomb and showed Myself to My disciples.... Deep sadness had entered their hearts for they had lost what had been their sole purpose in life throughout the time they had spent with Me on earth.

They believed that they had lost Me to death forever, since they did not and could not believe that I would rise from the dead, even though I had informed them of it before. The disciples were still earthly bound in that way and the reality of the earthly world was sobering to them, they were seized by so much fear and lamentation that I wanted to comfort and strengthen them and thus appeared to them after My resurrection.... I had given them the task of going out into the world and proclaiming Me, that is, spreading My divine teaching of love and informing people of the act of Salvation which I had accomplished for all humankind.... But in order to carry out this mission they had to be completely convinced of the truthfulness of their proclamations....

And the act of Salvation also included My resurrection which ultimately was the crowning glory of the work of Salvation, for the people should be informed that I had defeated death, that death need never ever be experienced again by anyone who follows Me, who wants to receive the blessing of My act of Salvation and who thus leads the kind of life that I had lived on earth. Hence he will not need to fear death anymore because I had defeated death and thus also the one who had brought it into the world. And that is why My resurrection was visibly witnessed by people, that is, only by those whose degree of maturity permitted spiritual vision since My body was spiritual, it was no longer a body of flesh and therefore only visible to those who already possessed the ability to see spiritually and to whom I therefore also had announced My resurrection.

The fact that My tomb was empty certainly also surprised the other people, yet they all looked for other explanations than that I had risen from the dead.... And this teaching will simply always require a `belief' which, however, can be acquired by all people who voluntarily step under My cross, if they want to belong to those for whom I died the most bitter death on the cross. The belief in Me and My act of Salvation simultaneously includes the belief in My resurrection, because a soul having been redeemed by My blood already has the inner certainty of an indestructible life....

The disciples were not yet permeated by My spirit, they were still in the dark after My crucifixion, for their fear did not allow any light. And thus I helped them by means of My visible appearance but which then convinced them so overwhelmingly and made them so joyful and happy that they now thought they could easily carry out their mission and with increased strength wanted to apply themselves to the proclamation of My teaching and My crucifixion as well as My resurrection. In the days after My resurrection I was able to convey instant strength to My disciples, for the salvation of their souls had progressed and they were already able to free themselves from their previous lord, and then they unhesitatingly proceeded with their preaching ministry because they knew that they could no longer die, or that only their body could die but that they would continue to live in My kingdom, and thus death had now lost its sting for them too....

Hence the act of resurrection was more or less first an aid for My Own, whom I had left behind in utmost psychological distress because their faith had still not reached the necessary steadfastness for their task of spreading My Word throughout the world.... But they were meant to speak on My behalf, and therefore they had to also have this convinced faith which only required their complete redemption, but then all My disciples irrefutably possessed this faith so that they were able to be truly devoted proclaimers of My teaching once their mission began....

B.D. 7320

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Saturday, April 11, 2009

Jesus descended into the abyss after His crucifixion....

I Appeal to You... through Bertha Dudde - 20.6.1965

Jesus descended into the abyss after His crucifixion....

When I lived on earth My constant thought was to save people from descending into utmost darkness so that they would be unable to enter the vestibule of hell, (which even denied their entrance to the vestibule of hell), on account of which I continuously proclaimed the teaching of love to make it easier for them to believe in My act of Salvation, and thereby the work of redemption was already achieved in these human beings. Yet people were still too occupied with the earthly world, only a few believed in life after death and they were receptive for My teaching of love, and they recognised Me Myself with ease since I was also able to instruct them and they accepted everything as truth. Thus a large proportion of those who experienced Me Myself were able to enter My kingdom in a `redeemed' state, yet far more rejected My teaching, they remained heartless and had to endure their fate in the beyond....
After My crucifixion I also descended into this kingdom and was able to release all those who stayed in the vestibule of hell.... all the people who had lead a God-pleasing life but for whom the kingdom of light was still locked because they were still burdened by the original sin, since My act of Salvation had yet to be accomplished.... I approached them as the `human being Jesus' for they, too, should not be compelled to believe, I joined them in My figure of suffering which made many ask the question: If You are the Messiah Who was promised to us, why did Your power not prevent this.... why did You have to suffer this appalling death on the cross? For they had been waiting for Me, for the One Who was promised to them as Saviour. They, too, had to follow Me entirely of their own free will, and it was not difficult to convince them that I was this promised Messiah....
Then, however, followed My descent into hell.... into the region where I also wanted to bring salvation from the original sin.... There I was less successful in convincing the souls, precisely because I appeared in the same figure and was visible to them as the `beaten Jesus' to Whom they denied all power and thus they did not want to acknowledge Him either. Nevertheless, anyone who wanted to was allowed to follow Me and I released him from his bondage. And time and again I descend into the abyss to ignite a small light for everyone, so that they momentarily will remember the One Who once came to them and gradually lessen their resistance, so that they, who previously had been stubborn and only had words of hatred and scorn for Him, will also let themselves be redeemed by His love. Yet My love will not hold anything against them, My love is constantly concerned that everyone should be rescued, that no-one will return again into the bondage of the one who had owned them for so long, and that My act of Salvation for these, too, has not been made in vain. But I cannot prevent it if their resistance to Me is so strong that all endeavours on My part are in vain, for I will never force anyone to acknowledge Me, I will only offer everyone the best possible opportunities to find their way out into the light.
And thus you humans render Me a great service by praying for these souls, for there will always be a few who will let go, who will be touched by the power of prayer and then can be guided into the light. And in sincere gratitude these souls will do the same and entice other souls out of the abyss.... since they know each other and they understand and try to disperse the objections which still dominate them.
Once it is possible that they at least take notice of My greatest act of mercy then they will also reflect on it and try to make contact with Me.... And then the forgiveness of their immense sin is ensured, then the gate into the kingdom of light will be opened for them and a long state of torment will have finished. Yet those who are unwilling will be subject to a new banishment at the end, for one day they will have to regain their self-awareness as a human being and decide once more.... And thus the process across earth can indeed happen more than once, and sooner or later even these beings' will shall surely turn to Me as well, one day the hour of salvation will also come for them....

B.D. 8999

— Published by friends of new revelations of God —Information, download of all translated revelations, theme-booklets at:

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Last Supper.... Spiritual meaning.... Flesh - blood....

I Appeal to You... through Bertha Dudde - 18.7.1948

Last Supper.... Spiritual meaning.... Flesh - blood....

The constant desire for nourishment at the table of the Lord assures you His love.... And thus I repeatedly invite you to take communion with Me, as often as you desire it. My table is always set for all who are hungry and thirsty and want to be refreshed, and they will be able to satisfy themselves with the bread of life, with the manna that comes from heaven. Every nourishment at My table is communion, it is the unification with Me without which the offering of My flesh and My blood.... of My Word and its strength.... cannot take place. Thus you, who receive My Word directly or through My messengers, are communing when you desire to accept My Word in your heart. Then My spirit will unite with the spiritual spark within you, then marriage will take place, the union, the spiritual communion. Then I will give you the bread of heaven Myself, I will give you food and drink, I will take supper with you.... you will experience the same event as My disciples, for whom I broke the bread and offered the wine with the Words: Take and eat, this is my body, take and drink, this is my blood....

Do you now understand the meaning I attached to these Words? How immensely important it is that you take communion at My table, because My flesh and My blood will give you the strength to reach eternal life. You have to be nourished with food for the soul so that it matures, so that it safeguards its eternal life.... it constantly has to receive strength which it can only receive from Me directly and which I will give every time it unites with Me. Then I will break the bread and offer it to the soul, and when it thus eats My flesh.... My Word.... it is permeated by strength.... the blood.... with which I have blessed My Word. No one who longs for food for the soul, who wants to be My guest, need ever starve and go without.... I will come to him Myself and invite him, I will stand before his door and knock and if he opens it for Me I will enter and take supper with him.... I will feed him at My table and he will be truly satisfied and never need to go without....

And thus, everything I said on earth should be understood in a spiritual sense. I taught My disciples and they understood Me and carried My Word into the world. And since people were taught correctly they understood and lived in accordance with My will, in accordance with My Word in complete understanding of it. Consequently, My church, the community of believers, was established entirely in My spirit at first.
But later this was no longer enough for the overzealous representatives of My Word, they wanted to excel before the world. And thus events, which were only intended for the soul, were visually presented to people and associated with external actions, which at first could not be condemned since they were carried by the spirit, since people took My will and its fulfilment seriously. But people changed and with them changed the characteristics of My church.... What was meant to be a profound inner experience became an external action which was placed at the fore and the deeper spiritual meaning became lost.... until the simple process of spiritual communion, of union with Me and the direct acceptance of My Word, was no longer understood by people. So now they no longer believe that a direct transmission of My Word is possible, although I Myself clearly and comprehensively promised them My direct working through My spirit, although I Myself.... the Word that had become flesh.... referred to the sustenance with the bread of life, with the manna from heaven.... People no longer understand the simple meaning of My Word and in their blindness don't want to accept the simple explanation either. But anyone who wants to hear and understand will realise it, and the truth will be plausible to him, he will strive to establish a connection with Me Myself, he will be My guest, and I will take supper with him and he with Me....

B.D. 4379

— Published by friends of new revelations of God —Information, download of all translated revelations, theme-booklets at:

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


I Appeal to You... through Bertha Dudde - 1.10.1951


My life on earth was full of struggles and temptations and it is wrong to assume that My divine soul had protected Me from it, that My way of life could not have been anything but good because I was the Son of God, Who had descended from earth to redeem humanity....

My earthly life as a human being differed in no way from that of any other human being, yet I was exceptionally and severely bothered by temptations because Satan used every means to prevent My mission. Furthermore, My soul was so profoundly sensitive that it was both deeply affected by beauty as well as exceptionally tormented by evil and impurity. It was receptive to every impression, which is also the reason why the world with its attractions and enticements tempted Me so frequently before My real mission began.

I had to endure a tough fight to stay victorious over the one who wanted to own My flesh in order to render the soul incapable for the act of Salvation. And thus My suffering started a long time before already, the body had to be deadened to achieve spiritualisation with the soul.
I was a human being in the midst of people.... And My state as a human being meant as much as being afflicted by human passions and longings which I had to fight in order to become an abode for the Divinity, Which could not allow any base passion to exist within Itself. I was a human being.... nothing testified of My Divinity during the years before My work as a teacher.

Being just human I had to struggle to shape Myself into the receiving vessel for the most delectable a human being may ever possess.... for the eternal Deity Itself, Which wanted to manifest Itself in Me in order to become a visible God for people. And I was victorious over the one who endeavours to control you humans, whom I fought against in order to set you free from his aggression....

It was truly an arduous battle, for the human being in Me was receptive to everything beautiful and not allowed to possess it; the human being within Me loved life for he loved his fellow human beings and did not want to leave them. I was in full possession of strength and able to make everything subject to Myself if I wanted to, and I voluntarily gave it all up, I defeated Myself, My body and even the soul, which occasionally wanted to arise when it felt how I suffered....
I defeated Myself as a human being and thus demonstrated that it is possible for every person to become master of his weaknesses and longings, and that it was not divine strength which accomplished My victory, which then could never be expected from you humans if I had failed in the battle against evil and against lust.

For this reason you humans are also able to achieve the same; indeed, you even have My additional support as soon as you call upon Me for help, as I have promised.... No temptation is too great and the tempter never insurmountable if you make use of My mercy.... For the sake of your strength of will I died on the cross, what you are lacking in strength and will you can receive from Me if you want to fight against the one who is your enemy and overcoming it was the most difficult battle I ever fought....

B.D. 5224

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Monday, April 6, 2009


Word of God


The cup of suffering has to be emptied completely if you want your soul to heal, so that it will be able to enter the spiritual kingdom as a recipient of light after your physical death. You don’t know the blessing your soul can achieve through suffering, you don’t know how it will change within a short time by dissolving the darkest shell, which otherwise would have taken much longer to achieve. Your life span is limited, it will not last much longer, but souls are still far from perfect and yet I want to help them achieve a certain degree of maturity, so that they need not expect a new banishment into matter, for I take pity on the latter and would like to save every single soul from this fate. Your will to achieve maturity of soul is very feeble, and thus you would still need a long time to attain this degree of maturity. But this time is no longer at your disposal, and so I use means of purification which are undeniably very painful but which can be exceedingly beneficial if only you humbly and acceptingly concede to My will, if you do not grumble and complain but allow Me Myself to work on you in ways which promise good results.

I know that you are suffering but I also know how you will rejoice when your earthly time of trial is over and you have passed through it, just as you will thank Me for having used every means to save you from an endless time of new captivity in hard matter. What I spare you now you will have to endure in the kingdom of the beyond, if you have the grace to leave earthly life before the last days. But if you live until the end then you run the danger of descending even lower if you are unable to detach yourselves from earthly possessions beforehand, if you have not yet reached the conclusion that only spiritual life is valuable and that earthly life is merely the means to an end.... the means to achieve maturity of soul….

Abandon everything you own in order to attain maturity of soul, then you can confidently await your end, then you will have reached your objective on earth, you will have overcome matter and will be ready for the spiritual kingdom. Part from earthly possessions voluntarily in order to receive spiritual wealth in abundance, because they will make you far happier than any earthly possession could ever do. Finish the cup and know that My love belongs to you or I would not let you suffer so, because the suffering is for you, who acknowledge Me, a fire of purification, since I want your souls to enter My kingdom in a crystal clear state, since I want the light and strength of My love to be able to flow through you without meeting the slightest resistance. And do not lose faith in My love.... A sufferer should know himself loved by Me, because by means of suffering I draw him close to Me where he will truly find peace and happiness one day…. Amen

BD 3733

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Thursday, April 2, 2009


Word of God


You came forth from Me and are therefore of the same fundamental substance as I Am…. Consequently, you had to be perfect, because nothing imperfect can emerge from Me.

However, the fact that you, in your human state, cannot be called perfect is beyond doubt, for you both lack strength as well as realisation…. You will have to admit that your knowledge is very deficient and that you are unable to create and work without restriction even if you wanted to….

The latter need not be proven to you because you can detect this inadequate state in yourselves…. But the former…. the fact that you came forth from Me…. is very often doubted. Yet the human being is unable to provide himself with another explanation of his origin which is just as convincing, because even then he lacks the evidence. Thus, you must believe the latter, you have to accept it without proof…. But you can nevertheless come to the inner conviction of it if you, with the will to come closer to the truth, think about your emergence as well as that of the whole of Creation.

This ability to think was placed into you by Me, and this ability alone could be proof for you, for it testifies to something living, something self-aware, which cannot have arisen by itself but had to originate from an equally self-aware being. An all-embracing life can be inferred from the human being's own life because he cannot give life to himself, yet exists nonetheless. For the natural process of procreation is a natural law too, which had to be determined by a Lawmaker first, Whose will it was to let living beings arise. Thus, you could already intellectually conclude that you are living creations by an all-powerful Creator, and then it should make you feel disconcerted that you are imperfect….

Only when you, by using your reasoning power, have come so far as to ask yourselves this question is it possible to inform you by way of thoughts of your earthly task: that you must strive to regain your original perfection, which was your share when you originated from Me. You humans lack the evidence but you are able to think. And this alone obliges you to consider the purpose of your existence and to desire clarification about it…. And I will certainly grant such desire, because you are part of Me, because you are the children of My love which I created for a purpose.

The knowledge you are lacking can be attained by you at any time but it requires your own will.... You are not compelled, precisely because you were initially created as free beings which merely used their freedom wrongly but, as a human being, should use it correctly again in order to achieve perfection once more. But the human being will once again misuse his free will if he neither employs his intellect nor his energy of life in order to live the right way of life. This is easily possible for him because he receives enough hints from Me, be it through My Word or through fateful influences, but it is always his will which either reacts positively or negatively…. and this will is free….

Yet the connection between Me and My living creations will remain, even if the human being denies it, for he would not be able to exist were I to withdraw My will, My strength of love, from him. However, he will not feel this connection as long as he rejects Me, as long as he considers himself a completely independent creature…. Only when he, of his own free will, fully and consciously strives for the bond with Me will he recognise himself and his state…. And then he will return to his original state, then he will be able to create and work in light and strength and be indescribably happy.... Amen

BD 6679

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Wednesday, April 1, 2009


Word of God


The more captivated a person is by the world the more indifferent he is to the truth, the less he desires it, and he thoughtlessly either accepts…. or rejects everything that is presented to him as truth…. For his heart has no desire to know the truth. And once again you can therefore recognise that the world is a great danger for you soul, because without truth you do not live expediently, you have no idea about the meaning and purpose of your earthly life because you don’t receive the right explanation, consequently you don’t live consciously either but always chase after earthly possessions although you know that they are transient, that you cannot take anything along with you once your earthly life is over….

But neither do you believe in a continuation of life after death.... and again because you don’t care, because you don’t want to know anything about it and on account of this very indifference you can never reach the inner conviction that your life is not over after the death of your body….

God’s servants on earth would find far more acceptance if the desire for truth were present in fellow human beings, yet everything else is more interesting to them than that which is most important: to gain the right knowledge and to then live their earthly lives accordingly. This is why everything which increases people’s indifference has to be condemned.... it has to be condemned when they are taught that they need not spend any thought on what they are demanded to believe…. that they may only accept what they are offered by a specific side, and that they are relieved from every responsibility as long as they trust and subordinate themselves to God’s alleged representatives.

All such teachings contribute towards tempting the human being into sluggish thinking; they contribute towards allowing other people to do the thinking for him and not to feel responsible themselves….And if the thinking of such a person is not changed through acts of love he will remain ignorant and caught up in error for the rest of his life….

However, only truth leads to God…. Hence, he will continue to be very far removed from God when he departs from earth. If people had a greater desire for truth, the spiritual darkness among them would truly not be so immense, for their thinking would be guided into the right direction because of a desire for truth…. And a correctly thinking person will then also live according to God’s will and thereby come ever closer to Him....

But people only want to increase their knowledge regarding earthly things, because spiritual knowledge does not result in earthly success, but through earthly knowledge they can improve their physical well-being and therefore remain unreceptive to anything else, even if it is offered to them as a special gift of grace…. And therefore, Earth will remain shrouded in darkness, for light only establishes itself where it is desired but never where its illumination is rejected.... Amen

BD 6296

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001 Who was Bertha Dudde 002 God is still speaking today003 The Question of God004 The Christ Problem005 The Mystery of Man006 God's plan of salvation007 Love - The highest Commandment008/009 You between two worlds Part 1+2010 God answers our Questions about the universe011-013 Souls in the beyond 1 - 3014 Suffering and Healing - Why must I suffer?015 How can I become healthy016 False prophets017/18 God and the churches Part 1 + 2019 The church of Christ020 Incarnation - Re-Incarnations 021 The Inner Voice022 The Right Kind of Prayer023 /024 Pre-Adamites + Adam025 Intellect - Knowledge - Realisation026 Thinking ability and Thoughts027/028 Freedom of will Part 1 + 2029 Belief - Disbelief - Superstition031/032 Self-denial 1 + 2036 God's Intervention 037 Sequence of the Catastrophe 039 The Forerunner of the Lord040 The Antichrist 044 New Banishment 045 The New Earth051 Thus it will come to pass052 God's proclamation to the dying world058 - 062 God corrects misguides teachings and errors 1 - 5064/065 Listen to the Inner Voice066 Jesus' promises 'The measure you give'067 The Adversary's Cunning and Trickery069 Fateful course of Life070a/b Return to God 1 + 2 109 Predictions …. A world shaking natural desaster128 We are only guests on this earth144 Calm before the Storm220 Sola scriptura …. The Objection that the Word of God is concludedE01 God Himself beams the truth to earthE02 - 04 I will guide you into truth 1 - 3S01 Explanation, comfort and help for difficult daysS02 What will happen to the human raceHomepage